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    Posts posted by ADMIN

    1. Hi there and welcome :)

      You're quite right, and it's sad, but you can't change how people think, you can only change how you spend your time and especially where you spend it.

      With this being said, have fun in our playground!

    2. What is Game of War?

      It's an Event made by staff and it's very similar to the cards game with the same name.

      There are 2 stages: Qualification and Main Event.

      Event time:

      The event will be held 1-2 times per week, between 16:00-00:59.

      The qualifiers will spawn randomly inside this time interval.


      There will be a qualification stage where only 16 players will be registered for the Main Event.

      GM that holds the event will spawn Event Qualifiers in 4 maps: Noria, Lorencia, Elbeland and Devias.The number of Event Qualifiers spawned means the total number of the slots for the Event.There will be 4 Event Qualifiers on each map.The Event Qualifiers are spawned ONLY on SAFE-ZONES (towns).

      The only thing that you need to do in order to qualify for the Event is to find an Event Qualifier and click on it!
      After you'll click on it you will be automatically moved to the Event Zone and you'll have to wait until the Qualification is over.The Event Qualifier that you clicked will also disappear.

      *Note: The qualifiers do have a global cooldown of 1 second, meaning that if someone (even in different town) clicked on a qualifier, no one can click another one for 1 second.

      ATTENTION: If you'll try to register at the Event with more than 1 char / IP the Event Qualifier will reject your registration on the 2nd Character.

      Main Event:

      Players will be moved automatically to a unique position into the square from the Event Zone based on the qualification.

      Players will automatically get a 'chain' effect on their characters which will make them unable to move from their position until they are eliminated or the event is over.

      Players will be automatically skinned into a golden budge dragon so there will be more space and their names will be clearly visible.

      After the player is eliminated he will get his consolation reward and the chain effect + the golden budge skin will be gone. But they will get a transparency status so they can stay and watch without disturbing the event.

      When everything is set up, GM will explain the game to players that don't know it or he will redirect them to read this topic.


      How is the game?

      Very simple, GM will generate a bracket with single-elimination and the 16 participants using this generator: http://www.challonge.com

      Then players will "fight"1v1 based on the matches generated. The losers are eliminated and they will get their consolations.

      The "fight" contains a Best out of 3 between the players where the GM will drop 1  box/player on each round. The + of the Stardust dropped means the number of points the player has. The objective of the game is to get more points than your opponent so you can win the round. The first one to win 2 games is the winner of the match and goes higher in the event.

      When a Jewel of Life is dropped for a player, the round is canceled (restarted) and from that moment the player that got the Life can use it on any other round (as a joker) to cancel the round if he feels that he can lose it -lives are usable only vs current opponent.

      [Genesis] OSG Events have different rewards than OSGM from Inception ---> https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5362-osg-events/




      1st Place: 25 OSP + OSGM Default Reward
      2nd Place: 20 OSP + OSGM Default Reward
      3rd Place: 15 OSP + OSGM Default Reward
      4th Place: 11 OSP + OSGM Default Reward

      Consolations (all participants except first 4 places): 5 OSP + OSGM Default Reward


      About OSP ------> 


    3. Note about Characters

      • If you want to be good and beat many people with BK you really need to have good combo-skills, else the character is a waste!
      • AE is considered to be the TOP Hunter.
      • SUM can be a real GOD on PvP if played very well (with all debuffs, sleep, etc.).
      • EMG and ARF are TOP HOLDERS! Their power on PvP is limited, so go for SMG/VRF for PvP.
      • All RF builds require STR for their base damage, VIT/ENE/AGI only increase % skill damage, so you need both.
      • All PvP builds (Not AE/EMG/ERF/ARF/etc.) are balanced for medium - early late game on PvP. On the same level / equipment there is a 50% chance on duel between each other to win.
      • Keep in mind that without at least 2000-5000 VIT on ALL CHARACTERS your chances on PvP are low due to dying before SD is down.
      • All classes have been balanced for start & early game in terms of Hunt & PvM. They are pretty close.
      • We didn't focus too much on PvP aspect, things will be tweaked there after first Stage.
      • Rageful Blow is now the main PvM skill for BK early on (has been buffed).
      • Same can be said about Summoner and Lightning Shock.
      • EMG no longer has the extra defence buff.
      • AG cost reduced for Rageful Blow, Fire Slash and Lightning Shock.

      Extra Chars Info

      • Max Mana option (excellent) is now 15% instead of 4%.
      • %Mana per mob option (excellent) is now 7% per mob instead of 12% per mob.
      • Pendant of Ability now increases AG by +10%/+20%/+30% instead of +1%/+2%/+3%.
      • Pendant of Ability (non exc) can drop with only +10% AG.
      • Pendant of Ability (exc) can drop with +10~30% AG.
      • Ring of Magic now increases Mana by +10%/+20%/+30% instead of +1%/+2%/+3%.
      • Ring of Magic (non exc) can drop with only +10% Mana.
      • Ring of Magic (exc) can drop with +10~30% Mana.
      • Excellent Shields can no longer have ZEN option.
      • BK can no longer use Rageful Blow for combo.
      • Max DD and REF is 60%.
      • EE build is useless on Server1&2 (only good at CS, but there you have /rebuild).
      • SD Recovery option from 380 sets is DISABLED.
      • You can get DDI% (from harmony) only from item level + 11 (instead of + 9).
        • Note: Maximum DDI% per item is now 5% instead of 7% (1% at +11, 3% at +12, 5% at +13).
      • Elves do start with Infinity Arrow skill (from level 1).
        • Note: After you finish Marlon Quest, you need to do a relog, as the Quest will *mess* your skills.
      • Tank builds are eliminated, you can use them at CS for free, with /rebuild.
      • Support builds are now reworked into Hybrid builds (with limits on the buffs).
      • Full HP Recovery option from wings level 3 / 4 does not exist.
      • RF will receive Greater Defence buff on 0 resets and after Elf Soldier buff does expire that gives +50/25 DEF (based on build).
      • Heal & SD Recovery are removed from game.
      • Summoners can learn & use Cometfall as well as wearing Spirit (Elf) Items.
      • Poison does not work on bosses/mini-bosses (including Goldens/WWs, etc.).
      • Skills like Chain Lightning, Chaotic Diseier and Dragon Roar do have an internal delay when there are more than 300-400 online on the same sub-server, damage showing slower than usually.
      • DL/RF/MG does need the same Kalima level like rest of chars, despite showing a lower level ingame for them.
      • Ice Arrow is disabled at Illusion Temple.
      • Ice Arrow does require minimum 4000 energy in order to be learnt and used.
      • Teleport is disabled at Imperial Event, Illusion Temple and in 6x6 range of Switches at CS.
      • Power Slash is nerfed, so SMG is not that good HOLDER, his power is on Hunt/PvP.
      • Earthquake cooldown is 6s.
      • Summon cooldown is 50s.
      • Teleport cooldown is 3s.
      • Most of spells have 5 range (instead of 6).
      • Mana cost of Dark Side is 35 (instead of 70).
      • AG cost of Chain Drive is 14 (instead of 20).
      • Teleport Ally & Summon are disabled if there is not at least 1 member from same guild or alliance in party.
      • On Lorencia Circle you can only have your own class buffs (the rest are deleted).
      • Summon on Gens map is working when there is a boss alive.
      • Summon is disabled in Lost Tower and Devias while Death King is alive.

