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    Everything posted by ADMIN

    1. Monsters are now up! Game has officially started! Keep in mind that there are more monsters in starting maps but just for this early start! Good luck!
    2. 1. Check if windows updates are installed, if not please do all the updates. 2. Check if game is run as administrator, if not please run it as administrator. 3. Check if antivirus is installed, sometimes it may block files from game client. If it is installed and it discovered something from client and blocked it, then add full game client to exceptions. 4. Check if no antivirus is installed, sometimes there might be virus in computer. In this scenario, simply use tools like ESET https://download.eset.com/com/eset/tools/online_scanner/latest/esetonlinescanner_enu.exe or Kaspersky https://media.kaspersky.com/utilities/ConsumerUtilities/kavremvr.exe or Malwarebytes https://www.malwarebytes.com/ to clean it. 5. Check if game client is on invalid drive, sometimes it may not work if the game client is on E:/ drive for example. In this scenario, simply move the game client to downloads folder or C:/ drive. 6. Try to disable these / allow the game folder / Anticheat: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/device-protection-in-windows-security-afa11526-de57-b1c5-599f-3a4c6a61c5e2
    3. Hello OldSquaders & New comers, Less than 24 hours remained for the grand opening of our 1st Sprint of Inception! The server will be launched officially today (Friday) at 19:00 GMT+3 (follow counter from website). You will be able to make sure that client works, make parties, etc. The MOBS will spawn at 20:00 GMT+3 (after 1 hour). You still have time to gather strong teams as what is coming will be pretty hard alone! Keep in mind to find a Permanent Stable Party if you plan to play seriously. Let's show to the MU Online community once again what real quality truly means! So, share the news to your friends, families, mu contacts, strangers, pets and gather on the start to conquer once again the OldSquad World! Important Info: !!!! Don't forget to choose the 'Inception' Server when you are logging on site, else you will be logged on Phoenix and you will be able to use the Phoenix services/options instead of Inception !!! In order to use the SITE FUNCTIONS you need to ACTIVATE your ACCOUNT on EMAIL! (It takes 1-5 minutes to be sent, check SPAM/PROMOTIONS as well). All the IP & HWID bans that were gathered during these years have been removed. There are new Hall of Fame Achievements that you can get based on your "speed": More info here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4975-hof-edition-09-september-2022/ Don't forget that ENERGY ELVES are OUT OF GAME! Their buffs are useless on normal maps. Note: You can still play EE at CS where buffs works, but there you can adjust points with /rebuild command, only for the CS. Note2: Also don't make TANK builds (VBK/VDL) as they can be used "for free" at CS via /rebuild, only for the CS. You can create DL, MG, RF from level 200 or since server starts if you get VIP. Note: Only Dealer/Hunter available until Stage 2 - 10rr - when PRO will be available as well. You have access to OFF-Attack for up to 5 hours. Note: VIP is boosting its duration/it adds auto-pick based on VIP type. Goldens from invasions will be released progressively, so they won't kill you on spots at start. Note: Only BoK+1/Budges at start. Test server is still online and will remain online even after Inception start, so you can test anything anytime you want. You can warp from SITE if you are PK - but it costs much more & does have a cooldown! 1st Castle Siege will be from first week (18 September - Sunday). Note1: On 1st CS there are only NetWorth rewards (for all participants) & GM Rewards (VIP). Note2: You will play only to get used to our custom CS System and for fun + the advantage of being the Defenders on the 2nd CS (CS rewards are progressive, read about them on Info topic -> CS System). Keep in mind that Inception is now running under "Sprints". Each Sprint will last for 120 days, and at the end of the 120 days characters will be moved into our new, permanent main server - Genesis. More info about it can be read on Info topic -> Gameplay Info. There's also the Dynamic Characters Balance feature - which means after each stage/mini-stage we'll be adjusting any over-performing or under-performing characters at that current stage of game. The planned changes are also shared already on the Info Topic -> Gameplay Info. There can be small differences based on public feedback (if needed). This is an 100% International Server, that means you MUST write in English ONLY on /post and Gens Chat. If you won't do this you can get Muted / Warned and even Banned! On first reset the EXP is linear (same % from level 11-350 at any level). But after 1st reset the exp is dynamic (lower % on lower levels, higher % on higher levels). This is made in order to balance the time spent on high levels vs the time spent on lower levels. So, if on 0rr exp is 100% for level 11-350, on 1+ resets you have like 30% on 0-50 levels, 80% 200-300, 120% 300-350, etc. Please don't forget that Inception is a truly HARD & PROGRESSIVE Server! Which means exp is low, drops are low, content is progressive and everything is achieved by PLAYING, especially active play. Also up to 60-70% of content is adjusted/custom so you REALLY need to read all of our info in order to have a good time. Make sure to invest jewels in early exc items from mobs / non exc items with high defence in order to progress! Also, we want to share you some of the important topics and info that you MUST read for a full experience here: Official Info Topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/993-inception-official-information-many-details-about-server/ Info about CREDITS: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1192-inception-info-about-credits/ Characters Info, Builds & Buffs Formulas: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2260-inception-characters-builds-info-buffs-formulas/ Server Rules: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1193-inception-server-rules/ If you need any kind of assistance please contact us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/OldSquadMU - we will be there most of the time! OldSquad Team #MakeMUGreatAgain!
