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    1. Hello Before my first reset, I did the quest for my SM After that I had 4 points for every level, now I get 3 points after resetting Is it normal or do we have to do something else?
    2. Another episode was written by these powerful heroes who fight for the supremacy of Inception, it was a scandalous week, intense battle took place on the forum but also in the game. The most disputed ones were related to the riches of the Castle Siege and it is my obligation to write about them, I asked (as you well know) here and there, and all I can say is that some have appreciated these riches which, moreover, are not to be neglected. Some players said that it was too early to see items with 3-4 options on the server at the time, others said that the 380 lvl sets from Lord Mix are too easy to do, that they will unbalance the server and that Rampage will never lose the Castle. There are those in Rampage (and not only them) who say that it is normal for the guild that owns the Castle to have these privileges, they argue that it is not so easy to make these 380 items and that, besides the contribution of an entire guild they equip one character per week, they also provoke all the others who have no part of it to enter the fight and stop crying without taking part in this enchanting event. Admin argued that 380 items are not as powerful as the players thinks and that all the people who complain now have been indifferent or even asked in the past for Castle Siege to have better rewards to awake players interest in this event. The days passed one by one and Sunday came, bringing the most important event on the server, the war for supremacy. Rampage warriors sucessfully defended for the second consecutive week the castle, and as in the other weeks, several guilds have registered but only one has really dared to show, that is of course Squadron. This powerful guild led by Voyager knows the taste of riches from the Lot and Lord Mix. These brave warriors came to Castle Siege to end the Rampage era and to restore balance on the server, they want to take RedBuLL down from the "Iron Throne" and re-seat Voyager. They came prepared for a life and death fight and it was seen from the first moment when the assaults began. Rampage started defending with the parties divided on switches, intense fights took place on the both switches, Squadron managed to register with little delay, losing a little time that does not matter so much at first. Rampage regroups and conquers the castle on the first assault, the fight continues and the Crown moves from the head of RedBuLL to that of Voyager continuously, as if it does not know which head to choose . The first hour passes and everything is balanced, Rampage fail to distance with more than 1500 points and the Squadron fighters take courage, another 30 minutes pass and everything is equally balanced, we are at the most important moment of the fight, anything can happen, every minute, every second, every mistake matters enormously, wrong steps are not allowed at this point in the fight. Voyager puts his hand on the crown and Squadron equals Rampage to points. Those from Rampage return quickly to the throne room and RedBuLL registers successfully, then Rampage changes strategy, the whole guild defends a single switch and they manage to delay the Squadron warriors quite a lot, but eventually RedBuLL loses the Crown again, Squadron approaches dangerously, the score is as tight as any wrong step matter, Rampage take the crown again quick in the last 10 minutes but if Squadron manage to register one more time they will be winners... But the defense of Rampage resists, they are strong, a strong wall like a rock which repels all attacks, time runs out and Rampage manages to win this battle. A battle in which even the last 5 minutes mattered, it was sensational!!! Both guilds behaved professionally. At this moment, in the Rampage and Squadron there are only about 50 top players, not a single guild other than these two is able to recruit the rest of the top players and try to rise to their level? Why is Assasins guild still registering but not participating? Is it true what the rumors say and they don't want to attack Rampage because they are friends? They don't care about the LordMix or LoT? What about ATTACK Guild? Why they are sleeping ? What strategies will Squadron and Rampage develop considering that SD potions have been nerfed? Another highlight of this week is worth mentioning: Admin is testing and needs your support to release a new event that will be very fun!!! I hope you will find this event interesting it is called "Old Squad Soccer League", for more details please check the link: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3414-oldsquad-soccer-system-league/
    3. Today i was looking for a spot in dungeon3, was lvl 80 wanting to get 10 levels for atlans. All spots were full by farmers, so i randomly decide to kill a DL after checking his info: 342 lvl, 2 resets. Problem was i couldn't kill him, even if he was afk. 4 out of 5 hits were a miss, and i was only hitting for 200SD and 70 dmg. Went to website to check his gear, he had a zen set with no extra options, wearing a small cape and riding a horse. My SM is not geared for PVP, but one would say a lvl 80, 4 reset SM could have done the job. Wrong! So here is my question: how come a SM with 2k agi, and 2.3k energy can't kill a 2 reset DL? Why so many missed attacks?
    4. Hello to everyone, As you well know, last Monday, around 19:30 server time, the first stage was passed by the founding heroes of Rampage, RuSuLeTzZz, Makiavelli and darkyo, those pro players with the other two guys from their permanent party (RedBuLL and Sparkle), are on the first places of the rankings since the beginning of Inception and they do not show any sign that they could be passed soon by anyone. The players who follow them in the top are: Devex (Squadron), npyxa (Assasins), Zutto (and his permanent party), those guys are with at least 24 hours behind them even after this stage has been exceeded. About this stage, as far as I know, was the longest in OldSquad history, it lasted for 17 days and gave the impression that it will last forever. To realize the impact it had on the reset rankings, just consider the fact that the heroes I have mentioned above, entered into this stage when they made the 5th reset and at that time the last place in the top 100 reset rankings had only 2 resets. .. during these two weeks some players who were left behind or who started later, recovered 2 or even 3 resets!!! The server was beautifully balanced by this mini stage and Castle Siege participants could see this in the latest battles for server supremacy. I think that they had the most balanced battles I saw on a reset server between two guilds. Marking the last steps of the Early-Game on Inception. New features were released, the EXP for 0 resets players is doubled, also the EXP for 1-4 RR is raised with 40%, in order for the newcomers to catch up. Also, OldSquad Mercenary Era is starting. Now, if you will register as a Mercenar, the Pvp experience will be totally changed? What do I mean? I mean that you are the hunter and the prey, at the same time. There are bonuses too. More details here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2318-inception-pvp-system-all-details/ -Blast and Fire Scream spells were improved; -Bloody Witch Queen is dropping now 380 exc set items instead of GD/DM etc; -BOK +5 Goldens released; -Feather/Crest drop rate increased with 35%; -SD Potions Max Stack reduced from 3 to 1; -SD Potions SD rate reduced from 25% to 5% per potion; -Zen drop lowered. Here you can find the full log: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3402-patch-3530-21102019/
    5. How about changing the drop from bok+5 to bok+4 and adding only 380 to bok+5 ? because I don't see any other options, I was sure that would be a failure, but that would be so fast.... Another solution is to disable 380 options for 1-2 month, in special SD rec from armor. From 1 max 2 options(Bone/Brass/Spirit etc.) sets we can fight with 2-4 options last sets, vs 380 options we cant fight, and i dont see the reason to continue.