      If there is anything that you still need to know we have the test server always open.
      Commands for the Test Server: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2790-test-server-commands

      Characters Buffs Formulas

      • SM:
        • Mana Shield:
          • Max Rate: 30%.
          • Formula: 1(%) + (ENE/689)(%) - Capped at around 20k ENE or lower with ML.
          • Duration: 60(seconds) + (ENE/80)(seconds).
      • BK:
        • Greater Fortitude (Sweal):
          • Server 1&2 (Normal Servers):
            • Max Rate: 65%.
            • Formula: 5(%) + (ENE/200)(%)  - Capped at around 12k ENE or lower with ML.
            • Duration: 60(seconds) + (ENE/80)(seconds).
          • Server 20 (CS Server):
            • Max Rate: 40%.
            • Formula: 3(%) + (ENE/109)(%)  - Capped at 4033 ENE or lower with ML.
            • Duration: 90(seconds).
      • ME:
        • Greater Defense (Deff Buff) - Server20 (USELESS ON NORMAL SERVER):
          • Formula: 10 + (ENE/18).
          • Duration: 120(seconds).
        • Greater Damage (Dmg Buff) - Server20 (USELESS ON NORMAL SERVER):
          • Formula: 20 + (ENE/15).
          • Duration: 120(seconds).
      • MG:
        • Fire Slash Defence Reduction:
          • Max Rate: 20%.
          • Formula: 5% + ENE/467(%) - Capped at 7000 ENE.
      • DL:
        • Critical Damage:
          • Formula: ENE/25 + CMD/500.
          • Duration: 60(seconds) + (ENE/80)(seconds).
      • SU:
        • Reflect Damage:
          • Max Rate: 35%.
          • Formula: 5(%) + (ENE/620)(%).
          • Duration: 45(seconds) + (ENE/120)(seconds).
        • Berserker:
          • Max Rate: 50%.
          • Formula 1: (ENE/380)(%) - For Damage.
          • Formula 2: 40(%) - (ENE/450)% - For DEF/HP reduction.
            • Note: Minimum 10% of HP & DEF will be reduced, no matter the Energy.
        • Sleep:
          • Server 1&2 (Normal Servers):
            • Max Duration: 4.
            • Formula 1: 30(%) + (ENE/300)(%) - For Hit Chance.
            • Formula 2: 1(second) + (ENE/2500)(seconds) - For Duration.
          • Server 20 (CS Server):
            • Max Duration: 4.
            • Formula 1: 80(%) - For Hit Chance.
            • Sleep duration on CS server:
              • Under 12000 ENERGY => Sleep is blocked.
              • 12000 - 24000 ENERGY => Sleep duration is 2 seconds.
              • 24000 ENERGY+ => Sleep duration is 3 seconds.
            • Players that are under Sleep effect on CS server can't be damaged.
              • The immunity gained by a player under Sleep effect does make him immune from being moved as well.
        • Innovation (Lesser Deff):
          • Max Rate: 30%.
          • Formula 1: 30(%) + (ENE/400)(%) - For Hit Chance.
          • Formula 2: 5(%) + (ENE/900)(%) - For Defense Reduction.
          • Duration: 5(seconds) + (ENE/1000)(seconds).
        • Weakness (Lesser Dmg):
          • Max Rate: 20%.
          • Formula 1: 30(%) + (ENE/400)(%) - For Hit Chance.
          • Formula 2: 3(%) + (ENE/1200)(%) - For Damage Reduction.
          • Duration: 5(seconds) + (ENE/1000)(seconds).
      • RF:
        • Greater Ignore Defense (Ignore Buff):
          • Formula: 2(%) + (ENE/2500)(%).
          • Duration: 60(seconds) + (ENE/80)(seconds).
        • Increase VIT:
          • Server 1&2 (Normal Servers):
            • Formula: 80 + (ENE/9).
            • Duration: 60(seconds) + (ENE/40)(seconds).
          • Server 20 (CS Server):
            • Formula: 20 + (ENE/3).
            • Duration: 90(seconds).
            • Max ENERGY you can have at CS: 5000.
        • Greater Defense Success Rate (DSR Buff):
          • Server 1&2 (Normal Servers):
            • Formula: 60 + (ENE/15).
            • Duration: 60(seconds) + (ENE/20)(seconds).
          • Server 20 (CS Server):
            • Formula: 25 + (ENE/7).
            • Duration: 90(seconds).
            • Max ENERGY you can have at CS: 5000.

      Characters Main Builds

      While there are a lot of builds possible for any character, based on your own needs and creativity, each character have at least 2 main builds.

      • SM:
        • ESM -> With focus mostly on Energy for full MS & PvM potential.
        • Hybrid -> With focus on both AGI & ENERGY for full PvP potential.
          • Main PvP Skill: Blast (Cometfall).
          • Main PvM Skill: ES.
          • Main Hunt Skill: Blast/Flame.
      • BK:
        • SBK -> With focus mostly on Strength for full damage potential.
        • ABK -> With focus mostly on Agility for full combo potential (combo speed & survival).
        • Hybrid -> With focus on both Energy & STR for full greater fortitude & PvM potential.
          • Main PvP Skill: Combo.
          • Main PvM Skill: Rageful Blow.
          • Main Hunt Skill: Death Stab / Combo.
      • ME:
        • AE -> With focus mostly on Agility & STR for full damage potential.
        • Hybrid -> With 4000 Energy for Ice Arrow & higher VIT for full PvP support & survival.
          • Main PvP Skill: Multishot from melee range.
          • Main PvM Skill: Multishot / Triple Shot.
          • Main Hunt Skill: Multishot / Triple Shot from melee range.
      • MG:
        • SMG -> With focus mostly on Strength for full PvP & hunt potential.
        • EMG -> With focus mostly on Energy for full PvM potential.
          • Main PvP Skill: Fire Slash (SMG) / Blast (Cometfall) (EMG).
          • Main PvM Skill: Power Slash (SMG) / Gigantic Storm (EMG).
          • Main Hunt Skill: Fire Slash (SMG) / Blast (Cometfall) (EMG).
      • DL:
        • SDL -> With focus mostly on Strength for full damage potential for Solo-Play/Hunt.
        • EDL -> With focus mostly on Energy for full critical damage potential for Party/Events.
          • Main PvP Skill: Fire Scream / Ravens.
          • Main PvM Skill: Fire Burst.
          • Main Hunt Skill: Fire Scream.
      • SU:
        • ESU -> With focus mostly on Energy for full PvM & buffs potential.
        • Hybrid -> With focus on both Energy and Agility for sustained damage and more survival, mostly for PvP.
          • Main PvP Skill: Blast (Cometfall) / Chain Lightning.
          • Main PvM Skill: Lightning Shock.
          • Main Hunt Skill: Blast (Cometfall) / Chain Lightning.
      • RF:
        • VRF -> With focus mostly on Vitality for full PvP & hunt potential.
        • ARF -> With focus mostly on Agility for full PvM potential.
        • ERF -> With focus mostly on Energy for full buffs potential for Party/Events & decent PvM.
          • Main PvP Skill: Chain Drive (VRF) / Dark Side (ARF).
          • Main PvM Skill: Chain Drive (VRF) / Dark Side (ARF) / Dragon Roar (ERF).
          • Main Hunt Skill: Chain Drive (VRF) / Dark Side (ARF).