    4. Hello, The Test Server for Inception will be up starting from today (after the planned maintenance). All commands from Test Server: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3328-inception-test-server-commands/ You can already download the 2022 client. All the IP & HWID bans that were gathered during this years have been removed. Cheers.
    5. First to make a reset: ME: Cash BK: Chukundah SM: Silnoreki SUM: Ramsterdam DL: Sosu MG: Tadeusz (first to make a reset from server). RF: EnErgizer Stage 1.1 Unlockers: Sosu, Cash & EnErgizer Stage 2 Unlockers: MORGANA, AdriaNNN & OverLord Stage 2.1 Unlockers: Tadeusz, Chocolope & Sosu Stage 3 Unlockers: Silnoreki, Sosu & OMENN First to get 25 resets and level 400: ME: HellDrake BK: Pain SM: Silnoreki SUM: OMENN DL: Sosu (first to make 25 resets and level 400 from server) MG: Whisky RF: TheMan Extra Achievements First Wings Level 2 successful MIX: Alfy First Wings Level 3 successful MIX: Chukundah First Item + 15 successful MIX: DukeMG First Fenrir successful MIX: Traktorek First Arena Tournament WINNER: Mael First OSGM WINNER: Furai First Vanert #1 Place on Gens Season: Glowa First Duprian #1 Place on Gens Season: HASPID First Castle Siege WINNER: Ms13 All CS WINNERS (in order of weeks): Ms13, Ms13, HARDCORE, Ms13, Ms13, H4RDCORE, H4RDCORE, NewSquad, HARDCORE, NewSquad, NewSquad, NewSquad, NewSquad, NewSquad. Total Accounts: 50952 Total Characters: 4489 Record Online: 622 Final Ranks of the Edition Normal Top: Mercenary Squad: PvM Rankings: Blood Castle: Devil Square: Chaos Castle: Castle Siege NetWorth: Castle Siege Stampers: Castle Siege Killers:
    6. Hello OldSquaders & Guests, As you already got used to, autumn brings back our Inception to life! The same, classic OldSquad gameplay will be present, featuring a progressive system and stages across the resets. Inception - Sprint #1 - will be released on 09 September 2022 at 19:00 GMT+3 (Mobs will spawn at 20:00 GMT+3). Public Test Server will be opened for public with 4-5 days before the start! There won't be anything new outside of some quality of life / fixes / improvements that were done during Phoenix. Though there are few important changes related to how Inception will operate from now on: As previously communicated, Inception will no longer be a standalone, long-term server. Since most of you quit before or after reaching end-game, Inception will no longer have an end-game. There will be no more wormhole, sockets, wings level 4 or quest system + extra resets. Inception will have only 25 resets under the same stage-system as before (and all the content up to 25 resets). Inception will now run under "Sprints". There will be 2 Sprints per year, each Sprint will last 4 months (120 days). At the end of the 4 months, characters will be moved to Genesis. Players can choose to either continue the end-game on Genesis (if they want to experiment sockets, w4, quest system, more pvp, etc.) or join the next Sprint from 0 on Inception. There will be the option of either moving 50% of remaining credits to Genesis or 10% of remaining credits to the new Sprint, based on where players do choose to continue. Genesis will be our new, permanent main server, and the location where characters will be transferred from the Inception Sprints. A 150~500x resets server focused mostly on end-game content, a server that will remain online without any editions or wipes for as long as OldSquad will remain online. Easy early-mid game, prolonged end-game, maybe grand resets and other different end-game activities that will be decided later on. Schedule for 2022-2023: 09 September 2022 - Inception Sprint #1 release - ends on 07 January 2023. 11 November 2022 - Genesis release. 07 January 2023 - Transfers start from Inception's Sprint #1 to Genesis. 13 January 2023 - End of the transfers. 27 January 2023 - Inception Sprint #2 release - ends on 28 May 2023. 28 May 2023 - Transfers start from Inception's Sprint #2 to Genesis. 04 June 2023 - End of the transfers. 04 June 2023 - September 2023 pause. September 2023 - Inception Sprint #3. Cheers.
