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    [Interview] RuSuLeTzZz


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    RuSuLeTzZz is a top player in our community, he was ranked number 1 BK on main rankings, now he's ranked no 1 on Summoners top rankings due to the race change (with almost 1 reset in front of Chukundah )and, he also was a stage breaker on Inception, those are the main reasons he gets now in News Paper Hall of Fame. Also, be aware that the interview contains some explicit language. 

    Reporter : "Hello, RuSuLeTzZz! Welcome in The News Paper Hall of Fame! " 

    RuSuLeTzZz :" Hi, Thx." 

    Reporter: " Can you please give us a description of yourself? Name, age, occupation, etc. " 

    RuSuLeTzZz :"My name is Alexandru , 27 y.o , from " Calarasigeles ", Romania .  I'm a business manager for Vodafone Romania ( selling shit, get payed, repeat). I like to travel around the world ( I visited till' now like 8 countries or 9 , if you cont Hungaria as a country). I enjoy very much to watch football games from the stadiums ( got more than 100 stadiums that i visited till now) and from time to time , when I have some free time I enjoy to play MU online on Oldsquad. "  

    Reporter: " Ooooh, you are a soccer fan, what is your favorite team?"

    RuSuLeTzZz: " Dinamo Bucharest, of course.  Visit : https://www.programddb.ro/inrolare . It's a socios program that will help to save my beloved football club. You can search on google if you're interested about Dinamo Bucharest , about their achievements in sport ( Biggest sport club in Eastern Europe ), about their activities, pranks, etc."

    Reporter: " When did you start playing mu online? What nicknames you had in past? " 

    RuSuLeTzZz :"97d on Linkmania (an old Romanian server). I think I was like 13-14 y/o, only RuSuLeTzZz 😄 "  

    Reporter: "How did you find OldSquad?"

    RuSuLeTzZz :"Some ppl from the server where I used to play in past asked me to join here and.. here I am. " 

    Reporter: "Can you name them?" 

    RuSuLeTzZz:" To be honest, I don`t remember exactly ; i think my beloved friend, RedBuLL, was between them. "

    Reporter: "What do you think about this server and community?" 

    RuSuLeTzZz :" I liked it much more when there was GROM ;  but now it's also ok ; I like that there are a lot of active players here, a nice fight between 2-3  guilds at CS  . I`m worried about the problems with lag, with site, but I hope ADMIN will manage to fix it asap."  

    Reporter: "Do you have any VIP activated? Do you have this VIP since you started Phoenix?"

    RuSuLeTzZz :" Yes. I got pro VIP since 2nd break . On start I got the hunter VIP."   

    Reporter :"What advice would you give to a player playing on this server for the first time? What should he do to get to the top places?"

    RuSuLeTzZz :"There is no such thing as a advice.. activity is the key ."   

    Reporter: "Can you be a little more explicit?"

    RuSuLeTzZz :"Be active, go daily in CC, DS, BC, IT .. Try to get a permanent party , share items , share everything ... If you're greedy and can't play in team this game is not for you. :)" 

    Reporter: " Do you think that Old Squad has a really solid play to win concept?"

    RuSuLeTzZz:" Yes. A lot of players donated a tons of cash but they are really bad in game. No offence, of course. 😄"

    Reporter: "Do you think that an active player that doesn't spend money in game has any chance to climb on top?"

    RuSuLeTzZz :" Yea. In first 2 weeks 1 jwl of soul was equal with 100 credits. So.. with 10s you got vip 1 week. The inflation of credits was very hugee.. So activity > money. But if you got money and time.. it's way easier, of course."

    Reporter :" You started as a BladeKnight, you used to play pro that class and now you changed race to Summoner. Can you tell us why? " 

    RuSuLeTzZz :" I enjoyed to play BK on last version ( you can check my stats on CS on Phoenix and I played only for 4-5 CS) but on this version the power of the strMG  made me so mad and I was fucked (literally fucked) by all the StrMGs. So I return to my beloved char , SUMM :smile: . "   

    Reporter :" Do you have a permanent party? Can you tell us a few words about each member and a short story about how you guys met and got in a perma?" 

