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    The Curse of Inception Episode 4


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    A great battle between the most important guilds on the server took place, PURGE and Diamond finally signed up on Saturday evening, so, I had the privilege of watching our warrior masters in action again.

    Hardcore started as defenders with a handicap of 2000 points, due to the fact that this great guild is undefeated, so far, and owns the castle for 3 consecutive weeks. They prepared the gates and statues again, in order to recover a little score , out of the -2000 handicap, they used mostly the same strategy that paid off for last week, all darklods on 1 switch, and on the other they put all the cannons. 

    Purge, the strongest attacking guild had an incredible performance in the first part of the siege, managing to keep the advantage and even increase it sometimes, they managed to conquer the castle very quickly in this first part, much better organized than last week, and all focused on victory.

    Diamond warriors also came to take part in this war and they didn't do it badly, they managed to register once, the beginning of the fight was a formidable one for them, in the first hour they had at least managed to accumulate ~ 1000 points and, also, registered once. 

    The battle was balanced in the first hour between all three guilds, followed by 30 minutes in which Diamond seemed to have lost their focus, the battle being largely between Purge and HARDCORE, but, sadly, only one single star is shining like a diamond in this small guild with big aspirations (Diamonds), that star is called Glowa and he manages to shine on the switch and to confuse both guilds when registering.

    We are approaching the last half hour and the balance is tilted in favor of PURGE, those from Diamond no longer seem to focus on the fight except for the "glowing" Glowa, the fight for the bottom switch was the fiercest, the crown on No1LiveEr's head starts to shake because Purge shows clarity, they are even faster when they return to the castle and register, but on the last 30 minutes Hardcore wakes up, recovers from the shock and starts to gather, they manage to approach Purge step by step and sometimes even to overtake them. There are 10 minutes left and they manage to take the lead, Purge seems demoralized, they start accusing Diamond of playing anti-game in favor of Hardcore, instead of focusing on taking the switches and everything falls apart for them.

    Diamond did a nice fight at the beginning and their major weakness was just another stamper, one like Glowa to be able to register more often, also HVMAN needs to take care of set or build cause he died few times and that is achile's heal for a guild. 

    Purge made 13223 points and received 4 free lord boxes, that's really good, thinking that Hardcore can have max 7 Lord Boxes. 

    As for the invincibles from HARDCORE, they keep the crown on No1LiveEr's head, hardly, but they have succeeded, this guild remained undefeated on Castle Siege and continue to hold the supremacy of Inception , they won the chance to do 7 lord box (if for those in Purge they were free, HC has to pay the price of 30b / 30s / 30jog and 1kkk zen per day) but they also benefit from the invaluable antiques that will fall at their feet for another 7 consecutive days, and will also benefit from the spot that will propel them to the top.

    Many questions arose as a result of this epic battle, but I will reveal only the most relevant ones: 

    Did Diamond really helped HARDCORE? They finished with 1800 points and if they did this they certainly didn't do it for free, giving up the remaining 700 points to get a Lord Box so what HARDCORE promised to them if the rumors that come from Purge are right? 

    The Next Castle Siege will probably be played in the exp stage, Purge will recover even more from the resets and HARDCORE will start with a disadvantage of 3500 points, will they be able to continue to keep the crown on No1LiveErs head? 

    Will FORMOZA actually come to fight? They didn't show up last Sunday, they don't want top items with 3 Opts? 

    Due to the fact that I heard many  "voices" from Purge saying that Diamond helped HARDCORE, I went in game to investigate and tried to obtain the answers for the questions that players can give, got in contact with HVMAN's party member  and No1LiveEr's and that is what I received

    Reporter : "Hello, guys (referring to HVAMAN's party) " 

    TaleSp1N :" Hello" 

    Reporter:" Did you helped HARDCORE last CS?" 

    TaleSp1N: "No, we didn't, we prefer Purge to win, but we won't help any team, everyone for himself ,we work hard to win for our self and we did  good! 

    Then I went to No1lveEr's party: 

    Reporter:" Hello, guys, how do you comment the rumors that Diamond helped you to win this fight?"

    RuSuLeTzZz : "If that rumor is true .. then the fact that Trippy stole from Collison ( his guild mate ) , Chukundah is a scammer and pk his guild mate Manyak , Oklahoma stole all items from Snajper .. are all false. Cheers!"

    Now I wait as a reply to this article the pro and contra arguments from PURGE, DIAMOND and HARDCORE, OR EVEN FORMZA!

    Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment! 

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    Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment! 

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    Hopping in just to "deny" such rumor that especially Glowa "helped" HARDCORE, just because I hate when people always try to find excuses when they lose instead of simply taking the lose and say GG.


    Last 9 minutes a lot of def points up, HARDCORE are attacking, PURGE are defenders, still Glowa is keeping the switch like a maniac, while Diamond tries to register at least one more time.

    Then let's look at total stamper time: 


    Glowa - 1679 seconds.
    1st from PURGE - 1023 seconds.
    1st from HARDCORE - 1108 seconds.