    7. Still, notice at least the date/time when you get the next "auto-close" and the account(s) where it happened and send me on PM. An archive with LiveGuard/Logs would also be nice, after it happens.
    8. Even if I missed the "not", it is still a not It is actually in the how to get started - a newbies guide, the only place where it matters to be, for people that never played this game before (which probably are close to 0 nowadays). No problem in players doing mistakes / not knowing things, this is how we learn.
    9. It may have been a real bug if it happened for multiple players, but so far there were 11 macro detections since liveguard is up and most (if not all) are triggered by your characters. Key: 1 - Press Count: 21 within 5 ms. Key: Q - Press Count: 21 within 5 ms. Key: 2 - Press Count: 21 within 5 ms. I spammed myself for 2-3 minutes all keys + clicks and not a single detection, but a human can't press that much in that little time. The only other logical explanation would be a very high ping from your side towards anti-hack server. Related to auto-close, as I said, notice date/time and send me the logs and I'll handle them to the developer. I doubt the client closes without people doing anything on the PC, just by staying AFK, like it was happening with the other anti-hack.
    10. It is basic MU knowledge that the +16 ADD is the maximum add goblin does accept (it is written even in our guide) on any MU server at least up to season 6. And no, we're removing/changing options.
    11. Not sure what bug are you talking about. Our previous anti-hack was an one time payment for license, years ago, live guard is paid on a monthly basis apart from the license. It is the only decent anti-hack for MU that is still updating in the market. Our previous anti-hack had no longer support since like 2-3 years ago. Most new cheats were working, a lot of random false positives with auto-close client without messages, incompatibilities with other anti-hacks (players couldn't play global MU or other servers with our server in the same time) and so on. The only reason why we still kept it is for the hwid bans and very basic protection. Banning 50-60 accounts per editions is no-fun, as well as having to check hack logs every few days to spot on hackers. It is currently the best software that we can use, and we'll use it no matter what cons it does have, it is on market since 2015 and the last update was few months ago. If you encounter problems with it you can notice date/hour when it happened and upload the logs and the developer will happily check out.
    12. There won't be any info / progress about S17 shared on OldSquad, this community will remain only for S6. We're building a new, fresh community from 0 for the S17 project, and the info / progress about it will be shared only there. When we'll have the forum and web open for S17 we will do a one time announcement here.
