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    Everything posted by ADMIN

    1. Hello, Time is over for our 3rd Phoenix edition. Sadly it still couldn't hold an active gameplay for more than 2-3 months despite our tries. We'll give it one more try next spring where we'll rework the concept once again, from scratch, into something more interesting (I believe). If it still won't keep up on the long-term run we'll probably cancel our Phoenix project totally and focus on other things. As for now, Phoenix has just been closed. HoF has been updated: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4267-hof-edition-02-april-2021-02-december-2021/ Thanks to everyone that took part in this project and especially to those (few of you) that kept playing it on the long run!
    2. IT rewards were changed on Stage 2 when access to IT4 and IT5 was possible:
    3. Release date: 29.11.2021 at 14:55 - Updates are up and no restart is needed! [UPDATED] Removed restriction for only Wings / Weapons / Pet for Special 2. Note: If it still won't be played, it will be transformed into Special 1 - normal. We tried to encourage lower people to have more chances on such special but it seems there's no interest from lower people anyway. [UPDATED] Now there's no longer -3 points per death for your team during Team-KotH rounds. [UPDATED] Now there's - points on your personal total score during Team-KotH as following: You're losing 2 + 5% of your current personal points per death. Example: If you make 100 points Round 1 and 80 points Round 2, in Round 3 you're losing 2 + 0.05*180 = -11 points per death. At the end of the event your total score will reflect the score with the kills + deaths. [UPDATED] Minimum players to start normal rounds is now 16 instead of 20. [UPDATED] Minimum players to start LL round is now 10 instead of 12. 1 player eliminated on LMS round, 1 player eliminated on KotH round, last 8 goes to LL round. [UPDATED] Number of winners on Arena Tournament daily rounds: Starting players on LMS round <= 5: Maximum winners: 2. Starting players on LMS round = 6 or 7: Maximum winners: 3. Starting players on LMS round = 8 or 9: Maximum winners: 4. Starting players on LMS round = 10 or 11: Maximum winners: 5. Starting players on LMS round > 11: Maximum winners: 6. [UPDATED] Weekly top points slots are now dynamic as following: If there are more than 30 players qualified for LL already => TOP5 points are also qualified. If there are 25-29 players qualified for LL already => TOP6 points are also qualified. If there are 20-24 players qualified for LL already => TOP7 points are also qualified. If there are 15-19 players qualified for LL already => TOP8 points are also qualified. If there are 10-14 players qualified for LL already => TOP9 points are also qualified. If there are < 10 players qualified for LL already => TOP10 points are also qualified. [UPDATED] Maximum slots from LL will now reflect the total potential players from each LL instead of the general maximum slots available for LL. [UPDATED] Gladiator's Pride exp buff: It is no longer locked behind Mercenary Squad. Now you can use it on any map and no matter if you're mercenary or not. The only condition for it to be applied is that you're leveling in a Perfect Party (different races). Basically, it is now locked behind Perfect Party instead of Mercenary Squad. [UPDATED] Last Laugh rewards: Participation reward is now 5x Jewel of Chaos, 5x Jewel of Harmony & 100kk Zen. Performance reward is now 1x Jewel of Chaos for every player eliminated before you & 1x Jewel of Harmony for every 2 players eliminated before you. Example: 20 players at LL - 10th place gets 10x Jewel of Chaos & 5x Jewel of Harmony as performance reward.
    4. Giant Mammoths HP nerfed with 60%. This will make sure the Dark Mammoth is both spawning faster & it will be also easier to purge the Carnage (but well, you can't purge Carnage in 5 people). All bosses got a 20% HP nerf. Dark Giant duration raised to 18 minutes as well, from 16. I'll share you few tips that should help you manage this fight better: 1. The hardest boss is by far the Dark Mammoth. It must be spawned as fast as possible and attacked in groups of many people (not 1 by one, else you'll just die). 2. The second boss in difficulty is the Dark Iron Knight. It is not that hard, but you're playing it wrong, losing a lot of DPS on it: Ideally, you want melee characters to immobilize it in a centered area from where he can't move unless melees dies. In this way, range will have enough space to spread from others so not everyone is getting the disease (like it is happening now). You're currently putting it in a corner and losing 50% of the area where characters can stay, which results in 80% of players getting all diseases => a lot of DPS loss. Iron Shield - must be purged as fast as possible so you're not losing any DPS on the boss. Ignoring it or not purging it fast enough means a lot of DPS loss. The best targets to kill during Iron Shield are clearly the ones that have the disease, because their DPS is already lost because of the stun. Play it smarter, respect the mechanics and you can kill it in a pretty fast way. 3. Dark Giant is the easiest boss from all 3, and it's just a gens family fight - DPS race, but you need to get the people from your own family into the fight, you won't clear the boss with only 10-12 characters from the same family. They may have been over tuned a little before this tweaks, but still, you did way better when you didn't know anything about them (killed 2 bosses). This time Dark Giant survived with 46% HP, Dark Iron Knight with 41% HP and Dark Mammoth wasn't touched, while last time you managed to kill 2/3 in time. Yes, it is a challenge, but this is the fun part, you must all work together and split correctly between the bosses, respect the mechanics and you'll manage to win, you must just get used to the fight.
