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    [Phoenix] Early look at the new concept


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    Compared to how we did things so far, we're releasing few of the most important changes from the next Phoenix early on, so that you can bring your feedback before the final versions (we started with the CS V3).

    In this topic I'll present you the new game concept for Phoenix and what you will expect on the incoming edition.

    Our Phoenix is getting a big concept shift once again, in a last tentative to try to have it live longer than it usually does.

    Main concept changes:

    • Phoenix is now a fully non-reset server, without either forced or optional resets.
    • After reaching level 400, you can start our End-Game Quests (that will also be updated, but later on).
    • You will start with a ML limit of 30. Every 3 quests done will unlock you a higher limit of ML, up to maximum of 230 ML.
    • Each quest will also give you few extra points to spend, based on its tier (10/20/30 points per quest done).
    • Every 3 quests done will also increase your Damage, HP & Defense with 1%, up to 5%.
    • After finishing all the 15 quests, you will be able to reset them 1-2 times.
      • After reset each quest will only give you 5/10/15 extra points per quest and no extra bonuses. It is just a prolonged end-game.

    Hard, Mid & Soft periods:

    • Phoenix will now transit through 3 different game-periods, in the same edition.
    • Hard period (1st period): Phoenix will have a way harder progression for level 1-400 than it used to have, since it is now a non-reset server.
      • During Hard period there won't be any newbies boosts in terms of exp.
      • The Hard period will have 3 reworked Breaks as following:
        • Break 1 is touched when level 250 is reached. The exp when reaching level 250 will get down to 5-8% of the previous exp.
          • The Break 1 counter will officially start after at least 1 character from each class touches the Break (get to level 250+). After the counter is released, the Break 1 will be over 7 days later.
          • During Break, each level after 250 will grant a bonus reward at the end of the Break.
          • After the Break is over, the exp for level 250+ will get back to normal.
        • Break 2 is touched when level 330 is reached. The exp when reaching level 330 will get down to 8-12% of the previous exp.
          • The Break 2 counter will officially start after at least 1 character from each class touches the Break (get to level 330+). After the counter is released, the Break 2 will be over 7 days later.
          • During Break, each level after 330 will grant a bonus reward at the end of the Break.
          • After the Break is over, the exp for level 330+ will get back to normal.
        • Break 3 is touched when level 385 is reached. The exp when reaching level 385 will get down to 12-15% of the previous exp.
          • The Break 3 counter will officially start after at least 1 character from each class touches the Break (get to level 385+). After the counter is released, the Break 3 will be over 7 days later.
          • During Break, each level after 385 will grant a bonus reward at the end of the Break.
          • After the Break is over, the exp for level 385+ will get back to normal.
      • The Hard period will last until first 25 players do reach level 400, then we will transit to Mid period. The moment of transition is also the moment of Quest System release.
    • Mid period (2nd period): When the transition to Mid period is made, the exp for level 1-400 will be boosted 5x times and also some drops from game will be raised.
      • The Mid period is a middle ground, as its name, where lower players will be able to catch-up way easier while bigger players will still have a competition at the top.
      • When 25 players reach 150+ ML, we will have the last transition, into Soft period.
    • Soft period (3rd period): When the transition to Soft period is made, the exp for level 1-400 will be again boosted 2x times (10x times compared to hard) as well as the ML exp will be boosted 3x times & some drops from game will be also raised.
      • This Soft period will be our end-game period designed purely for casual play with probably 2 CS / week, more Arena Tournaments / Brothers in Arms and so on.
      • Basically during this period you won't have to level too much / be active too much but you'll have reasons to casually log in and play some events / finish your items.

    With this system we aim to both offer a hardcore experience but also a reason to continue playing our Phoenix in the long-run since you won't have to tryhard/hardcore play all summer, but rather enjoy the game as it is. Also we're giving enough reasons for newbies to join later on.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    2 hours ago, kthanhcb said:

    When is it expected to open Admin ? :D

    1 April

    I always tell the truth, even when I lie.

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    How long is expected to reach lvl 250 ? As it was before , 250 was fast,  and slower the better

    Same to 330 and to 385

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    Looks good for those who like non-reset server I guess.
    Are you gonna bring back the blockexp feature for Phoenix since its a true non-reset now?  Or you think its too exploitable? I did enjoy it while it lasted, it opened up a lot of new possibilities.

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    23 hours ago, kthanhcb said:

    When is it expected to open Admin ? :D

    It all depends on how fast we finish everything that we have planned for Phoenix. We want it to be released earlier than usual but there's no guarantee yet that we'll finish it in time.

    2nd half of March is the objective but with low hopes, 1st half of April being more realistic.

    20 hours ago, Chukundah said:

    How long is expected to reach lvl 250 ? As it was before , 250 was fast,  and slower the better

    Same to 330 and to 385

    It is a question that I can't answer. What I can answer is that both the basic exp rate and the % xp rates based on levels will be reduced compared to previous Phoenix. As stated, level 1-400 will be a way longer journey compared to how it was so far.

    19 hours ago, Cerberus said:

    Looks good for those who like non-reset server I guess.
    Are you gonna bring back the blockexp feature for Phoenix since its a true non-reset now?  Or you think its too exploitable? I did enjoy it while it lasted, it opened up a lot of new possibilities.

    I doubt there will ever be a block-exp feature again. Outside of blocking the exp on alts to participate at different lower events it has no use. I am not against such practice but it most come with a cost (if you pass the event level, you need to re-make your character).

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    Can't wait to at least test some of the new settings. Any chance test server will show up anytime soon?

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