    6. The last week was intense, the fights from Discord moved to the forum and, finally, into the game. The Squadron remained in the same position, proud, strong, unbeatable. Some fights took place for the only "big boss" that can be beaten right now: Nightmare. As far as I know, the score is equal to the battles between Rampage and Squadron for this boss (from what I've heard, they met and fought only twice), although RAMPAGE being more active they defeated Nightmare 7 times versus 1 time by the Squadron side. So, Rampage received as a "gift" from the other guilds on the server, 6 Nightmares in the last 10 days... Now let me tell you what happened at the Castle Siege, this event that can lift a guild on the heights of glory, or destroy it in just a few days with the help of the merciless curse: The big event came, sunny Sunday arrived with the greatest peace, so far on the server, the strongest guilds were making their strategies, SD potions were created faster than the new players were making zen, these warriors were preparing for the hottest Castle Siege in Inception's history, time was passing out slowly and the Siege started. Squadron, had the experience and unity on their side and the advantage of been defenders against the RAMPAGE guild ... Rampage started the assault, with a little help from the Assasins guild (Those Assassins who have been silent so far, started playing their card in this poker game called Castle Siege, they gave a helping hand to those in RAMPAGE, borrowing them a top player: KAMA3, I'm curious what they had won?),so, Rampage gives the first assault and overwhelms those in the Squadron right from the beginning, from the first attempt they manage to conquer the Castle, Squadron did not stepped back , they returned very quickly and recovered the loss. Everything was crazy, it was like jumping into a horror carousel for the first time, the fight seemed to last forever and nothing seemed to be lost for any of the guilds, until someone (I heard it was mafy ) found the "Achilles heel" and crushed Zutto for the first time on Inception and the Squadron started to shake.This guild that seemed invincible began to bleed from the wounds caused by RAMPAGE, the latter, feeling the "smell" , attacked like sharks and defended as a compact stone wall. Time runs out quickly and RAMPAGE gains precious points ... the fight ended, the pride of the Squadron was shattered and RedBuLL ripped the crown from Voyager's head. Now, the Squadron, from the Hunters becomes the prey and eagerly awaits the next Castle Siege to prove that it was a simple mistake, instead RAMPAGE, who have felt the taste of Squadron's blood, begin to believe superiors, same arrogance that (some voices say) haunted Squadron until they fell. Will Squadron have the power to return? Was it the Curse that overcame them or their arrogance? There are rumors that just a few days after the conquest of the castle, internal battles began to appear inside RAMPAGE. What the hell!! No guild holds the secret antidote against this Curse? Lands of trials only brings terror and chaos to the guilds that manage to be sufficiently united to conquer the Castle, but can't they resist greed? To these questions, time will probably answer us soon. I still hope to see that the evil can be defeated and that a guild sufficiently united will manage to break this evil Curse that kneels the guilds as a straw house is crushed by a tornado.
    7. Last week we had the first true Castle Siege on Inception: the Guild Squadron, that dominated the server since the first week, defended the crown against the guild RAMPAGE (guild built by former Squadron members). They were the only guild who had the courage to register and even attack Squadron, I am saying this because anyone who knows the history of Inception Castle Siege knows that since the server started, several guilds registered every week, but no one had the guts to participate. The beginning was incredible, RAMPAGE had a first lightning attack and RedBuLL registered quickly, transforming RAMPAGE in defenders even from the first 30 minutes. Squadron, led by Voyager, regrouped fast and went in, in a storm attack. The fight was tough, Squadron had some failed attempts, but they managed to regain the status of defenders. What followed was pure insanity, after the first hour of intense fighting the score was balanced, the fight hotter than ever, each guild organizing and changing strategies on the go, but then something happened, RAMPAGE was losing more time than Squadron with organizing assaults, and the warriors from RAMPAGE fell more often than Squadron's in the Throne Room, giving free points to Squadron. Also, RedBuLL started to be attacked seriously and even Squadron started to break off in score, moreover RedBuLL began to be defeated by trying to seal, all the details began to count as time was passing by, and the number of points received by the defense guild increased. Squadron distanced from RAMPAGE and, in the end, they were still the Masters of the Land of Trials, keeping the crown on Voyager's head in the most important Castle Siege so far. I said "so far" because not all the functions of the castle are yet activated, the brave warriors from Squadron will only be able to enjoy Ancient Drops this week, following that after the next Castle Siege, besides the ancients, the guild that owns the castle will be able to benefit from the most important treasure at this time of the game, a treasure that, properly managed, can strengthen a guild to such an extent that it can become invincible, this treasure is called Lord Mix . After this amazing Castle Siege, some people said that RAMPAGE lost this fight because of their organization, others argue that it was because of their main party including the guild master was 70 levels below the main party of the Squadron. They also say that because of this RedBuLL died 3 times in the throne room, other people say that RedBuLL died because he did not have a correct stats build or was in lack of SD potions. After this Castle Siege six Squadron warriors were ranked in top 10 player vs player: The "invincible" Zutto who again smashed everything in his path, accumulating over 100 kills only in this Castle Siege, Rampage warriors did not find the heel of this Achilles, in conclusion was not even defeated once; Exillia ranked the second, he accumulated over 70 kills, and he was defeated only 10 times; Snajper is ranked number 4 with over 40 kills and only 8 deaths; FKingCunt is ranked no. 6 because he killed RAMPAGE players over 40 times and he has 12 defeats. Ranked number 8 is Trippy with 37 kills and 6 deaths, and last, but not least, is hAse, which has accumulated 36 kills and died only 9 times. On the other side, there are only 4 RAMPAGE warriors in top 10 Castle Siege player vs player rankings: Ranked no. 3 , WhiteBK was the best killer of RAMPAGE guild, killing 60 times Squadron players and registering 30 defeats, ranked no. 5, Ganacci has 46 kills and 19 deaths. darkyo is ranked no. 7 because he flamed 37 Squadron players and died only 4 times; Sparkle ranks 10th in this ranking, with 28 kills and 21 defeats. Some questions seek answers after this Castle Siege, and these are the following: Did RedBuLL and the others took The Curse with them when they left Squadron ? Immediately after this defeat strange things happened to RAMPAGE, Fatman erased his character, and the members from mafy's party were seen sleeping among the "secondary characters" in Icarus, while the Squadron looks like a united and stable guild, apart from the fact that they lost Snajper who wanted to change camps and join the RAMPAGE guild, but after leaving the guild, Oklahoma took all the items and credits from his account. If Squadron will lose the castle this week, will the Curse make its presence felt in this guild? When will the other guilds wake up? The Assasins seem more sleepy than ever, they lost DIEEEEEEEE ("voices" say that internal fights related to drops made this hero leave the guild ) and I didn't see any recruitment that could replace the loss of a player as active as DIEEEEEEEE. TheRiper probably will not count even if they would want, because of 2 resets average players. Immortal registered again, but they have only 1 party "alive" and it's way too low. Other questions arise in the minds of the players from Inception, questions related to Squadron, this desired and controversial guild , which has all the spot lights on it : Is it normal after you help someone to leave the guild and "change camps" without being punished ? Is it normal to punish former guild members by trying to ban them with posts from the guild chat? Some players claim that you have to pay for treason, the same people claim that insults should be punished no matter what chat they are written on. On the other side, there are the players who claim that what the Squadron did was shameful, especially because they also took the credits from the account, and about guild chat that should never go public. Which of them do you think is right? You can leave us messages as a reply to this topic.