    Mathematically, if Glowa (Diamond) would help HARDCORE then Glowa would not have a single chance to have such stamp time only keeping switch 50% of the time, when HC would be defenders. Because both guilds were defenders 50% of time.

    For realistic people, you have the answer to at least one of the questions, rest are just excuses.

    Congrats to all 3 teams though, impressive fight.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    @RuSuLeTzZz i dont know If you are drunk or what reasson You have to trash talk me. But I have never Been involved in stealing any items. Never ever heard about itso If you have no idea what you talk about you better shut your mouth.

    @CollisionI’m sure he can confirm I never stole anything from him.

    I have some Screenshots from Diamond players chating  I will post them later.



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    @ADMINur post have no sense , they can play all CS by not doing "anti-game" , and last 30minutes when it really starts to matter alot , its when u want to do anti-game just by not keep the switches so much time as they do when they want certain guild to win.

    from what i saw all CS , since begin they didnt destroyed any gate or statue so far , played 1h.30m "decently" , then last 30m i saw the dirty game specially from Almighty in bottom switch and this cant be done unintentionally since he hold so perfectly the switch all the time while we tried to register , and never so "perfectly" when they was registering and i spent all the time in bot switching looking at who was holding it and how they played it to hold.

    i dont know if they it was really anti game or not , but from the 2hours ive played it , i pretty much felt that it was.

    Now an answer from ur tilting post towards us , maybe if u didnt fuck up the stun on battle master , maybe we would have won :) or not.

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    If your guild (again, not pointing to players, many of them never said anything) wasn't notorious for crying after each lose on past (see Phoenix where each CS there was an excuse when losing: sd pots, too much moving, handicap, etc. etc.) and then, when winning, suggesting them as "the best" and rest of guilds as "trash, no way to win, etc'", I wouldn't say anything now.

    Get good and learn to lose, stop looking for external factors to blame on. Respect to those of you that never said anything except of "GG", when losing, you're the real players.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    23 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

    see Phoenix where each CS there was an excuse when losing: sd pots, too much moving, etc. etc.


    "Respect to those of you that never said anything except of "GG"

    like first cs from nowhere mafy post " MONKEY CHUKUNDAH " ? 😅

    still waiting for a punish for hes insult , or hes special? @ADMIN

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    31 minutes ago, Chukundah said:


    "Respect to those of you that never said anything except of "GG"

    like first cs from nowhere mafy post " MONKEY CHUKUNDAH " ? 😅

    still waiting for a punish for hes insult , or hes special? @ADMIN

    Talking about your Guild.

    Where is the report you're talking about? Am I handling player reports or? You're a bit confused about my role here I guess.


    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    @ADMIN you're so cruel😂

    I always tell the truth, even when I lie.

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    33 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

    Where is the report you're talking about? Am I handling player reports or? You're a bit confused about my role here I guess.

    ur co-worker Gion was online same as u in that time that he said that , and as i far seen when some of u are online and ppl post some shit like that there is instant punish whitout needing to come on forum.

    why have u banned 0bito for him posting fuck this server? i though it wasnt ur role handling player report x)

    just some ppl here are more special than others , and ones more hated than others that u cant stand or want to listen, dnt bother typing the contrary because the way u answer to certain ppl and solve thing and accept things its clearly in the eyes of everyone whos not blind

    33 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

    You're a bit confused about my role here I guess.

    ur also a bit confused about whats going on in game to be coming posting and talking about what hapenned this cs, the last one , and whats been happening trough the days , because its not ur role , its reporter role.

    stick whit " ur role " that is updating server and making it better which u doing great , not being ironic

    also maybe next time u update something test it before u launch to not having "crying" players getting excuses that they lose cause of this or that

    So , ill be waiting for mafy mute :)

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    10 minutes ago, Chukundah said:

    ur co-worker Gion was online same as u in that time that he said that , and as i far seen when some of u are online and ppl post some shit like that there is instant punish whitout needing to come on forum.

    why have u banned 0bito for him posting fuck this server? i though it wasnt ur role handling player report x)

    just some ppl here are more special than others , and ones more hated than others that u cant stand or want to listen, dnt bother typing the contrary because the way u answer to certain ppl and solve thing and accept things its clearly in the eyes of everyone whos not blind

    ur also a bit confused about whats going on in game to be coming posting and talking about what hapenned this cs, the last one , and whats been happening trough the days , because its not ur role , its reporter role.

    stick whit " ur role " that is updating server and making it better which u doing great , not being ironic

    also maybe next time u update something test it before u launch to not having "crying" players getting excuses that they lose cause of this or that

    You should stop making you look worse than already, it's a shame.

    I never muted anyone, that's Gion's job. I don't care about your own fights with each-other, I care only about server / staff, so the moment someone trash server or us he's out, simply as that, and that are the only cases where I personally interact with players, except of hacking/bug-exploit, as Gion don't even have access to do what I do in such cases.

    It is nothing hidden that I like some people more than others and that I hate some people, this doesn't mean that I ever did something unfair.

