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    Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/2024 in all areas

    1. Doink

      vRF Hotfix (Genesis)

      Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward): Doink Suggestion type (server/website/forum): Genesis Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough): vRF got overbuffed and is currently outperforming every killer/dps character by such a large margin it's pointless to play anything else as a killer/dps. they have the best PVM performance in game without having to alter build from PVP - their pvp and pvm builds are the same after 2nd GR the tweaks to fix RF performance ended up scaling VRF burst damage so high they oneshot every other character besides excessively high vitality builds while being quite tanky themselves. There is no counterplay, running doesn't work as VRF sticks to targets way better than other melee characters and unlike getting iced by an ice elf you can not react with teleport other as the burst is too quick. On top of that they have built in undispellable ice from their mobility + burst skill - chain drive. This forced everyone to play insanely high vitality builds to have a chance of survival in group fights high vitality is only available for RF in CS resulting in vRFs dominating every other class. Tanks die in 2 hits, everything else in 1 hit. 15k vitality elf with blue fenrir, mana shield, swell and rf buff gets onetapped (chaindrive + pss skill) in CS with no counterplay by a single rf. Thanks to RF not suffering from the pitfalls of BK and SMG it is possible to assemble a pack of coordinated ragefighters and oneshot everything in your way. The only possible counter to a strat like that is another pack of ragefighters. Killer bk is supposed to have a similar role to VRF but unlike VRF it suffers from AOE reflect from combos and cyclone "walk back" bug pigeonholing it into a tank role (even with the 10-30% incoming damage increase). With 15k vit cap a single combo in a clump of people oneshots the BK. To top it off landing consecutive combos on the same target in a mass group fight is incredibly hard to pull off, meanwhile VRF gets all the perks of combos with just having to hold right click and cast 2 spells off cooldown in no particular order or timing while getting undispellable ice procs and sticking to target with minimal effort Ice arrow on the RF doesn't work - they can pounce on you through ice and keep moving with chain drive - full tank Ice elf outside of CS with close to 30k vit, blue fenrir, mana shield and swell died in 2 hits with DD procs... the best and only counter to VRF as of now is VRF... We have entered a heavily dominant VRF meta where other dps classes mostly serve to buff up the RF. Every time a class gets this dominant and oppressive it negatively affects the overall gameplay and forces players to metaslave and play whatever is OP. Unless ragefighter is tweaked to fall in line with other classes we are looking at everyone being forced to play ragefighter until the next big patch (3-4 months) in order to stay competetive. Class and build diversity along with a lot of horizontal progression elements are one of oldsquads biggest selling points, most other servers function in a way where certain classes are garbage while 1-2 classes outperform everything else. I'm 100% sure it is possible to find a middleground where vRF does not over or underperform. We went from vRF being useless in PVP to being the singlehandedly easiest to use and strongest pvp and pvm class in game in a single patch. How the suggestion can bring value: restore character diversity and viability (Optional) How would you personally implement your suggestion (your vision). Carefuly tweaking vRF pvp and pvm damage, potentially nerfing ignore defense. Ideally in a way so ragefighter still stays the melee assassin character/tankbuster it's meant to be but with possible counterplay.
      3 points
    2. Dominic

      Cici Racism

      Kinda look like cici/knightmare are protected by admin unfourtunately. Whole game is full of their insults/trashtalks/racism. Better to hide chat all together. Game will look much cleaner.
      3 points
    3. BiiMax

      Cici Racism

      I dont know how many time this dude get banned just by Racism,hatespeech,harrasment,... Although he get banned by Gion more and more heavy but he still do it again, please consider for higher punishment please. People play for fun,PK for fun, win or lose made it fun not with this shit. He also brought religion things into this too. Bark for fun, blame for fun okay i get it but this is way to far Again, please Gion consider higher punishment for this dude Imgur: The magic of the Internet
      2 points
    4. Knightmare

      Cici Racism

      freedom of speech the anitchrist wants suppress the truth you let the devil flow thru you you are scourged and blinded by the devil turn to jesus free cici free the world from oppression save the puppies and let freedom reign. the devil finds solace in idle hands put the lords work first and keep busy fighting injustice and suppression and spreading the lords light. save the puppies mindlessly turned to soup, the lord says dont eat horse ban horse hotpot praise jesus
      2 points
    5. Chukundah

      Cici Racism

      2 points
    6. Spawn

      vRF Hotfix (Genesis)

