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  • Knightmare

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    1. Thanks
      Knightmare reacted to Chukundah in Introducing CS V3 - The next level   
      u took all the words i had for a long time in my mind about making such changes , wanted to say this for some time but ye .. 

      but beside this , changes are always good but at a certain point , and considering the previous state , as has muerte said about struggle coordinations strategies reading etc , 80% of the players do not play such events correctly and will never do it and this has been proved and seen many many X times and i witnessed it all over and over , even now in inception after all the DB's people just dont know how to play an event no matter how many times u explain it or say what to do in such a simple event.
      im not saying im the best and i know it all , but it is what it is , some players are better than others and have more gameplay wise than others and notice things.

      and muerte said a very simple phrase that its absolutely right " So many changes, so much difficult, people who play this game play because it is easy and many are not capable of playing something more complicated. If we want complicated game, we would play another game." 

      world bosses drops etc that can be changed of course , but in my first post just to not be disrespectfull to your work i tried to give some idea/visions as long termed experienced player , to try to make it less "hard and complicated" for the less gameplay wise players,  the things that u want to apply are very "complicated" and "hard" for the players i mentioned in the phrase above, specially the stun curse that is basicly a BM skill being used every 5 seconds during 30seconds ( that i also completly dislike and should not exist and switched to ice+miss (just a suggstsn)) , and the immunity buff , immunity buff is a BIG no no doesnt matter the circunstance , but is just my opinions . 

      about the max for cs im still very against of having 40 members to join cs per guild/ally , i understand ur wishes of tests etc , but in my view and imagening how a CS will be , if 20-25 dont even follow them in the V2 system ,  there is NO WAY to guide or give calls to 40 players , it will be pure chaos and such disorganization between everyone that trying to say anything or coordinate will be so frustating that the "leader" will just leave things in gods hand and hope for the best just to not get frustated over a game.

      I am open for the idea of a pool before the Phoenix for this limit but there are certain conditions that won't be changed such as:
      - Ally guild will have 100% access at CS, not limited outside CS, that's for sure.
      - Total players at CS to not be lower than 30 per alliance.
      - Total members per guild to not be lower than 25.

      i would like very much to see 120 players as u said , in worst case 80 , but definetly not 40 from 1 guild , if these are the conditions that u putting , in my view i highly suggest then to bring it down to 25 per guild and 30 total for cs ( the ideal would honestly be between 15-20) , just my suggestion , so a pool should be created imo since im most likely not the only one that agree's on this one

      if we are getting stuck at same level for 1week + 2-3days max lets say , and multiple times , and as u saying - should be kinda easy to have 120 players at cs ( which i agree) and worst case 80 players . 
      why trowing out 80 players only in 2 guilds when whit this 80 we can make 3 guilds , and better case , 4 guilds whit 120 ? or even 5 and give more value to signs of honor .
      guilds whit less max members for CS have way more organizition and can be well more prepared and planned for it , even tho its not always the case , but its 99% more accurate than trying to do something whit 40
      most of us do not even have the time or patience for such thing , and theres far more players that play this game for fun / no tryhard 
      i would agree having 40 later on in the end game.
      so we dont want to encourage 4 guilds to cs , but we want more ppl to participate on it and not limiting the pleasure that he would not join due to not be strong enough , 
      im gonna give examples here , starting from squadron - we never wanted the "weaker" ones to play , why ? u will play bad or feed points , same whit HC , same whit nosgoth , same whit horde etc , same whit every guild leader will say or think - " hes not good enough , pick other or go whit less 1 " , this is what happens , because X times in rankings there was players whit 30 40 50 60 70 deaths in a space of 1-2 cs's .

