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  • Cerberus

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    Posts posted by Cerberus

    1. These are the 3 major reasons IMO:

      • This server is somewhat influenced by the pay to win option "donate". You give too much credits for donations. I still don't know why it's called "donate" when its clearly "buy credits". When you donate you don't get anything in return. Why don't you do a little experiment - remove the credits option from "donate" and see how much people care about this server. I'm guessing the "donations" will drop to 5%.
      • With every single patch the admins are creating more and more difference between active and semi-active/non-active/AFK players and these players are the majority in most cases.When ~50 players (out of lets say 200) get 90% of the items, there is something wrong
      • 2nd reason leads to this: full items and max resets/stats are too hard to get for the normies therefore they quit

      Of course, not everyone will agree with this and that's fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

      SADLY (no real competition), this is the best server I have ever played and as much as I hate it and criticize it, I love it and I want it to improve.

    2. 17 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

      assign you 3-5 number of online players in your level range

      what will happen when the assigned people are offline?

      11 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

      - Encouraging PvP.

      this is not pvp, this is killing someone while hes not watching

      11 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

      Reducing AFK due to AFK-stress if you're on ppl 'black list'.

      wtf is wrong with you, why are you constantly trying to make an AFK game non-afk. who the fuck can stay and play this game the whole day? most people can play only a couple of hours after work (myself included) and for a game like MU (old i mean) afk is a good thing. Most people who play MU now, have played it in the past when it was popular, and are now older and have more resposibilities therefore less time.

      I'm all for a new pvp event but this idea is just garbage.

    3. Maybe we can implement something like "item level" in World of Warcraft aka "ilvl" of items. And make only exc items to have ilvl. And put minimum ilvl requirement for different levels of Illusion Temple.

      For example:

      Sphinx armor - 50 ilvl

      Legendary armor - 80ilvl

      Dark Soul Armor - 200ilvl

      per item:

      +luck - 5ilvl

      +hp - 10ilvl

      +ref - 15ilvl

      +dd - 20ilvl


      Its up to @ADMIN @Gion to say if this is possible to implement.

    4. 19 minutes ago, salam said:

      As the GM of NONE, my hope is that this won't happen to us. We and our allies have a strong core of players bound by friendship and team play, not by items or level.

      If we lose, this will only make us come back stronger. If we win and keep Lot, the server might receive a nice surprise ;)

      I've yet to see Trials opened for whole server when it actually matters (If that's what you're talking about :D )

    5. 38 minutes ago, BonKoe said:

      Can someone please update the link for download on this topic.

      I think the file *Items+Mobs is broken. I can't open it after I downloaded.




      Just tested it and it opens just fine. Do you have WinRar or some other program for zip/rar files?

    6. How to participate?

      There are 8 levels of Blood Castle in the game and you can enter depending on your level. You can participate in the event by crafting an invitation first.

      You need Blood Bone, Scroll of Archangel (dropped from mobs, both need to be the same level as the BC you are trying to get into) and Jewel of Chaos mixed in the chaos machine. Success chance depends on server settings.


      You can check for which level of BC you are by typing /entries in the MU chat. This will also show you the daily limit of participating in events. Finally, to enter the event you must go to "Messanger of Archangel" NPC either in Lorencia (bar) or Davias (church) and select the corresponding level of BC.


      How to play?

      The main goal in the event is to take the quest item which drops from the statue and give it to the fallen angel.

      There are few stages. First you need to kill monsters so you can get to the castle gate. The count depends on the players participating in the event - 40 monsters per player. After you kill the monsters and destroy the gate, you can enter the castle room. There you will have to kill specific monster "Magic Skull". Again, the count depends on the players participating in the event - 2 monsters per player.After you've killed the requiered magic skulls there is one last challenge - to destroy the Statue of Saint which drops the quest item, an archangel weapon.


      The final step is easy enough, you return the weapon to the fallen archangel. There are 2 NPCs for you convinience - one at the beggining of the map and one in the castle room.



