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  • Gion

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    Reputation Activity

    1. Thanks
      Gion got a reaction from Killerwho in So bought silver VIP yesterday...   
      Ok, we just checked the drops for VIPs and nonVIPS, because your guild mate Mutter reported the same thing.
      Here are the diagnostics:
      -The VIP drop is OK, nothing has been changed since forever, the drops are increased as against NonVip
      -The NonVIP drop is also OK, which leds us to the following conclusions:
      The drop is now based your your luck, if you buy VIP we guarantee that your chance will be raised with x%. But if your luck is 0, 0% * x%, you do the math.
      Now it depends on how many mobs you killed, if you were killed after 10 minutes of being AFK, etc
      Ty for understanding
    2. Like
      Gion reacted to Minos in Minos' wishlist   
      Dragon Boots +DD+DSR+Luck
      Dragon/Bronze Shield +DD+DSR+Luck
      Ring +DD+DSR
      (And all Black Dragon +DD+DSR+Luck)
    3. Thanks
      Gion got a reaction from Vinginal in Hello People..!!   
    4. Like
      Gion reacted to Minos in OldSquad is remarkable.   
      Okay, I want to reiterate that I truly find this server exceptionally enjoyable, because whenever I post here, it's usually a suggestion or criticism about certain economic negative aspects which are hard to pinpoint.
      It's a rewarding server. In spite of the non-liquid economy, collecting the set you want is hard, and getting new stuff is rewarding in general. Even though it skips over the reward of finding non-medal items. There's a decent amount of honest normal players. It's actually been over 10 years since I've made a guild and actually made an effort to find nice guild members. To my surprise, I succeeded, and am actually predominantly partying with them, and having real conversations that are not Mu related. The GMs and administrators actually answer people. I frequently think to myself days after having written some criticism: "Hmm, this ain't so bad after all." It's kind of silly that my list of pros isn't more extensively written than critical posts. I guess that's me being at fault for taking things for granted. I'll update this list when other positive aspects come to mind, because the reasons are plentiful. Some aspects could be a lot better, but others could be a lot worse. Overal, this server deserves appraisal.
      Thank you.
    5. Like
      Gion reacted to Titanium in OldSquad Coins (New Currency)   
      Hope yall dont plan to reset the server in a couple of months...all the great mu servers out there had one thing in common and that was stability.Getting to like+15+full socket ,max lvl ,max everything might be easy for a certain few but for the majority it isnt. Please take that into consideration. 
    6. Thanks
      Gion got a reaction from putUinnaWood in OldSquad Coins (New Currency)   
      I have to agree with Minos, your idea is nice tho, but as an argument I can tell you that we want our "season" to last longer, only for players sake, and this implementation will be like a barrier for our "goal" 
      We will think about those PVM points
    7. Like
      Gion got a reaction from ADMIN in About drop rate, economy, uniria, etc.   
      Ok, firstly, thank you for these suggestions, we are looking forward to see this kind of attitude from players and we are looking forward to reward this kind of players(as you might already noticed) 
      2: As you said, everything is a double edged sword, you might take care of an aspect of the game, and assuming some decisions could make other things slip. 
      3: At the beginning of every data base, we are calculating things such as jwls drop rate, which exp should this data base have, things like these, and we are doing this kind of calculations based on previous experience and on players suggestions(and ofc a series of tests)
      4: I have to assume that eventhough OldSquad has its own paid employees, some of these calculations might increase or decrease exponentially due to some unpredictible things that sometimes are occuring during the gameplay (an example of this kind of unpredictible event is half of GROM being banned - and lots and lots of items being deleted; or an exploit; etc). We are working hard to prevent bad things, we are thinking a lot about things, but as you can see, shit happens, and some results might be different even from our expectations. 
      I want to thank you again for your suggestions, we are taking them into account, please continue the discussions as I have never posted. I did this post just for you guys to understand better some aspects from administration POV and to understand that we are making changes "via" your suggestions. 