      So if i have 40 players to pick and 10 of them are in this category , i will leave them out , its the way the things work , not being arrogant or anything but it is like this even in a sports team ,

      so why stack 40 players in such a changed event to have such chaos , disorganization , dramas , literaly impossible to guide / calling out , having the time and patience to bring up strategies for after instead of enjoying it , we be leaving it out frustated 

      i dont want to spread hate or disvalue ur time that u come up whit this, for the contrary ,  as a "mu addict" like many others here , i appreciate the work and changes, and i do like this system , but for things that u see in ur vision , for us players that are more aware of the gameplay etc , we see it differently 
    2. Like
      Knightmare reacted to Mu3rTe in Introducing CS V3 - The next level   
      So many changes, so much difficult, people who play this game play because it is easy and many are not capable of playing something more complicated. If we want complicated game, we would play another game.
      I would agree with the changes, with the diversity, but what is the point? for what are we fighting this CS? the reward for CS owners is not worth the time and effort.
      GM boxes, and what.. dont even need to win and you still can get more than half, no expenses added.
      380 weapons, and what.. now u got world bosses,  drop rate for weapon is higher than on gm boxes.
      for what to even struggle? to coordinate, to make strategies.. people who play this game want to 1vs1 duel  and to win, or will blame the settings and some times for good reasons (in my view cant understand some chars to be op for so long just because stage, its killing the game, example rf 1 hitting any char for like 1.5 months... i guess we need to focus on other aspects of the game)
      Most cant coordinate even in current settings, cant read properly many things.. most just wanna wait end of db and have what to brag next db that they are the best or w/e.
      on to the post,  below should not exist in my point of view.
      If your alliance holds both statues then the following buff will be up for your alliance until you lose at least 1 Statue: GM, Assistant & Battle Masters gain damage immunity, preventing them from being damaged, while the buff is active
    3. Thanks
      Knightmare reacted to Chukundah in Introducing CS V3 - The next level   
      This new system seems pretty nice and very unique , but there are some things , for me personally as long time player in this server, that i find not being the most balanced and also fixing the most important thing , which was activity on it(more guilds)+ competition.
      I will start from the top -
      Having 30 players in a guild + ally and 40 players from both can join cs will not solve the issue that we been facing all this time , that is having 2 guilds fighting for it , the focus here was to give chance to other guilds to win CS , but after X amount of cs's ive played here, having 40 players will not solve this , why? Lets say the 2 top guilds are full + whit enough ally to go , there would be 80 players on castle siege , only from 2 guilds , and whit this is basicly the same as before + huge mess. In my opinion stacking 40 players each guild/ally for CS is way to much and prevent new guilds to rise.

      in the V2 Cs system , there was some CS's ive played that 3 guilds participated , and i can give a recent example that was in last phoenix DB , where hardcore + nosgoth + squadron have fought for cs , while the chances for winning were higher for hardcore , squadron and nosgoth managed to register multiple times , and also when 1 registered, the other 2 were fighting for it , and the guild registered just had to control switches by letting each attacking guild having each switch , and there was one win for nosgoth that this happened , squadron holding one HC another . this is a just a example , there was few more CS's like this whit horde+nosgoth+hardcore , not many because drama is always present , but is very possible to be like this constantly specially in a non rr edition  and how ? How i see is like this -

      Maximum members in each guild should be max 20 and ally 20 
      -I truly believe that whit a less amount of max players in a guild can be forced for new guilds to be created and participate, because in a non rr edition most of the players that are not even in top 100 are in the same level as stats/gears and the chances of win are pretty high due to also other guilds competing
      -Its already hard sometimes to get 20 to play , and having a need to have 40 will be frustating.
      At cs u can join whit the 20players + 10 from ally but ally cannot go inside of castle.
      -Like this the 2 statues outside can be focused by 10 from ally , 5 on each one ( depending on calls and needs) and the 20 from guild fighting inside , that also can help outside if needed.
      Removing the 20% points u get from repairing statues to reduce the handicap.
      Removing the immunity buff that you can get from controlling the both statues. ( In my opinion having immunity is a buff should not exist in any way , it can be frustating to one guild dominate this and constantly save GM or strong BM's to survive and not die , specially the GM.) 
      - Just having the % on kill points and % on defense points are pretty much enough to make the difference.

