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    Posts posted by ADMIN

      • Please provide screenshot or video of the hacking attempt.
      • Please provide the character name of the suspicious player when posting.


      • Report without enough proof information such screenshot or a video will be closed.
      • We allow only screenshots of the full chat log and the prints must be made in game, not in windows.
      • The title of a complaint will be of the form [<violated rules>] - <Name Accused>. You will not post any "Sub-Title". Complaints that do not observe this pattern will not be taken into account and will be closed.

      Example :

      • [BL] - Name
      • [Language] - Name
      • [Cheating] - Name

      etc ...


      • If what you are reporting is in another language than English, you must provide a full translation.

      1 warning = 1 day Mute
      2 warnings = 2 days Mute
      3 warnings = 1 day Ban 

      Upload Screen Shot:



      - Please upload photos on one of the sites mentioned above to not create any problem related to their display. You can also use one of the first two links that were generated.

    1. nonreset.gif&key=04fb71509235f222248c056

      OldSquadMU - NonReset Info



      Why to choose US ?

      • This is a REAL STABLE SERVER - In 1 year I don't know if there were more than 3-5 downtimes apart from updates.
      • This is a REAL LONG TERM SERVER - Proved on both Max30RR & NonReset editions that lasted almost 1 year each.
      • This is a REAL PLAY2WIN SERVER - I didn't really saw until now any top server that doesn't sell items (webshop) or have cashshop for 3x seals (like 400% exp), panda pets and other shits. And when I say PLAY2WIN, many top players can confirm if they spent more than first VIP donations to be on top - Credits are very easy to be farmed without donating anything but again, you must PLAY for that.
      • This is a REAL PROFESSIONAL SERVER - Minimum level of bugs, configured in a Smart & Professional way with a lot of unique features.
      • This is a REAL DEDICATED PROJECT - Yes, we aren't here for money, we are here to make a REAL COMMUNITY for this shitty game that eaten our childhood. We aren't opening and closing servers each month just for money, we aren't changing the name of servers just to "refresh" reputation. We are OldSquad. We are here to stay.
      • This is one of the very few servers where the Administrator (in this case, me ) is actually supporting any player with any request in the fastest time possible (starting from instant to maximum 1 day - there are some exceptions when I am very busy or I am not home at all but meh).
      • This is one of the very few servers where the Administrator (in this case, me) is actually listening to players suggestions/opinions and is fighting hard to touch anything (good) that players are coming with.
      • This is the ONLY SERVER where you find an UNIQUE GAMEPLAY  - apart from all the normal boring gameplays - that is constantly improving and adjusting to players needs.
      • This is one of the very few servers that DOESN'T HAVE FAKE ONLINE players: If you check many top servers, they don't even show online players on rankings tab, neither entire top 100 players. This is because they are using artificially online count that is boosted into the website, and they don't show online players so people can't check if it's real or not. Almost all top servers are doing that just to attract players.
      • Furthermore, this is one of the few servers that doesn't run OFF-ATTACK/OFF-STORES just to increase the player count with BOTS and also one of the few servers that have a limit of ACC/HWID (3).

      Basic Info

      • Season 6 Ep. 3 CUSTOM.
      • Dynamic Low Exp [5-15x].
      • Newbies boosts including exp boosts.
      • Master EXP: Dynamic 3-5x
      • 35% Drop.
      • Party Exp System (Solo = 100%, 2 Players = 90%, 3 Players = 95%, 4 Players = 106%, 5 Players = 112%, Perfect Party = +3% exp).
      • All events working with nice rewards.
      • No alliances.
      • Max 20 players in a guild for all classes.
      • Maximum 2 guilds in alliance -> but only main guild can join the CS, 2nd guild only for alts/small friends, etc.
      • Elf Soldier buff until level 300.
      • Maximum of 2 accounts on same HWID.
      • Shops for a low exp server.
      • Maximum of 9 HP pots stack and 50 mana pots stack (for PvP and PvM experience).
      • Create Guild at level 150.
      • Create DL, MG, RF at level 200.
      • Reconnect system fully working.
      • No Web-Shop, no Cash-Shop, only VIP System (without VIP Server) & Web-Credits for Premium Modules.
      • Helper from level 1.
      • Max ADD on Items: 28.

      Gameplay Info


      OldSquad is going to offer you a nice & unique experience with build-base, very interesting PvM and equilibrated PvP for all classes, that can satisfy any kind of player (passive, farmer, pvp-lover, afk-er, competitive, etc.).

      We are introducing for the 4th time into MU Online World a brand new GAMEPLAY based on a progressive style with 3 BIG STAGES! 

      There will be a LONG-TERM Gameplay (just like in WoW, there will be players, pvp's, gears at every stage, you don't even have to be "MAX", you can 'casual play' and be the best player level 1-300 stage, or things like that).