    13. Hello, As initially communicated, starting from this autumn OldSquad will have a big restructure. Phoenix will no longer exist on OldSquad, at the end of the current edition, its section and hall of fame will be the only things left from it. The core from Phoenix will be moved to our new, separate S17 project that we have started preparing its base ground. Genesis - this will be our new, permanent main server. A 150~500x resets server focused mostly on end-game content, a server that will remain online without any editions or wipes for as long as OldSquad will remain online. Easy early-mid game, prolonged end-game, maybe grand resets and other different end-game activities that will be decided later on. Inception - major changes to how Inception will be operated. It will no longer be a standalone, long-term server. Since most of you quit before or after reaching end-game, Inception will no longer have an end-game. There will be no more wormhole, sockets, wings level 4 or quest system + extra resets. Inception will have only 25 resets under the same stage-system as before (and all the content up to 25 resets). Inception will now run under "Sprints". There will be 2 Sprints per year, each Sprint will last 4 months (120 days). At the end of the 4 months, characters will be moved to Genesis. Players can choose to either continue the end-game on Genesis (if they want to experiment sockets, w4, quest system, more pvp, etc.) or join the next Sprint from 0 on Inception. There will be the option of either moving 50% of remaining credits to Genesis or 10% of remaining credits to the new Sprint, based on where players do choose to continue. We'll also have a new HoF made for Inception Sprints where people with different, set goals will be shown (first CS winners, all CS winners, first w2 mixed, first w3 mixed, first +15 item, etc). The development of S6 will be cut moving forward. We'll continue to offer support and fixes (where needed), but our focus will no longer be on S6. There may be some improvements/quality of life from time to time, but that's it. Inception will be exactly as it was last edition, only moving the fixes / quality of life we did before and during Phoenix. Since we're no longer interested in its development, if there will be any good suggestions from players (especially before Inception Sprints release, but also during them) that are highly appreciated by more than few players, and that are related strictly to gameplay aspects (not credits/donations/premium functions) we MAY implement them, no questions/arguments asked from our side. Schedule for 2022-2023: 09 September 2022 - Inception Sprint #1 release - ends on 07 January 2023. 11 November 2022 - Genesis release. 07 January 2023 - Transfers start from Inception's Sprint #1 to Genesis. 13 January 2023 - End of the transfers. 27 January 2023 - Inception Sprint #2 release - ends on 28 May 2023. 28 May 2023 - Transfers start from Inception's Sprint #2 to Genesis. 04 June 2023 - End of the transfers. 04 June 2023 - September 2023 pause. September 2023 - Inception Sprint #3. OldSquad will remain active on this formula for as long as there will be players left interested in this project and the project will remain feasible business-wise. It may be the last year or it may continue for more years, all based on your interest.
    14. Well, there's nothing more to talk about, the time for "talks" is over. I already stated my opinions and plans, you are all of course free to have your own opinions, but there's not really something that would change my mind. All I did during every single edition of any project was constantly to brainstorm, focus and come up with new features, new ways to balance things out, prevent bad things from happening, improvements, quality of life, new fixes, and so on. There wasn't a single day from first 2-4 months of each project when I wasn't thinking at what we can do better, what we can improve, what can we add, to make the game more fun for our players. Could I have just stopped doing all of this since we already had a great product? Of course, most of people were already impressed with the level of the project, we didn't had to do much more. But we never stopped, we always wanted to get better and better, to work more and more. How many of you complained about Zen that is useless and you want it to be valuable? Some can be easily found on forum, the rest only us know, because we spoke with A LOT of you in private about your complaints. We delivered, we made Zen important in economy, and apparently it was "shit", well, you asked for it. How many of you complained that you have hundreds of jewels - some even thousands on Inception (talking mostly about bless, soul and life) and that they have no value? That all items are sold only for Credits (and insane prices) because the jewels are worthless? That people play with VPN and x accounts just to farm jewels and get rich over night which was BAD? That you have no motivation to go to events because rewards were CRAP? (of course are crap when you have hundreds of jewels). A hella' lot of you, and you know better. We delivered, we made jewels and events valuable, and it was again considered "shit". See? You never knew what you wanted. You always wanted something - we listened - we implemented - you didn't wanted it anymore and considered it bad. If breaks/stages were too long you asked them to be shorter. When they were shorter you asked them to be longer, cuz you "pass" content too fast. When higher maps were easier you asked for higher maps to be harder, when we made it harder you asked for them to be weaker because you need decent gear to stay. And of course, that's the reason I always trusted my own ideas more than what you wanted (my ideas and vision brought the oldsquad to this high level), despite listening and implementing everything good you suggested over years (browse forum and you'll find everything that was considered and implemented/changed that came from players and was considered good). You're right, I shouldn't blame the community, I should just blame me, that I took this project too serious and too personal and that I've put more soul than I should. That I allowed players to behave incorrectly from start, either between each-other or towards us. That I gave 2nd and even 3rd chances to players that shouldn't had them. That our rules weren't too harsh to make people think twice. That, as I said, focused too much on the product instead of focusing on building a healthy, toxic-free community where both staff and players can feel comfortable being part of. That was the secret that I didn't knew back then in 2016, how the way smaller communities with very bad products were so healthy, happy, and long-term. But yes, it was a great personal lesson, and for sure I'll use it in my future projects. I'm not looking to argue with anyone, it was my one and only reply, feel free to continue to throw shit, something that you (as community) know to do way better than to be constructive.