    8. Recent discussion in forums chat-box sparkled my interest in this topic - Is this server P2W?? First of all, I have played on OS for 3 editions and have pretty good understanding what you can and can't do being F2P player as myself. I also want to mention that OS is the best server not only in terms of this topic but also regarding its own unique server and active/helpful staff. So lets get to the point, there are many factors influencing your character progression and indeed some of them may require money. 1) Having ACTIVE party and VIP will help a LOT. Getting ahead with leveling makes you stronger than others thus increasing possibility of wining events=getting stronger gear and from that point its just starts to snowball (example Rampage/Squadron got 5rr while 90% of playerbase were 3rr or less and basically steamrolled all events). Although VIP (15% xp) is great boost , BUT still ACTIVE party is most important thing in getting ahead. 2) Having self-sufficient class, for example SMG- great for Goldens/Arena/CC/etc, will help you get TON of credits very easily. There are classes that excel at one particular event , but if you want maximum profit you have to choose one that can do many things. 3) Although first two points are most important,but still I have to mention so called ''Whales''. I have seen people donate 40$ and get full set +DD+HP+11 without any effort, while for average Joe it might take whole month. I can understand frustration if someone swipes his MASTERCARD and gets something you farmed/worked towards for a long time. As I said this point is controversial - you can''t get any uber items but you definitely can skip the grind for gear. What I would do now if we went back in time on server start: get active 5-man party and VIP for 2 weeks, those 20$ should be enough to keep you competitive if you put in effort and time.
    9. trololo

      DS 3 rework

      Rework pls this ds 3 coz its rly no rentable spots, from first to last min u have alltime atlans1 monsters, that its little better like devias. After 15 min bettwen atlans first monsters u have spawn 1-2 Devil, 1 Great Bahamut, 1 Lizard. In last 5 min u have +1 Silver Valkyrie and+1 Hydra
    10. Hello, based on this topic (https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3372-inflation-zen-losing-value/) we've come with a dedicated place to build upon your ideas together! As most of you would incline for different variations of the same Moss idea, then let it be a Moss, and we can build it together. I will first let you know how it will work and from there we can brain-storm together to have a final Moss to be implemented. A Moss Gambler will be spawned x times per day / 1 time per day / x times per week, etc. at static hour(s) / dynamic hour(s) in Elbeland. For 3 / 5 / 10 minutes people will be able to access it. It will contain 2 / 3 / 4 categories of gambling, each one giving specific characters weapons / set items / both and extra consumables / jewels / etc. on each category. Items will be from lowest tiers up to highest tiers based on current stage (for example, now would be maximum bok+5 item). Items will be both non excellent and excellent with random chances for luck/add/level, etc. A gamble will take 30kk / 50kk / 80kk / 100kk / 150kk Zen (based on chances/kind of items, etc., as we agree). So, this is the initial data that we can work with, so bring up your suggestions matching this examples of data, and let's choose the best options together. Cheers!
    11. It seems that there is too much Zen available in server economy. Can we give zen some value? Maybe something really expensive in shop, or Chaos machine combinations price increase, or more zen required for reset?
    12. This interview is about Zutto, one of the best Blade Knight player that OldSquad ever had, I am trying to get this interview since Phoenix, and I finally got it. Probably we have different active time hours since I am "hunting" him down for months. So let's hear what this nice guy has to say: Reporter: " You are the first player on Hall of Fame, Arena Tournament, and Castle Siege rankings, most of the players say that you are one of the best Blade Knight player that was seen on OldSquad , Congratulations!!! " Reporter: " How did you manage to achieve that fast so many hall of fame trophies? Can you reveal us "the secret"? " Zutto: "Thanks, I try to only aim for the "pvp"... trophies, so not a lot of work really . Isn't really any secret behind it, I mean ..Play a class you like and stick with it. " Reporter: " Do you have a permanent party ? How many members (real players ) does it have? Can you name them?" Zutto: "I do have a perma, and I am so happy for it. 5 members: "Boyager, Oklahoma, Trippy and FkinGCunT " Reporter: " Can you tell us a short story about how you guys got together?" Zutto: "Ohh, feels like ages ago, and to be honest I don't remember the whole story. I started Oldsquad a few years back now, alone, not knowing anyone on the server. I think i played with DEADCATS back then, but somehow I met up with Squadron, and they adopted me like a stray kitten , ever since then I've been playing with them." Reporter: "How much time do you spend/day playing mu OldSquad (average)? " Zutto: " I would say about 4 h - ish." Reporter :"When did you started to play Mu Online? " Zutto: "I started on wigle, back in 2003? Miss those times " Reporter : "How you found OldSquad ?" Zutto: "Searched on top 100 mu servers and it came up around 2017. " Reporter :"What nicknames you had in past?"" Zutto: "Always Zutto. " Reporter: "Do you have any VIP activated? You have this VIP since you started Inception?" Zutto: "Yes, I got VIP, used it since start. " Reporter: "What type of VIP and why? " Zutto: " Hunter, just because of higher exp bonus." Reporter: "But, do you think dealer is not good ? " Zutto : " Dealer is great actually, but I wanna squeez extra exp out " Reporter :"Because you are the best Blade Knight on the server to reset, can you reveal us a few tips about Blade Knight pvp build? Can you reveal your stats ?"