      Some bonus gameplay info:

      • First 100 levels are easier to encourage the new players then the Dynamic Exp is playing it's role by decreasing/increasing exp.
      • Quest have low drops and Quest level 3 is really hard.
      • There is no reset stats on web! So be careful with how you add your points! You can only reset stats with reset fruits farmed ingame.
      • 5 NON-PVP maps: Aida(1,2), Karutan1, Kalima5, Kalima7 and Crywolf (later stage) where you can only KS.
      • 4 GENS maps: Atlans, Vulcanus, Raklion and Swamp.
      • All other maps are 100% PVP, with free KS (no ban), free PK (no ban).
      • PK clear is off, so if you want to PK you must also wait 20-60 minutes to clear and/or you must kill mobs.
      • Swamp is a level 395+ map designed only for Master Level.
      • You can also make ML on mobs over level 115 (like condras / relics mobs).
      • ML Exp is decreasing with % on each of the next master levels: 51+, 101+, 151+, 181.
      • Kalimas are populated!
      • There is no ARENA (forget about leveling on the same place for 3 months, that's not how MU is supposed to be).
      • Exp will be raised for lower levels anytime we consider (to encourage new players).

      Because this is a non-reset style where things are very close to each other we have improved the stages system in a different way than on Max30RR:

      There are 3 STAGES (At level 220,315,385). When they are finished, each of them will bring some new content to the table but also will boost the newbie exp overall.
      The EXP stages are between level 220-240, 315-330 and 385-395 where EXP will be 5% of total EXP (very very low).
      When first player from server reach level 241,331,396 the STAGE is officially completed and the stage exp and the previous stages exp will raise.
      When 1st Stage is completed by first player, the Stage 1 exp will be doubled for the rest of players.
      When 2nd Stage is completed by first player, the Stage 1 will be removed and Stage 2 exp will be doubled for the rest.
      When 3rd Stage is completed by first player, the Stage 2 exp will be removed and the Stage 3 exp will be doubled for the rest.
      Also the player that will complete the stage first will win VIP for 7 days.

      What else are unlocking / giving the stages when completed?

      Stage 1 (240)
      - Old Box 3
      - Goldens for Box of Kundun + 3
      - +1 Golden Budge Dragon
      - Chaos Machine (on site) until +11
      - Access to Add Luck (on site)
      + other things

      Stage 2 (330)
      - Old Box 4
      - Goldens for Box of Kundun + 4 & + 5
      - +1 Golden Budge Dragon
      - Improve all Events rewards (as game progress)
      - Improve Crywolf Event - Balgass HP
      - Release Crywolf with mobs as a Non-PvP map
      - Release Silver VIP
      - Release Character Market
      - Chaos Machine (on site) until + 12
      + other things

      Stage 3 (395)
      - Old Box 5
      - Improve all Events rewards (as game progress)
      - Improve Crywolf Event - Balgass HP
      + other things

      This system will make the game more interesting and more skill/build-based (+long term) and also the entire balance of server (Economy, PvP, PvM,etc.) will be adjusted anytime.
      Also, the gap between top 30 characters and the rest of the server will be lower.
      Also, any person who wants to start after xx days from server start can recover easily (if he plays a lot).

      Old Box System & 380 Items
      There are 5 boxes (Old Box 1, Old Box 2, etc.)
      1 is the weakest, 5 is the best.

      Old Boxes can't be: Traded, Moved to Vault, Moved to Store (you can only drop them).

      380 Items can only be farmed on events and from Old Box 4/5:

      - Kundun have a chance to drop 380 Weapons.
      - Medusa is dropping 1x 380 Weapon.
      - Dark Elves (CryWolf Event) have a chance to drop 380 Gloves.
      - Bloody Queen (Vulcanus) is dropping 1x 380 Boots.
      - Nightmare (Kanturu Relics) is dropping 1x 380 Helm.
      - Selupan (Raklion) is dropping 1x 380 Pants.
      - Balgass (CryWolf Event) is dropping 2x 380 Armor.
      - Old Box 4 have 15% chance to drop 380 Pants.
      - Old Box 5 have 15% chance to drop 380 Armor.

      What Old Boxes are dropping:

      Old Box 1: Ring Exc / 1 Harmony / 1 Creation / 1 JoG / Magic Backpack (Extend Inventory) / 10x Invitations Kalima / AGI+VIT Reset Fruits.
      Old Box 2: Pend Exc / Demon / Angel / Wings LvL 1 (+0...+9) / 10x Invitations DS / STR+ENE+CMD Reset Fruits.
      Old Box 3: Horn Fragment / Feather / Crest / Jewel Bundle (10x Bless/Soul) / Talisman of Chaos Assembly / Sphere5 / 10x Invitations BC.
      Old Box 4: Ancient Tier 1 / Flame of Condor / 10x Gemstones / 20x Life / 20x Creation / Talisman of Chaos Assembly / Broken Horn / 380 Pants.
      Old Box 5: Seeds (DD, HP, REF, EDR, CRIT) / Wings LvL 3 (Lowest Chance) / Feather of Condor / 20x Harmony / 380 Armor.

      - They can be obtained on almost any event from our server (check event rewards on every stage).

      Events Info
      1. Rabbits Invasion:
      - 3 times per day (07:00, 15:00, 23:00)
      - 20 rabbits per map on: Atlans (1-3), Dungeon (1-3), Elbeland (1-3), Devias (1-4)
      - 50% chance to get: 1 Bless / 1 Soul / 1 Chaos
      - 50% chance to get: 3.000.000 zen
      - You gain 2 CREDITS per kill.