      Note: This topic is 100% made by me and it's especially for our server characters!

      Note2: The Master Skill Tree has some usual issues, we recommend you having it tested on test server before adding points in the tree!

      Enjoy building your chars!

    4. First to make a reset:
      ME: Papi
      BK: Aladdin
      SM: RuSuLeTzZz
      SUM: Arty
      DL: BojSieBoga (First reset from the server)
      MG: Midnight
      RF: r3zils


      First to get 30 resets:
      ME: VladisEE
      BK: StarLorD
      SM: AlmightySM
      SUM: hAse
      DL: BojSieBoga (First to get to 30 resets from the server)
      MG: Midnight
      RF: TOMMY


      Total Accounts: 12785
      Total Characters: 8084
      Record Online: 847


      Final Ranks of the Edition

      Normal Top:


      Blood Castle:


      Devil Square:


      Chaos Castle:


      Arena Tournament:


      Castle Siege:



    5. Hello,

      I'll start this guide that aims to bring you many tips which many of you don't really know or you were never interested about, that will help you to become a better and a competitive player.

      1. Character Race & Builds

      Choosing a character race and type is mostly based on what you like or you think it's fun for you. But when we think about the consequences of what you choose we can be sure that will affect your entire 'run' here.
      All classes/types have advantages and disadvantages in many different situations.

      If you want to focus more on PvM (Leveling / Top / KS) then you should clearly go for:
      - EMG
      - ARF
      If you want to focus more on Hunt (Goldens / Bosses / Mini-Bosses / Events) then you should clearly go for  :
      - AE
      - SUM

      If you want to focus more on Solo-PvP (Duels / Arena Tournaments / CC / PK) then you should clearly go for :
      - VRF
      - SDL
      - ABK
      - SBK
      - SMG

      If you want to focus more on Team-PvP (CS / Illusion Temple / Gens Battles) then you should clearly go for :
      - VBK
      - VDL
      - ERF
      - EDL
      - EBK
      - ASM
      - EE

      If you want an all-rounder (not exceeding at anything but being good at any of this things) then go for ESM.

      This are just recommendations, that doesn't mean that SMG can not be very good on Hunt or SUM at Solo-PvP, etc., this are mostly decided by builds and gear (and a bit of skill).

      About the builds part, I won't speak about individual builds because there will never be 'the best build' for a character type. Some builds help you more in some situations while others help you more in other situations, some builds are being very good for early / mid game while others on late game, some builds can be better for solo-pvp while others can be better for CS, etc.

      You can read all Character and Formulas from servers info sections and try to make your unique build (or follow other forum guides about characters).

      2. Consumables & Extra Items

      This subject is very sensitive and most of the time it is making the difference between players.

      What are this consumables?
      Consumables are items which you can 'consume' with right-click and they will buff your character.

      There are many consumables in our Servers:

      - Ale:
      It can be found on many shops like Lorencia Barmaid, Noria Elf Lala, etc.
      It will increase your attack speed with 20 for 1 minute.

      - Antidote:
      It can be found on many shops like Lorencia Barmaid, Noria Elf Lala, etc.
      It will decrease the duration of Ice effects on your character (exception of Ice Arrow, Chain Drive and Crystal of Destruction).

      - SD Potion:
      It can be created by mixing 3x Large Healing Potion on Goblin.
      It will restore a part from your SD (on fights).

      - Potion of Soul:
      It can be created by mixing Jewels of Soul on Goblin. 
      It will increase your AG recovery speed with 8, attack speed with 20 and resistance to Ice and Lightning for 1 minute.
      You can only have 30 Potions of Souls at a time (anything over 30 will disappear on move).

      - Jack O'Lantern Blessings: 
      It can be found in Pumpkin of Luck which is dropping on all maps.
      It will increase your attack speed with 10 for 30 minutes.
      It doesn't stack with other Jack O'Lantern items.

      - Jack O'Lantern Wrath:
      It can be found in Pumpkin of Luck which is dropping on all maps.
      It will increase your attack power with 25 for 30 minutes.
      It doesn't stack with other Jack O'Lantern items.

      - Jack O'Lantern Cry:
      It can be found in Pumpkin of Luck which is dropping on all maps.
      It will increase your defense with 100 for 30 minutes.
      It doesn't stack with other Jack O'Lantern items.

      - Jack O'Lantern Food:
      It can be found in Pumpkin of Luck which is dropping on all maps.
      It will increase your HP with 500 for 30 minutes.
      It doesn't stack with other Jack O'Lantern items.

      - Jack O'Lantern Drink:
      It can be found in Pumpkin of Luck which is dropping on all maps.
      It will increase your mana with 500 for 30 minutes.
      It doesn't stack with other Jack O'Lantern items.

      - Scroll of Quickness:
      It can be found on Double Goer Event (from any chest).
      It will increase your attack speed with 15 for 30 minutes.
      It is stackable with other Scrolls.

      - Scroll of Defense:
      It can be found on Double Goer Event (from any chest).
      It will increase your defense with 60 for 30 minutes.
      It is stackable with other Scrolls.

      - Scroll of Wrath:
      It can be found on Double Goer Event (from any chest).
      It will increase your attack power with 30 for 30 minutes.
      It is stackable with other Scrolls.

      - Scroll of Wizardry:
      It can be found on Double Goer Event (from any chest).
      It will increase your wizardry power with 30 for 30 minutes.
      It is stackable with other Scrolls.

      - Scroll of Health:
      It can be found on Double Goer Event (from any chest).
      It will increase your HP with 200 for 30 minutes.
      It is stackable with other Scrolls.

      - Scroll of Mana:
      It can be found on Double Goer Event (from any chest).
      It will increase your mana with 300 for 30 minutes.
      It is stackable with other Scrolls.

      - Elixir of Strength:
      It can be found on Double Goer Event (from last chest).
      It will increase your strength with 50 for 30 minutes.
      It doesn't stack with other Elixirs.

      - Elixir of Agility:
      It can be found on Double Goer Event (from last chest).
      It will increase your agility with 50 for 30 minutes.
      It doesn't stack with other Elixirs.

      - Elixir of Vitality:
      It can be found on Double Goer Event (from last chest).
      It will increase your vitality with 50 for 30 minutes.
      It doesn't stack with other Elixirs.

      - Elixir of Energy:
      It can be found on Double Goer Event (from last chest).
      It will increase your energy with 50 for 30 minutes.
      It doesn't stack with other Elixirs.

      - Scroll of Battle:
      It can be found on Double Goer Event (from any chest but low chance).
      It will increase your critical damage with 20% for 30 minutes.
      It doesn't stack with Scroll of Strength.

      - Scroll of Strength:
      It can be found on Double Goer Event (from any chest but low chance).
      It will increase your excellent damage rate with 20% for 30 minutes.
      It doesn't stack with Scroll of Battle.

