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    I think Gion should make a poll , there was a time when there were 3, 4 guilds but not now they unite and the server is split in two sides. 

    I think the 15 v 15 max in Castle Siege is good, imagine if you have 3,4 different guilds fighting for castle.

    Otherwise for the current state I saw people in game asking for it but now when the suggestion is on forum, the same people saying they enjoy to be in castle siege 50 people where 20-25 play and rest afk's with VPN just to collect rewards. 

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    Since when u can enter 50 char? 

    You are just selfish and dont want to recruit.

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    2 hours ago, Dominic said:

    Since when u can enter 50 char? 

    You are just selfish and dont want to recruit.

    recruit who ? 20 alts per 1 viet player , 20 from doink , and prob 5+ from each one of u all , there is no one to recruit in a server full of VPN alts

    each day i see 280-320 online , always same number, this are alts being logged , i made 23 resets and i see no one in spots to level togeter , rest of online numbers are 70% alts farming jewels or zen

    so i support this idea of less ppl in cs per guild , which this was discussed 99 times before over other DB's and was never applied , but in this situation where server is full of alts , the limit should be reduce to 20 whit limit of 2 registered guilds and 1 CS owner.

    if the anti-game starts then it will be the responsibility of each guild doing it , the same can be done now anyway.

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    1 hour ago, Chukundah said:

    recruit who ? 20 alts per 1 viet player , 20 from doink , and prob 5+ from each one of u all , there is no one to recruit in a server full of VPN alts

    each day i see 280-320 online , always same number, this are alts being logged , i made 23 resets and i see no one in spots to level togeter , rest of online numbers are 70% alts farming jewels or zen

    so i support this idea of less ppl in cs per guild , which this was discussed 99 times before over other DB's and was never applied , but in this situation where server is full of alts , the limit should be reduce to 20 whit limit of 2 registered guilds and 1 CS owner.

    if the anti-game starts then it will be the responsibility of each guild doing it , the same can be done now anyway.

    Come and fight cs dont toxic

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    53 minutes ago, cccp said:

    Come and fight cs dont toxic

    What was toxic there? He just told the truth.
    You and your mates dont contribute with nothing. You just spam non sense regarding the subject of the topic.
    Why Steppers dont recruit? Because they dont have who to recruit.
    In best case, they will recruit from your guild or ours and vice-versa.
    Another thing is we will need also to split, if somehow ADMIN will decide to  disband the alliances, coz we have many ppl. Some of them dont have time to play CS sundays, some of them took a break this summer, some of them dont care...and so on.
    If you like to farm gm boxes and artefacts without any fights...then vote against if Gion will ask about your oppinion.
    As I said before, we're not the bad guys while you're not the good guys. Your behavior made some of us to act in consequence in terms of bl or racism. And you did the same many times.

    From now on I hope you will contribute with something on this topic. We can have the same amount of playes on CS, but in 3 or 4 guilds.

    I always tell the truth, even when I lie.

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    Chukunda gifted char, gifted items complains about ppl having many chars? xD

    You toxic lazy nib.

    Merge them 4 guild of yours and start playing. Farmers have some decent players if u pay attention and have open heart to help them get on track for pvp fast.

    But naah, you here to cry different rules because you selfish and lazy?

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    @Gion please make a poll. This discusion will go on forever without any conclusion...

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    Extra proposal if i`m allowed 


    Add some freebies to newcomers, gear regarding .. For a newcomer, who starts from 0 , he gets to experience PVP in what? 6 months?  to get max resets and max gear . if he`s a regular player , not a casual or a 24/24 player. I dont know how many of newcomers will remain that much too experience late game PVP , especially when 90% of srv has max gear . Add freebies to them , to easier their work at begging , free w3 , acc set , and maybe and exc set +13 2 opts . I mean i know it  sounds a lot , but u all have that on 10 chars not one . What could possibly be the worst sittuation ? Vietnamesse making another 20 alts, we can live with that , or maybe we get some influx of new players. 

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    2 hours ago, DeepHouse said:

    Extra proposal if i`m allowed 


    Add some freebies to newcomers, gear regarding .. For a newcomer, who starts from 0 , he gets to experience PVP in what? 6 months?  to get max resets and max gear . if he`s a regular player , not a casual or a 24/24 player. I dont know how many of newcomers will remain that much too experience late game PVP , especially when 90% of srv has max gear . Add freebies to them , to easier their work at begging , free w3 , acc set , and maybe and exc set +13 2 opts . I mean i know it  sounds a lot , but u all have that on 10 chars not one . What could possibly be the worst sittuation ? Vietnamesse making another 20 alts, we can live with that , or maybe we get some influx of new players. 

    No. It is good that the server is actually a hard server where you have to play in order to get items and explore the game. 
    This will be exploited quickly by all players not just the vietnamese so maybe try to think up a better proposal with that tiny racist brain.

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    8 hours ago, Chukundah said:

    recruit who ? 20 alts per 1 viet player , 20 from doink , and prob 5+ from each one of u all , there is no one to recruit in a server full of VPN alts

    each day i see 280-320 online , always same number, this are alts being logged , i made 23 resets and i see no one in spots to level togeter , rest of online numbers are 70% alts farming jewels or zen

    so i support this idea of less ppl in cs per guild , which this was discussed 99 times before over other DB's and was never applied , but in this situation where server is full of alts , the limit should be reduce to 20 whit limit of 2 registered guilds and 1 CS owner.

    if the anti-game starts then it will be the responsibility of each guild doing it , the same can be done now anyway.