      Gigas Golem
       - Stunning is very very powerfull , and we see it already just like being iced for example, and being stunned for 5secs every 30seconds during 3 minutes is really too much.
      I would switch this curse to a miss chances or slow for 2minutes every 30s , OR mixing both for 3 minutes whit a random chance every 30sec ( the slow that we cannot use antidote to recover , like the ice effect from the RF skill) it feels more balanced like this.
      - Points curse - the last 30minutes are crucial and stopping points from all sources during 3 minutes is huge , so instead of 3minutes of no points , cutting between 50% to 80% of all gaining points during 2 minutes feels more balanced also.
      One of the biggest thing i liked too see was the individual reward , it makes the players that plays buffer or going ice arrow or stamp or any other role , it makes them feel valuable and able to win something for they role+effort , and also the ones from ally fighting outside.
      And the rewards for it can be rethinked a bit instead of giving a pack of jwl or a ob5 , its 2 hours of gameplay and try hard , im not saying to give huge rewards but a bit more than a simple pack  or chance for ob5 can be added , for example X hours whit a max of 1-2days  added in the vip package ( if doesnt have vip a exp buff same as vip would be added for X hours whit a max of 1-2days) , all depeding on the networth made by the player , this is just an idea , any reward can be given at a certain progress of the game , i just feel that the rewards can be more interesting
      Even tho this new system hasnt been played yet , in my personal view and experience , this new features for sure have potential and will be pretty fun + competitive , but the amount of players in a guild needs to be reduced in order to new guilds being made , and being able to compete for cs , because when theres 3 guilds , specially now whit this system , the chances for the strongest guild of the server imo are highly reduced 

      Along whit some changes that for sure will be needed , the most important one for me personally is the max members ,  and some other that i pointed out are my opinions that would make the CS more balanced for the guilds participating 

    4. Confused
      Knightmare reacted to ADMIN in Patch - 06.01.2022 - Last Stage   
      Final Characters balance for end-game is now up on both Inception & Wormhole. 30rr characters are now way closer on both PvP & PvM.
      The rebalance is done in an similar way compared to last edition's rebalance from last stage:
    5. Haha
      Knightmare reacted to Chukundah in BK useless here...   
      ur garbage thats all , accept it like a true NPC