(Zutto was first Blade Knight on reset rankings when I interviewed him). Zutto: "Tip I would give to practice your combo, get used to your atk speed and play with sound, I can't combo without sound , I wouldn't want to reveal my build, If still working on it myslef, I usually don't like high stats builds. " Reporter :"What advice would you give to a player playing on this server for the first time, what should he do to get to the top places? How he should build stats on Blade Knight on beginning ?" Zutto: "Try to find a stable party, it will be so much easier that way, then forget about going on top sets,try to go for a common easy one with good opt and as a BK, you have to find a build that suits your playstyle. " Reporter :"What strategy do you have for the future?" Zutto: "To keep what we doing now, farm Icarus and keep doing resets, and keep try help each other gear in the guild... and ofc keep RAMPAGE out of lot " Reporter :"Do you think there is a character in the game that can beat your BK in a 1 versus 1? Zutto: "There are for sure classes I fear, I tend to have problem with wizards and MGs, but any specific person right now, nope. It's still so early." Reporter:" Do you think Blade Knight has any weakness versus another character in player versus player?" Zutto :" Hmm, well, weakness would be I say that it takes more to be "good" at BK compared to some other classes, we usually don't out dmg we outlast battles." Reporter :"You are number one Blade Knight in our reset rankings and your permanent party is divided into the top, FKingCunt and Trippy are close to you but Voyager and Oklahoma were left behind, what happened? Zutto: "Yeah, we had a rough start, Oklahoma and Voy keept dying, loosing time at spot, so they fell behind, we decided to hammer without them, reset solo etc. Isn't really good, Oklahoma and Voy would have a hard time ... " Reporter: "They were not enough active? " Zutto: " To catch up with us, we try to cover each other, but sometimes it ain't possible, but from now on, I think we aim to reset together " Reporter: " You learned from the other party this lesson? If I remember right you over passed them since resets started but always you were left behind" Zutto: " We always knew we can't catch them, it was just lucky for a short moment " Reporter: "Are they not catchable? " Zutto : " For us, at least, we ain't as active as them , they got good team to cover most of the day." Reporter: " Some players say it's impossible to have so much successful combos, they say that you use macro or some softwares to help you. How do you comment on these statements?" Zutto: "This one I heard pretty much everyday for one that never plays BK it might be hard to land combos, but at the atk speed we are talking about it is a child play, it's 3 buttons " Reporter: "What happened to the other two top parties, why they left Squadron? Is it true that they were expelled because they were selfish? " Zutto: "Well, I try to stay out of things like this, I will call them red and mafy party, mafy left because red party left, they been friends for ages and wanted to play together, Red and his friends in my opinion wasn't playing as guild. " Reporter: "So, they were selfish?" Zutto :" To me, you cannot KS guild members on Invasion's, It's called helping." Reporter: That's bad, they KS own guild? " Zutto : " I mean, if you can't accept others helping to kill golden's and you don't want to follow simple rules we have, It's not going to work out, and it didn't. We share everything, we don't sell, I am not saying they refused to share stuff but it was always with an attitude... Even tough, they did help us a lot but I think actually was good in the end, now we have more competition on the server." Reporter :" Does Squadron have an enemy guild?" Zutto: " No, not yet I would say. But that might change later on " Reporter: " What about RAMPAGE, because the guild's founders were expelled from the Squadron, aren't they your enemies?" Zutto: "I wouldn't say it's an enemy guild, not in my eyes at least, it's competition " Reporter :" Do you think Squadron has the power to defeat any guild at Castle Siege this week?"" Zutto: " At the current state, yes. But that could change in few days, Rampage already made some big changes, and yeah, I think they are a new guild with a lot of new people that needs to learn play in a team. And I don't think that they prepared for this CS, they didn't really had any people for switches" Reporter: "So they are Noobs ?" Zutto: " Maybe they thought they could win like that or they just didn't had the right people tonight." Reporter: " They were close at start, what made the difference? What strategy did Squadron adapted when you saw that you are losing?" Zutto : " Someone em.....Boyager was telling us to kill "Rampage", we are still trying to find that player named "Rampage" Strategy changed a bit during the game, we noticed how weak their "stampers" were, so was easy for just a few players to pick them off, while others focused on RedBuLL , then the typical: stack on switches, etc." Reporter :" Does Squadron guild have rules related to drop, invasion, sharing/selling things, etc. ?" Zutto: "We try to keep everything inside guild, 90% of the stuff is given away free or for a small symbolic fee, but it's quite simple : you help guild out, give items and items shall be given back " Reporter: "Why you do not have wings level 2 yet? Zutto: " Just my luck, always late for wings level 2. We have a few wings lvl 2 but no bk so far " Reporter :" Do you read the News Paper ? " Zutto: " I do, and keep hearing voices " Reporter: "You are Zutto from Phoenix server, right?" Zutto : " That's right." Reporter : "Have you read the Castle is Cursed chapters?" Zutto: "Yes, I did. " Reporter :"Do you believe in superstitions? Do you think that the Castle is Cursed?" Zutto: "Greed can do a lot to a man, but I am not sure if I can call it a curse yet. If it's a curse, we will break it ! " Reporter :"But have you seen what happened to the guilds that held the castle? If it is not the "curse" (which can be defined by greed, selfishness and pride), what could it be to destroy the most of the guilds in that way?" Zutto: " That's a good question, and I'm not sure what else it could be just yet, if it truly is cursed ... We will find out soon, won't we?" Reporter:" So, you do believe in the Curse, so your guild is searching for antidote?" Zutto :" I'm not gonna jinx anything, but time will tell" Reporter :"What do you suggest to improve on NewsPaper?" Zutto: "I think someone mentioned it before, maybe. It was in last one? I can't remember but drama is always fun to read " Reporter: "But always is drama, server starts too soon and ends too early" Zutto : "What do you mean?" Reporter : "I mean servers are not long time playable anymore but never mind it is my thinking ^^, let's move on" Reporter: "On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you like this server?" Zutto: "I would put it as an 8, always are ways for improvement " Reporter:" Like? " Zutto :" Biggest one is version, Admin spoke briefly about it before, but I think it's time to move on, older versions sure has its charm, but to go bigger we need something new." Reporter :"If you could ask ADMIN any questions, what would be the most important ones that comes through your mind ? " Zutto: "Free Chuk , No but seriously... What are your plans right now if your got any to work out the speed issue classes are having? " This was Zutto's interview, a nice guy, a top Blade Knight player (probably the best that OldSquad ever had). Thank you, Zutto, for time and patience, good luck!