      - Normal Fruits:
      They can be created by mixing 1 Jewel of Chaos and 1 Jewel of Creation at Goblin.
      There are 5 types of fruits (AGI,ENE,STR,VIT,CMD).
      Each of them will increase the stats that they represent with 1-3 points when you consume them.
      The stats are permanent but there is a maximum of 110~127 points at level 400 (differs from char to char) that can be added with this fruits.

      - Reset Fruits:
      There are 5 types of reset fruits (AGI,ENE,STR,VIT,CMD).
      STR, ENE and CMD can be found on Box of Kundun + 1 and Old Box 2.
      AGI and VIT can be found on Box of Kundun + 2 and Old Box 1.
      They can be dropped from +1 to +10 (+1 = 10 points, +10 = 170 points).
      Each of them will decrease the stats that they represent when you consume them (so you can re-add on other stat).

      - Magic Backpack:
      It can be found on Karutan2 from any mobs with a very low chance.
      It will permanently extend your inventory when you consume it.
      You can extend inventory only 2 times (2 Magic Backpacks).

      Extra Items - Items which can be equipped and will bring you extra buffs / stats:

      - IMP:
      It can be found in Box of Heaven which is dropping at any mobs over level 40 and also from mobs with a low chance.
      It is a pet that will increase your attack power & wizardry power with 30%.

      - Guardian Angel:
      It can be found in Box of Heaven which is dropping at any mobs over level 40 and also from mobs with a medium chance.
      It is a pet that will increase your damage absorb with 20% and HP with 50.

      - Dinorant:
      It can be created by mixing 10x Horn of Uniria at Goblin.
      It is a pet that will increase your damage with 15% and damage absorb with 10%.

      - Demon:
      It can be found in BC 7,8 and IT 1,2 as chance of reward for winners.
      It is a pet that will increase your attack power, curse power & wizardry power with 40% and attack speed with 10.

      - Spirit of Guardian:
      It can be found in BC 7,8 and IT 1,2 as chance of reward for winners.
      It is a pet that will reduce the damage from monsters with 30% and increase your HP with 50.

      - Fenrir+Protect (Blue):
      It can be created by mixing Broken Horn on Goblin (which must also be mixed by smaller comps).
      It is a pet that will reduce the final damage that you take with 10%.

      - Fenrir+Destroy (Black):
      It can be created by mixing Broken Horn on Goblin (which must also be mixed by smaller comps).
      It is a pet that will increase the final damage that you make with 10%.

      - Ring of Wizzard:
      It can be found on the Orcs that are spawning with White Wizzards with a low chance.
      It is a ring that will increase your attack power with 10%, wizardry power with 10% and attack speed with 10.
      It only have 30 durability and it can't be repaired.It also can't be traded.

      © OldSquad.ro - Compatibility with other servers isn't assured!

      You can also bring your own 'pro tips' which can be approved and added to the guide.


    6. Edition of Black Jack [From 31 October]  :

      1st place: Medalik, won 20b 20s 1 BoK + 5

      2nd place : Mountain, won 10b 10s 1 BoK + 4

      3rd place : Sunchaser, won 4 BoK + 4 and 3 BoK + 5

      The consolation reward was 2 Box of Kundun + 4 and 1 Box of Kundun + 5.

      + OSP Points :

      Medalik - 50 OSP
      Mountain - 35 OSP
      Sunchaser - 20 OSP

      Dancer - 5 OSP
      GoHaz3l - 5 OSP
      RageBunny - 5 OSP
      Beren - 5 OSP
      Energia - 5 OSP
      Bestie - 5 OSP
      Freddy - 5 OSP
      Cristall - 5 OSP
      Chingrid - 5 OSP
      Caty - 5 OSP
      Prime - 5 OSP
      32767ene - 5 OSP
      rolexutz - 5 OSP
      Escobar - 5 OSP

      Congrats all and thanks for coming !

    7. Hello,

      Many of you (new and old players) still don't know what OldSquad can offer you in terms of great & useful features, so I'll make a presentation of most of them, to help you in your journey here.

      Server Features & Commands:

      1. Auto Party & Auto Party with Password
      - You can set your Character to automatically accept users into your party when you are Party Master.
      - The command that you must write is : /re auto
      - You can also set a password to your party, so only players using the password will be accepted.
      - In order to set the password you must write : /re auto XXX where XXX = your random password.
      - After you set up your party password, in order for others to join your party automatically they must also write:
      /re auto XXX where XXX = the same password that you set for your party and then just request party on any user from your party (Pressing D -> Party and right click on Characters from party).

      2. Add & Auto Add Points
      - You can add your free stat points very quickly to any of your stats by writing : /addstr XX or /addagi XX or /addvit XX or /addene XX or /addcmd XX, where XX = the amount of points that you want to add from your free points, and where str = Strength, agi = Agility, vit = Vitality, ene = Energy and cmd = Command.
      - You can also set the free points to be added automatically while you are AFK (that means whenever you make levels and gain new free points they can be added automatically and instantly to your chosen stat).
      - To use this feature you must write : /addstr auto XX or /addagi auto XX , etc. where str/agi,etc. are the stats and XX = the amount of points that you want to be added automatically every time you have the free points to use up.
      Example :
      If you have 100 free points and level 300 and you want to add the next 400 points into agility then you will write /addagi auto 400
      What will happen? The free 100 points will be added into agility instantly, and the next 300 points that you gain, will also be added into agility - that means from level 300 to 360 all the points will be added into agility automatically even if you are AFK when doing the levels -.
      NOTE : This command will work even if you re-enter game, get reconnected, etc.
      - To cancel the auto add points command you must write : /addagi auto 0 (instead of agi you should write the stat where you set the points to be added automatically). 

      3. Clear Inventory
      - If you want to clear (DELETE) your entire inventory (let's say it's full of trash items, and you don't want to waste time selling them to shop/dropping them etc. or you have an item that you can't sell/drop and want to get rid of it) you must write : /clearinv
      - Entire inventory will be cleaned instantly, so use it carefully!

      4. Char Info & Items Info
      - If you want to quickly-check a player level/mlevel write : /info XXX where XXX = name of the character.
      - In order for the info to be shown, the character must be ONLINE and on the same SERVER (1 or 20).
      - If you want to check the requirements (stats) and damage/defense for each level of an item (Non-Exc) from game you must write : /itemname where itemname = full and correct name of the item.
      Example : /Dragon Armor 

      5. Character Lock / Unlock
      - In order to raise the level of security for your characters, you can 'Lock' them with an extra password.
      - While the character is locked, his items can't be traded/sold/dropped etc.
      - This option is really recommended for shared accounts.
      - You can lock your character using /lock XXXX where XXXX = your password.
      - Password must have a minimum of 4 digits and a maximum of 20 digits.
      - To unlock it you must write /unlock XXXX where XXXX is the pass that you set.
      - In order to have a full protection of your account you must have 5 characters on your account and all of them locked (with atleast level 10 so they can't be deleted).