     RuSuLeTzZz :"I had a permanent party till few days ago when they retired. They get upset on me because I go for RR without them .. and things escalated quickly. I was with Cerberus, Airwaves, Morgana and Incubus in party.  I wanna thank them for their activity and the team-play. Was a really pleasure to play with them !  Now, I'm a lonely dog ( if you understand what I'm doing here :D)"

    Reporter: " What is the importance of a permanent party on the Old Squad? Is it as important as the rumors say? "The voices" tell me again that without a team or a permanent party you can't do much on the server. Are they speaking the truth?" 

    RuSuLeTzZz:" Yes, it's very hard to play competitive without a permanent party.  I always played with permanent party .. this will be a new server for me playing alone, without a pp"

    Reporter: "On Inception you had a different permanent party, what happened? Where are they now? " 

    RuSuLeTzZz :" Inv , brb... 

    Ok, let's continue, just raped some Squadrons at invasion"   

    Reporter: "Ok, so, on Inception you had a different permanent party, what happened? Why you are not with them anymore ? "

    RuSuLeTzZz :"They try something different.  I don`t want to offer details  :smile: "

    Reporter: " There are rumors that after you left game on Inception, Rampage started to tilt and to lose the fight for supremacy. How do you comment these rumors? " 

    RuSuLeTzZz :" Rumors are rumors. The RAMPAGE ally was very powerful and a lot of the players from that guild are now in HARDCORE. After I quit the server, I didn't look back.. So I don't know exactly what  happened after. I'm very happy with the actual guild , a lot of very nice guys , team-players and I think with them among us we'll manage to retake the CS and beat .exe guild, like we did in the first 2 weeks." 

    Reporter: "You , your perma party from Inception and few others were a part of Squadron guild. What happened? Why did you guys left and rebuild a new guild? "

    RuSuLeTzZz: "Their play style and mentality was different from ours.. and if I remembe well, with us in .exe guild there was no competition. That's all. P.s: Love you, Chukundah , my dirty, stinky friend!" 

    Reporter: "What was your role inside Rampage guild and what is your role, now, in Hardcore?"

    RuSuLeTzZz : " Player. A normal player like all of us. We're a group of friends that enjoy to play together." 

    Reporter : " There were rumors that you was a leader in Rampage and you still are in Hardcore. How do you comment that?" 

    RuSuLeTzZz : " As I said , we are a group of players that try to hold and manage the guild. There is no such things as a supreme leader inhere." 

    Reporter:" Is it true that you are one of the "voices" on Castle Siege for the guild ? What are your responsibilities during the siege?"

    RuSuLeTzZz :" I try to support my teammates as much as I can. Yes, sometimes I try to help with some opinions about the things on CS ." 

    Reporter:" Squadron beat you pretty badly last week, what do you think of the new alliance? Do you think you will win by rebuilding a new guild every time after a defeat?"

    RuSuLeTzZz :"Pretty bad? Come on .. it was a tough fight , we got a good strategy.. but unfortunately.. some of the players that already left the guild can`t understand English. That hurts ! We just kicked out the players that doesn't apply to our play style. That's all. All the respect for them , but there is no place inhere for that kind of players and we're really happy with our new guild mates; they are really strong , active and since now they are also team players. This is the type of players that we're looking for. With common sense, active and sport manlike."

    Reporter:" From what you told me so far there are several leaders, can you name the most important ones? Who makes the decisions in Hardcore?

    RuSuLeTzZz:" We take decision together as a guild. You can say that we're 25 leaders there."

    Reporter:" What is your opinion about Squadron? Is it no 1 enemy guild?"

    RuSuLeTzZz :" .exe guild is a strong guild , kinda enjoy to play against them. They got some good players like Zutto, Exilia and Support . What's sad about them is that they don`t know how to win. Trash talking without any sense.. till now we got 2-1 :) "

    Reporter:" So, do you think that you can win this Sunday?" 