    15. You should all start playing different servers for at least 1 year and then maybe you will finally appreciate our work. But I admit, it was our fault that we gave you too much from start (great gameplay, great features, great support, great stability, great fairness and seriosity) and you got used to it thinking you deserve it and even more than it, trashing every single detail that wasn't perfect for you. The love and hype I had when I've built this project was blind, I never expected that I was building a toxic community. A community that know to respect and talk nicely only when it is in need of info / support OR when everything is "perfect". A community where people are "sweet-talking" with us in the front side while cursing, insulting and disrespecting us in the back side. A community that even with hundreds of real players and guild-limits can't have more than 2-3 guilds, and even those guilds are disbanding on their first real lose or even on their first win. A community that can't take a lose or accept that others are just better and either insult each other, create dramas, accuse of hack, exploit, luck or simply create excuses. A community that literally begged us for unbans of ips/hwids promising that they've changed just to repeat their shits. A community that had multiple opportunities to bring feedback but it was either totally ignored, used for personal benefits or used as a way to complain without adding any value. I can keep going, but it is enough. We had the potential (technical & dedication) to have a great, long term place, but we started wrong, we never thought that the playerbase would be our downfall, we were focused too much on the product. Would have expected a different outcome with mature people aging 25-30+, but it wasn't the case. I started this project when I was 20, spent many of important youth years working with pure passion on this project 18/24 and had BLIND hopes of reaching something...unrecheable. That passion quickly went lower and lower as the years passed and the "community" was being built, and I started to realize what environment I am actually working in. The reason Gion was co-opted was exactly because I was sick of handling people anymore, and decided to focus purely on technical aspects if I wanted to continue the project, passing most of the human-interactions to Gion. Yes, I used to be a GREAT guy towards everyone here (because I am the same in real life), and it only backfired to me and I was fooled again and again (same as in real life). What's left here? A pure business without a soul. Our projects are free to play for everyone, but as WE WANT them to be. Take it or leave it. As long as there will still be some players left and especially enough money to be a feasible business we will still be here. When it will be over, it will be over, no hard feelings, we have nothing more to prove and no time to waste anymore at this age (especially since we limit ourselves to such an old game when we can do way bigger, 2022 things). What's for sure right now is that this Phoenix was the last non-reset type of server on OldSquad, as it was stated before its launch, as a last-shot on non-reset. In terms of Inception, there will also be radical changes on how it will be operated starting from this year. We'll slowly build our own S17 behind the scenes, with a fresh community built from 0, this time made it right. Some of you are clearly welcome there, some of you probably not. Topic is closed now since there won't be any other Phoenix. #WeMadeMUGreatAgain.
    16. You're trying to enter CC with a level 50 character. CC1 starts from level 100 (it is written on invitation as well).
    17. Hello, The current Inception edition has passed its deadline and due to the amount of players left active there is no point in keeping it online any longer. Inception didn't stop impressing us even on its fifth edition and we're proud of its development and its long-lasting activity. The 6th edition will start somewhere between September and October. As for now, Inception will be closed tomorrow (12.05.2022) during evening. Thanks to everyone that took part in this edition and especially to those that kept playing it on the long run! HoF has been updated:
    18. First to make level 400: ME: Hydro (first to make level 400 from server) BK: DarknesSBk SM: Mael SUM: Alien DL: OneWar MG: Hellsing RF: xREDx Break1 triggers: Tadeusz, DarknesSBk, Pershing, Sosu, Ripo, eRoby & Alien Break2 triggers: Tadeusz, Sosu, Pershing, Ripo, DarknesSBK, Miukutin & xREDx Break3 triggers: Mael, Hydro, Alien, OneWar, Hellsing, DarknesSBK & EzRage First to make level 400 & 200 ML: ME: Prich1NdeL BK: TUPAC SM: Flames (first to make level 400 & 200 ML from server) SUM: Zizou DL: Ruby MG: CiHaNGiRM RF: BlowMeAway Total Accounts: 48878 Total Characters: 4818 Record Online: 763 Final Ranks of the Edition Normal Top: PvM Rankings: Mercenary Squad: Blood Castle: Devil Square: Chaos Castle: Castle Siege NetWorth: Castle Siege Killers: Castle Siege Stampers:
    19. I didn't ask for feedback so that you guys can just express your personal frustrations (be it about your own character or other characters) or to ask why we did/do things or not. We talk about Early-Mid game experience overall, not personal things. We talk about what was good and what was less good and can be improved in future. You are expected to MOTIVATE your opinions and optionally providing suggestions to overcome it. We expect a constructive feedback to help us become better and to offer you a better overall experience. Whatever is not considered a real feedback (pure complaining, asking questions, off-topic) is just ignored, I didn't open this topic for that, so unless you can bring value to this topic you can just ignore it.