      6. Disconnect Friend / Own Account
      - You can disconnect a friend's account, or your own account connected to another computer.
      - You must write : /dcfriend CharName CharPassword where CharName = name of the character, and CharPassword = password of the account, where the character which you want to disconnect is hosted.
      Example : /dcfriend SoulSeT 123456
      - In order for the command to work, the account must be in the same SERVER as you (1 or 20).
      - Notice that the 'disconnected char' will enter the reconnect state, so you will have only 15-20 seconds to join the account before it is reconnected.

      7. War & Soccer
      - If you want to start a War 'Event' between your guild and another guild you must write : /war XXX where XXX = name of the guild which you want to go to war with.
      - If you want to start a Soccer 'Event' between your guild and another guild you must write : /soccer XXX where XXX = name of the guild which you want to play soccer against.
      - Notice that only the GM (Guild Master) can write & use these commands.

      8. Chars Command
      - You are be able to use command /chars Name where Name = name of an online char (same server with you) that has atleast 1 Kill.
      - The function will show the first 3 chars from the target IP that have the biggest level, from biggest to lowest.
      - If the player doesn't have 3 chars it will show only two, one or none.
      - In order for the script to show the chars the target must have atleast 1 Kill or it won't show anything.
      - Feel free to know the killers better from now so you can have your revenge.

      9. Event Entries
      - You can join some of the events only x times in 24 hours with the same character:
      - The entries will reset every day at 23:59 Server Time.You need to relog character after the reset for the update of the entries.
      CC - 12 Times per day ; 3 Entries / Day / Character
      BC - 12 Times per day ; 3 Entries / Day / Character
      DS - 12 Times per day ; 3 Entries / Day / Character
      IT - 2 Times per day ; 1 Entry / Day / Character
      Imperial Event - 5 Entries / Day / Character

      DoppleGanger Event - 3 Entries / Day / Character

      10. Entries Command
      - You can use command /entries to show your current event entries situation.
      - It will show how many entries you have left for today for BC, DS, CC, IT, Imperial, Dopple.
      - It will also show how much time left before the entries reset.

      11. Jewel Pack Command
      You can use /pack NAME SIZE where NAME = jewel name and SIZE = 10, 20 or 30.
      - The maximum pack is 30.
      - Example of using :
      /pack bless 10 -> will pack 10 Jewel of Bless.
      - In order to dismantle the packs you can use command /part NAME SIZE where NAME = jewel name and SIZE = 10, 20 or 30.
      Attention : You can play with this commands as it will also transform 30b pack into 20b +10b and any combinations.
      - The cost of this command is 2kk zen per use.
      - Name for jewels :
      bless = Jewel of Bless
      soul = Jewel of Soul
      life = Jewel of Life
      creation = Jewel of Creation
      guardian = Jewel of Guardian
      gem = Gemstone
      harmony = Jewel of Harmony
      chaos = Jewel of Chaos
      loref = Lower Refine Stone
      hiref = Higher Refine Stone

      12. Fairness Gaps
      - This feature will disable the option of attacking a player if it's much lower in level than you.
      - The feature is having a vice-versa also, players much lower than you can't also attack you.
      - The Fairness Gaps are :
      400 -> 50 Levels
      350-399 -> 60 Levels
      300-349 -> 70 Levels
      240-299 -> 80 Levels
      170-239 -> 90 Levels
      100-169 -> 100 Levels
      - Examples :
      Players with level 400 can't kill players under level 350
      Players with level between 350 and 399 can't kill players with 60+ levels difference (For example level 399 player can't kill players under level 339; Level 350 can't kill players under level 290, etc.)
      Players with level between 300 and 349 can't kill players with 70+ levels difference (For example level 349 player can't kill players under level 279; Level 300 can't kill players under level 230, etc.)
      Players with level between 240 and 299 can't kill players with 80+ levels difference (For example level 299 player can't kill players under level 219; Level 240 can't kill players under level 160, etc.)
      Players with level between 170 and 239 can't kill players with 90+ levels difference (For example level 239 players can't kill players under level 149; Level 170 can't kill players under level 90, etc.)
      Players with level between 100 and 169 can't kill players with 100+ levels difference (For example level 169 can't kill players under level 69)

      - Feature is disabled on ML levels (there isn't any gap between level 400 players doesn't matter ML).
      - Feature is disabled on Gens Maps (Atlans, Swamp, Raklion, Vulcanus) and also on Karutan2 & Relics.
      - Feature is disabled at CS, LoT, CC, Arena Tournament, IT, Duel Arena and Lorencia Ring.

      13. Kill Limits
      - You aren't able to PK after a certain amount of kills and based on the map you are until you clear some Kills (but you are able to be killed):

      Dungeon, Devias and Kalima1 -> Max 6 Kills.
      Losttower, Kalima2, Kalima3 -> Max 8 Kills.
      Tarkan, Icarus, Kalima 4 -> Max 12 Kills.
      Kanturu, Kalima 6 -> Max 25 Kills.
      Karutan2 -> Max 35 Kills.
      - The rule is bypassable on a map when there are goldens/bosses/mini-bosses alive (you can pass the kill limit while the mobs are alive).
      - The rule is bypassable when you are attacking a Stage1/Stage2 PK'er (you're not limited).
      - The rule is bypassable if there is a fight for a spot or fight with ks'ers. The condition is that the attacker must have a full party (4 or 5 members) and atleast 3 other party mates must be in his 6x6 zone (to be marked as eligible). If the conditions are met the attacker can bypass the limit of kills.

      14. Invasion Info
      - You can use command /invasion whenever there is an invasion and you'll get info about monsters alive.
      - It works for: Goldens, WW and Rabbits invasions.
      - For WW and Rabbits it will show maps where monsters are still alive.
      - For Goldens it will show how many are alive from each golden type.

      Client Utilities:

      1. Auto Post
      - You can automatically send messages on /post while you are AFK.
      - The time between the posts is 15 minutes.
      - In order to use this option, you must click on the button on the right side of the Clock InGame. A new window will pop-up up and all you have to do, is write the message that you want to send in the box after 'Message:' and then press on the button 'Enable'.
      - Notice that this option will still work if you get reconnected to the game and in some cases, even after disconnect.
      - In order to disable this option just press again on the same button which will now say 'Disable'.

      2. Events Time Table + Info
      - You have an InGame calendar (time table) where you can see the times, for all the events, (how many days/hours/minutes/seconds left until the event starts), just like the time table on the Site.
      - Notice that in some cases (depending on your countries summer time/winter time) the events can be wrong by + 1 hour or - 1 hour, from the time shown.
      - Furthermore, you can see all the information about the Events that are listed on the time table, by just clicking on their name (you can see their time, their rewards, locations, credits, etc.).

      3. 3D Camera & Minimizier
      - You can turn the 3D camera ON/OFF by pressing F10 button.
      - After turning the camera ON you can zoom in/out or even change the camera position by using your mouse wheel, (if you keep it clicked and move the mouse around the camera position will change). Also mouse wheel up = Zoom IN, mouse wheel down = Zoom OUT.
      - In order to reset the camera position, you must press the F11 button and it will be restored to the default position.
      - Also if you want to Minimize the game, just press the F12 button and it will disappear from screen, to retrieve the window, go to the MU icon near the Windows Clock (on bar) and click on it!

