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    1. Today
    2. https://imgur.com/a/dzkoBqt is this how they ask help? different people
    3. Yesterday
    4. What about stacking them on top of each other so they do not take so much space in inventory ? Just like the jwls making them in packs
    5. Alright then, glad that it is solved! Locked.
    6. It's alright to ask for help on global chat using your own language as long as you do not spam. In absence of a translation we cannot punish the players. You can still update the case, @mrjohnd, during today.
    7. No updates yet, the system still looks good in our opinion. With this new artifact semi-inflation, and I call it semi because only the strong PvP chars have access to that many artifacts, basically you will avoid certain events when having 20 artifacts. But the future will let us know, never say never.
    8. There have to be actual insults reported. Locked.
    9. McDonaldXx +1 warn => muted for 12 hours. Locked.
    10. Nevermind , i just re - read the post on PvP System - All details & features , we good ! sorry for this, please close the thread
    11. not much to write here admin should know https://imgur.com/a/qbedwTj https://imgur.com/a/o7d36yk
    12. @Azir Please enlighten us to which mental disorder describes you best. Also, given it is summer, get a freezer or you might melt
    13. Last week
    14. I am exactly in the same situation, I have 15 pvp and 1 pvm, theres no way to trade, to exchange nothing to do just taking a lot of space in my inventory. Any updates on this @Gion ?
    15. Hello, Today the reward for gens event has been given to the players, my elf ended on 6th place with over 10k points gathered but i got only 10 harmony https://ibb.co/h7n71m3 My SM ended on the 40 something place .. and got the same reward 10 harmony ... Are the rewards give randomly or is this a glitch due to the fact that i had 2 chars collecting points for the event ? I have asked others who were on top and they did receive 2 tocas and harmonys and stuff like that..
    16. Dont be such snowflake. Im supposed to guess your gender right?
    17. even here that is offending.. dont try to be smart ... i m not offending u - dont offend others Dominic..(thats toxic, very toxic)
    18. Where is the problem in that picture? hmm... Should i address you "they/them?
    19. offending on post using wrong pronouns https://imgur.com/a/v8ju9bw
    20. he not even stopping https://imgur.com/a/yh3t4Lr
    21. i dont want to see chats like this in game where kids can play too.. https://imgur.com/a/yh3t4Lr
    22. JACKPOT, HorseThief, NiggerMan, Blacko - banned for 2 days. NiggerMan responded to the mail asking if the change-name is free. It is not as we do not support doing this kind of things at all. If you do such things then you do them on your own risk/cost. Available for the 3 mentioned above too, you just don't take part in such conversations and mostly not on the global chat. +for NiggerMan: if you don't change your nickname shortly after this 2 days ban is lifted then the next ban will be a permanent one for the character. For daneTTe we have the previous case: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5545-bad-language-danette Locked.
    23. daneTTe muted for 6 hours, this is not a way to approach the global chat. Locked.
    24. The final decision will come later on, but until then: NiggerMan, you are required to change your Nickname as we cannot accept derogatory racial nicknames (this will result in a continuous 2 days ban according to the rules). An in-game mail was sent to NiggerMan.
    25. Dont mix trashtalking with racism is a big difference. I dont bother and waste my time for the rest of your message whatewer did you wrote there..but yeah maybe my english is not at your level but I am sure peoples understand me quiet good,and that's enought for me. Cheeers
    26. First of all, you are toxic too: https://imgur.com/XxkXeQt Second, I don't expect you to understand a single word from this, since your english level is at level of a 4th grader, which is quite sad when you're 30+ years old. And third it's kind of sad from your side to come and cry in forums when you've been trashtalking whole day with your guild and pk'ing people for no reason, well only reason is that you got beat by one bk and now you just feel mad and want to pay back to people who haven't even done anything. Honestly you should change the guild name back to RRiders same as previous db, which fits you guys perfectly -> Retard Riders. Nobody likes you in the server, because you think you are some big guys and own everything, but sadly you don't even see how stupid you are mate :), it's so sad that you think that you are somekind of a PRO mu player (which is funny, cuz mu literally takes 0 skill and you can't be a pro in a game which takes no skill) and at the same time you've been playing SM for 2 db's already (as far as I know) and you even have no fucking clue which skills deal more damage. I'll always remember your retard comment "USE ICE STORM IT DEALS MORE DAMAGE THAN BLAST", get fucking real mate you are one of those morons who think they are something and good at something when they actually are fucking trash. You are just scum of the server and everybody who uses at least 1 brain cell will agree with this statement, nobody likes you and nobody has ever liked you. Time to grow out of 14 year old brains brown boy :). Sorry Gion, but I had to do this, sick and tired of this bullshit, you can mute me.
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