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    Posts posted by ADMIN

    1. A new rule has been added and it is active starting from this upcoming CS:


      12. Any anti-game on CS (this may include but not limited to: helping a specific team to win, holding switches to help a specific team, participating with more than 1 guild, etc.) will be punished with 5 days ban on all the chars (and their main chars) involved. Also, if the CS is won by the team that got the 'help' it will be canceled and taken by Admins. If you don't join CS to win it then don't join at all.
      Note: Evidences must be provided as recorded videos.


    2. Hello, I took all the improvements related to Player Kills, Punishments, Limits, Restrictions, etc. and put them in one place called PK System.

      Details about PK System:

      1. This is a full PvP Server - that means you can Kill/KS any player, any time, as much as you want, AS LONG AS GAME LET YOU DO IT.

      2. Nature of Maps:
      Non-PvP Maps (Can't attack players): Aida(1,2), Kalima5, Kalima7 ,Karutan1, Crywolf.
      Punishments: 75% EXP and 25% DROP.
      Free PvP Map (Can kill players with no punishments): Lorencia
      Gens Maps (Can attack players from opposite gens with no punishments / can't attack members from same gens): Atlans(1-3), Raklion, Relics, Vulcanus.
      Normal PvP Maps (Can kill players but with punishments): Rest of maps.

      3. There is no /pkclear command available so in order to clear your PK you must either wait (a long time for each kill) or to KILL monsters and make the clean process much faster. The alternative for pk clear is to go at Death King invasions. PK Points System:
      You gain 3 points per second.
      You gain MonsterLevel/2 points per monster kill.
      Points required to clean PK at Stage1: 16000
      Points required to clean PK from Stage2 to Stage1: 14000
      Points required to clean PK from Stage3 to Stage2: 12000
      Points required to clean PK for each extra Kill after Stage3: 9000

      4. Death King Invasions -> special event 2 times per day in Lorencia (12:00 and 00:00) where you can clean your PK by killing Death Kings and Death Bones.

      5. You can't teleport on normal maps when you are Stage 2 PK but you can get into Lorencia from anywhere you are by 2 methods:
      First is to warp from site (free move for pk'ers also) and 2nd one is to start a duel and cancel it so it will teleport you into Lorencia.
      You can't also be summoned into other maps when you are Stage 2 PK (DL's can't use summon with Stage 2 PK'ers in party).

      6. In Non-PvP maps, killers can be attacked!

      7.  When you are in party you can't attack/be attacked by others from the same party (to avoid kills from mates by mistake).

      8. Chars command
      - You are able to use command /chars Name where Name = name of an online char (same server with you) that has atleast 1 Kill.
      - The function will show the first 3 chars from the target IP that have the biggest level, from biggest to lowest.
      - If the player doesn't have 3 chars it will show only two, one or none.
      - In order for the script to show the chars the target must have atleast 1 Kill or it won't show anything.
      - Feel free to know the killers better from now so you can have your revenge.

      9. Kill Limits - you aren't able to PK after a certain amount of kills and based on the map you are until you clear some Kills (but you are able to be killed):
      Dungeon, Devias and Kalima1 -> Max 6 Kills.
      Losttower, Kalima2, Kalima3 -> Max 8 Kills.
      Tarkan, Icarus, Kalima 4 -> Max 12 Kills.
      Kanturu, Kalima 6 -> Max 20 Kills.
      Karutan2 -> Max 35 Kills.

      The rule is bypassable on a map when there are goldens/bosses/mini-bosses alive (you can pass the kill limit while the mobs are alive).
      The rule is bypassable when you are attacking a Stage1/Stage2 PK'er (you're not limited).
      The rule is bypassable if there is a fight for a spot or fight with ks'ers.The condition is that the attacker must have a full party (4 or 5 members) and atleast 3 other party mates must be in his 6x6 zone (to be marked as eligible).If the conditions are met the attacker can bypass the limit of kills.