      2. Arena Tournament:
      - Every day at 19:15, each day have a limit (Level 150-320, 321-379, 380-399, 400+)
      - Schedule:
      Level 150-320: Thursday & Sunday (you must write /warp pvparena1 to join this one)
      Level 321-379: Wednesday & Saturday (you must write /warp pvparena2 to join this one)
      Level 380-399: Tuesday & Friday (you must write /warp pvparena3 to join this one)
      Level 400+: Monday (you must write /warp pvparena4 to join this one)
      - Minimum of 3 players to start, maximum of 40 players to play.
      - After 40 deaths you will be eliminated.
      - One kill = 10 points, one death = -5 points.
      - Fight for 10 minutes and then get ranked + rewarded.
      - You will be PK Stage level 2, you can't leave map, you can't make parties, you can't buff other ppl.
      - You will respawn on random coords after death.
      - After 10 minutes you will be ranked and automatically rewarded with:
      1st place: 150 credits + HoF Badge
      2nd place: 125 credits
      3rd place: 100 credits
      4th place: 85 credits
      5th place: 70 credits
      6th place: 50 credits
      7th place: 35 credits
      8th place: 20 credits

      3. White Wizard Invasion:
      - Every 6 hours (00:45, 06:45, 12:45, 18:45)
      - They will spawn on Devias, Noria, Lorencia and Elbeland.
      - WW drops 4 random Jewels (Bless/Soul/Life) + 20% chance to get Old Box 1 and 10% chance to get Old Box 2 between the Jewels.
      - Orcs have a chance to drop ring of wizard / jewels (B/S).
      - You gain 10 CREDITS per kill.

      4. Chaos Castle:
      - Every 3 hours (00:15 03:15 06:15 09:15 12:15 15:15 18:15 21:15)
      - You can join only 3 times per day with the same character.
      - You will get points that will be accumulated for WEEKLY CC REWARDS ON SITE (Credits).
      - There is a decent drop of jewels on CC5, CC6 and CC7.
      - Players that win the CC will get rewards:
      CC 1-3: 2 Jewels (Bless/Soul/Life) + 15% chance for Random Ancient.
      CC 4: 40% chance to get Old Box 1, 60% chance to get Random Ancient.
      CC 5: 25% chance to get Old Box 2, 75% chance to get Random Ancient + Random Jewels from mobs.
      CC 6: 20% chance to get Old Box 4, 30% chance to get Old Box 3, 50% chance to get 20b/20s + Random Jewels from mobs.
      CC 7: 30% chance to get Old Box 4, 20% chance to get Old Box 3, 50% chance to get 20b/20s + Random Jewels from mobs.

      5. Blood Castle:
      - Every 3 hours (02:30 05:30 08:30 11:30 14:30 17:30 20:30 23:30)
      - You can join only 3 times per day with the same character.
      - You will get points that will be accumulated for WEEKLY BC REWARDS ON SITE (Credits).
      - You can close the BC only when there are maximum 3 minutes left from event.
      - Exp on BC is raised with 100%.
      - There is a decent drop of jewels if you stay until the end.
      - Players that win the BC will get rewards:
      BC 1-3: 3 Chaos
      BC 4: 4 Jewels (Bless/Soul/Life) + 10% chance to get Old Box 1 between 4 Jewels.
      BC 5: 4 Jewels (Bless/Soul/Life) + 10% chance to get Old Box 2 between 4 Jewels.
      BC 6: 5 Jewels (Bless/Soul/Life) + 15% chance to get Old Box 2 between 5 Jewels.
      BC 7: 40% chance to get 10b/10s, 35% chance to get Demon, 15% chance to get Angel, 10% chance to get Old Box 3.
      BC 8: 40% chance to get 10b/10s, 35% chance to get Demon, 5% chance to get Angel, 10% chance to get Old Box 3, 10% chance to get Old Box 4.

      6. Devil Square:
      - Every 3 hours (01:15 04:15 07:15 10:15 13:15 16:15 19:15 22:15)
      - You can join only 3 times per day with the same character.
      - You will get points that will be accumulated for WEEKLY DS REWARDS ON SITE (Credits).
      - You can farm Season 4 Spells (Explosion,Five Shot,etc.) ONLY on DS! (Lower DS-es have lower chance).
      - Exp on DS is raised with 100%.
      - There is a decent drop of jewels if you stay until the end.
          - DS 5-7 have a low chance to drop Ancient items.
      - DS 7 have a low chance to drop Sphere Lvl. 5.