      Sell BK guide - PM
    6. Haha
      Knightmare reacted to Chukundah in BK useless here...   
    7. Haha
      Knightmare reacted to Tekashi69 in First time I encountered an asshole on the server   
      u pay and still lose? sheesh 🤣
    8. Thanks
      Knightmare reacted to ADMIN in Patch - 07.11.2021   
      Release date: 07.11.2021 at 13:35 - Updates are up and no restart is needed!
      [ADDED] Arena Tournament V3 Note: I've highlighted with green most of the changes compared to Arena Tournament V2. General Info Arena Tournament features 7 different rounds, each round taking place 1 time per week, at 19:45 Server Time. There are 2 different Event Types: Team-KotH - Kings of the Hill & LL - Last Laugh. Team-KotH have 2 different Specials, more info below. In order to register to Arena Tournament you must type /joinarena when the event is popping (and before it gets closed). After the event is closed, it will start in 1 minute. You can't attack other players before the event does start. Maximum 60 players (Team-KotH) / 42 players (LL). Minimum 20 players (Team-KotH) / 12 players (LL) in order for the event to start. Maximum duration is 20 minutes for Team-KotH. No maximum duration for LL. Teleport (SM) & Ice Arrow (AE) can be used only during the Team-KotH rounds. After every death, you are immune to magic damage for 5 seconds (after you respawn). You can't join while being in a party. If you join a party anytime during the event both chars will be stunned while they are in party and for 15 seconds after they leave it. You can't join the event with antidotes / sd pots. Any consumables buff (bless/soul pots, doppel scrolls, halloween, etc.) are deleted every second during the tournament. You get a full clear off existing buffs when you enter the tournament. You can't have other buffs outside of your own class buffs during the tournament. You can't move items (for example from store) during the tournament. You can't trade items during the tournament. You are Muted during the tournament. You can't drop items during the tournament. You can't move to other maps during the tournament. You get PK Stage 2 during the tournament (to use only right click to attack, without CTRL). At the end of the tournament you get back to your previous pk level / pk kills / pk timer. Info about Team-KotH (Kings of the Hill) The schedule for Kings of the Hill is the following: Monday - Team-KotH Special 1. Tuesday - Team-KotH Special 1. Wednesday - Team-KotH Special 2. Thursday - Team-KotH Special 1. Friday - Team-KotH Special 1. Saturday - Team-KotH Special 2. Instead of having different rounds of LMS & KotH, as well as 3 different specials on both of them, we now have only 1 game-mode (Team-KotH with LMS round for deciding winners) and 2 specials. How does this new game-mode works? Well, on every round, we randomly split the registered players from the Event in teams (each team having its own visual skin). Based on total players of an event, we start with 4 randomly made teams (5v5v5v5,6v6v6v6, etc. up to 15v15v15v15). In case there are uneven numbers, we can have like 5v6v6v5, and so on. Every 4 minutes, one team is eliminated, and the rest of players are split again in new teams. Example: Round 1 is starting with 4 teams. After 4 minutes, the team with least Points is eliminated. Remaining players are randomly split again in 3 new teams, and so on, until 1 team remains alive. After each team elimination, teams points are reset to 0. Players keep their own personal points, though. You're earning 10 points for your team whenever you kill a player from another team. The 2nd time you kill the same character (in the same teams-round) you will earn 8 points, 3rd time 6 points, and so on until you'll get only 2 points for killing the same character (and the value will stay at 2 points, no longer decreasing). Your team is losing 3 points for each of your deaths. You can't attack players from your own team. After 3 rounds of Team-KotH, all players from the team left alive does enter the LMS round (last round): In this round, everyone plays for himself (FFA). The winners of the Arena Tournament are the last to remain alive. Everyone starts with 4 lives. Killing a player does remove 1 life from him. For every 3 lives taken you gain an extra life. If you reach 0 lives, you are eliminated. You can also take only x lives from the same player as following: If there are >= 12 players remaining in the LMS round, you can only take 1 life from the same player. If there are 9-11 players remaining in the LMS round, you can only take 2 lives from the same player. If there are 6-8 players remaining  in the LMS round, you can only take 3 lives from the same player. If there are <= 5 players remaining in the LMS round, there is no restriction. Amount of winners per Event are also based on the total number of registered players on Arena Tournament: Starting players >= 20 <= 28 => 3 winners. Starting players > 28 <= 36 => 4 winners. Starting players > 36 <= 44 => 5 winners.  Starting players > 44 => 6 winners. If the event isn't over before its maximum duration, then the remaining players will be selected as winners based on their total points contribution during Team-KotH stage. Note: Winners can't join other tournaments from the week, outside of the Last Laugh (that is available only for weekly winners). Note2: Due to the new nature of Team-KotH, disconnecting during the event / leaving the event after it already started will ban you from Arena Tournament for 5 days. This is only for disconnecting during Team-KotH rounds (Last Laugh / LMS rounds are excluded). Specials: 1 - Normal -> Everyone plays with the characters as they are. Note: In order to join any of the Arena Tournament - Special 1 events (Normal), your character must have at least 50% Resets (rounded down) of the TOP1 character. Example: If TOP1 character has 15 resets, only characters over 7 resets can join Arena Tournament. 