    13. Hello OldSquaders, Today at around 18:00-18:30 we'll be performing a full maintenance on our systems. Both Inception & Phoenix will be down from 30 minutes up to 2 hours. Most probably reconnect will not work so make sure to be online in the evening to relog! In order to try to combat the delays, we're applying the only things left that can be done on our side: - Tweaked & optimised most of our scripts. - Updated all of our system softwares to latest versions. - Changed the psyhical processor (CPU) to a better one. - Reduced the tickrate of the gameserver. If after all of this measures delays are not over we have to think how to implement a second sub-server without affecting (too much) the overall gameplay. This is confirmed by our devs, but we're trying everything else with hope that it can be fixed without such measure. Basically, we have too many players (and, more important, actions/second) for a single sub-server to handle them smoothly, but sadly not enough for a healthy 2 sub-servers concept. That's why you're having much better performance on both Server20 (crywolf/valley) and on Test-Server, even though they are both on the same machine and same settings/scripts. Let's hope for the best. Except of the maintenance & the already-told measures, we've been working on the new (bigger) patch. Changelog can be found here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3365-patch-3420-02102019/ We had more features to release but they're not ready yet, and maintenance was settled, but we'll try to release them asap, hopefully at the end of the week. Things like Non-English warn system between players, a full FAQ with most common questions we receive, CC kills & wins, BC wins, etc. Also, the first edition of OSGM is starting from tomorrow! More info: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3364-osgm-1/ #MakeMUGreatAgain!
    14. Last week it seemed rather monotonous, like it resembled its previous week, and the long-awaited Castle Siege has finally arrived. And guess what? Squadron led by Voyager won easily, as in the previous week, without any guild, like Assasins or LegendS, daring to even try to fight such a force. Also, on Sunday things seemed quiet, and I say they seemed quiet because they hid a storm inside the most appreciated and respected guild on the server, all players without guild dreamed to get there, or if not in the main guild at least in the secondary guild, Squadron even recruited a few players in this secondary guild (Addicted ) and the other guilds seemed afraid to try to shake off this force that has dominated the server since its first week of life. So it is Sunday, in the air is a silence that announces nothing special, this silence haunts the server that seemed asleep and that nothing spectacular can happen, and yet a light breeze announces a horrific scandal that shakes this legendary guild called Squadron from the ground and the first signs be seen in the top 10. I was just checking this top when I saw that two of the five heroes leading reset ranking were out of Squadron : the first Summoner on the server (RuSuLeTzZz) and the first elf (Sparkle) had no guild. Within few hours all the members of this party were out of Squadron. I tried to investigate, to find out what happened, but all I could find out was that they were expelled because of internal fights. Some questions started to appear : The real reason they were expelled by Voyager is because they were selfish? Or did they come out because they believed themselves superior? They have not been seen in the Valley of Loren at any castle siege so far and darkyo has remained outside the Squadron for a long time at server start. After only one day, a new guild was born, or better said reborn because I have seen this guild name in the past on this server. Guild name is RAMPAGE and the master is the first Dark Lord on the server, RedBuLL. Another day or two passed and another five of the top 10 members(mafy, Ganacci, WhiteBK, Fatman and Trompeta) left inside, have been excluded from this guild that holds the supremacy of the server. Were they also excluded by Voyager? Or they left Squadron to join their friends in RAMPAGE guild ? But if they gave up the Squadron to join RAMPAGE, why didn't they join this guild yet? RAMPAGE already looks like a strong guild (it's number one in the top guilds) but if these 5 heroes join, the balance would lean in their favor. As for the Assassins, what I don't understand is that although they have very active players like KAMA3 , DIEEEEEE or UbivAshKa, who kill the golden's as if they had a spot with them, they have not yet actively participated in the Castle Siege. Was it because Land of Trial had no value until now? Or because they don't have enough active members? Legends seem to be stable but without great ambitions, probably building in the medium or long term because they have not been, until now, seen as a guild that has the courage to fight for supremacy. Another question comes to my mind, Shinigami is an alt ? He is very active in invasions and if he does not have a guild so far, it is probably because he wants to do everything by himself or because it is an alt!? Judging by the signs, Squadron seems to be struggling hard with the curse and remaining without 10 top players will have problems defending the castle this week, IF any of the 3 guilds mentioned above will have the courage to face them.
    15. It seems that jwl drop rate is very high. Haven't participated in any event and been playing afk all the time, but i easily managed to get a ton of jwls only from leveling. Not sure in the middle and late stages of the server how many you need, but having a lower drop rate i think would be more fun.
    16. Hello. As a player who played OldSquad all editions since the past 3 years, I would like to know what is the current hardware state of the server and its internet connection. It is more than clear we have more people than all other editions and the quality of the server at all is good BUT it is kinda laggy and sometimes it is getting even worst (spikes and moving your hero forward/backward non stop and you have to warp back so you can actually move, otherwise you are catched in a funny loop). Will be there any improvement of the machine which is running the server or the internet connection? Also this affects one of the best spells and probably the best spell of DL's - Chaotic Desier. I have tested in Main server and in CS Server (server 20) and in Main server you can't use this spell cause of the lag and it doesn't hit at all which is gamebreaking for DL's. On other side I have tested it in Test realm and there is work as well like in Server 20. In the end I believe I am not the only one who is facing this lags in the server and wishes everything to be fixed as soon as possible. Can @ADMIN gives us any information about all this stuff? Regards, Martin
    17. As you probably already expected, when you saw the title of this article, this is the first chapter in the history of the top guilds fighting for Inception supremacy. That being said, let me tell you what has happened so far since Inception started : Squadron guild easily took the first castle siege and relaxed, the main party members didn't even show their views inside Valey of Loren at this first siege. I have asked here and there and this is what I heard: some people say that they aren't actually inside guild since darkyo didn't joined Squadron yet, these voices say that they are selfish and full of experience, knowing that no guild on the server will even be able to scratch the force that Squadron has, they have remained relaxed on the spot, especially since Land of Trial has no value at this time. Other gossips and rumors say that the second party in this guild is nothing worse, being selfish and not expecting members of the same party after giving reset, just to reach the others from the top, even if they are from the same guild. But always all the jealous mouths speak evil of the powerful and it is clear that the Squadron can only be defeated by being caught on the wrong foot, otherwise the only chance is for the Assassins and Legends guilds to unite. Saying these I reach, and I agree with the Chukundah who said in the previous article that any guild is likely to recover the not-so-big difference between the Squadron and the others. Assassins are doing well, they are already climbing to the most important top rankings and are becoming stronger, but I do not believe the whispers that are heard and I do not think that Legends and Assassins are thinking of uniting, from what I know. Although fewer in number than Squadron, they are very well organized and very active, some whispers I have caught flying say that some of them are truck drivers, and that they play remotely from tablets or directly from laptops, so, they are active, united and experienced "old" players on OldSquad, all they have to do is continue to ambitiously climb to the top and they will be serious competitors for Squadron. PRiME guild kept its core from Phoenix, but had a slow start, we will see how it will evolve in the near future. Latin and TheRiper guilds are newly formed and, as you can see, they started having reset players. These are good signs that show that they will strengthen and that they will probably have a word to say in the battle for the server supremacy. Related to the guild LegendS, I can say that at this Castle Siege came 3 or 4 players, who probably got bored and tried some little "pvp fun", but without having any hope that they could take the castle from the hands of the Squadron. I heard rumors that they have players in the guild with a lot of experience, I think this guild has a healthy start and that we will hear from them for a long time from now on and that they have the opportunity to recruit and develop the top players. Immortal guild seems to have missed the start but grows steadily and surely, it is the first server they play from the beginning so they still have to learn, but I am confident that in the future they will fight the titans and will probably become one among the guilds that move the pieces on this chessboard called Castle Siege. I hope these guilds will reach Squadron's power, and I hope to see a permanent fight between at least three guilds with similar powers, and the best to join the laurels of victory and the riches of the land of trials. Regarding The Curse, so far, the following questions are seeking answers, which surely time will gradually reveal to us: Will this arrogance not shake Squadron from the ground? Do these brave warriors not invoke the curse of the castle thinking they can defeat it? Are they sufficiently united? Does Voyager have the antidote?