      Site Functions:

      1. Web Warehouse
      - This function is just like a Game Warehouse but it is on SITE.
      - You can deposit up to 50 items in the Web Warehouse (so use it for extra storage).
      - The Game Warehouse is also the bridge between your InGame items and the Market/Premium Modules.
      - In order to use any of these modules, you must first move your items from Game Warehouse to Web Warehouse.

      2. Zen Wallet & Jewel Wallet
      - These Wallets are your 'Bank' for Jewels and Zen.
      - In order to buy things from the Market, you must deposit the jewels/zen needed for the transaction, in your Wallets.
      - You can have large amount of Jewels and a large amount of Zen in your Wallets, so use them for extra space/zen!

      3. Add Luck & Chaos Machine
      - You can use Credits to Add Luck to any item from your account that doesn't already have it.
      - Even though they're called 'Premium Options' they can be used by any player, it doesn't matter if they are VIP or not.
      - The price is 350 Credits/Item.
      - In order to use this function you must use the following procedure :
      I) Adding the item that you want to put Luck on into the Web Warehouse :
      Log IN to SITE -> Go to Game Warehouse -> Left Click on the Item that you want to upgrade -> Click on 'Move to Web'
      II) Upgrading the Item using Add Luck function :
      Go to Services -> Premium Options -> Blacksmith then press on the button under the 'Add Luck' column, that is in the front of the Item that you want to Upgrade.
      - You can also Upgrade your Items using the Chaos Machine on SITE (100% chance of success and without the jewels).
      - You can only use this function for items with a minimum level of +9 and a maximum level of +12.
      - The price is 200 Credits for +10, 250 Credits for +11, 320 Credits for +12.
      - In order to use this function you must use the following procedure:
      I) Adding the item that you want to Upgrade the Level on, into the Web Warehouse:
      Log IN to SITE -> Go to Game Warehouse -> Left Click on the Item that you want to upgrade -> Click on 'Move to Web'
      II) Upgrading the Item using Chaos Machine function :
      Go to Services -> Premium Options -> Blacksmith and press on the button under the 'Chaos Machine' column, that is in the front of the Item that you want to Upgrade.
      - Note that this option won't work on Level 3 Wings.

      4. Market
      - You can easily sell/buy items from game in the Market.
      - All the items are added by players from game.
      - You need minimum level 100 to sell on Market.
      - You can only sell items for Jewels and Zen (no Credits).
      - Accepted Jewels: Bless, Soul, Chaos, Life, Creation, Harmony, Guardian and any of this combinations.
      - There is no tax from the price but you will pay 1kk zen for each item added on Market.
      - Any item added to Market will expire after 5 days if it's not bought (will return to your account).
      - You can only sell up to 20 items/day in Market.
      - In order to Sell Items in Market you must use the following procedure:
      Log IN to SITE -> Go to Game Warehouse -> Left Click on the Item that you want to sell -> Click on 'Sell Item' then set the price and click on 'Submit'.
      - In order to Buy Items from Market you must use the following procedure :
      Log IN to SITE -> Go to Wallets -> Click on Jewels Wallet -> Deposit the amount of jewels needed to buy the item from the Market into the Jewels Wallet from your Game Warehouse -> Go to Market and buy the items you want.

      5. Character Market
      - You can Buy/Sell characters in a 100% safe way, using the Character Market.
      - The System works only with Credits (you can only buy/sell for Credits).
      - Characters sold must have minimum level 330.
      - There is a Tax of 20% and a Minimum Price of 1300 credits for any Character.
      - You can choose on what account the Credits will go after a successfully sale of a Character (you must write the account where you want them at 'Recipient').
      - After a successful sale, the Character that was sold will be automatically be transferred, into the account that bought it (if there is space for it) and then you can use it.
      - The entire equipment, ranks, etc. will be transferred.

      6. Auction System
      - You need at least level 300 to use it.
      - You can add maximum 2 items per day into Auction.
      - The cost per item added is 50 credits. If the item isn't sold at the end of the period the credits are returned.
      - Due to the add-tax there is no tax % from the jewels that you get (you receive the full offert).
      - You can choose for how many hours the item will be into Auction (minimum 6 hours maximum 120 hours).
      - You can't cancel the Auction after you added it.
      - Any player that is making an offert can't cancel it.
      - At the end of the Auction, the player with the best offert will receive the item while the others offertants will get back their offerts.
      - You can sell only for Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul and Jewel of Chaos.
      - When you add the item you can leave 0 for the jewels that you don't accept in offerts (you can accept only 1 kind of jewels, 2 or all 3.
      - You can also set the minimum price accepted for all of the accepted jewels.
      - The offert is calculated based on the 'rate' of jewels. The rates are:
      Jewel of Chaos - 5
      Jewel of Soul - 3
      Jewel of Bless - 2
      - The total rate will decide the best offert when there are more jewels accepted.
      An offert of 5 chaos, 10 bless and 7 soul = 5x5 + 2x10 + 3x7 = 66 Rate which will win over an offert of 10 chaos that have 10x5 = 50 Rate.

      6. Referral System
      - You can easily gain Credits by using the Referral System.
      - You need a minimum level of 200 in order to use this function.
      - How does it work? Invite friends/strangers to join our Server(s) and tell them to write your Character name on the 'Referral' field when Registering.
      - When one of your friends reaches level 350, you will be rewarded with 100 Credits.
      - You can have unlimited Referrals.
      - You can't have Referrals from the same IP/PC.

      8. Guild Bank & Guild Warehouse
      - The Guild Bank works just like Jewel/Zen Wallets, but it's a shared place for them that can be accessed by members of a guild.
      - The Guild Master can set permissions for each of the Guild Members.
      - The Guild Warehouse works just like the Web Warehouse but it's a  place for items to be shared between members of a guild.
      - The Guild Master can set permissions for each of the Guild Members.
      - The default Items limit on Guild Vault is 20 and it can be upgraded as following :
      Level 1: 35 slots - 100 credits
      Level 2: 50 slots - 150 credits
      Level 3: 65 slots - 200 credits
      Level 4: 80 slots - 300 credits
      Level 5: 100 slots - 500 credits
      Level 6: 140 slots - 1000 credits
      Level 7: 200 slots - 2000 credits
      - Any members from the guild can contribute to the credits needed for upgrades.
      - If the guild is removed all the upgrades will be lost.

      9. CS Ranks & Arena Ranks
      - You have special ranks for Castle Siege (Killers and Tanks).
      - You can find them on Rankings -> Castle Siege.
      - You can see the Kills and Deaths for Killers and Switch Time (in minutes) + Deaths for Tanks.
      - Also you have special ranks for Arena Tournaments.
      - You can find them on Rankings -> Arena.
      - You can see the total wins of the players and also the total score accumulated from all Arenas.

      I hope that this will help you out :)


    8. 11th edition of Black Jack Event :

      1st place: TikTakTik, won 2 Old Box5 + 2 Old Box4

      2nd place : AbraDaB, won 1 Old Box5 + 2 Old Box4

      3rd place : GipsyGirl, won 3 Old Box4

      The consolation reward was 3 Boks of Kundun + 5

      + OSP Points :

      TikTakTik - 50 OSP
      AbraDaB - 35 OSP
      GipsyGirl - 20 OSP

      Arioch - 5 OSP
      PasiKonik - 5 OSP
      Coddy - 5 OSP
      Ciello - 5 OSP
      tarkan - 5 OSP
      Error404 - 5 OSP
      DarkQueen - 5 OSP


      Congrats all and thanks for coming !