      10. Fairness Gaps - you aren't able to attack or be attacked by players when a fairness gap is touched.
      - This feature will disable the option of attacking a player if it's much lower in resets than you.
      - The feature is having a vice-versa also, players much lower than you can't attack you.
      - The Fairness Gaps are:
      400 -> 50 Levels
      350-399 -> 60 Levels
      300-349 -> 70 Levels
      240-299 -> 80 Levels
      170-239 -> 90 Levels
      100-169 -> 100 Levels
      - Examples:
      Players with level 400 can't kill players under level 350
      Players with level between 350 and 399 can't kill players with 60+ levels difference (For example level 399 player can't kill players under level 339; Level 350 can't kill players under level 290, etc.)
      Players with level between 300 and 349 can't kill players with 70+ levels difference (For example level 349 player can't kill players under level 279; Level 300 can't kill players under level 230, etc.)
      Players with level between 240 and 299 can't kill players with 80+ levels difference (For example level 299 player can't kill players under level 219; Level 240 can't kill players under level 160, etc.)
      Players with level between 170 and 239 can't kill players with 90+ levels difference (For example level 239 players can't kill players under level 149; Level 170 can't kill players under level 90, etc.)
      Players with level between 100 and 169 can't kill players with 100+ levels difference (For example level 169 can't kill players under level 69)

      - Feature is disabled on ML levels (there isn't any gap between level 400 players doesn't matter ML).
      - Feature is disabled on Gens Maps (Atlans, Relics, Raklion, Vulcanus) and also on Karutan2 & Swamp.
      - Feature is disabled at CS, LoT, CC, Arena Tournament, IT, Duel Arena and Lorencia Ring.

    3. Hello,

      Many of you are asking about events levels entries so I'm going to write them here:


      Devil Square


      BK, SM ,ELF, SUM
      DS 1: Level 15-130
      DS 2: Level 131-180
      DS 3: Level 181-230
      DS 4: Level 231-280
      DS 5: Level 281-330
      DS 6: Level 331-400
      DS 7: Level 400 + Q3 (ML ONLY).

      MG, DL, RF
      DS 1: Level 10-110
      DS 2: Level 111-160
      DS 3: Level 161-210
      DS 4: Level 211-260
      DS 5: Level 261-310
      DS 6: Level 311-400
      DS 7: Level 400 + Q3 (ML ONLY).


      Blood Castle


      BK, SM ,ELF, SUM
      BC 1: Level 15-80
      BC 2: Level 81-130
      BC 3: Level 131-180
      BC 4: Level 181-230
      BC 5: Level 231-280
      BC 6: Level 281-330
      BC 7: Level 331-400
      BC 8: Level 400 + Q3 (ML ONLY).

      MG, DL, RF
      BC 1: Level 10-60
      BC 2: Level 61-110
      BC 3: Level 111-160
      BC 4: Level 161-210
      BC 5: Level 211-260
      BC 6: Level 261-310
      BC 7: Level 311-400
      BC 8: Level 400 + Q3 (ML ONLY).


      Illusion Temple


      IT 1: Level 220-270
      IT 2: Level 271-320
      IT 3: Level 321-350
      IT 4: Level 351-380
      IT 5: Level 381-400
      IT 6: Level 400 + Q3 (MLONLY).



    4. Points system has been reworked:

      - From now points are earned each second for defenders:
      Between 17:15 and 18:00 you earn 1 point per second.
      Between 18:00 and 18:20 you earn 2 points per second.
      Between 18:20 and 18:45 you earn 3 points per second.
      Between 18:45 and 19:00 you earn 5 points per second.
      - Kills points on normal chars raised from 2 to 4.
      - Kills points on TANK chars raised from 5 to 15.
      - Kills points on GM chars raised from 15 to 40.


    5. @Legion

      I will modify the weapons + to 7-11 instead of 7-13.


      Yes official info, CS is from 17 to 19 on Sunday.


      We'll think about more restrictions to add luck. About reset stats, I'm 100% up for the removal of reset stats and leave only the farmed reset fruits from game, but I think it needs to be added on poll so ppl should come with their opinion. Only people that afk 24/24 are paying that vip price, most active people can just farm the VIP ingame and site and only add few bucks for permanent vip if they want to. Accounts are shared on all of our servers, you need level 100 on a character in order to start voting. Exc AA are dropping from BoK+5, I will add the topic with BoK drops. The poll with acc per ip/hwid is for NonReset, so it is not decided yet. Many people are playing this game mostly for CS, delaying it's launch is not fun, but instead, the progressive CS rewards are there to make sure there is no big advantage for players that win CS on early game apart from FUN. And yes, it is right, you can see a player's character only if it is murder (stage1+).

      Thanks for your feedbacks.


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