    18. Hello again, This interview is a about RedBuLL, he is the first player to achieve the most desired thing at the moment on Inception, the first Reset! This interview had two sessions, so if some questions doesn't seem up to date that is the main reason and I think I could talk to him endlessly . Reporter: " You are the first player to get a reset on Inception server. Congratulations!!! " RedBuLL : " Thanks, mate! You should also congratulate Makiavelli and Rusuletz. They were almost all the time online. " Reporter: " How did you manage to achieve this first reset, can you reveal us "the secret"? " RedBuLL : "Its not a big deal. I play with 4 good and old players of this server. We make a good team. And it's not about me, it's about all the party. I was the 1st player because I was the most inactive from the party haha. " Reporter : "Did you expect, a week ago when you started playing, you to get the first place and to be the first to reset ? " RedBuLL : "I was expecting to be in top 10 because, as I said, I play with Makiavelli in party 😂 😂 " Reporter: " So, you have a permanent party ... How many members (real players ) does it have? Can you name them?" RedBuLL : "My mates are Rusuletz, Makiavelli, Sparkle and Darkyo. " Reporter : " So, five individual players, no alts in party?" RedBuLL : "Yes, we didn't used alts, just when some of us were off for rr " Reporter : "Can you reveal the names of those alts from your permanent party ?" RedBuLL: " Clemence is mine, but I can't reveal you their alts. Ask them if youu want to know .They are nice guys, so you might get an answer." Reporter: " Can you tell us a short story about how you guys got together?" RedBuLL : " The first time when I heard a new server will start, I talked to Makiavelli, I asked him if will play, he said yes and he told me that we will going to play with some old friends of him: darkyo, No1L1v3r and I don't remember the other name atm. , anyway ...those friends of him didn't joined, except darkyo, so in the day before server start we wanted to join Sparkle and weew , they already wanted to play with us but in the last day before server start, Rusuletz contacted me and asked if he can join my permanent party , I said yes and here comes the fifth member. Me , Rusuletz and Makiavelli already played in same permanent party on last NonReset server, but me, Maki and Sparkle played mu since 97d season on same server, we had known each other for many years ." Reporter: " You was ranked as number one for at least 4 days in a row, you did the first reset on the server, then you were overtaken by FKinGCunT, Trippy and Zutto. What happened? " RedBuLL : "I was waiting my mates to get rr. We wanted to stay at the same lvl, to enter in the same ds/bc. darkyo was 1 or 2 lvl behind me , so we had to step back and wait. " Reporter: " So you sacrificed the first places in the top to wait for your friends, why do you think the others did not do the same as you? RedBuLL : " Yes we are a team and I don't want to be somewhere I don't belong. That place is for Makiavelli, and I think the gap between them and the others from perma was much higher then ours, and they knew that their friends will rr in the night and they cannot be online at that hour (my opinion... I don't know for sure)." Reporter: "How much time do you spend/day playing mu OldSquad (average)? " RedBuLL :"I work 2 days and 2 days I'm free. So when I'm free I spend 4-5 hours maybe at pc, but to be honest, at this beginning I spent more than that." Reporter :"What about the members of your party? Did you had any "dead" moments (times when no one was in a permanent party) this week?" RedBuLL :"Yes, in one of the nights, after returning from 12 hours of work, I had to be on guard, after taking over the reins of the party, at no 30 minutes I fell asleep 😂😂 a few hours later Makiavelli woke up and found all the characters in safe areas " ....But dead moments except that are maximum 2 hours/day. " Reporter :"When did you started to play Mu Online? " RedBuLL : "I play mu from 2003 or 2004, in any case the first db of former mudex. In 2007 I purchased a PC that, maybe you can not believe, but did not go without mu if we do not put the mu at least in the bar, it blocks in about 30min. This is why I was forced to play mu without wanting it " Reporter : "How you found OldSquad ?" RedBuLL :"I searched Google for mu servers, and after I entered on OldSquad also found Psyke with whom I also know in reality life...So I stayed to play this srv. " Reporter : "When did you started to play Mu OldSquad?" RedBuLL :"In springtime of 2016." Reporter :"What nicknames you had in past?"" RedBuLL :"I started to play with MuMaster on mudex, and after few years I switched to this one. On Pheonix I was Endorphin and other nicks for alts were Clemence and SunShine. " Reporter: "Do you have any VIP activated? You have this VIP since you started Inception?" RedBuLL :"Yes, all from our party got hunter vip from 1st day. " Reporter :"Because you are the first player on the server to reset, can you reveal us a few tips about DarkLord starting build? Can you reveal your stats ?" RedBuLL :"Yes, I'm ene dl. This is all I can say.(If someone got critical dmg I want to buy). 😂😂 " Reporter :"What advice would you give to a player playing on this server for the first time, what should he do to get to the top places?" RedBuLL :"He should be friend with Makiavelli, not with Psyke " Reporter :"What strategy do you have for the future?" RedBuLL : "We can't reveal something that we don't know 😂 😂 " Reporter :"Do you have any enemies in game? " RedBuLL :"No, I don't have enemies(except Psyke, ofc). " Reporter: "Did you had any in past ?" RedBuLL :" No, I didn't. Of course, I may have quarreled with some people sometimes, but I didn't hold the hatred against them." Reporter :" Which is your favorite character in game ?" RedBuLL :"BK, for sure, but Zutto didn't quit yet, so I made DL. " Reporter :"And why not play BK?" RedBuLL :"Because he is too good. I didn't beat him yet as bk. Maybe this is my chance. @Admin pls make DL stronger haha " Reporter :"Who is the player, or players, which you dislike the most, in this server ?" RedBuLL :"I can't say that about no one. I dislike just when someone is using bad language. These guys should be banned. Not just to get warns. " Reporter :"I see that you and your party members are in Squadron guild, how did you managed to get in ?" RedBuLL :"I am playing with them from NonRR srv, 2 DBs ago. Rusuletz and Makiavelli were also in this guild. " Reporter: "From what I see, there are many players with different personalities in the Squadron, have you had any conflicts in the guild?" RedBuLL :" Yes, I had a conflict with Twoochecks, about a very good item. He doesn't play now, but probably he will play at many CS. (We didn't insult ourselves, just because each one had different opinions)." Reporter :" Does Squadron have an enemy guild?" RedBuLL :" Maybe GROM, it was the only one." Reporter :"As you can see, there are several guilds registered, but none of them have reset players(yet), except Squadron, do you think you will have a fight?" RedBuLL : "I don't know. If will not gathering many players on and up for CS we can have problems. " Reporter :" Does Squadron guild have rules related to drop, invasion, sharing/selling things, etc. ?" RedBuLL :"We currently do not have any rule written on our discord channel, but we usually give free items or charge a symbolic fee.Regarding the lot we usually do not sell outside the guild until most have finished sets. " Reporter :" Do you read the News Paper? " RedBuLL :"Yes , I read all the news. Are you a real journalist? Every article is amazing. " Reporter : " Thank you, I am not a real journalist, I discovered this side of mine here on OldSquad, I will tell you a short story about how i got this "job" : When I read the announcement about the Reporter project, many ideas came to my mind and I said to try (although I tried after a few weeks after seeing the announcement), Gion contacted me the next day, I had some kind of interview of engagement with him and with Admin, where I shared my ideas which, with Gion's help, I managed to write these articles you see in NewsPaper." Reporter :"I do not want to bore readers too much with details about me and my job so we can continue the interview, of course if you please. " RedBuLL : "Sure, ty for answer." Reporter :" Did you play on the Phoenix server? " RedBuLL :" As I said when you asked me about nicknames, yes I played with a bk, Endorphin" Reporter : "Have you read the Castle is Cursed chapters?" RedBuLL :"I read all the articles😄:" Reporter :"Do you believe in superstitions? Do you think that the Castle is Cursed?" RedBuLL : " No, I don't believe this. " Reporter :"But did you see what happened to the guilds that held the castle? If it is not the "curse" (which can be defined by greed, selfishness and pride) what could it be to destroy the most of the guilds in that way?" RedBuLL :"I think the sale of very good items outside the guild creates some internal conflicts." Reporter :" Do you think that after the ancient items will appear in the Land of Trial and the Squadron will be the owner of the Land of Trial, will there be battles inside the guild?" RedBuLL :"Maybe, I can't say no or all the ppl will be happy, but we are not at first DB together and we share almost all items. And about me, if someone need an item from me, I'll give it with pleasure, no doubt." Reporter :"What do you suggest to improve on NewsPaper?" RedBuLL : You should make a topic Gossip girl, where to post rumors and gossip. " Reporter : "This is a nice idea, I will think about it Ty for Tip " Reporter: "On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you like this server?" RedBuLL :" 8 " Reporter :"What do you like the most in our server, and what you dislike? " RedBuLL :"I like that these exp steps have been set so that the top ones do not go too far and in everything the admin did on the server. It was somewhat innovative. " Reporter :"If you could ask ADMIN any questions, what would be the most important ones that comes through your mind ? " RedBuLL :" Admin, when season 14 will be released?" Thank you for time and for answers, and I wish u good luck ! As you would expect and as I've already gotten used to on the Phoenix server, this is the first of many interviews I plan to take on players who have a major impact on the server's life and come to light like the sun's rays at sunrise.
    19. Hello OldSquaders, First week of Inception is almost done, we already have our first players with reset from each class, but game didn't even fully started, as you currently have access to only like 30-40% of server content. It's a long and fun journey, that nobody should miss, and there are high chances for any newbie (especially in first month) to recover pretty easily due to our stages, and the way exp works on them. Inception reached the highest number of players (not chars) online in first week out of all of our projects until now - 350+ real players. But this can be pushed out even harder until the end of first month (when usually the record is set, based on previous editions). We've done our job, with hard marketing campaigns in order to assure a healthy start in terms of numbers. Now it's more on you to continue the push! Due to that, we're running a Referral Week, more exactly 10 days, starting from today until next Monday. The following (permanent) changes are done to Referral System: Credits per referral raised from 300 to 350. Resets needed for the referred player in order for the referrer to have the reward reduced from 15 resets to 10 resets. The following change is done until next Monday: Requirements for referring players is down to 0 resets and level 100 from 2 resets and level 200. That means, from now until next Monday everyone (with at least level 100) can invite friends or strangers to join Inception, instead of only 2rr+ persons. What you have to do is to ask your friends/strangers to write your character name on Referral field on registration. When they reach 10 resets you will earn 350 credits for each referred user. You can get referrals from any kind of places like skype, facebook groups, etc. Cheers!
    20. Hello everyone, A few days have passed since Inception "Back to Origins" started, and, as you can see, we already have 500 + online players , but taking a single look at the rankings, Squadron guild dominates this server start, a start that seems to be pretty hard, because Icarus is a map that only players with reset will be able to fill, and the wings level 2 will not appear on the server too soon ... That means even more fun for the top players who are trying hard to reach the top ranks. As for the guilds, as I said, the legendary guild Squadron, led by Voyager, has the fastest "ranking climbers" and the most active players on server, until now, this guild has taught us over time that it can reborn from its own dust like a Phoenix and that at any time it can fight with the top guilds. In past databases, Squadron was the only guild to rise and face GROM (another legendary guild that dominated the server in the past). Now with GR0M banned from the server, will be there a guild to rise and face Squadron? Will we see enough brave fighters to stand in their way? As far as I see, maybe LegendS or Templars, but if they will not start recruiting the guildless players from our top I don't see any chance for them , because, honestly, those guilds look good, but they need more power if they want to kick Squadron or even scratch them at the next castle sieges. Squadron seems united, I think they developed a good strategy on this start because I see in this guild top 10 players on our ranking, in top 20 they have 3 permanent parties and many names that already are legends in OldSquad history, one of them being ProtoType, a great leader who led a guild that measured its forces with the titans of the server. This guild name was DEADCATS, and despite the name, it was very "alive" and very powerful. Talking about top guilds, I was wondering what happened to NONE? (this guild was the best on Phoenix server and if I remember right, they said on forum that they will restart on this new data base), also some time ago there were rumors that another guild will come to light, MrChristians, Levis and Papi`s guild (used to be named Alliance on Max50 and defeated GROM with DEADCATS`s power boost after those guilds merged ) but what happened? Only false rumors it seems... I am waiting with interest to see what happens next, and I will let you know in next articles with the hope you will all enjoy The Newspaper.