2 - Free STATS -> Everyone receive the same level and the same amount of stats, based on a randomly picked reset stats (for everyone) and their class. Note: The randomly picked reset stats can be between 2 resets and 20 resets (like on IT). Note2: Everyone is set to level 200. Note3: Special 2 is free for all (doesn't matter your character reset). Info about LL (Last Laugh) Last Laugh is the final Tournament, where the prizes from the current week are also given. Last Laugh is held on Sunday. Only winners of Team-KotH from that week can join the Last Laugh. TOP4 Points (farmed during Team-KotH rounds) & TOP2 Lives Taken (farmed during LMS rounds) that didn't won any of the daily tournaments are qualified for Last Laugh, as extra slots. Which means do your best during the week and during all Team-KotH rounds because even if you don't win any of the daily rounds, you can still qualify for Last Laugh! Note: Order is TOP2 Lives Taken first, then TOP4 Team Points (where TOP2 Lives Taken are excluded). If you have lower reset than the highest reset player from the LL, you will receive extra stat points to add for the tournament based on the difference of resets between you and highest reset player, and also based on your class. The points are added when the Arena is closed, so you have 1 minute to use them. Everyone is set to level 200 during LL. There is no settled duration for the LL but there are 3 rounds: Round1: LMS Round During this round you need to eliminate players while surviving. The round is over when there are X amount of players left in the Tournament, as following: If there are more than 36 participants, Round1 is over when there are 26 players left. If there are more than 30 participants, Round1 is over when there are 20 players left. If there are more than 26 participants, Round1 is over when there are 18 players left. If there are more than 22 participants, Round1 is over when there are 16 players left. If there are more than 18 participants, Round1 is over when there are 14 players left. If there are more than 14 participants, Round1 is over when there are 12 players left. If there are more than 12 participants, Round1 is over when there are 10 players left. Everyone starts with 6 lives. Killing a player does remove 1 life from him. For every 4 lives taken you gain an extra life. If you reach 0 lives, you are eliminated. You can also take only x lives from the same player as following: If there are >= 26 players remaining in the LMS round, you can only take 1 life from the same player. If there are < 26 players remaining in the LMS round, you can only take 2 lives from the same player. Round2: KotH Round During this round you need to farm as many Points as possible within 10 minutes. You're earning 10 points whenever you kill a player. The 2nd time you kill the same character you will earn 9 points, 3rd time 8 points, and so on until you'll get only 2 points for killing the same character (and the value will stay at 2 points, no longer decreasing). You're losing 2 + 8% of your current points for each of your deaths. Example: If you have 120 points, if you die you lose 2 + 10 (8% of 120, rounded) = 12 points. After 10 minutes, TOP8 characters with most Points will be qualified for the last round (3), the rest of players being eliminated. Round3: Last Laugh - Final Round A virtual bracket will be generated for the 8 players left, it will be based on the Points gathered during round 2 as following: TOP1 points will play vs TOP8 points. TOP3 points will play vs TOP6 points. TOP4 points will play vs TOP5 points. TOP2 points will play vs TOP7 points. Then each character will be moved to a different Arena cage where the matches are being played.  In cages you are playing 1v1 with your opponent. Both chars start as "chained" and the game is starting in 5 seconds. The first character to kill the other for 2 times will advance in the bracket (Best of 3). You do receive a clear of all buffs/effects after a kill and you start from different corners again. SD is not restored during the match. After winning a match you advance in bracket and either wait or face your next opponent from Winner bracket. After winning/losing a game you will be redirected to a new cage. After each finished game, if your SD is not full, you will receive a Complex Potion that you can use ONLY before the start of the next game, to restore your SD to full. You need to be fast! Players that lose in the Winner bracket are being sent into Loser bracket where they face other bracket losers. Games on Loser bracket are the same as on Winner bracket (Best out of 3). If you lose a game on Loser bracket you are eliminated from the Tournament, if you win you advance in the Loser bracket up until Grand Finals. Grand Finals are BO5 (Best out of 5). Rewards System There are 3 types of rewards that Arena Tournament is offering: Participation reward Everyone that does participate at an Arena Tournament event (except of Last Laugh round) will receive a Gladiator's Pride buff. Note: Leaving the event or disconnecting during the event before it is over or before you are eliminated won't grant you the buff! Gladiator's Pride will increase the NORMAL bonus EXPERIENCE granted by the Mercenary Squad Seal with +20%. Gladiator's Pride will increase the MASTER bonus EXPERIENCE granted by the Mercenary Squad Seal with +14%. Example: Your current Mercenary Seal does grant you +5% NORMAL EXP, if you get Gladiator's Pride, the buff is raised from +5% to +25%. Example2: Your current Mercenary Seal does grant you +6% MASTER EXP, if you get Gladiator's Pride, the buff is raised from +6% to +20%. The duration for the Gladiator's Pride is based on your event performance and it does work in all places where the Mercenary Seal does work as well: Duration: 2 hours if you are eliminated after 1st Team-KotH round. Duration: 2.5 hours if you are eliminated after 2nd Team-KotH round. Duration: 3 hours if you are eliminated after 3rd Team-KotH round. Duration: 4 hours if you are eliminated during 4th Team-KotH round (LMS round). Note: Because winners from each day aren't able