      • Keep in mind that the player (party) with most damage will get the weapon from the statue so you need to be careful. Only one party will get rewards for returning the quest item.
      • BC is mainly used for experience (and rewards if you're the lucky party). Good spot for experience is right infront of the castle gate as there are more mobs than the room.
      • Buffs from pumpkins are really useful for BC if you are not that strong.
      • You can set up mu helper to pick up parts for invitation by adding "Blood +X" and "Arch +X" where "X" is the desired level of BC. Blood and Arch are just an example, there are many more variants of the item words but this will do the trick.

      What are the rewards?

      Rewards depend on server settings but they are usually jewels, old boxes, demon or angel.

      Useful links




    7. 2 hours ago, Zutto said:

      I cant be the only one that dislike the time for Castle siege

      for numerous reasons i think sunday as it usually is is the perfect time for it.

      Cant we the players vote for the best day?

      So what are these numerous reasons? Why is it so perfect to be on Sunday?

    8. 3 more spots wont fix the issue. It was the same in nonreset except here feather and crest drop is like 5x lower. Few people suggested to add the drop in DS from icarus mobs in the feedback topic which is not a bad idea imo.

      • Medals/Hearts are pretty much useless after 1 day in the server, i dont even pick them up anymore
      • DS - "There is a decent drop of jewels if you stay until the end." - not really, jewel drop is crap in my experience
      • OSGM rewards for first month seems too low, nonreset had the same rewards IIRC and in phoenix jewel drop is much better than nonreset so it doesnt make sense that jewel rewards are the same..



    9. 21 minutes ago, Saitō Hajime said:


      A warm greeting and good morning! I would like to know if the server has the list of commands and if so, also know if it is enabled something like / OFFLEVEL which consists in keeping the character connected even if the computer is turned off ...

       Thank you in advance.....



      "Sin importar como cambien los tiempos, la verdad en la que creemos siempre permanecerá igual. El mal se extinguirá como la flama de una vela. Nosotros creemos esto: Aku Soku Zan(el mal debe morir). Esta es la esencia del Shinsengumi"

      "No matter how times change, the truth that we believe will always remain the same, evil will be extinguished like the flame of a candle, we believe this: Aku Soku Zan (evil must die.) This is the essence of Shinsengumi"



      [Phoenix] Special / Hot Features that you should KNOW!

    10. 7 hours ago, salam said:

      I think most Mu players are over 25-30 nowadays, and most of us have families, jobs or other hobbies as well. Grinding for 1-2 years is simply not feasible for a lot of players. I really enjoy shorter "seasons" of Mu servers because i can experience the full game and the server usually "tells it's story" by then. For me at least, after 4-5 months a server starts to become a little tedious and like a second job, it's simply the nature of this game.

      Having a long extremely hard server would be awesome, i admit it. But only the true hardcore players will stick around to see end game, and at some point new people will stop joining because it would be impossible to catch up with players that started 1 year before, for example. Low population servers are no fun for the players, and don't bring revenue to the admins. It's natural and a good thing to release a new edition.

      This edition of NonRR was great from this point of view - there were a lot of new players coming in even after 4 months from the opening, and actually having a chance to compete at the highest level. We had a lot of players like this in NONE guild. This happened because of the custom settings, balance and features brought by the OS team. But these settings are the result of MULTIPLE editions of their servers, and they weren't perfect. A new edition is our chance to see an even more interesting and challenging server, and Staff's chance to refine their work and fix what was wrong.


      Can't wait to play Phoenix

      For me personally the ideal lifespan of a server is about 5-6 months. Any longer than that and it gets stale and you just do the same thing every day over and over again. But again, this depends on the gameplay and settings. It will require some serious tweaking to make such server that will last longer.

      @ADMIN I mentioned 1-2 year server because I've never seen one that is still interesting and new players can catch up at the same time. But you started to freak out.. Chill man. We are here because OldSquad is different and is improving with every new edition.

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