    How come I never seen you active in the new player discords such as Farmers, helping out new lifeblood of the server? All I see you do is play on a gifted char with a gifted set partaking in griefing and antigame. You're not gonna stumble upon new players while you're exploiting bugs or killing AFKs.

    There are currently around 30+ people that I know of looking for an active guild. I had to stop recruiting and refer them to other guilds, because we are full. I don't see hardcore recruiting. I specifically referred those who wanted to fight, do bosses and CS to hardcore because you're more active than the rest and they ended up joining steppers because of how toxic you are...

    Last CS we had 5 full parties of individual players signed up, some who only keep playing the game for castle siege. Why should our players miss out on the opportunity to play CS because your numbers are dwindling and you refuse to invest time into teaching new players? Knightmare scamming noobs for scraps is certainly not helping your case and the majority of people I talk to have had nothing but bad experiences with your guild.

    None of your guilds arguments are based in reality and it's getting hard to tell the difference between delusions and trolling.


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    25 minutes ago, Doink said:

    How come I never seen you active in the new player discords such as Farmers, helping out new lifeblood of the server? All I see you do is play on a gifted char with a gifted set partaking in griefing and antigame. You're not gonna stumble upon new players while you're exploiting bugs or killing AFKs.

    Because he doesnt care. He is only waiting for S18. Every fear he has that this server is full of viets and alts is purely false too. Plenty of decent players(new and old) who dont need the shit he brings to the table. 
    He is delusional thinking he is somehow helping the server. His behaviour is making it only worse.

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    So much love and kind words , i love my fans you are the fuel of my Will to keep playing this server.

    Kiss and hugs i love you all :heart:

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    21 minutes ago, Chukundah said:

    So much love and kind words , i love my fans you are the fuel of my Will to keep playing this server.

    Kiss and hugs i love you all :heart:

    They love too to play the victim , the role fits them so well .  Anyway @Gion can you make the poll possible ? However  all badabings will vote against lower ppl in cs cause they dont like the idea of being same numbers, still worth a try .  I expect  large numbers of new members on forums if the poll will be up .

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    38 minutes ago, DeepHouse said:

    They love too to play the victim , the role fits them so well .  Anyway @Gion can you make the poll possible ? Anyway all badabings will vote against lower ppl in cs cause they dont like the idea of being same numbers, still worth a try .  I except large numbers of new members on forums if the poll will be up .

    LE : I only said the word vietnamesse earlier , and i was quoted being racist . Draw the conclusion from this .. #ilovetoposeinvictimsomuch . 

    LE 2 : Them on post after losing medusa  -->  https://imgur.com/KoykAaQ 

    These guys are posing in victims here ...

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    35 minutes ago, DeepHouse said:

    LE : I only said the word vietnamesse earlier , and i was quoted being racist . Draw the conclusion from this .. #ilovetoposeinvictimsomuch . 

    LE 2 : Them on post after losing medusa  -->  medusa https://imgur.com/KoykAaQ 

    Imagine posing in victims when their toxicity level is 1000 . -rep for you  gentlemans



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    1 hour ago, DeepHouse said:

    They love too to play the victim , the role fits them so well .  Anyway @Gion can you make the poll possible ? However  all badabings will vote against lower ppl in cs cause they dont like the idea of being same numbers, still worth a try .  I expect  large numbers of new members on forums if the poll will be up .

    We do like to give chance for new players also inexperienced to be able to enjoy this feature of game which you seem to not like the idea..

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    On 9/2/2024 at 1:25 PM, alegzander said:

    4th. DMG on ene+str RF to be reduced. It`s a game breaker to have a char that can 1shot a spot and ks every single spot. Multiple people abusing this build in order to ks (check K7 and kr2) few people with 5-6 maybe even more rf`s leave afk on a spot and you can`t farm anything. Probably a very bad experience for new people also.

    Not only STR- ENE Rf but also V Rf. Can 1 shot any chars and very hard to kill.

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    RF is well balanced right now , it`s glass cannon char, he does dmg , but he also gets lots of dmg due his low defence. You want rf to be just buffer or what? And btw, rf has no chance vs good bk and vs good dl 

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    16 minutes ago, DeepHouse said:

    RF is well balanced right now , it`s glass cannon char, he does dmg , but he also gets lots of dmg due his low defence. You want rf to be just buffer or what? And btw, rf has no chance vs good bk and vs good dl 

    Oneshotting almost everything in teamfights  and needing 2 hits to kill tank chars while having an aneurysm and mashing the keyboard with your face is only well balanced when half of your guild mains RF, understood.


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    Including me , who i just started 2nd gr and scocyecu who barely plays , we have 5 rf in top 10 , and u have 3 active big RF in top 10 . https://imgur.com/a/tirvJzi What`s the drama ? I know u wanna look cool on forum to ur friends ,and  trying to make smart replies but let others do that , u become boring with ur need to stand out

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