    On almost every CS I am ONLINE for entire CS, and watch it either on stream or directly live, from all points of views from all guilds, just for my "PERSONAL FUN", I enjoy watching the fights. So be sure I'm not "confused", I see whatever you see, and even things you can't see.

    For people that never used "BM" stun before, asking me on private how it works (before the CS) or if they can test it on test-server, it is way too much to put this as an excuse. Yea, it was a bug, which everyone had it, so equal chances, nothing to cry for.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    6 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

    You should stop making you look worse than already, it's a shame.

    i love this one 🤡


    9 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

    So be sure I'm not "confused", I see whatever you see, and even things you can't see.

    for u to be posting just about glowa , for sure u didnt the same as me about other 2 players.


    10 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

    that's Gion's job

    it seems then that was hes day off in that particular hour to let it slip away one insult on post or maybe he just likes some more ppl as other as u do .

    to end this discussion, which tbh is worthless to be speaking whit you which i dislike pretty much , im sure u do as well , i hardly believe they ask for them to do anti-game , they dont need it , if they did , which for what i saw they did , it was cause they wanted and not cause HC asked to do it.

    so lets end it here  because tbh me looking good or bad doesnt seem that i care too much in case u didnt notice yet after so much time.
    so u can save ur old dusty typical expressions for someone else

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    1 minute ago, Chukundah said:

    for u to be posting just about glowa , for sure u didnt the same as me about other 2 players.

    Please re-read what I typed:


    Hopping in just to "deny" such rumor that especially Glowa "helped" HARDCORE

    The spam on post from your guild that "Glowa is helping HC" it's all I came to clarify about. I didn't mention other names, that's all I saw during CS that is 100% true, maybe others did something, maybe not, you were spamming about this guy, which did nothing wrong except of trying to win for his OWN guild, at least a GM Box.

    Sure, ending here.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    4 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

    you were spamming about this guy

    stop hating on me , cause i didnt even post once accusing whoever was there, u saw who was and has a very distinct name of mine.

    Cheers . 🤡

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    2 minutes ago, Chukundah said:

    stop hating on me , cause i didnt even post once accusing whoever was there, u saw who was and has a very distinct name of mine.

    Cheers . 🤡


    The spam on post from your guild ... , you (the guild) were spamming about this guy

    I think you intentionally don't read what I type.


    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    Seems both members of Diamond and Hardcore dont see it the same way as theire GMs parties and ADMIN


    ps1 (2).png

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    6 minutes ago, BALR said:

    Seems both members of Diamond and Hardcore dont see it the same way as theire GMs parties and ADMIN


    ps1 (2).png

    I repeat, I guess my english is not that good for people to understand what I am talking about.

    I can't grant for ANYONE except GLOWA (which was the only guy you cried on post about) that helped some or the others.

    If holding switch FROM hardcore (giving PURGE free points on the most important moments) in the last 10 minutes & reaching 1600+ Switch time across CS is not clear enough for Glowa that HE/SHE played for himself/herself then I guess you all played different CS'es.

    But hey, in the end, ANTI-GAME IS FREE! How you deal with people ingame will return to you, asked by other teams or not, everyone gets what they deserve.

    "Good players adjust, bad players make excuses".

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    17 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

    I repeat, I guess my english is not that good for people to understand what I am talking about.

    I can't grant for ANYONE except GLOWA (which was the only guy you cried on post about) that helped some or the others.

    If holding switch FROM hardcore (giving PURGE free points on the most important moments) in the last 10 minutes & reaching 1600+ Switch time across CS is not clear enough for Glowa that HE/SHE played for himself/herself then I guess you all played different CS'es.

    But hey, in the end, ANTI-GAME IS FREE! How you deal with people ingame will return to you, asked by other teams or not, everyone gets what they deserve.

    "Good players adjust, bad players make excuses".

    My post was mostly pointing at Rusulet and talespin. If Glowa Played for personal win for hardcore or for diamonds I won´t comment.  Only sharing a post where members from both Hardcore and Dimonds clearly agree on what they think.

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    3 hours ago, ADMIN said:

    Hopping in just to "deny" such rumor that especially Glowa "helped" HARDCORE, just because I hate when people always try to find excuses when they lose instead of simply taking the lose and say GG.


    Last 9 minutes a lot of def points up, HARDCORE are attacking, PURGE are defenders, still Glowa is keeping the switch like a maniac, while Diamond tries to register at least one more time.

    Then let's look at total stamper time: 


    Glowa - 1679 seconds.
    1st from PURGE - 1023 seconds.
    1st from HARDCORE - 1108 seconds.

    Mathematically, if Glowa (Diamond) would help HARDCORE then Glowa would not have a single chance to have such stamp time only keeping switch 50% of the time, when HC would be defenders. Because both guilds were defenders 50% of time.

    For realistic people, you have the answer to at least one of the questions, rest are just excuses.

    Congrats to all 3 teams though, impressive fight.

    I have to say. Thank you. We grew tired of people trying to blame everything else but themselves.

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