    8. Like
      Gion got a reaction from putUinnaWood in About drop rate, economy, uniria, etc.   
      Ok, firstly, thank you for these suggestions, we are looking forward to see this kind of attitude from players and we are looking forward to reward this kind of players(as you might already noticed) 
      2: As you said, everything is a double edged sword, you might take care of an aspect of the game, and assuming some decisions could make other things slip. 
      3: At the beginning of every data base, we are calculating things such as jwls drop rate, which exp should this data base have, things like these, and we are doing this kind of calculations based on previous experience and on players suggestions(and ofc a series of tests)
      4: I have to assume that eventhough OldSquad has its own paid employees, some of these calculations might increase or decrease exponentially due to some unpredictible things that sometimes are occuring during the gameplay (an example of this kind of unpredictible event is half of GROM being banned - and lots and lots of items being deleted; or an exploit; etc). We are working hard to prevent bad things, we are thinking a lot about things, but as you can see, shit happens, and some results might be different even from our expectations. 
      I want to thank you again for your suggestions, we are taking them into account, please continue the discussions as I have never posted. I did this post just for you guys to understand better some aspects from administration POV and to understand that we are making changes "via" your suggestions. 
    9. Thanks
      Gion reacted to ADMIN in Updates 16.01.2019 + Latest News!   
      Today at around 18:00 we will release the latest updates on the NonReset Server.
      - Fixed PSS non-exc showing level 360 instead of 380 (update via Launcher).
      - Fixed 380 options showing the numbers from 50RR instead of the default numbers (update via Launcher).
      - Fixed w4 charm mix to require non-exc 380 items not exc (update via Launcher).
      - Fixed the mobs from Swamp that didn't gave ML exp.
      - Increased Life chance from 50% to 65% - it is not increased by luck with 20% (only soul is) as we always thought (both you and us) - so it was always 50% with or without luck, instead of 50 without luck and 70 with luck.
      - Reduced the minimum level of monsters in order to give ML exp from 115 to 107 (all mobs over level 107 will give ML exp from now).
      - Released ML exp on Crywolf (the only non-pvp place for ML).
      - Buffed HP and DMG of Crywolf mobs.
      - Buffed HP of Illusion.
      - Added few Zaikans (Tarkan2 - 5 225) and few Cursed Wizards (LostTower3 - 85 185) for those asking for them for quests.
      - Removed alliances in order to provide much better competition between the current playerbase. Because of this, now GM's can have up to 25 players in guild instead of 20.
      - Banned players have been removed from ranking of chars.
      - Increased overall PvP dmg with 20%.
      - Added web push notifications:
      You will be asked to accept notifications from our web-site.
      We recommend you to accept, as we will keep you updated with latest news and updates from our community and you'll be able to easily access them by clicking on the notifications.
      - Added a new Unique System: Invasion Normalizer
      As we told you, we heard your feedback, and we started working on it. There were 2 main concerns that were very common:
      1. Newbies / Weaker-Chars / PvM-Chars getting killed after working hard on their hunt (by the higher people to steal their loot easily).
      2. PvP lovers having a hard time trying to fight for their loots due to PK punishment, which reduced the competitive fun at invasions.
      We also saw some suggestions, but none of them were good enough to satisfy both type of players, so after a long brainstorming, we came with a great solution to satisfy both type of players: Invasion Normalizer
      This system will split WW, Goldens, Cursed and Kundun invasions into 2 type of invasions: PVP & NON-PVP. Each of them will be the same number of times per day, and each day hours are inversed so that all people have the same chances doesn't matter their GMT, etc.
      Example: Monday 00:45 PVP WW, Monday 06:45 NON-PVP WW, Monday 12:45 PVP-WW, Monday 18:45 NON-PVP WW, Tuesday 00:45 NON-PVP WW, Tuesday 06:45 PVP-WW, etc. (the type is always announced on invasion announcement).