    5. While Medusa had her own "army", into Cursed Dragon & Bloody Witch Queen, Selupan thought he's strong enough alone, but the past has proven him wrong. Learning from his own mistakes, he has built a new army of himself, and its time has come... World Bosses - They're here! Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 21:45, the new Selupan's Minions (Dark Giant, Dark Mammoth & Dark Iron Knight) will invade our world. The duration of the invasion is 21 minutes. The 1st time when the invasion is announced, an Anomaly will hit our server. The Anomaly is created by World Bosses. While Anomaly is up, every 15 seconds 2 random players (any player, no matter what he is doing) from sub-server 1 (non-gens) and 1 random player (any player, no matter what he is doing) from sub-server 2 (gens) will be affected by either Cold Aura (10 seconds of Ice that cannot be dispelled) or Disease (5 seconds of Stun). Entire server must team up in a race versus time to defeat all 3 World Bosses before the time runs out in order to clear the Anomaly. If all 3 bosses are defeated before they survive (before the time is up), the Anomaly will end when the invasion also ends, and ENTIRE SERVER gets +30% bonus zen gained (multiplicative) until the next World Bosses Invasion. If any of the world bosses do survive, then the Anomaly will continue to hunt our server for the next 24 hours, and the zen bonus gained is removed. When the World Bosses do spawn, an Old Guard is spawned near every online player from server (with few exceptions like events zone / duel arena, etc.). Apart from asking for your help, they will also offer you a free Teleport to one of the World Bosses zone, if you click them. They can teleport you only to a World Boss from your current sub-server (non-gens maps Guards can teleport you to non-gens bosses and gens maps Guards can teleport you to gens map boss). They stay only 15 seconds near you, then they can be found in safe-zones of Lorencia, Noria, Devias, Elbeland, Aida, Tarkan and in Icarus at warp. During every invasion, each character can use the Teleport for unlimited times on non-gens server (for Dark Mammoth & Dark Iron Knight) and for 2 times on gens server (for Dark Giant), by clicking either the initially spawned guard, or the ones from safe-zones / icarus warp. They can teleport you only to a location where a World Boss is alive, from your sub-server. Guards from Lorencia, Noria, Devias & Elbeland safe-zones will teleport you to a random World Boss location, where the boss is alive, from your sub-server. The guard from Aida will teleport you to Dark Mammoth's location. The guard from Tarkan will teleport you to Dark Giant's location. The guard from Icarus will teleport you to Dark Iron Knight's location. Summon (DL) is disabled in the World Bosses maps during the invasion. If you relog / disconnect in the bosses 16x16 range, you'll be moved on the safe-zone when you reconnect. You can have only 1 Account per IP in the World Bosses 6x6 range / 8x8 range / 10x10 range. If you have 2 then the 2nd one will be moved in Lorencia. How does it work? The first character on your IP that enters the boss range will be considered the valid one, any other characters on IP will be moved. World Bosses Dark Giant - Gens Map World Boss. He will spawn in Tarkan2 - 95x 205y. Basics: He has melee range, a medium HP pool, a very high damage, a very high ASR and a very low attack speed. Special mechanic: Guard's Blessings - The gens family with lower number of total people (based on TOP300 Characters with Gens) receive buffs as following: If the lower Gens Family percent is between 41% and 50% (Example: 50-59% Duprian - 50-41% Varnert): No buffs. If the lower Gens Family percent is between 33% and 40% (Example: 60-67% Duprian - 40-33% Varnert): 1. Immunity to damage for 3 seconds every 12 seconds. 2. Permanent Damage Buff with a value equal to an Energy Elf with 400 ENE (at CS). If the lower Gens Family percent is between 25% and 32% (Example: 68-75% Duprian - 32-25% Varnert): 1. Immunity to damage for 4 seconds every 12 seconds. 