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  • Gion

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    Everything posted by Gion

    1. MrTaiDL - muted for 48 hours. SantaCame - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    2. I cannot figure who is the reporter so we will just clean the global chat: Butcher - muted for 3 hours. Apokalypse was already muted for 48 hours moments ago. McDonaX - muted for 3 hours. RobyNebunu - muted for 3 hours. Locked.
    3. Apokalypse - muted for 48 hours. You just don't talk about bombing other countries on the frickin' global chat regardless the timestamp or the reporter. Locked.
    4. cici - muted for 48 hours. Lucifer - muted for 48 hours. Locked.
    5. CenzzurA - the mutes received moments ago boosted with another 4 hours. VayLay - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    6. CenzzurA - the mute received for racism moments ago was boosted with 6 hours. Locked.
    7. CenzzurA - muted for 48 hours. Locked.
    8. But BachuS - +3 forum warns. Locked.
    9. HaNzo - boosted the mute that he just received with 8 hours. Locked.
    10. kOlea - muted for 24 hours. RobyNebunu - added 8 hours to the mute that he just received moments ago. Locked.
    11. RobyNebunu - muted for 24 hours. HaNzo - muted for 24 hours. Thief - muted for 24 hours. Squirtle - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    12. Advice for the next report: you don't have to prove that he started it since now everyone is getting muted for insulting no matter who started it, so your second screenshot would have been enough for him to be muted. Next time tho. Locked.
    13. All of his characters from that IP were muted. He was using another internet connection, so basically another identity. Usually I would have skipped this report, but I see here that McDonalds is trying to make our efforts look useless. McDonaldXx - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    14. Dominic - muted for 12 hours. Locked.
    15. Dominic - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    16. Squirtle - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    17. Knightmare - muted for 48 hours. CenzzurA - muted for 12 hours, on top of the 2-3 mutes that he just received minutes ago. Locked.
    18. Error - muted for 48 hours. RobyNebunu - muted for 12 hours. Onix - muted for 24 hours. ZpOoN - muted for 24 hours. FKinGCunT - muted for 3 hours. Krizatul - muted for 3 hours. Haunter - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    19. CenzzurA - muted for 24 hours. Locked.
    20. I see that you did not hold back into insulting him right there on the global chat? Are you sure that you want to proceed with the report?
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