      Difference between the 2 types of invasions:
      NON-PVP: The map where the mob/boss is spawned will became NON-PVP until the mob/boss is killed, then it will switch back to normal.
      PVP: People are able to PK for FREE into the range of 16x16 from the mob/boss. That means, as long as you are close to the mob/boss, the only kill that will be counted will be the first one (if you are Commoner), after that it will be FREE-PK.
               Apart from the FREE-PK, we decided to make things even more interesting: The people that are killed in the 16x16 range will be respawned PRETTY CLOSE to the zone where they died (random position) - so they can join back the fight easier and put some interesting shows.
      IMPORTANT! The system works only for the normal-maps (Gens maps are excluded as they have their own playstyle).
      The system is on BETA version, and based on your feedbacks we will adjust it / fix what you find wrong.
      In order for the system to do what it is intended, we added the following changes:
      - Added a new Kundun spawn (in Kalima6) and a new hour interval (08:00-14:00) - in order to have 1x NON-PVP Kundun (K7) and 1x PVP Kundun (K6) per day for our new system.
      - Buffed HP of Kundun, Cursed, Golden Satyros, WW, GGD & Budges for a better spread of rewards (not 1 guy getting from 1 to another pretty fast at non-pvp time) and for longer fights (at pvp-time).
      (The System is already up on test-server for courious people).
      - Other small fixes & adjustments.

      Apart from the Server updates, we are also doing some really needed staff updates:

      - @SouLSet is no longer an OldSquad Administrator, we thank you for your contribution in the last 2 years and we wish you all the best moving forward!
      - Global moderators group has been removed, only Moderators group remained for 'forum-only' staff.
      - New group has been added: Game Managers - this people are both GM in game and have full moderation access on forum - 2nd highest group after Administrators.
      - @GameGuard & @HERO have been demoted due to inactivity.
      - @Gion has been promoted to his old position: Head Admin - he will start working on his new position after the exams session from this month - he is part of the new group Game Managers.
      - @Legion is taking a break from being a player and he's going to focus only on his staff duties. With that being said, Legion has been promoted to Community Assistant and he is also part of the new group Game Managers.
      - New GM's are starting their trial-period, after the last recruiting session: @chin, @Bouli and @Overseer112 
      Currently our ranks and positions:
      Administrators (1) - @ADMIN (Community Manager)
      Game Managers (2) - @Gion (Head Admin) and @Legion (Community Assistant)
      Moderators (0) - We are looking for 1 Moderator that wants to join our team (slot is open to recruitment until we find one).
      MU-Team (2) - @chin (Trial Game Master), @Bouli (Trial Game Master) and @Overseer112 (Trial Game Master) - there is also 1 slot for a Helper and 1 slot for GM that will remain open to recruitment until we complete the team.

      We hope that you'll enjoy the new system and we promise that we have much more surprises for you this year, based both on your feedbacks and on our own ideas, so stay tunned with OldSquad!
    10. Like
      Gion reacted to Minos in Test server commands   
      Items + Monster codes: https://mega.nz/#!YxwWWITD!7smMkIZo-hiTpXfNOBDfOqjLzwcGB5wiQ40Cb_DKfvc
      I came here to specifically post the excellent option codes which I found on RageZone and mufilecity .
      Weapons, pendants:
      Armor, shields, rings:
      And the commands below come from here: 
      PS What are the commands for Ancient items? The regular ones don't work.
    11. Like
      Gion got a reaction from Trâu in About drop rate, economy, uniria, etc.   
      Ok, firstly, thank you for these suggestions, we are looking forward to see this kind of attitude from players and we are looking forward to reward this kind of players(as you might already noticed) 
      2: As you said, everything is a double edged sword, you might take care of an aspect of the game, and assuming some decisions could make other things slip. 