      7. Golden Invasion:
      - Every 4 hours, random minutes (2:xx, 6:xx, 10:xx, 14:xx, 18:xx, 22:xx)
      - You gain different amount of CREDITS per kill.
      - Box of Kundun + 1: 10 Goblins in Noria [also gives 1 CREDIT]
      - Box of Kundun + 2: 5 Titans in Devias, 6 Devils in LostTowers [also gives 2 CREDITS]
      - Box of Kundun + 3: 6 Tantalos in Tarkan, 4 Golems in Aida, 3 Crusts in Icarus [also gives 3 CREDITS]
      - Box of Kundun + 4: 3 Satyros in Kanturu and 4 Satyros in Karutan1 [also gives 4 CREDITS]
      - Box of Kundun + 5: 3 Iron Knight in Raklion, 2 Twin Tale in Relics [also gives 6 CREDITS]

      - Special: 1 GGD in Raklion, 1 GGD in Vulcanus and 1 GGD in Karutan2 that is dropping 5 boxes +4/+5 and 15 CREDITS.
      - Special: 1 Budge Dragon in Lorencia, 1 Budge Dragon in Noria and 1 Budge Dragon in Elbeland that is dropping Stars (for Rings/Pendants Exc.) and 10 CREDITS.

      8. Kundun (BOSS):
      - Every 18-24 hours, between 18:00 and 00:00 (random minute/hour between this 6 hours).
      - Rewards: 3 Random Ancients + 30% chance to drop 380 Weapon between 3 ancients.
      - You gain 35 CREDITS per kill.
      - There will be spawned an Illusion of Kundun also 1 time per day in Lorencia Circle (Full PvP, no punishments for PK) - JUST FOR FUN - Kill anyone on the small circle even if it's your guild mate and be the lucky one who gets the loot at the end.
      - The Illusion of Kundun will drop 1 random ancient.
      - It will spawn 1 time per day and have the same window of 18:00 - 24:00.

      9. Kanturu Refinement Tower:
      - Rewards from Hands: 3 Jewels (Bless/Soul) and 10% chance to drop Old Box 2 between 3 Jewels.
      - Rewards from Nightmare (BOSS): 2 items - Exc. Weapons (Knight Blade, Platina Staff, etc.) + 380 Helm + Chance for Old Box 4 .
      - You gain 30 CREDITS per Nightmare kill.

      10. Medusa (BOSS):
      - Every 12 hours, at 11:00 and 23:00
      - Rewards: 2 Socket Weapons with 4/5 slots (or PSS exc for RF) + 1 Weapon Level 380 + 30% chance for Old Box 5.
      - You gain 50 CREDITS per kill.

      11. Selupan (BOSS):
      - Every 12 hours from when it is killed
      - Rewards: 4 Socket Set Items (Helm,Armor,Gloves,Boots,Pants) & Shields (or PS exc for RF) with 4/5 slots + 380 Pants + 50% chance for Old Box 5.
      - You gain 50 CREDITS per kill.

      12. Erohim (BOSS):
      - Every 25-35 hours
      - Rewards: 25% chance to get 1 Hyon Sword / Gywen Bow (for W3) and 75% chance to get 10b / 10s.

      13. CryWolf Event:
      - 2 times per week [Wednesday and Sunday at 22:30]
      - Balgass drop: 2x 380 Armors + 50% chance for Old Box 4 / 50% chance for 1 PoH (Piece of Horn, Fenrir item)
      - Dark Elves drop: 15% chance to drop Old Box 3, 35% chance to drop Exc. Weapons (Knight Blade, Platina Staff,etc.), 25% chance to drop 380 Gloves, 25% chance to drop 20kk ZEN.
      - Bonus 10% EXP for ENTIRE SERVER if you finish the Event.
      - 2 Bless/Soul for each finalist.
      - You gain 20 CREDITS per Dark Elf kill and 75 CREDITS per Balgass kill.

      14. Imperial Guardian:
      - It announce every time a boss is killed.
      - You can join only 5 times per day with the same character.
      - It doesn't have any cooldown.
      - Drop Rate of invitation pieces is low.
      - Bosses are dropping 4 Jewels (B/S/Life/Chaos).
      - Sunday events are dropping 4 Jewels per Boss, 3 Bosses per event.
      - Sunday's Final Boss also have a 30% chance to drop Talisman of Chaos Assembly.

      15. Doppelganger Event:
      - You can join only 3 times per day with the same character.
      - Drop Rate of invitation pieces is low.
      - Silver Chest is dropping 1x Scroll/Elixir.
      - Golden Chest is dropping 2x Scrolls/Elixirs.

      16. Illusion Temple:
      - 2 times per day (09:00 and 21:00)
      - You can join only 1 time per day with the same character.
      - Minimum of Players for Event to start: 4
      - You must leave the party in order to be able to join the Event.
      Winners of IT 1 can win: 25% 10b/10s 75% Demon/Angel.
      Winners of IT 2 can win: 75% 10b/10s 25% Demon/Angel.
      Winners of IT 3 can win: 50% Old Box 3 50% 10b/10s.
      Winners of IT 4 can win: 60% Old Box 3, 5% Feather of Condor, 35% Old Box 4.
      Winners of IT 5 can win: 60% Old Box 4, 10% Feather of Condor, 25% Old Box 3, 5% Old Box 5.
      Winners of IT 6 can win: 60% Old Box 4, 10% Feather of Condor, 25% Old Box 3, 5% Old Box 5.