      From start i know what will happen if somebody will start this theme, so i try to write to admin and Gion, not for another "pro players" For @Gion @ADMIN Problem RF its in him attackspeed - he just no have it and you put all him dps in 1 hit. Two RF approach any target and deal 1 hit each, after which the target dies.. For the rest of charters you need to focus target fell seconds for killing their. When you fight 1 vs 1 its no so evidence, but when fight become massive, RF become imba. For RF you need just press 1 time on target and after run away. You increase DPS on RF, you increase range for RF and thats its result. In sum with lags on CS + a lot of charters in same locations its a imbalance, RF became a GOD with 1 click gameplay and run away. I see here 2 solutions, 1 crazy (put on rest of charters same mechanics what not depend of the attack speed like DL-Fire Brust, SM,eMG- lighting. Sum-Life Drain or ice etc.) make this skill same, 50k dps from 1 hit and we will fight same ) second solutions its make RF depend of the Attack Speed, make him main skill from gloves skill, save him DPS but make it 1 click on the target = 2-3k damage, let him focus charters like another
      2 points
    7. Dominic

      Cici Racism

      At this stage, spam is all what u are man. I hope u find real joy in some areas in your life where u not insulting or disturbing ppl.
      1 point
    8. We in different guilds virgin, but all don’t like the vpn abusing new player killing basement incel I guess very nice omit everything homophobic, calling retarded, speaking about my mother, n being racist about my black friend Cici victim card pulling loser. Do us all a favor
      1 point
    9. Everam

      Cici Racism

      I am not personally involved but what Dominic wrote above looks wholly and totally true to me.
      1 point
    10. Why so mad nerd ? Calm down it s just a game. 99% of what u say is non sense and false. I dont even bother reading ur novels from behind , i understood from first post what u try to do here , and that s just missinform admins . Get better at your char , stop crying about rf`s . Learn to play stop crying , NERD
      1 point
    11. easy macro easy life cry is free get rekt everywhere cici goes free win free server jesus king cici lord sky red floor blood from bingbong losers
      1 point
    12. Doink

      vRF Hotfix (Genesis)

      Stats are lower in inception, bk is amazing on lower stats. You may have missed it but this is a thread about genesis. Regarding your arena victories go read my previous reply. Regarding getting kills in CS, I too can kill scattered buffers all thorough the valley and castle - the last time I did so I got 39 kills while being afk for 30 mins of the CS. It's meaningless if you can't coordinate and attack valuable targets with your team because you move them with your combos - that's why you never see a group of killer BKs oneshotting stampers (also they hit less on stampers because the final hit in a combo chain that gets added to the resulting combo damage gets reduced by defense) Regarding your self proclaimed n.1. bk, why do you play high vit ref bk with macros and flee from duels with me even when you had a rr advantage? Why challenge people to 1v1s only when you're on a 30k vit build, stalling duels and gambles for 7 hours straight? https://imgur.com/a/4hOZOu1
      1 point
    13. BiiMax

      Cici Racism

      Gion can check chatlog if he wanted all the conversasion bro, get smart please :)) go ask him and he will see more of u lol
      1 point
    14. imagine taking screenshot from a CS where u register 1 time in 2 hours and in the 2nd hour of CS u stay in statue until the end cause u cant register xd, who could have i killed inside? i only see some losers for 30m
      1 point
    15. Dominic

      vRF Hotfix (Genesis)

      What CICI (BK) means is that he is 1st as opposite in ranking
      1 point
    16. nice joke , we was -10k handicap and u ban vit RF , we have no vitrf and we still win by 10k points advantage .. is this really why u losing all this last cs's ? cause i can guarantee this is not the reason u cant win CS whit handicap and outnumbered .. learn how to play in guild at a PVP event first then come complain about chars, if u dont appear in CS because of RF's then u are completly stupid , all cs's the SM's + DL's are top killers and there a max 2 rf's whit 30-40 kills , same as playing pvp BK i get 40-50 kills while ur BK's get 10-20 max , ur guild and gameplay are a joke
      1 point
    17. Doink

      vRF Hotfix (Genesis)