      3: At the beginning of every data base, we are calculating things such as jwls drop rate, which exp should this data base have, things like these, and we are doing this kind of calculations based on previous experience and on players suggestions(and ofc a series of tests)
      4: I have to assume that eventhough OldSquad has its own paid employees, some of these calculations might increase or decrease exponentially due to some unpredictible things that sometimes are occuring during the gameplay (an example of this kind of unpredictible event is half of GROM being banned - and lots and lots of items being deleted; or an exploit; etc). We are working hard to prevent bad things, we are thinking a lot about things, but as you can see, shit happens, and some results might be different even from our expectations. 
      I want to thank you again for your suggestions, we are taking them into account, please continue the discussions as I have never posted. I did this post just for you guys to understand better some aspects from administration POV and to understand that we are making changes "via" your suggestions. 
    12. Like
      Gion got a reaction from Minos in About drop rate, economy, uniria, etc.   
      Ok, firstly, thank you for these suggestions, we are looking forward to see this kind of attitude from players and we are looking forward to reward this kind of players(as you might already noticed) 
      2: As you said, everything is a double edged sword, you might take care of an aspect of the game, and assuming some decisions could make other things slip. 
      3: At the beginning of every data base, we are calculating things such as jwls drop rate, which exp should this data base have, things like these, and we are doing this kind of calculations based on previous experience and on players suggestions(and ofc a series of tests)
      4: I have to assume that eventhough OldSquad has its own paid employees, some of these calculations might increase or decrease exponentially due to some unpredictible things that sometimes are occuring during the gameplay (an example of this kind of unpredictible event is half of GROM being banned - and lots and lots of items being deleted; or an exploit; etc). We are working hard to prevent bad things, we are thinking a lot about things, but as you can see, shit happens, and some results might be different even from our expectations. 
      I want to thank you again for your suggestions, we are taking them into account, please continue the discussions as I have never posted. I did this post just for you guys to understand better some aspects from administration POV and to understand that we are making changes "via" your suggestions. 
    13. Like
      Gion reacted to Luigiccs in New Guild Recruiting   
      New Guild TryHard Recruiting active players no lvl restriction , we just ask you to be active and enjoy the events  , we want to make our owns partys for Ds , BC , IT and hunt goldens pliz pm me ING   TryHard   to join Gems D
    14. Like
      Gion got a reaction from putUinnaWood in Russian Roulette Event   
      Russian Roulette Event in 10 minutes
    15. Like
      Gion reacted to Minos in About drop rate, economy, uniria, etc.   
      Again, this corroborates my points. You are biased by an end-game perspective. The end-game can still be fun even if the early stages are fun and challenging as well, even more so. Everything is relative. Also, CC; BC; CC, etc. are not necessities for the game to be enjoyable. The most important things are a healthy player base and a healthy economy; one of those we already have.

      (Hypothesis: Mu addicts will be addicts regardless of gameplay, economy, or player base. However, most people—the casual players—just want to have some fun distraction. And if the economy and players are alive and kicking, they will stick to the server. But if you immediately give them lots of items to catch up, the grind to the end game abruptly starts and it won't be a fun distraction anymore. So they quit.)

      Also, I just learned that apparently Devias is full of jewel farmers. This raises some questions in me. I do think AFKing is OK—because I do it as well, and it has been part of the game since forever (I used to put my wallet on my right mouse button)—but, actively playing should be way more rewarding in comparison. Gaining exp used to be and should be the main incentive to AFK, but not to gather jewels or items. Some people can't leave their PC on, some don't want to, etc. Things will always be unbalanced, but rewarding being AFK, too much, disproportionately increases the imbalance. We 'all' AFK and like to be AFK, but ironically no one likes a server where most people are AFK. As I said, actively playing should be significantly rewarded more than AFKing. The Rabbits event is a great example of that, but there can be more.
      For example, back in the day, it wasn't possible for non-cheaters to pick up jewels and zen while being AFK. There still were lots of AFKers, but there was a good balance between AFKers and active players, and economies were usually good. If you wanted loot, you needed to be online and do the work. I admit, I like actively playing about the same as I like the thought of being able to AFK, and it probably isn't possible to go back to how Mu was played 16 years ago. It should however be possible to mimic similar gameplay, even with the auto looting mechanism. I think drastically increasing the price that mechanism is part of it, as I have touched upon in previous posts.