      17. Bloody Witch Queen (BOSS):
      - She spawns in the darkest holes of Vulcanus, 2 times per day at Random Hour / Minute as following:
      1 time between 17:00 and 21:00.
      1 time between 03:00 and 07:00.
      - She will stay 30 minutes after she spawn.
      - She is dropping 1x EXC Last tier Items (GD, DS,etc.) with 1-2 options and 380 Boots.
      - She have a low chance to drop Old Box 4 and a very low chance to drop Old Box 5.
      - She is a BOSS, so expect High HP / DMG.

      18. Cursed Dragon Revenge (BOSS):
      - The Dragon is respawning 4 times per day on Elbeland at Random Hour / Minute as following:
      1 time between 00:00 and 05:59
      1 time between 06:00 and 11:59
      1 time between 12:00 and 17:59
      1 time between 18:00 and 23:59
      - He is dropping only Old Boxes (1-5).
      - Smaller Boxes have a higher chance of being dropped from him than the bigger ones.
      - Because he was cursed to have 2 heads, the dragon lost his attack-power so even if he is a BOSS, he have a very low attack but it is compensated with a big pool of HP.
      - He stays 1 hour after he is spawned.

      19. Death King Invasion:
      - Death King (Boss) and his Slaves (Death Bones) will invade Lorencia 2 times per day (12:00 and 00:00)
      - There are 2 Bosses per Invasion and 10 Slaves.
      - Both Bosses and Slaves have a low HP pool and a easy-medium damage.
      - If you are PK (Stage1 / Stage2) and you're killing a Boss you will be completely cleaned of your PK.
      - If you are PK (Stage1 / Stage2) and you're killing a Slave you will clean 2 kills.

      20. Bonus System:
      - The bonuses will start at 18:00 Server Time with the exception of Saturday when Bonus starts at 19:30 (due to CS).
      - On weekly days (Monday-Friday) Bonus System will increase normal exp with 50% and ML exp with 25%.
      - On weekends (Saturday, Sunday) Bonus System will increase normal exp with 100% and ML exp with 50%.

      21. Quiz Event:
      - The role of this Quiz Event is to encourage players to read and learn about what OldSquad can offer and to learn precious info that can help in their journey here (all info topics).
      - The Quiz Event will start randomly 1 time per day between 10:00 and 23:59.
      - There are 18 questions per day which can't repeat on the same day but they may appear into other day.
      - The question will repeat every 20 seconds, for 3 times, if there is no correct answer after 1 minute it will be canceled and the next question will appear.
      - The questions are made by us and are 100% from information of our servers (events,drops,mobs,credits,etc.) - so read everything in order to raise your chance to win on this event.
      - The answers are mostly simple and they can be either a number, a word, 2 words, yes, no or name of an object from game.
      - In order to answer at the quiz you need to write /ans xxx where xxx = the answer that you think the question have.
      - You need to write the exact answer in order to win (example 2 resets is different than 2 rr even if it means the same).
      - The capital letters doesn't matter so you can write either EViL spIriT or Evil Spirit which will be right in both ways.
      - The questions poll is around 200 for the moment but we'll keep adding questions until we reach around 400-450 unique questions.
      - For the moment rewards are 1x Jewel of Bless for each correct answer.
      - At the end of the Quiz Event there is also a ranking with Top3 players with the most correct answers at that round.

      22.Royal Rumble Event:
      - Every Sunday.
      - Registrations between 21:15 and 21:30.
      - Event starts at 21:31 and it is over when there is only 1 character left at it.
      - Maximum of 40 participants.
      - You have 3 lifes (so you can die 2 times but the 3rd time you die you will be eliminated).
      - The last man standing will win (and only him) a prize (at beginning 1x Feather 1x Crest).
      - How to register at event:
      - You need to have Level 1 (new character).
      - The character MUST be only DK.
      - You must write /register between 21:15 and 21:30 to register it to event.
      - Everything else is checked and set automatically (moving your char, deleting inventory, buffs, etc.)
      - Anyone can participate doesn't matter resets/levels on his main character (equal chances for everyone).

      Spots Info
      • Except for Noria, Devias and Elbeland, anywhere you see a mob there is a spot for sure (we deleted extra mobs because we didn't want to have overpowered spots by mistake).
      • The number of spots in every map is 20-40 (differs from map to map).
      • The number of mobs in spots are 7-8 (some spots have 7 mobs, other spots have 8 mobs).
      • All spots are a mass spawn (not a pointed one) so you must have SM/SUM/EMG or any AoE guy in parties to hold the spots.

      Drop Info

      - Our PvM & Economy System are encouraging Active Players but they also help AFK Players with Helper.
      - Jewels drop on maps are based on Monster levels, which means lower maps/mobs will have really low chance for jewels while high and end-game maps/mobs will have a high drop rate.