    9. Hello,

      As many of you doesn't really have any idea about what's behind the characters from our server and you're simply rushing on saying different things about characters balance / builds, etc. I will clarify this for you.

      So, what chars do we have on our server?

      - DW -> SM -> GM (Mage)
      - FE -> ME -> HE (Archer / Buffer)
      - DK -> BK -> BM (Swordsman)
      - SU -> BS -> DM (Mage / Debuffer)
      - MG -> DM (Mage / Swordsman)
      - DL -> LE (Half Mage - Half Swordsman)
      - RF -> FM (Warrior / Buffer)

      Ok, but what builds we can do on each char?

      - SM:

      Ranged Glass Cannon (High kill potential / Low resist) - Based on ENE + Cometfall / Ice Storm / Decay
      Hybrid (Balanced kill potential / Decent resist) - Based on ENE + AGI + Cometfall / Ice Storm / Decay / Flame + Teleport
      Support / Poker (Low kill potential / High resist / High Mana Shield) - Based on AGI + VIT + Mana Shield + Lighting / Ice + Teleport

      - ME:

      DPS (Medium to High kill potential / Low to Medium resist) - Based on AGI + STR + Multi Shot on low range
      Sustain (Low to Medium kill potential / Medium to High resist / Crowd Control) - Based on AGI + VIT + Multi Shot + Ice Arrow
      Buffer (Low kill potential / Low resist / High buffs) - Based on ENE + VIT + Greater Damage + Greater Fortitude + Heal + Recovery

      - BK: 

      Combo-God (Very high kill potential / Medium resist / Only viable for pro BK players) - Based on AGI + STR + Combo
      DPS (High kill potential / Medium resist) - Based on STR + ENE + Death Stab / Twisting Slash
      TANK (Low kill potential / Very high resist) - Based on VIT + AGI + DD/HP Set + Shield Skill + Destruction
      Support / Reflecter (Low kill potential / High resist / High buffs) - Based on ENE + VIT + REF/HP Set + Sweal

      - SUM:

      Ranged Glass Cannon / Debuffer (High kill potential / Low resist / High debuffs) - Based on ENE + Chain Lightning + Innovation + Weakness + Berserker
      DPS / Sustain (Medium kill potential / Medium resist / Medium debuffs / Sleeper) - Based on ENE + AGI + Chain Lightning + Sleep + Innovation + Weakness + Reflect

      - MG:

      Single-Target Burst (High kill potential / Medium resist ) - Based on STR + AGI + Fire Slash
      AoE Sustain (Low to Medium kill potential / Medium resist ) - Based on ENE + AGI + Gigantic Storm

      - DL:

      Ranged Glass Cannon (High kill potential / Medium resist) - Based on STR + ENE + Ravens / Fire Scream
      DPS (Medium kill potential / Medium to High resist) - Based on ENE/STR + AGI + Ravens / Fire Scream
      TANK (Low to Medium kill potential / High resist) - Based on VIT + AGI + Max level Horse + Summon + Earth Quake
      Command (Very high raven / Horse damage) - Based on CMD + Max level Raven + Max level Horse

      - RF:

      Melee Glass Cannon (High kill potential / Low to Medium resist) - Based on VIT + STR + Chain Drive
      DPS (Medium to High kill potential / Medium resist / Sustain) - Based on VIT + AGI + Chain Drive
      Holder[PvM] (Low kill potential / Medium to High resist / PvM only) - Based on AGI/ENE + VIT + Dark Side / Dragon Roar
      Buffer (Low kill potential / Low resist / High buffs) - Based on ENE + Increase HP + Increase DEF + Dragon Roar + Ignore

      - If you want to be good and beat many people with BK you really need to have good combo-skills, else the character is a waste!
      - AE will always be TOP FARMER! She isn't designed for PvP so she will never have same chance on PvP vs same level / same equipped chars.
      - RF will be always better than other chars on the early-game because he is not items-dependent like most of the other chars.
      - SUM can be a real GOD on PvP if played very well (with all debuffs, sleep, etc.).
      - EMG is TOP HOLDER! He will always be shitty at PvP just like ARF/ERF, so go SMG for PvP.
      - All PvP characters (Not AE/EMG/ERF/ARF) are balanced for medium - early late game on PvP. On the same level / equipment there is a 50% chance on duel each vs each to win.
      - Keep in mind that without at least 250-300 VIT on ALL CHARACTERS you won't have chances on PvP.
      - The maximum rates for Buffs are applied just for normal stats. ML will also increase above them.

      Awesome, are there characters formulas so we can build strong chars?

      Default Formulas:
      SM: HP: 1.5 per LevelMANA: 2 per Level / VIT: 2 HP per 1 VIT / ENE: 2 MANA per 1 ENE
      BK: HP: 2 per Level / MANA: 0.5 per Level / VIT: 3 HP per 1 VIT / ENE: 1 MANA per 1 ENE
      FE: HP: 1.3 per Level / MANA: 1.5 per Level / VIT: 2 HP per 1 VIT / ENE: 1.5 MANA per 1 ENE
      MG: HP: 1.5 per Level / MANA: 1 per Level / VIT: 2 HP per 1 VIT / ENE: 2 MANA per 1 ENE
      DL: HP: 1.5 per Level / MANA: 1 per Level / VIT: 2 HP per 1 VIT / ENE: 1.5 MANA per 1 ENE
      SU: HP: 1.3 per Level / MANA: 1.5 per Level / VIT: 2.5 HP per 1 VIT / ENE: 1.5 MANA per 1 ENE 
      RF: HP: 1.3 per Level / MANA: 1 per Level / VIT: 2 HP per 1 VIT / ENE: 1.3 MANA per 1 ENE

      Damage Multiplier (Skill Damage):
      Max Rate: 500%
      BK: ENE/10
      DL: ENE/20
      RF: AGI/6 (DS)
      RF: VIT/10 (Melee)
      RF: ENE/7 (Roar)

      SM: AGI/4
      BK: AGI/3
      FE: AGI/7
      MG: AGI/4
      DL: AGI/6
      SU: AGI/3
      RF: AGI/8

      Defense Success Rate (DSR) - PvM:
      SM: AGI/3
      BK: AGI/3
      FE: AGI/4
      MG: AGI/3
      DL: AGI/7
      SU: AGI/4
      RF: AGI/10

      Defense Success Rate (DSR) - PvP:
      SM: (Level*2)/1 + AGI/4
      BK: (Level*2)/1 + AGI/2
      FE: (Level*2)/1 + AGI/10
      MG: (Level*2)/1 + AGI/4
      DL: (Level*2)/1 + AGI/2
      SU: (Level*2)/1 + AGI/2
      RF: (Level*15)/10 + AGI/5