      People who AFK 24 hours should get about 6 jewels; 0.25 jewels per hour.
      People who play 24 hours should get about 48 jewels; 2 jewels per hour.
      I’m just picking arbitrary numbers, but you get the point:  those who play actively the most, get the most jewels on average. This way you don’t need helper bots or silly overpowered medals. Hardcore active players are going to play hardcore and no casual player will ever catch up to them. That’s only fair. But casual active players should be able to compete with hardcore AFKers. Just like it was in the good old days.
      TL;DR: Play for fun, jewels, and items, AFK for exp.

      Addendum: when it is viable to AFK for jewels, it disincentivizes partying, because people will want to AFK alone for the jewels.

      Although my posts so far have been largely critical, I do want to state that for the most part this server is remarkable. The custom features, adjusted event locations (i.e. goldens spawn everywhere), web vault; commands; etc. However, if the economy is broken, the stellar features will have been in vain. In any case, OldSquad has incredible potential.
    16. Like
      Gion reacted to Trâu in Geralt/Ciri's Shop: Buy, sell, and Trade!   
      Please reply here or mail me in game: Geralt. Please do not PM as I will be AFK 20hours a day.
      - Enis pants +10st & Enis boots +5st + 7 & 100c = Gaion Pants (need)
      - Wings3 for SM = Wings3 for MG or RF (need)
      - Enis boots +5st = best offer
      - Enis pants +5st  = best offer
      - Muren ring +5st =  offer, buyout = 30b30s10c10l
      - Muren ring +5st+1%hprec =  offer, buyout = 30b30s10c10l
      - Broys boots +5st  +7 =  offer, buyout = 25b25s5c5l
      - Broys pants+10st  +7 =  offer, buyout = 25b25s5c5l
      - Semeden Armor + 5st +L =  offer, buyout = 30b30s5c5l
      - Agnis Helm +5st =  offer, buyout = 25b25s5c5l
      - Hyon Helm +5st =  offer, buyout =15b15s5c5l
      - Aruan Helm + 5st  =  offer, buyout =25b25s5c5l
      - SM wings+12+L+ign
      - Morning star + edr +speed (+L)  =  offer
      - Pendant + edr + speed
      - RBS +L+5soc: x2
      - Kris +L+edr+(lvl/20 or 2% or speed): x2
      - Leather pants + L+ dd+dsr
      - Leather boots+ L+ dd+dsr
    17. Like
      Gion reacted to ADMIN in OSGM #1 Winners + OSGM #2   
      The first OSGM edition of NonReset is over. Winners:
      - 1st Place: DarknesSBk (won by shootout with drop vs Alegzander) - 100 OSP - Golden Fenrir + Legends Group.
      - 2nd Place: Alegzander - 100 OSP - 30x Jewel of Bless + 30x Jewel of Soul + 30x Jewel of Chaos.
      - 3rd Place: DeDD - 80 OSP - 20x Jewel of Bless + 20x Jewel of Soul + 20x Jewel of Chaos.
      Rewards for having 70+ OSP:
      - Wrath - 75 OSP - 10x Jewel of Bless + 10x Jewel of Chaos
      - taolaTung - 75 OSP - 10x Jewel of Bless + 10x Jewel of Chaos
      - ChyjMG - 75 OSP - 10x Jewel of Bless + 10x Jewel of Chaos
      - Lolita - 75 OSP - 10x Jewel of Bless + 10x Jewel of Chaos
      - mpu777 - 70 OSP - 10x Jewel of Bless + 10x Jewel of Chaos
      All rewards have been delivered into the vault of the winners!
      The next edition is started from 01.01.2019 until 31.01.2018.
      Prizes for this new edition:
      - 1st Place: Golden Fenrir + Legends Group + 1 Seed at choice (not in sphere).