    RuSuLeTzZz:" Of course. We'll try our best and I'm really confident that we'll rape their asses.  :smile:"

    Reporter: " There are rumors that Squadron did not put too much value on the castle so far, but when it started to be a big stake they won the castle. How do you comment on these rumors?" 

    RuSuLeTzZz: "Who the hell give you those rumors? The .exe guild itself? They  got f***d 2 weeks in a row .. we`ll get them f***d again. And again! Easy.. And.. can you ask me something else besides .exe guild? There are many other guilds, strong players on server.. Come on! ...

    ..or you're a .exe player?  This is the way I like to call them." 


    Reporter :" Why do you say that Squadron is .exe guild?"

    RuSuLeTzZz :" This is the way I like to call them . You speak about a lot of rumors.. but about the .exe guild's "tips and tricks" you never write something :)  .."

    Reporter: "So are you saying that Squadron players use helping programs? Are you saying they play dirty?" 

    RuSuLeTzZz :"It's just a supposition. I can't probate it. And not all, some of them ."

    Reporter : "Do you have any enemies in the game?" 

    RuSuLeTzZz:" Not really . I used to have some fights with my little candy addict, Chukundah. He's a funny guy with multiple personalities ( ADMIN caught him speaking about him from another account, LOL) .  And.. to be honest.. I really dislike a lot of players from * a certain place. They are just from another planet ( Yes, I said it, i don't regret it. Sorry, guys , nothing personal with that place..but there are a lot of dumb players) *. "

    Reporter:" Do you accept a challenge?" 

    RuSuLeTzZz :"Sure. Die my mother if I lie to you if I don`t accept it.😁"

    Reporter:" There will be several questions and I need details on each answer of yours. " 

    Reporter :" I need the names of the 3 players you respect the most in Squadron, the names of the 3 players you hate in Squadron, the names of the 3 players you respect the most on OldSquad and the names of the 3 you dislike the most on OldSquad"

    RuSuLeTzZz:" Suport, Colision and Exilla Because the interaction with them was always nice and smooth. 

    RuSuLeTzZz:" Oklahoma, Tripy and Boyager (because they exist and they are always carried by Zutto :))) )." 

    Reporter : "So, if you were the Squadron GM, you would've kicked those 3, right?

    RuSuLeTzZz:"No, they could've been my potions boys. Could carry mana pots for me." 

    Reporter:" Give us the names of the 3 you respect the most in Hardcore and the names of the 3 players you dislike from Hardcore, if you don't mind"

    RuSuLeTzZz:  " I respect all my guildmates . Can't choose out of them. I used to dislike  npyxa, gh0st  and the rest of their party when they were in our guild. Fucking *s can`t understand the word :"teamplay". "

    Reporter:" Give us the names of the 3 players you respect the most on OldSquad and the names of the 3 you dislike the most on OldSquad." 

    RuSuLeTzZz:" Collision (it's hard to support Chukundah for that long :smile:), Redbull ( he's a nice guy with a funny presence. He's 99% of time calm and that's something). Myself (because I can!), KAPPA" 

    Reporter:" Do you read the News Paper?" 

    RuSuLeTzZz :"Yes, but screw you and your newspaper :smile: you always write about Squadron and I started to not be interested in those topics. I think you`re a Squadron player or used to be, because you lick their asses too much :smile: Just a fair opinion, don`t take it personal. "

    Reporter :" But in past I was accused to be one of Rampage players, how do you comment that?"

    RuSuLeTzZz :"If you're not a Squadron player and you use to lick their asses like hell , you got some issues, bruh. That's all!"

    Reporter:" What would you improve on NewsPaper ?

    RuSuLeTzZz: " Diversity (and not that gay shit). Get some random topics with random ppl make it more entertaining and stop being a gossip pussy. There is a life after the gossips."

    Reporter: "If you could ask ADMIN any questions, what would be the most important ones that comes through your mind ?" 

    RuSuLeTzZz :" When the hell will you fix the servers issues :smile: ? "     

    Reporter: "Thank you very much for your time and for the honest answers! Wish you Good Luck and have fun on Phoenix #2! "

    This was the interview of RuSuLeTzZz, a funny and honest guy, who says what he thinks without the "curtain".

    Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment! 

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    Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment! 

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    cringe as hell , making me cut my self after i read that rusu is top player 😂

    the player that changes race 3 4 times every edition cause sucks whit all and copy paste all items / builds from everyone to try do something xdd

    worst interview i ever read

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    On 5/2/2020 at 2:04 PM, Reporter said:

    RuSuLeTzZz :" .exe guild is a strong guild , kinda enjoy to play against them. They got some good players like Zutto, Exilia and Support . What's sad about them is that they don`t know how to win. Trash talking without any sense.. till now we got 2-1 :) "

    Haha, pretty funny tho. You were beaten so hard that you couldn't even register in a proper way. Even Mafy go to help on switches which was hilarious. Also if we gonna play like this "2-1 for you" lets drag the Phoenix result which was 4:12 before I quit and who knows what was the result afterwards... :)))

    Teamplay? I don't know how teamplay and rusulets can be in one sentence... since you remember pretty much what was the reason you got kicked from Squadron and now trashtalking for us. Go to your beloved players and may be you can do something more for them :)

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    On 5/2/2020 at 12:04 PM, Reporter said:

    share items , share everything ... If you're greedy and can't play in team this game is not for you. :)" 


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    On 5/2/2020 at 12:04 PM, Reporter said:

    Who the hell give you those rumors? The .exe guild itself? They  got f***d 2 weeks in a row .. we`ll get them f***d again. And again! Easy.. And.. can you ask me something else besides .exe guild? There are many other guilds, strong players on server.. Come on! ...

    so many f***ks .. ouch !! is it hurting?

    On 5/2/2020 at 12:04 PM, Reporter said:

    Reporter:" So, do you think that you can win this Sunday?" 

    RuSuLeTzZz:" Of course. We'll try our best and I'm really confident that we'll rape their asses.  :smile:"

    how's ur  guild members ass? i bet its pretty stretched up and deeper ;D

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    Come on, Squadron (.exe guild) is s**t, we owned them, and yea atm they are on wave but they are dumb , they just won cause they are what they are, even @Reporter is a fan, imagine how is about OldSquad Staff...


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    7 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    Come on, Squadron (.exe guild) is shit, we owned them, and yea atm they are on wave but they are dumb , they just won cause they are what they are, even @Reporter is a fan, imagine how is about OldSquad Staff...


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    1 hour ago, Sparkle said:

    Come on, Squadron (.exe guild) is shit, we owned them, and yea atm they are on wave but they are dumb , they just won cause they are what they are, even @Reporter is a fan, imagine how is about OldSquad Staff...


    How and what exactly you have owned? Mafy died (I can't count the times even), your whole team get rapped and we registered always under 5 minutes (except one time where you handle the crown for around 7 min?). The only thing you did is to kill people but you did it chaotically - 0 focus, 0 tactic -> you were just raped literally. Oh I almost forgot, there is also one thing you are good at - crying all over about that ".exe" thingy which makes you poor. What we can call you all? A donators? You can't play this game without donating HUGE amount of money :) And sell the best stuff outside the guild? Enjoy being on the losing side forever, crap guild :)


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    On 5/2/2020 at 2:04 PM, Reporter said:

    RuSuLeTzZz:" Not really . I used to have some fights with my little candy addict, Chukundah. He's a funny guy with multiple personalities ( ADMIN caught him speaking about him from another account, LOL) .  And.. to be honest.. I really dislike a lot of players from * a certain place. They are just from another planet ( Yes, I said it, i don't regret it. Sorry, guys , nothing personal with that place..but there are a lot of dumb players) *. "

    Now , Isn't that funny? Btw Chuki still banned? I don't understand why..., If I would be Admin i would pay that guy to keep talking to himself on forum 🤣  @montana94 is one of that personalities that @RuSuLeTzZz is talking about ? 