    21. Goodmorning. I'm having a problem. When I try to connect to Inception server I get instant DC the moment I click on the server. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GQh6HCSn9KN7eUitnOjk2tgXaPElwAdO/view?usp=sharing I suspect it has something to do with having both accounts on /offattack. But in Phoenix if you had accounts with /offattack the 1st time you were about to put your username and password, it was saying "account already logged in" and actually you were dcing this account, if you tried a 2nd time entering everything would be fine. Also, if you tried to bypass the limit of available IPs in the beginning the small anti-hack window had a yellow color, notifing you, which in our case here doesn't happen, as you can clearly see here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uLzqFY_pt76NAjT7Lvo6LN8VW8t66UiP/view?usp=sharing So actually, I'm locked outside of my accounts if that's the case. Else, I dunno Some help please EDIT: Just adding that both my accounts have VIP enabled. (Dunno if that helps in investigation more but anyway)
    22. Hello OldSquaders & New comers, Less than 24 hours remained for the grand opening of our Inception (old Max30RR) server. Back to origins! The server will be launched officially tomorrow (Friday) at 19:00 GMT+3 (follow counter from website). You will be able to make sure that client works, make parties, etc. The MOBS will spawn at 20:00 GMT+3 (after 1 hour). We're very excited and we hope that everything will be fine for you to enjoy! You still have time to gather strong teams as what is coming will be pretty hard alone! Let's show to the MU Online community once again what real quality truly means! So, share the news to your friends, families, pets, strangers and gather on the start day to conquer once again the OldSquad World! Important Info: !!!! Don't forget to choose the 'Inception' Server when you are logging on site, else you will be logged on Phoenix and you will be able to use the Phoenix services/options instead of Inception !!! In order to use the SITE FUNCTIONS you need to ACTIVATE your ACCOUNT on EMAIL! (It takes 1-5 minutes to be sent). Energy Elves are removed from gameplay - they are useless on Server 1! Hybrid AE's with AGI+ENE can be good support for CS/Balgass - where buffs are decent. You can make DL, MG, RF from level 1 since server starts if you get VIP. Only Dealer/Hunter available until Stage 2 - 10rr - when PRO will be available as well. You have access to OFF-Attack for up to 5 hours. VIP is boosting its duration/it adds auto-pick. Goldens from invasions will be released progressively, so they won't kill you on spots at start. Only BoK1/Budges at start. Test server is still online and will remain online even after Inception start, so you can test anything anytime you want. You can warp from SITE if you are PK - but it costs much more! 1st Castle Siege will be from first week (22 September - Sunday) but there will be no Ancients drops, no Senior, no Erohim, no LoT spots. You will play only to get used to our custom CS System and for fun + the advantage of being the Defenders on the 2nd CS (CS rewards are progressive, only at 3rd CS you will have ancients drops and at 4th CS Lord Mix). !!! NOTHING IS CONSIDERED ANTI-GAME ON CS! You can use any kind of strategies (ghosts,allies,etc.) but do it on your own RISK of getting bad reputation/enemies! We still encourage fair play but it's up to you! Make Sign of Lord great again! Keep in mind that Inception is running on a Mother-Kid system, where Inception is the mother and our 50RR server will be the kid, more info on Gameplay info. First season of 50RR as a kid will start in around 2.5-3 months, so first transfers on Inception after around 6 months. This is an 100% International Server, that means you MUST write in English ONLY on /post and Gens Chat. If you won't do this you can get Muted / Warned and even Banned! On first reset the EXP is linear (same % from level 1-350 at any level). But after 1st reset the exp is dynamic (lower % on lower levels, higher % on higher levels). This is made in order to balance the time spent on high levels vs the time spent on lower levels. So, if on 0rr exp is 100% for level 1-350, on 1+ resets you have like 30% on 0-50 levels, 80% 200-300, 120% 300-350, etc. Please don't forget that Inception is a truly HARD & PROGRESSIVE Server! Which means exp is low, drops are low, content is progressive and everything is achieved by PLAYING, especially active play. Also up to 60-70% of content is adjusted/custom so you REALLY need to read all of our info in order to have a good time. Make sure to invest jewels in early exc items from mobs / non exc items with high defence in order to progress! Also, we want to share you some of the important topics and info that you MUST read for a full experience here: Official Info Topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/993-inception-official-information-many-details-about-server/ Info about CREDITS: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1192-inception-info-about-credits/ Special / Hot Features: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2236-inception-special-hot-features-that-you-should-know/ Characters Info, Builds & Buffs Formulas: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2260-inception-characters-builds-info-buffs-formulas/ Server Rules: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1193-inception-server-rules/ Other info topics can be found on Inception's Info section! If you need any kind of assistance please contact us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/OldSquadMU - we will be there most of the time! OldSquad Team #MakeMUGreatAgain!
    23. Hello, The Public Test Server for Inception has been released! It is now online and it can be accessed from the same client that has been uploaded for Inception on downloads section: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1176-inception-downloads/ The documentation can be found here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3328-inception-test-server-commands/ Most of things are done, especially important things like chars, mobs, etc. There are still details to be tweaked/adjusted until the official release, so keep that in mind when playing on test-server. Also feel free to report anything you find wrong or any feedback you may have (it may not be on our list and can pass missed). Enjoy!
    24. Hello, OldSquaders ! The beginning of a new era, "Back to Origins" Inception is coming fast, so get ready for a lot of fun and action, save economies, buy a new mouse, clean your computers, call all your friends , prepare new coolers, sharp your fingers to get more click speed, get free days from job , make sure you have plenty of coffee because the start will be hard and it requires a lot of active time , of course if you want to fight for the Top. Some "voices" told me that you will have the best Reset Server you've ever played, there are rumors that some Old OldSquad Legendary Guilds are gathering their troops and permanent parties are already defined. If you want to get in top you should all have a permanent party before the server starts!! Inception is a hard style game play server, so prepare to fight for everything you want to get! If you want to be one of the top players, you need balls and a strong guild protection, so be sure you will find that as fast as you can, a "warm" place in a strong guild is hard to obtain, but not impossible. Also, be sure you read every detail about the new server on our forum. Having said that, I have nothing left but to promise you that, as Reporter, I will do everything in my power to animate the forum with news from the game and with news from spectacular events. PS: Do you think that The Castle Curse will continue on Inception?
    25. I'm curious how a good summoner PVP build would look like on max30 reset. How much str/agi/vit/ene and maybe options for items
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