      How will nerfing vit solve the issue of getting 1-2 tapped? Make characters get even more vit to compensate? All the other classes are playing overwatch while RF is playing counterstrike with the times to kill. People going high vit is the natural response to vRFs insane burst. Posting my unmaxed BK is irrelevant - killer BK will never be a thing in group fights and CS. If you took the time to play the class you'd be aware of that. 1k extra stats and 5% damage is not going to change that (even more so in CS with 15k vit cap). I'm keeping the 26 resets I have left for testing purposes. Have you considered I mostly play different characters for group content? Try to differentiate between teamfights with full buffs and isolated 1v1s in a perfect environment. In the latter case rf duels involve just stat checking - the class has no skill expression options unlike DL and DL just so happens to be a 1v1 counter to RFs. What you're saying is that because a class with no skill floor or skill ceiling isn't able to 10-0 DL and BK by just stat checking it's balanced in teamfights... Because the arena tournament is not a viable metric to test anything really. The scoring in group stages revolves around kiting and stealing kills. On top of that the group stages are mostly luck based - I lost countless times with highest personal points because I got your afk VPN grief alts in my team. Sunday arena depends on which guild got more qualified people online for the group stages and again - where in the above mentioned points do you see me mentioning vRF 1v1 performance? In cases where your guild won the group stage you're free to wintrade and do whatever you wish to influence the outcome to your liking. A 5v5 or a 10v10 arena event with premade parties would have been an infinitely more valuable way to collect statistics on group class performance. In terms of 1v1 performance - if the 1v1s only include people from the same guild every time (which they do due to the nature of the sunday ruleset) the results have no significance regarding 1v1 class balance. Now if you just took the time to pull your head out of your colon and actually read and answered to my main talking points I wouldn't have to explain this to you but here we are. So far none of you have really answered to any of the talking points I brought up in my original post. You're attacking my person and did not refute a single one of those points with empirical data or even pure logic. Just goes to show your guild is abusing an OP class in boss fights and CS en-masse, you're fully aware of it and your only defense is attacking me as a person to sway the admins opinion. If I'm wrong you could have just contested my talking points 1 by 1. Unlike you I'm open to acknowledging my errors and adapting to the situation.
      1 point
    18. this is perfect explain rather then cry need to learn how to ply RF , it is not easy for everyone to get Skills of playing as pro vRFs Like Kenshii , Glowa Endrophin has , and also Cursed now he is plying as MG but i saw him from long time the way he play RF s this really something
      1 point
    19. Spawn

      vRF Hotfix (Genesis)

      enjoy, p.s. if u join test server, u can have all what u want and play same...with urself, but didnt spend ur time, its lifehack )
      1 point
    20. Spawn

      vRF Hotfix (Genesis)

      Since, im happy to play a good game and lost it, where you can play with each character with pleasure not just be another target for RF or PT buffer. Personally, I won't go to CS anymore until RF is fixed, I hope my clanmates will follow my example if we want to play and not be a target
      1 point
    21. Spawn

      vRF Hotfix (Genesis)

      So if u so "pro" why u didn't coordinate same with another chars ? why u stay with 5-7 RF on one point ? because that work a most better i think ? why HC become back just after RF get buff from admin ? Don't try to be smartest here Alex, you no have real arguments to argue that situation
      1 point
    22. Alex.

      vRF Hotfix (Genesis)

      I'm not saying that RF won't require some rebalancing done. But one question. How can you talk about class balance, when you haven't even hit max reset. And its not even about you. There are not enough ppl with max resets to test anything at the moment. Yea, the VIT meta you are talking about, i do agree. VIT should be nerfed in my opinion for all classes. BUT again, ur talking about a non-existant meta. 2GR 55RR has not been hit yet to have enough data. At that point, vrf COULD (not saying it will) be killed instantly, before it gets to one shot you.
      1 point
    23. Knightmare

      vRF Hotfix (Genesis)

      SM fairs well vs RF, can kill most unless they 54rr 2gr and have best in slot everything. I think what Doink the sped really wants is all classes nerfed so his BK isnt ass idk
      1 point
    24. killer BK is not a thing in group + cs ? why have i been top 1 killer in cs + every group fights all db's of inception and finish whit more than 600kills? i join genesis i win all arenas , i go pvp bk cs i get 30-40 kills per CS , cant get more because u losers go camp in statue for networth cause u only register 1-2 times in 2hours lol its sad that when randoms lose, try to pick anything to argue in forum to get pity from admins xd
      0 points
    25. VRf Is finally well balanced and you started to cry because you can`t win cs vs 5 rf . what a joke :))), You can bring any VRF from your guild..and they will all lose vs DL, Bk, Ae even vs str mg. How can you say vrf its op .
      0 points
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