      - 2nd Place: Feather of Condor + Flame of Condor
      - 3rd Place: 30x Jewel of Chaos + 30x Jewel of Soul + 30x Jewel of Bless.
      Anyone who will reach 70+ OSP but not in Top3 will win 20x Jewel of Bless and 10x Jewel of Chaos.
      Weekly Events Rewards for this edition:
      - 1st Place: 50 OSP + 8x Jewel of Chaos + 5x BoK+4 + 5x BoK+5.
      - 2nd Place: 35 OSP + 7x Jewel of Chaos + 4x BoK+4 + 4x BoK+5.
      - 3rd Place: 20 OSP + 6x Jewel of Chaos + 3x BoK+4 + 3x BoK+5.
      - Consolations: 5 OSP + 3x Jewel of Chaos + 1x BoK+4 + 1x BoK+5
      All info about OSGM: 
    18. Like
      Gion reacted to Minos in About drop rate, economy, uniria, etc.   
      Well done! Mu Oldsquad is the best I've played in years, but I have a couple of concerns. These may be caused by my ignorance since I have only been playing for about two weeks, but I think they are legit remarks.
      Medals, etc.
      Problem #1: the items dropping from hearts and medals are way too good and abundant. For example, the first day I played on this server, I haphazardly found a Celestial Bow+11+Skill+Luck+4 just lying on the floor of Noria. If this item is worthless for someone, there is something wrong with the economy. I started as an Elf, and this immediately made every other bow I found myself useless. Only when things are scarce, they are valuable. 
      (Problem #2 [uncertain]: the fact that for some characters a Bronze set +11 (i.e. an energy mage maxing agi & ene) is already considered a good late game set, whereas for other characters it's worthless, is a bit too unbalanced I think. Every class should have some trouble to attain their best set.)

      Disable luck and options on items in medals. This increases the value of regular monster drops, and doesn't overpower the medal items. For example, you find Leather Gloves+7 from a medal, great! I look shiny now! But as you grind monsters, suddenly Leather Gloves+5+12+Luck drops. You don't look as shiny, but the item is way better than some cheap medal drop. This stimulates the economy Decrease the max possible item level in medals to +8. This increases the value of luck on items. You got to do some work if you want to look super shiny. Don't put super nice items in medals, like a Celestial Bow. This makes hunting or lurking for items way more fun, and stimulates the economy, again. Items in shop
      Problem: similar reasoning as above.
      Solution: Remove the luck from the items. It's not luck if you can easily find or buy it. Uniria, dinorant, angel, etc.
      Problem Uniria: Useless for running speed because of the (nearly instant access) to small wings at level 80. Impale (such a beautiful skill) is useless as well
      Solution: remove the small wings as an easy level 80 reward; there can be a much better event or box for such a cool item as wings.
      Suggestions: Buff the impale skill; higher drop rate for Uniria and make them combinable to Dinorant without chaos. Or not, but then buff the Dinorant skill as well. Problem Angel: rare, useful, but not really valuable.
      Solution: should be in shop for a reasonable amount of zen. This make zen more useful, and Angels make the game look better. Problem Imp: rare, valuable and useful, but hoarded. I have five of them now, but I'm not using them because they are too rare and they die so fast, just like Angels. Yet I don't want to sell them, nor would I want to pay jewels for them. I'm just waiting for the moment that never comes so I can use them when they die very slowly.
      Solution: I'd put Imps in shop as well, for a price that could be described expensive, but not too expensive so no one wants to buy them. Doing this should increas the value of zen and the value of Imps. And now using Angels or Imps is a choice like choosing a stat build. Drop rate
      Problem: I think the drop rate of items is between OK and too high. It took me one day to collect a Great Dragon Set by just standing near parties who were killing monsters I'm still too weak for. Moreover, I got the Great Dragon Armor+1+8+Luck for free from someone who initially asked two chaos for it. I told him it wasn't worth that much, because it isn't, but it should be!