      Economy Drops:
      - Web Credits: Medium [Obtained from: Votes, Exchange Online Hours, Weekly Tops, Events, Bosses, Goldens, WW, Rabbits, Arena Tournaments, etc.]
      - Jewel of Guardian: Medium [Drop only in LoT]
      - Jewel of Bless: Medium-Low [Drop starting from Devias to all maps]
      - Jewel of Soul: Medium-Low [Drop starting from Devias to all maps]
      - Jewel of Chaos: Low [Drop starting from Devias to all maps]
      - Zen: Low [Obtained from : Mobs, Selling Items, etc.]
      - Gemstone: Low [Drop in Kanturu Relics and Kanturu3]
      - Dark Raven Spirit: Low [Drop only in Kanturu2]
      - Sphere Level 4: Low [Drop only in Vulcanus]
      - Feather & Crest: Very Low [Drop only in Icarus]
      - Jewel of Life: Very Low [Drop starting from Tarkan to all maps]
      - Jewel of Creation: Lowest [Drop starting from Tarkan to all maps]
      - Sphere Level 5: Lowest [Drop only in Vulcanus and DS7]
      - Dark Horse Spirit: Lowest [Drop only in Kanturu2]
      - Magic Backpack (Extension of Inventory): Lowest [Drop only in Karutan2]
      - Flame of Condor: Lowest [Drop only in Swamp]

      Heart/Silver/Gold system:
      - Heart of Love can be farmed on maps from Devias until LostTower3.
      - Silver Medal can be farmed on maps from LostTower3 until Tarkan.
      - Gold Medal can be farmed on maps from Tarkan2 until higher maps.
      - Heart of Love: Items like Sphinx,Plate,etc. +7 -> +11 ; Weapons/Shields from +7 -> +13.
      - Silver Medal: Items like Dragon,Legendary,etc. +7 -> +11 ; Weapons/Shields from +7 -> +13.
      - Gold Medal: Items like Black Dragon,Grand Soul,Ashcrow,etc. +6 -> +12 ; Weapons/Shields from +6 -> +13.

      Spells drops:
      - The most important spells are farmed from LostTower1 and Atlans until Losttower3 and Atlans2/3 + Dungeon3 with a medium drop:
      Fireburst, Twisting Slash, Evil Spirits, Lighting Shock, DarkSide, Dragon Roar.
      - Innovation,Ignore Parchment and all the Season 4 Spells (Gigantic Storm,Multishot,etc.) can be farmed ONLY in Devil Square (1-7), with a low drop, DS1-4 have lower drop than DS5-7.
      - Mana Shield, Death Stab, Rageful Blow, Berserk, Critical Dmg can be farmed from LvL 70 mobs until LvL 83 mobs (like Tarkan1,Tantalos from Tarkan2,etc.).
      - Ice Storm, Decay, Reflect, Summon and maybe I am missing something are farmed after LvL 84 mobs (starting from Kanturu2 and places like that).

      Other drops:
      - Starter Ring Level 40: Any item from Heart of Love +7 -> +11.
      - Starter Ring Level 80: Small Wings for all classes.
      - Box of Heaven: Bless, Soul, Chaos, Life, Imp, Angel.

      Chaos Machine Info
      • Devil Square Ticket 1-4: 90%; 5,6: 85%; 7: 80%.
      • Blood Castle Ticket 1-5: 90%; 6,7: 85%; 8: 80%.
      • Illusion Temple ticket 1-5: 80%; 6: 70%.
      • Feather of Condor: 1-60% (60% max rate).
      • Wings lvl 1: 1-90% (90% max rate)
      • Wings lvl 2: 1-90% (90% max rate)
      • Wings lvl 3: 1-40% (40% max rate)
      • Item Upgrades (+10 -> +15 without luck):
        • +10, +11: 50%.
        • +12: 55%.
        • +13, +14: 60%
        • +15: 65%
      • Luck will add + 20% chance on every upgrade.
      • Socket Items have -5% chance on any mix.
      • Fruits Mix: 75%.
      • Pets Mix: 80%.
      • Piece of Horn: 60%.
      • Broken Horn: 50%.
      • Horn of Fenrir: 30%.
      • Gemstone Mix : 85%.
      • Lower Refine Stone Mix: 35%.
      • Higher Refine Stone Mix: 60%.
      • Lower Refine Stone in Item: 40%.
      • Higher Refine Stone in Item: 80%.
      • Jewels rates:
        • - Soul: 60%.
        • - Life: 50%.
        • - Harmony: 75%.
          • Luck will add + 20% chance on Soul and Life.

      Wings Level 4 System
      Wings Level 4 Lore:

      A long time ago the MU Land was ruled by 2 significant names, Balgass and Kundun, who joined forces with only one objective: Destroying anyone in their path who tried to stand in their way.
      But things weren't as simple as they seemed, on paper they should have ruled supreme, but our MU citizens proved to be resourceful in overcoming the threat of these two cruel rulers.
      After being defeated multiple times, Balgass decided that Kundun's help alone was not enough for their plans to succeed, so they summoned from the underworld a new and bigger threat than themselves, to aid them in their quest for domination: Selupan
      Time passed and Selupan realised that he was much stronger than both Kundun and Balgass, he decided to leave their alliance and create his own. That was the moment when Medusa joined him as a partner, their new goal: Destroying OldSquad World.
      But just like Balgass had his own army and Kundun to help him, Selupan had a thirst for power and wanted an army of his own, he used his slaves from Raklion and Medusa's slaves from the Swamp. Then he created 2 new minions to add power to his own army: So came into being the Bloody Witch Queen and the Cursed Dragon which were sent to fight with MU citizens and attack our world while Selupan and Medusa were gathering enough energy and strength to join the battle.
      As good always finds a way to triumph over evil, both of their minions were defeated multiple times by our defenders. This couldn't pass unnoticed by Balgass so he realised that Selupan was vulnerable, and he saw his opportunity to regain the throne of Evil had come. As their forces weren't enough to face Selupan alone, they made a compromise and asked our MU citizens for a colaboration.
      This colaboration has lead to a pact between Balgass and them, where upon Balgass will summon a new minion called 'Wings Protector' which contains an old and lost artifact that can be used in forging a new tier of Wings for our MU citizens that can help them to finally defeat Selupan forever and grant Balgass and Kundun their supremacy of Evil.
      OldSquaders were clever enough to accept and to sign this pact, because they knew that Balgass and Kundun are the lesser of the two evils and would be much easier to defeat in the future, should they attack them again, it made sense to join forces and defeat Selupan and his army. So they signed it and the new Wings tier entered our world!
      But, what they didn't know when they signed it, is that it gives both Balgass and Kundun a long period to get stronger than ever, and it's very possible that Balgass and Kundun have a surprise in store for the MU citizens, after the OldSquaders have forged the first wings and defeated Selupan...

      Wings Level 4 System:


      To upgrade your Wings level 3 to Wings level 4 you have to pass a kinda big challenge.
      Firstly, just like for wings level 3 with feather of condor, you need to mix a special item before mixing the wings level 4 themselves.
      There are 3 special items: Goat Statue, Hawk Statue and Oak Charm.
      Goat Statue is needed if you want to upgrade Wings level 4 for: BK,SM,MG
      Hawk Status is needed if you want to upgrade Wings level 4 for: DL and RF
      Oak Charm is needed if you want to upgrade Wings level 4 for: ELF and SUM
      How you can make this special items? 

      You need to mix the following things at Chaos Goblin in Noria:
      - 1x Old Box 3
      - 1x Old Box 4
      - 1x Old Box 5
      - 1x Chaos
      - 5x Creation
      - 1x 30b Bundle
      - 1x 30s Bundle
      - 1x Weapon 380 +13 +Add16 (No Explosion Blade / Sylph Wind Bow)
      - 400kk zen

      This item can be transferred to another character only via personal store, for now !

      You have 50% chance to obtain a random special item (from Goat Statue, Hawk Statue and Oak Charm) and 50% to fail and lose everything.

      After you acquire the idol/charm that you are interested for your own upgrade the next hard part is coming:
      You need to acquire a Talisman of Luck, which is an old artifact that is dropped by the new minion Wings Protector.
      Wings Protector is a kinda-weak minion from the new army of Selupan and Medusa (even weaker than Cursed Dragon) but it's a sneaky one!
      He is spawning ONLY 1 time per day and ABSOLUTELY random as time (but 70% of times from 12:01 PM 23:00 PM and 30% of times from 23:01 PM to 11:59 am).
      It will always announce when it is spawning and also when it is killed / when he retreat.
      It will stay 1 hour after he is spawned.
      He can spawn on both Vulcanus and Raklion and it won't be specified on the announcement with a random spawn on one of the maps.

      After you defeat him and acquire your Talisman of Luck you can proceed with the next and last step which is the Wings Level 4 Upgrade Mix.

      You need to mix the following things at Chaos Goblin in Noria:
      - Idol/Charm (depends on what wings level 4 you want).
      - Wings Level 3 +13 +Add16 (your class wings, if you mix SUM wings3 you will get SUM wings4, if you mix ELF wings3 you will get ELF wings4, etc.)
      - 2x 30b Bundle
      - 2x 30s Bundle
      - 1x 30harmony Bundle
      - 1x Chaos
      - 1x 10creation Bundle
      - Talisman of Luck
      - 1000kk zen

      You have 100% chance to succeed with the upgrade!

      !!! Talisman of Luck and all Wings Level 4 are not tradeable/usable into web warehouse -> Personal work and 'achievement'.

      Attention again:
      If you mix Charm and W3 Elf + 13 you will gain W4 Elf.
      If you mix Hawk Idol and W3 RF you will gain W4 RF.
      Conclusion: It's an upgrade of your old wings.

      Info about Wings Level 4:

      - W4 can be equipped only by chars with Quest level 3 made and MINIMUM 100 MASTER LEVEL (It won't show the ML requirement on the client but it's needed to equip them).
      - W4 starts with 60% dmg and 60% absorb at +0 and grows only by 1% per level (at +9 are the same as W3 + 15).
      - Currently, you can't upgrade W4 more than + 9 but we'll add the option in the future if we'll consider to (so at +15 would be +6% dmg and abs compared to W3).
      - Increase defense by Level * 10 compared to W3 of Level * 4 and starting with 15 bonus def (at +9 it have 150 def compared to 126 of W3 + 15).
      - Options from life are +6 +12, +18, etc. compared to +4, +8, +12 of W3 (dmg, wizz and deff bonuses only - recovery is the same).
      - W4 have +2% chance for Ignore, Ref and Complete Life compared to W3's 5%.
      - W4 will always come with at least 1 option of this 3 on any MIX, with a maximum of 2 options (75% for 1 option, 25% for 2 options).

