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  • Gion

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    Everything posted by Gion

    1. Check rules. You are also muted on forum for 1 day
    2. 12cmViet - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    3. We are taking requests only on forum / Facebook. Discord is something optional, made for you, in order to offer other ways to comunicate between yourselves, not with the staff. I am not using discord and you were never advised to request anything using discord, so please use the official methods for a request.
    4. Apokalypse - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    5. It is not actually racism, but it is enough to boost CenzzurA's mute with another 12 hours, on top of those 24 that he got minutes ago. Locked.
    6. cici - muted for 48 hours just because you thought nothing can happen because the forum was down. Locked.
    7. This one is not working. But the other screenshot is enough for GrimReaper to be muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    8. CenzzurA - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    9. Since the forum was down, we could have accepted the evidence from that date, as we did with other reports. But edited screenshots do not match the idea of a report. The idea of a report is not to screw over your enemy while you are behaving the same, it is to report someone that bothers you while you are minding your own business. This is not the case here. If the screens were to be ok then the report would have been ok as well. Locked.
    10. Ichi - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    11. Since the forum was down during that period - and it is on us - we will admit this report. Hobbit - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    12. Ichi - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    13. RlPvietnam, 5inchViet - muted for 72 hours. Locked.
    14. ANzRoyal - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    15. Azazel - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    16. The extended chatlog is required in order for a BL report to be valid. Locked.
    17. It is fine, I know MrMedo and I know he was just joking, so I would not consider this an insult. We can still play around, we cannot move only militant, as long as there is a friendly atmosphere, and besides that, it's Christmas!
    18. There has to be a target for the insults in order for the rules to be actually broken by a player.
    19. CenzzurA - muted for 48 hours. Locked.
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