      This problem is closely related to the overpowered items to be found in medals: because I easily obtained a random set of items +9, +10, +11, it was easy to survive near much too strong monsters.
      Solution: decrease the drop rate, but increase the chance on luck or options. This stimulates active non-afk gameplay, because you have to be active to see your desirable items drop. Jewels
      I have never had such a hard time finding jewels, which is awesome and how it should be! But it's a double-edged sword. Because items from medals are so good and abundant, and jewels are so rare, I'm hoarding them and not using them. I'm not even going to try and make wings. I'll just buy the few items I want, and keep hoarding jewels until I can buy the item I want, without buying or leveling up any intermediate items from the market. (Nobody is buying my items as well.)
      ~Solution: Increase the likelihood of finding Bless by increasing the drop rate, or more recurring events specifically for Bless, and maybe a bit more Soul. The latter is the best option because it also stimulates active gameplay. [The events in this server are remarkably good; it's been years since I was motivated to participate in these events. They are challenging, fun, and necessary for jewels.]
      Finding more Bless, and fewer items, will stimulate people in actually using it to level up items and buying intermediate items on the market.

      It comes down to this:
      early game it should be reasonably 'easy'/encouraged/fun to level up items to +7, +8, +9. mid game it should be 'moderate'/challenging/fun to level up items to +10+11+12. late game it should be 'difficult'/challenging/risky to level up items to +13+14+15. Instead—what happens now I think—is that early and mid game is lost, and jewels are hoarded to save for the late game. This is boring. (Anyway, I've hosted a private server myself once, and the economy is incredibly difficult to get right, so this is just brainstorming.)
      That being said, I think if finding Bless was 'moderate', Soul was 'hard', and Chaos the 'hardest', then it would make early, mid, and late game more fun while remaining a challenge.

      I have more ideas and suggestions, but the somewhat broken economy is the most pressing for me right now. And it's getting late, so I'll end it here.
    19. Like
      Gion got a reaction from Killerwho in OSGM Events Notes   
      Here are some notes to be aware of when coming to OSGM Events. I will add or delete notes as we proceed with the events.
         -Please write anything in chat when it is your turn, so we can know that you are online. If you don't answer to the call, a countout to 10 will start. It the countount reaches "10" and you answer after, you will still be eliminated. You remain in game only if you answer before we reach 10.
      There are trolls at the events too, which are letting me to reach 9 and then answering. No problem with that. We allow only ONE countount, so fell free to let me count 'til 9. But if there's a second time when you don't answer to my call, you will be eliminated automatically, without any countout, so do it carefully, trolls.
         -At Game of War Event when a Jewel of Life shows up, I am always asking the respective player if he wants to cancel a round. But if there is no answer I will proceed like the life didn't exist, so please STOP telling me that your opponent had like 12 and you had life and you didn't use it. It is your fault, not answering to the question. We are not waiting 2 years for each undecided player to write something.
         -At BlackJack Event if you have "21" from the first 2 boxes, you can still "double" if you want to reach "21 double". This is just a hint, not a rule.
      If I am asking a player to make a decision and the player does not answer, the decision will be automatically "Stand", no matter if the player wins or loses, no matter if he has the higher score or anything. It will be "Stand".
      Thank you for understanding. If there is still something unclear, I will let this topic open for questions.
    20. Like
      Gion reacted to Legion in New event ideas for non reset server   
      Only few people voted and there was no event suggestions below so I'm gonna run Break the account (once per week with announce 1 day before event starts.), mazer runner (randomly) and spot the differences (randomly). Thanks for votes
    21. Like
      Gion got a reaction from ADMIN in OSGM Events Notes   
      Here are some notes to be aware of when coming to OSGM Events. I will add or delete notes as we proceed with the events.
         -Please write anything in chat when it is your turn, so we can know that you are online. If you don't answer to the call, a countout to 10 will start. It the countount reaches "10" and you answer after, you will still be eliminated. You remain in game only if you answer before we reach 10.