to participate to the rest of the Arenas from that week, being part of the winners of an Arena will grant you access to Gladiator's Pride buff every day starting from the day you've won the Arena up until the Saturday's Arena (included). This means that if you will be ONLINE on normal maps (Server 1) every day at the start of the Arena Tournament you will get 4 hours of Gladiator's Pride as if you were a participant in the last Team-KotH round. Note2: Not being online and on normal maps (Server 1) when Arena Tournament does start won't grant you the buff! Weekly win reward The winners (and only the winners) from each Arena Tournament round will win access to the Sunday's round (Last Laugh). The Last Laugh does also have a separate guaranteed reward for the participants (as long as you just join the Event and you stay until it is over / you are eliminated). Current Last Laugh guaranteed reward is: 5x Jewel of Harmony. Note: Leaving the event or disconnecting during the event before it is over or before you are eliminated won't grant you the guaranteed reward! Last Laugh performance reward Based on your performance at Last Laugh, the following rewards will be given: +1 Jewel of Chaos for every 2 players that are eliminated from the Tournament before you. Example: If there are 30 participants at Last Laugh, the 30th place will win extra 0x Jewel of Chaos, 26th place will win extra 2x Jewel of Chaos, 12th place will win extra 9x Jewel of Chaos, etc. Note: Leaving the event or disconnecting during the event before it is over or before you are eliminated won't grant you the performance reward! TOP3 extra rewards: Winner of Last Laugh: 1x Golden Fenrir with 5 days duration, 1x HoF + Legends Group (forum) + 3x Piece of Horn. Note: The Legends Group is active only for the duration of the edition, not permanent. Note2: Winning 3x Arenas during the edition will grant you permanent Legends Group. 2nd place of Last Laugh: 1x HoF + 2x Piece of Horn. 3rd place of Last Laugh: 1x HoF + 1x Piece of Horn. Final example of Last Laugh winner full reward (with an example of 30 participants): 5x Jewel of Harmony (guaranteed reward) + 14x Jewel of Chaos (performance reward) + 1x HoF (TOP3 reward) + 5 days Golden Fenrir + Legends Group (forum) & 3x Piece of Horn (TOP1 reward). If you get disqualified or if you get disconnected from LL round you'll win half of the consolation prize (+1 if it is not an even number). Example: If the current consolation reward is 5x JoH, if you get disqualified / disconnected from LL you'll still get 3x JoH. Note: This is not applied to performance reward, you'll lose it entirely. Note2: In the disconnect case, you'll receive your *half* reward in Jewel Wallet instead of character inventory (as it is disconnected) - it will also send you a notification on web. [ADDED] New Arena Tournament Rankings Daily Winners - only winners from each day recorded. Daily Participants - Only non-winners (participants) recorded. Last Laugh - Only Last Laugh participants recorded. Daily Winners & Daily Participants rankings are reset on every Sunday at 23:58.  Last Laugh rankings are reset on every Sunday at 19:25. Which means during the week you can see the Last Laugh rankings from previous Sunday & the current winners / participants of the week. [ADDED] Potion Girl on IT safe zones. [FIXED] BC & DS NPCs not letting players with level 400 (without Quest3 done) to enter DS6/BC7, while having the DS6/BC7 invitations. [UPDATED] Now all Goldens will drop Zen when they are killed, apart from their BoKs/Stars, as following: BoK+1 Goldens will drop 1kk Zen. BoK+2 Goldens will drop 1.5kk Zen. BoK+3 Goldens will drop 2kk Zen. BoK+4 Goldens will drop 2.5kk Zen. BoK+5 Goldens will drop 3kk Zen. Golden Budges will drop 4kk Zen. Golden Derkons will drop 7kk Zen. GGDs will drop 10kk Zen. Note: With this change we aim to inject more zen into economy while keeping it available for active players (that need it the most), not alts. [UPDATED] Now you can use Summon / Teleport Ally when having at least 1 alliance member in party as well (instead of only when having at least 1 guild member). [UPDATED] Weapons Durability rate increased 4x times. - This was already up since few days ago. Note: This means that especially on high & very high maps, you'll have to repair your weapons 4 times less frequent. [UPDATED] Now IT NPC will prevent you from talking with it if you don't have your IT entry available and will also let you know about that. [UPDATED] Now if you disconnect/relog in CS room you will cause your team -2.5x your normal points given instead of 1x. Example: If dying would have given the killer team 10 points, disconnecting will make your team lose 25 points. [UPDATED] Now during OSGM Events all participants will get a re-skin every 10 seconds (in case they lose it, somehow).
    9. Like
      Knightmare reacted to Gion in BL Chukundah   
      Moved to the right section
    10. Hype
      Knightmare reacted to Conclave in 'Official' Spam Topic !   
      whew I love spam when its chopped up in fried rice!
    11. Haha
      Knightmare reacted to BetleyKOX in BL Chukundah   
      Hello everyone , lets speak about Chukundah player the most activ council member , with the bigger ege also private culture . Our friends from destroy the nosgoth guild even before he's bullying everyone ,saying really bad words to others and provocate everywhere
      Haspid ss :
      All the time he is getting only warns for the common sense of a human , his words come to the pedophile , I got panishment for write word '''gipsys'' well the better way is bullying others player familly wishing them died , or writing to private messange u are donkey , retards from poland , cancers. All his messange to my character can u find in your server log , thats not hard to check it  , Greetings from Poland boyz  
    12. Thanks
      Knightmare reacted to Chukundah in BL Chukundah   
      reporting me for things that were already reported  + screen shots to "babyboy" from 2 weeks ago ? 