    20. Oh yea, finally a feedback worth replying, outside of "joke" and "why you did that, I dont like it", you should all learn how to give a feedback if you plan to do it. Budges thing & k1/k2 - I totally agree that it is bad that those hunting the budges do also easily take the lower goldens on their path, I always thought on how can I change that, but I don't have any idea yet since budges should be in lower maps (farmed from early game) and the low maps are limited in numbers and they all have goldens of their own. I'm open for ideas that I don't see myself. Newbies experience - It is true it didn't worked as planned. My idea was to give all players a true "Hard" experience until Mid period, that's what they signed for, that's the reason why we didn't made newbies boosts after each break on this edition compared to before, and just a big one on Mid period. But the bad part about it is that our gameplay is also made for full parties, so new players are really struggling alone on low levels especially after few weeks when most players are in mid-high maps and they have a hard time finding a party. It was always the same problem on Phoenix, because there are no "reset" players out there to help newbies out with parties, compared to Inception. I highly believe that the exp isn't the most important problem for newbies reticence, but the solo gameplay that is very hard for them, no matter the exp (and ofc., higher exp means faster catch-up, which I agree, and which we may turn back to as it was in past, in future). The only solution I can see right now that I was planning to do along with Mid period switch (and should have been done after 2nd Break) is to raise the buff values (DMG&DEF) from Soldier, so that new solo players can have an easier time progressing in lower and mid maps). I'm open to new ideas as well.
    21. Hello, Since this Phoenix had a lot of new things and changes compared to our previous projects, we want to hear your feedback about your experience with all the new things/changes as well as the overall experience from Early-Mid game. Looking for goods and bads so we can tweak our next editions based on your feedback. Any constructive feedback will be rewarded with 200 credits, don't forget to leave your character name on the reply for the reward.
    22. Hello, This is a public update to keep you informed. Last days have been a big challenge for us, and for your patience altogether. Our project is 6 years old. During all these years we had 3 major attacks problems that affected our game. The rest of problems were only related to Web which was easier to disturb compared to our game. We're receiving hundreds of attacks on every edition that we launch, there are barely days without any attack, but we did a good job so far in not making our players feel them. This time is different, this time we're really struggling to completely shut down the attacks, and the sad part is that your experience is affected because there's nothing like "stop server fix attacks reopen server". It is not possible because (some of) the attacks are imitating real players to bypass our protections, so it is very hard to mitigate them without affecting the real players as well. And we need data, we need tests, we need to see if it happens again, what is different compared to last attack, did our previous change helped/is in a good direction, are normal players affected right now, and so on. This can only work if our servers are up and running, as well as players trying to normally join the game. There's no easy fix here, just perseverance and patience. And no, the attacks never stopped so far, they just try a whole of different things, some are fixed, some are not, we're going through all the cases until we fully stop them. So for now we ask you to continue to be patient while we're working on the attacks. Nobody wants them, and especially not us, but it is what we're facing right now. We do recommend staying in off-attack if new rounds of disconnects are happening so you can continue to exp and avoid the frustrations. Cheers!
    23. It is weird, since we knew about such rare cases and that's why we rewritten the entire code for rebuild. I need more details about it, and we may add a new /rebuild possibility if the current stats from CS are matching the stats before rebuild, even if rebuild was already used, to have a work-around for such cases. Related to map - it will never work on 1st MU window, it will only work on 2nd MU window. So for CS you need to open 2 MU sessions and login for CS on 2nd one, where you'll have the map. No amount of reconnects will activate it on 1st window. It could spawn like that, but is it what we want? The whole reason for it is that you know when it spawns and where it spawns and you can adapt your strategy to kill the rest of people from its range and secure it. Is it worth committing too many people for Gigas and/or waiting with few minutes before its spawn? I don't know, in some cases it may be worth, in other cases it will most probably not, and it is something each alliance can decide based on experience.
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