      There are trolls at the events too, which are letting me to reach 9 and then answering. No problem with that. We allow only ONE countount, so fell free to let me count 'til 9. But if there's a second time when you don't answer to my call, you will be eliminated automatically, without any countout, so do it carefully, trolls.
         -At Game of War Event when a Jewel of Life shows up, I am always asking the respective player if he wants to cancel a round. But if there is no answer I will proceed like the life didn't exist, so please STOP telling me that your opponent had like 12 and you had life and you didn't use it. It is your fault, not answering to the question. We are not waiting 2 years for each undecided player to write something.
         -At BlackJack Event if you have "21" from the first 2 boxes, you can still "double" if you want to reach "21 double". This is just a hint, not a rule.
      If I am asking a player to make a decision and the player does not answer, the decision will be automatically "Stand", no matter if the player wins or loses, no matter if he has the higher score or anything. It will be "Stand".
      Thank you for understanding. If there is still something unclear, I will let this topic open for questions.
    22. Like
      Gion got a reaction from Trâu in OSGM Events Notes   
      Here are some notes to be aware of when coming to OSGM Events. I will add or delete notes as we proceed with the events.
         -Please write anything in chat when it is your turn, so we can know that you are online. If you don't answer to the call, a countout to 10 will start. It the countount reaches "10" and you answer after, you will still be eliminated. You remain in game only if you answer before we reach 10.
      There are trolls at the events too, which are letting me to reach 9 and then answering. No problem with that. We allow only ONE countount, so fell free to let me count 'til 9. But if there's a second time when you don't answer to my call, you will be eliminated automatically, without any countout, so do it carefully, trolls.
         -At Game of War Event when a Jewel of Life shows up, I am always asking the respective player if he wants to cancel a round. But if there is no answer I will proceed like the life didn't exist, so please STOP telling me that your opponent had like 12 and you had life and you didn't use it. It is your fault, not answering to the question. We are not waiting 2 years for each undecided player to write something.
         -At BlackJack Event if you have "21" from the first 2 boxes, you can still "double" if you want to reach "21 double". This is just a hint, not a rule.
      If I am asking a player to make a decision and the player does not answer, the decision will be automatically "Stand", no matter if the player wins or loses, no matter if he has the higher score or anything. It will be "Stand".
      Thank you for understanding. If there is still something unclear, I will let this topic open for questions.
    23. Like
      Gion got a reaction from putUinnaWood in OSGM Events Notes   
      Here are some notes to be aware of when coming to OSGM Events. I will add or delete notes as we proceed with the events.
         -Please write anything in chat when it is your turn, so we can know that you are online. If you don't answer to the call, a countout to 10 will start. It the countount reaches "10" and you answer after, you will still be eliminated. You remain in game only if you answer before we reach 10.
      There are trolls at the events too, which are letting me to reach 9 and then answering. No problem with that. We allow only ONE countount, so fell free to let me count 'til 9. But if there's a second time when you don't answer to my call, you will be eliminated automatically, without any countout, so do it carefully, trolls.
         -At Game of War Event when a Jewel of Life shows up, I am always asking the respective player if he wants to cancel a round. But if there is no answer I will proceed like the life didn't exist, so please STOP telling me that your opponent had like 12 and you had life and you didn't use it. It is your fault, not answering to the question. We are not waiting 2 years for each undecided player to write something.
         -At BlackJack Event if you have "21" from the first 2 boxes, you can still "double" if you want to reach "21 double". This is just a hint, not a rule.
      If I am asking a player to make a decision and the player does not answer, the decision will be automatically "Stand", no matter if the player wins or loses, no matter if he has the higher score or anything. It will be "Stand".
      Thank you for understanding. If there is still something unclear, I will let this topic open for questions.
    24. Like
      Gion reacted to putUinnaWood in What you listening to right now?   
    25. Like
      Gion got a reaction from Sorrynotsorry in Russian Roulette Event   
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