      Castle Siege System (Unique System)
      • Castle Siege is every Sunday at 17:00 Server Time.
      • Register period is between Monday and Wednesday (at 00:59).
      • Sign of Lord period is between Wednesday (at 01:00) and Friday (at 01:00).
      • You can register both ingame (on Valley of Loren) or on SITE (as GM of the alliance).
      • Friendly Fire is active (10% of damage goes to allies also).
      • After registering the crown, defensive team must go outside of the room and re-enter it (so you don't have to press CTRL to attack).
      • Crown is with accumulated time.
      • Every 3 seconds while the GM is outside of the room he will lose 1 second from the accumulated time.
      • Every FAIL of accumulating the crown (Example: You lose a switch, you miss-click again on the crown, etc.) will cost you -1 second of the accumulated time.
      • DL with Dark Horse can't be moved while registering the Crown. Also all classes on Fenrir can't be moved while registering the Crown.
      • Sleep duration is maximum 5 seconds.
      • Elf buff duration is 90 seconds.
      • Crown switches are not in the center of square so they are harder to be kept.
      • Minimum requirements in order to have a chance at CS: GM-TANK + 2 TANKS for SWITCHES.
      • Normal CS gameplay is the same (get switches, register crown, etc.) but the CS is won by the Team with the most Points at the end of CS (doesn’t matter if the Team is attacking at the end, it will still win the CS).
      • 15 minutes after CS starts (at 17:15) the initialization of the system will start. Starting from 17:15, the Team that is having the Defender status at CS will get 1 Point every 2 seconds (points are getting faster as CS time goes on). If the defenders lose the crown to attackers, the new defenders will start to earn Points. Basically any Team that have Defender status will earn 1 Point every 2 seconds (or more). The only rule to earn the points is that ALLY GM must be ONLINE and on CS map, else the Points won’t raise.
      • Apart from the Defender Points, killers can also contribute to their team by KILLING enemies on the crown room (ONLY crown room and only enemies - allies kills won’t give you points -):
        • TANK kill (char with more than 40% of points into VIT) = 5 Points
        • Ally GM kill = 15 Points
        • Rest of players = 2 Points
      • Every 3 minutes a global message will show up to announce current Points for all Teams involved at CS. Players can also use /score command anytime they want to check the Points situation.
      • At the end of the CS, the Team with the most Points accumulated will be the winners, doesn’t matter if they are attackers at the end.
      • Other CS Info:
      • Teleport of SM disabled near Switch Crowns (5x5 space).
      • Dark Horse skill cooldown reduced to 6 seconds.
      • Mana Shield, Sweal, Reflect, Fitness, DSR buff have a standard duration of 60 seconds (ONLY on CS server).
      • Defenders spawn location is between the end of the bridge and middle of 1st gates and 2nd gates.
      • Summon cooldown increased to 45s.
      • Battle Master skill (stun) duration increased from 15s to 20s 
      • For winners:
      • Land of Trials access where Ancients are dropping (low rate) and JoG's are dropping (medium rate).
      • Erohim access.
      • Lord mix access (1 per day, Last tier item exc (GD, DM, etc.) - with 3-4 options).
      • Entrance level in Valley: 200 lvl.
      • Good exp spots: Fire Golems (for level 280-330/350).
      • GLORY! 


      Extra Info Topics:

      Special / Hot Features that you should KNOW: Click Me
      Server RULES: Click Me
      Info about CREDITS: Click Me
      Everything about Characters & Formulas: Click Me

      + Many, many, many other things !

      Let's bring MU Online to the next level !

    2. Salutare,


      Am gasit imaginea asta pe net, nu sunt microbist, nu am tangente cu fotbalul, stiu despre intamplarea cu Patrick, insa m-a socat faptul ca Orange au profitat de asta pentru a face marketing.




      Ce parere aveti ? Stiu ca voi sunteti cu dinamo pe aici si etc. :)

    3. Error: Could not load template 'hookMembersOnlineToday' from group 'boards'


      Da, acum am vazut, deci dasta' era scoasa, s-a umblat prea mult la css-uri pe tema asta si la module iar cealalta a ramas cum era :(

    4. da era mai frumos pe alb dar merge si asta plus ca ne lipsesc functiile am spamat atata degeaba deja trebuia sa am statusul de "sef la bataie"  300+


      Aveti posibilitatea sa schimbati inapoi pe tema veche, un butonas jos cu Change theme


      Cat despre "custom title", good to know, daca aveti niste sugestii de custom titles le astept si le introducem :)


      La 500 posturi puteti sa va schimbati singr custom title-ul in ce vreti :D

    5. sa-i ajuti cum m-ai ajutat pe mine?.. =))


      Iti spun mura-n gura ce trebuie sa faci, ce vrei mai mult ?


      Daca nu ma asculti, am rezolvat problema la peste 10 pers in ultimele 10-15 minute.

    6. care joc ma ce merge ca mie si lui klingon nu porneste :(

      ne luam jucariile si ne bagam la somn..



      nici mie nu-mi merge..sa aveti bafta si spor:)


      Baieti, de ce nu ma cautati sa va ajut ?

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