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    Chukundaaaaaaa ahahahahha. Every db you do the same thing that is copy summoner builds from mufanz and globalmuonline forums, even though this server is set up diffrently.You think you are the best summoner, still every DB theres a better summoner than you :D  Rusu is 100 times a better player than you, you little twat 😆 Last db it was mafy now its Rusu. 
    You should stick to making up stories about people and making multiple accounts on forum to sustain your lies. I understand your parents showed you no love, I also understand that selling shoes for ZARA doesnt make you happy mr Al Bundy but man PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE STOP CRY :D :D :D DIE aint got nothing on you, you are the lamest player EVER to play this server, I`d rather play it with 15 year old`s. Come on tell me how I have no hair and im a fake doctor - ITS GONNA MAKE ME SO SAD MAN:D :D :D .Get a life you pathetic drug dealer, you need a few years from now on with your 2 amazing jobs to make what Rusu makes in a month :D 

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    On 5/10/2020 at 4:03 PM, Jawbreaker said:

    Teamplay? I don't know how teamplay and rusulets can be in one sentence... since you remember pretty much what was the reason you got kicked from Squadron and now trashtalking for us. Go to your beloved players and may be you can do something more for them :)

     Yea Jawbreaker, please teach RuSuLeTzZz a lil bit more about team play, like how to steal items from members accounts, as you did with Snajper .

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    4 hours ago, uask4it said:

    Get a life you pathetic drug dealer, you need a few years from now on with your 2 amazing jobs to make what Rusu makes in a month

     @uask4it  Did you mean underpants dealer?

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    better players than me because they get couple more kills in cs ? are in front of me in ranking? xd  i can also chase weaker players to farm kills instead focusing the important stuff and lose cs , im not that dumb like u all x)

    if im that lame how u all lose 1v1 , every cc , group fights? u all fall down , everyone see's it theres no point arguing on that XD , and now just did cc4 in case u didnt see the best summoner rusucrap got eliminated by lame chukundah , just like all other pvp fights ^^ , and dont worry u will be down more times like before like every pro player in ur guild xd
    dont understand why u lie to ur selfs and cant admit others are better just because u have so much hate ^^

    u all are just rats that came out of the sewer after 4 editions of this server being completing irrelevante , ur having the best times of ur MU time because GROM stop play and banned , but still u all are LAME as fuck ^^

    please , just stop , its already embarrasing , stay quiet , keep losing , go back to ur habitat dirty rats ^^ u all are 0 

    everyone has eyes ,  we all see u copy us every CS strategies , spamming profile clicks too see items and opt , creating alts to ask tips , is just sad

    u all know 0 about this game , u guys are just EXP BOTS ^^

     i respect only no1liveer . decent player 

    last thing , mentioning that rusu makes more Money than me is just stupid XD like i fucking care, and telling that i sell drugs ^^ , rather do it than using them like ur junkie ass face x) 

    dont expose other's life , is just a game u dumbass x)


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    PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE  STOP CRY :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Stupid children on keyboards foook me 

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    4 hours ago, uask4it said:

    PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE  STOP CRY :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Stupid children on keyboards foook me 

    dude ur 30years old, tell ur dad to remove ur keyboard and cancel ur internet ^^

    the way u talk and express ur self is the same as u say " stupid children" x)

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    Make new account now and say montana94 is right :D :D :D 

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    5 hours ago, Sparkle said:

     Yea Jawbreaker, please teach RuSuLeTzZz a lil bit more about team play, like how to steal items from members accounts, as you did with Snajper .

    I havent stole anything so dont mess my name with this. However your guild is the one that the members keep leaving and leaving and saying that "certain" guild leaders are selfish and selling outside of the guild. Something you did while you were in our guild, crying to me every day about every single situation. Why you keep posting about people's parents while your ones pays you the subscription to OldSquad and everything related in your life, you even admitted that?

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    I've never seen more self-satisfied people than in HARDCORE. They talk so much about their strength, about what kind of organized Guild they are, but in fact they only think about how not to lose the TOP, to always be at the top of the rating. Make a reset when you need to focus on getting items/events, try to dress people who can't afford to invest real money.

    I'm not saying that people who like to use third-party programs are better, but we all see that they are more organized in this regard

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