      SM: AGI/10
      BK: AGI/15
      FE: AGI/40
      MG: AGI/15
      DL: AGI/10
      SU: AGI/18
      RF: AGI/25

      SM - Physical: MinDMG - STR/6 , MaxDMG - STR/4
      SM - Magic: MinDMG - ENE/5 , MaxDMG - ENE/2
      BK - Physical: MinDMG - STR/6 , MaxDMG - STR/2
      BK - Magic: MinDMG - ENE/7 , MaxDMG - ENE/3
      FE - Physical: MinDMG - (STR+AGI)/5 , MaxDMG - (STR+AGI)/3
      FE - Magic: MinDMG - ENE/9 , MaxDMG - ENE/5
      FE - Bow: MinDMG - (STR/5) + (AGI/8) , MaxDMG - (STR/2) + (AGI/4)
      MG - Physical: MinDMG - (STR/6) + (ENE/10) , MaxDMG - (STR/3) + (ENE/7)
      MG - Magic: MinDMG - ENE/5 , MaxDMG - ENE/2
      DL - Physical: MinDMG - (STR/6) + (ENE/10) , MaxDMG - (STR/4) + (ENE/8)
      DL - Magic: MinDMG - ENE/8 , MaxDMG - ENE/3
      SU - Physical: MinDMG - (STR+AGI)/8 , MaxDMG - (STR+AGI)/4
      SU - Magic: MinDMG - ENE/5 , MaxDMG - ENE/3
      RF - Physical: MinDMG - (STR/6) + (VIT/14) , MaxDMG - (STR/3) + (VIT/10)
      RF - Magic: MinDMG - ENE/7 , MaxDMG - ENE/3

      Attack Success Rate (ASR) - PvM:
      SM: (Level*5) + (AGI*3)/2 + (STR/4) 
      BK: (Level*5) + (AGI*3)/2 + (STR/4)
      FE: (Level*5) + (AGI*3)/2 + (STR/4)
      MG: (Level*5) + (AGI*3)/2 + (STR/4)
      DL: (Level*5) + (AGI*6)/2 + (STR/4) + (CMD/10)
      SU: (Level*5) + (AGI*3)/2 + (STR/4)
      RF: (Level*3) + (AGI*5)/4 + (STR/6)

      Attack Success Rate (ASR) - PvP:
      SM: (Level*3)/1 + (AGI*4)/1 
      BK: (Level*3)/1 + (AGI*45)/10
      FE: (Level*3)/1 + (AGI*6)/10
      MG: (Level*3)/1 + (AGI*35)/10
      DL: (Level*3)/1 + (AGI*4)/1
      SU: (Level*3)/1 + (AGI*35)/10
      RF: (Level*26)/10 + (AGI*36)/10

      Dark Raven (DL Pet):
      Minimum Damage: 180 + (Raven Level)*14 + (Command/5)
      Maximum Damage: 250 + (Raven Level)*15 + (Command/3)
      Speed: 20 + [(Raven Level)*3]/2 + (Command/40)
      Attack Success Rate: 1000 + (Raven Level)*28

      Mana Shield:
      Max Rate: 40%
      Formula: 5(%) + (AGI/55)(%) + (ENE/210)(%)
      Duration: 60(seconds) + (ENE/20)(seconds)

      Greater Fortitude (Sweal):
      Max Rate: 100%
      Formula: 15(%) + (VIT/80)(%) + (ENE/23)(%)
      Duration: 60(seconds) + (ENE/30)(seconds)

      Critical Damage:
      Formula: 20 + (ENE/25)
      Duration: 60(seconds) + (ENE/15)(seconds)

      Reflect Damage:
      Max Rate: 50%
      Formula: 10(%) + (ENE/45)(%)
      Duration: 30(seconds) + (ENE/30)(seconds)

      Max Rate: 100%
      Formula 1: (ENE/25)(%) - For Damage
      Formula 2: 40(%) - (ENE/60)% - For DEF/HP reduction

      Max Duration: 5
      Formula 1: 20(%) + (ENE/35)(%) - For Hit Chance
      Formula 2: 1(second) + (ENE/400)(seconds) - For Duration

      Innovation (Lesser Deff):
      Max Rate: 40%
      Formula 1: 20(%) + (ENE/42)(%) - For Hit Chance
      Formula 2: 10(%) + (ENE/85)(%) - For Defense Reduction
      Duration: 10(seconds) + (ENE/250)(seconds)

      Weakness (Lesser Dmg):
      Max Rate: 40%
      Formula 1: 20(%) + (ENE/42)(%) - For Hit Chance
      Formula 2: 5(%) + (ENE/60)(%) - For Damage Reduction
      Duration: 10(seconds) + (ENE/250)(seconds)

      Greater Defense (Deff Buff):
      Formula: 3 + (ENE/7)
      Duration: 180(seconds)

      Greater Damage (Dmg Buff):
      Formula: 3 + (ENE/7)
      Duration: 180(seconds)

      Greater Ignore Defense (Ignore Buff):
      Formula: 2(%) + (ENE/120)(%)
      Duration: 60(seconds) + (ENE/10)(seconds)

      Increase HP:
      Formula: 50 + (ENE/8)
      Duration: 60(seconds) + (ENE/10)(seconds)

      Greater Defense Success Rate (DSR Buff):
      2 + (ENE/10)
      Duration: 60(seconds) + (ENE/10)(seconds)

      Note: This topic is 100% made by me and it's especially for our server characters!

      Enjoy building your chars!

    10. Hello,

      As we said this is an absolutely Dynamic Exp Server, so that means EXP can go down / up on different levels. This is the current System:

      Normal Level: 

      Level      1 - 100: High EXP
      Level 101 - 140: Normal EXP 
      Level 141 - 170: Low EXP 
      Level 171 - 219: Very Low EXP 
      Level 220 - 240: Hardest EXP (Stage 1 EXP)
      Level 241 - 270: Normal EXP 
      Level 271 - 295: Low EXP 
      Level 296 - 314: Very Low EXP
      Level 315 - 330: Hardest EXP (Stage 2 EXP)
      Level 331 - 355: Normal EXP
      Level 356 - 384: Low EXP
      Level 385 - 395: Hardest EXP (Stage 3 EXP)
      Level 396 - 400: Normal EXP

      Master Level:

      Level     1 -   50: High EXP
      Level   51 - 100: Normal EXP
      Level 101 - 150: Low EXP
      Level 151 - 180: Very Low EXP
      Level 181 - 200: Hardest EXP



    11. 10th edition of Black Jack Event :

      1st place: raubik, won 3 OldBox5 + 2 OldBox4

      2nd place : Beren, won 2 OldBox5 + 2 OldBox4

      3rd place : Blackmill, won 1 OldBox5 + 2 OldBox4

      The consolation reward was 3 Boks of Kundun + 5

      + OSP Points :

      raubik - 50 OSP
      Beren - 35 OSP
      Blackmill - 20 OSP

      Arioch - 5 OSP
      PasiKonik - 5 OSP
      MichaeL21 - 5 OSP
      Ciello - 5 OSP
      marvel10 - 5 OSP
      NightKing - 5 OSP
      FreyaPL - 5 OSP
      Deelis - 5 OSP
      Full - 5 OSP
      T0nYkuL - 5 OSP
      RageBunny - 5 OSP


      Congrats all and thanks for coming !

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