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  • GetFukt

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    GetFukt last won the day on May 21 2022

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    About GetFukt

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    1. I posted my feed back in another thread, tried to be helpful and sincere as possible. @ADMIN
    2. Phoenix Semi-Hard x30 Feedback Hope this is at least read and considered. 1. Economy A. I don't believe the hard economy system was successful. The lack of jewels leads to every item being traded with primarily credits (P2W). This transition to P2W is not the OldSquad server we all love and remember. B. With the new Box of Kundun system there is no more incentive to hunt and compete for Box +4/5. With a majority of the drops being complete garbage (Vine gloves + mana from Bok5) you've introduced so much additional RNG to an aspect of the game that is already RNG heavy. This makes the server feel more and more like a mobile phone game where you are gambling 24/7. C. I believe the jewel drop rate needs a buff. There are not enough jewels in the economy for anyone to build cool sets, consistently game on wings, yolo +15 items, etc because the jewel drop rate is abysmal. D. Zen drops - At some stages of the game I was struggling to even buy potions. - I don't think any changes are required, it seems much better now. 2. Blacksmith A. Removing this system would slow progression and let non-donators at least have a chance to compete. I recommend removing the +9 - 12 aspect of the blacksmith but keeping the + Luck option. This paired with VIP purchases should provide enough profit to maintain the server. Ideally I would love to see 1 VIP system introduced, with a price increase of 5 euros, and the only additional credit option would be adding luck. 3. IP Limits A. This is something I agree with. I'd hate to see a server full of alts just farming. Sadly, the IP limit isn't working, the system is still being abused and people are playing 10 - 15 just to increase their chances for jewels and zen (See 1.C). 4. Balancing A. BK - Overpowered monster / Takes a brain to play. - I think this class is fine. It's primary job is to be a killer and it does take a bit of skill to play. B. DL - Level 1 - 350 It's broken, but balances out and falls off as levels progress. - Ignore SD on horse is a bit silly. C. SM - Weak as shit level 1 - 350+ and requires good items. - SM needs a lot of love and investment but they really shine at later stages. - Balanced Well. D. RF - Level 1 - 300 it's pretty shit. requires decent items, falls of late game (ML++). - Needs a few tweaks, shouldn't be able to 1 hit everyone while walking around with 5k++ HP. E. SUM - Late game monster. Takes a while to get going. same as SM, balanced well, requires investment. F. AE - The main PVM class. Ice arrow should have it's duration reduced and should have some sort of diminishing return if you're just holding 1 person in place with Ice arrow. G. MG - What a fucking joke, literally only useful to play as EMG. Low Range - Check, Low Defense - Check, Low Damage - Check. This is quite literally the worst class on the server. More to come soon.
    3. Suggested CC teaming be bannable, was rejected, they just use discord.
    4. TBF, EMG is already broken enough compared to SMG
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