      cry is free little boi 
    13. Confused
      Knightmare reacted to BetleyKOX in BL Chukundah   
      Well is the past that mean u should get panishement , are u afraid of ban casue u have 2 warn oh little boy ?
    14. Angry
      Knightmare reacted to Chukundah in BL Chukundah   
      yes so scared , my life is over if im banned and no more mu , pls gion dont ban me
    15. Sad
      Knightmare reacted to BetleyKOX in BL Chukundah   
      You will start to look at the words you use because you report on the forum for the word gipsy which means anything else in Polish and you provoke everyone to be a council: P , I feel sorry for the people you know because you are with that person
    16. Haha
      Knightmare reacted to Chukundah in BL Chukundah   
      english pls , me no understand engrish
    17. Really?
      Knightmare reacted to BetleyKOX in BL Chukundah   
      Relax the screenshots are enough  , To make u vacation for 24 hours
    18. Haha
      Knightmare reacted to Chukundah in BL Chukundah   
      keep refreshing page every 5minutes waiting gion answer that u are desperetaly waiting xD
    19. Haha
      Knightmare reacted to Tokyo in Summoners nerf (WHY)   
      You better
    20. Haha
      Knightmare reacted to ADMIN in Summoners nerf (WHY)   
      Damn, I'm pretty newb in business then, should've nerfed MG or AE which are the most played classes right now, in order to maximize profit, not the least played class.
      I'm sorry, will learn from this mistake! 🤑
    21. Haha
      Knightmare reacted to CristiDL in Summoners nerf (WHY)   
      Man, a lot of players played SUM, so they nerfed it so people will spend credits to change class over and over again.. this is how they do it all the time, all DBs.
    22. Like
      Knightmare reacted to Chuku in Photoshop / Paint GUILD BATTLE !!!!   
    23. Like
      Knightmare reacted to Kenpachi in Photoshop / Paint GUILD BATTLE !!!!   

    24. Haha
      Knightmare reacted to hellldrake in Early-Game Feedback   
      DL horse skill with  Bypass. 
      The Horse has nothing to do with a weapon's bypass. It's a complete different part.
      I'm not sure if this is a bug or it's supposed to be this way but any DL will one shot you with the horse bypass, no matter how much HP u have.
    25. Like
      Knightmare reacted to Chukundah in Summoner pvp dmg   
      @ADMINIs the buff from inception on pvp dmg to summoner applied on phoenix ? cause atm summoner deals insane dmg even on me whit lvl3 wings+dd+13 set and high agi = high def , i get hit by 700-900 non stop , i get near to do 1 combo and im dying already , its the only character that is dealing insane amounts of dmg , even whit wings lvl2 , as far i seen other class's hitting me even top players , summoner dmg is not balanced at all
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