2. Permanent Damage Buff with a value equal to an Energy Elf with 600 ENE (at CS). If the lower Gens Family percent is between 0% and 24% (Example: 76-100% Duprian - 24-0% Varnert): 1. Immunity to damage for 5 seconds every 12 seconds. 2. Permanent Damage Buff with a value equal to an Energy Elf with 800 ENE (at CS). Note: This buffs are only gained in Tarkan and only while the Dark Giant is alive. Signature mechanic: Doomsday - Dark Giant can only be attacked when there are only players from one Gens Family alive in his 8x8 range, else he is immune to damage. Extra mechanic: Cold Aura - everyone in his 8x8 range is permanently iced (undispellabe). Common mechanic: Selupan's Wrath - Players that enter at least once in 8x8 range of the Dark Giant will be affected by Selupan's Wrath. Affected players can't use items (especially Potions) while the Dark Giant is alive. Affected players can get rid of the debuff only by: dying, relogging, moving to another sub-server or defeating the boss. Note: Selupan's Wrath is inactive when there are players alive from both Gens Famillies in his 8x8 range (during PvP time). Dark Giant has a maximum duration of 16 minutes, after he spawns. Special Reward: While Doomsday is inactive, the Gens Family that is alone in the boss range will earn 1 point per second. At the end of the fight, the winner family is the one with most points & the Special Reward is given to a random player from the winner Family. Note: Special Reward is given only to characters that spent at least 20% of the duration of the Boss in his 8x8 range. Example: If boss dies after 900 seconds (15 minutes), special reward is given only to characters that spent at least 180 seconds in the Boss 8x8 range. Participation Reward: All participants get participation reward, as long as they are online and on Tarkan (anywhere), when the Dark Giant is defeated. Note: Participation reward is given only to characters that spent at least 20% of the duration of the Boss in his 8x8 range. Example: If boss dies after 900 seconds (15 minutes), participation reward is given only to characters that spent at least 180 seconds in the Boss 8x8 range. Dark Mammoth - Non-PvP Map World Boss. He will spawn in Aida2 - 50x 120y. While he is alive, Aida is transformed into a FULL NON-PVP MAP (even for Mercenaries / PKers). Basics: He has high range, a very high HP pool, a medium damage, a very high ASR and a medium attack speed. He also has push-back + mini-stun chance on his attacks. Basics: AoE immunity - in the Dark Mammoth's 20x20 range, the full AoE skills are blocked: Evil Spirits, Gigantic Storm, Fire Burst, Lightning Shock, Rageful Blow, Dragon Lore. Special mechanic: Hard to Forget - In order for the Dark Mammoth to be summoned, there's a mini invasion of his own minions - 12 Giant Mammoths are spawned as following: 2 in Lorencia. 2 in Noria. 2 in Elbeland (1-3). 2 in Devias (1-4). 2 in Lost Tower (1-7). 2 in Dungeon (1-3). The Dark Mammoth will be summoned only when all 12 Giant Mammoths are killed. Signature mechanic: Carnage - Every 60 seconds, Dark Mammoth does spawn his minions again (12), in his 10x10 range this time, and he gets immunity to damage until all his minions are killed. Note: If the previous minions aren't killed before the next Carnage, they will automatically despawn and the new ones will be summoned. Note2: Minions have push-back chance on their attacks. Extra mechanic: Enrage - Every 22 seconds he gets a big amount of extra damage for 5 seconds. Common mechanic: Selupan's Wrath - Players that enter at least once in 10x10 range of the Dark Mammoth will be affected by Selupan's Wrath. Affected players can't use items (especially Potions) while the Dark Mammoth is alive. Affected players can get rid of the debuff only by: dying, relogging, moving to another sub-server or defeating the boss. Note: Selupan's Wrath is permanently active. Dark Mammoth has a maximum duration of 20 minutes, starting from the moment his minions do spawn. Note: The duration starts the moment his minions are spawned, so the faster you kill the minions, the faster he is summoned, the more time you have for the actual boss. Special Reward: Delivered to 1 random player from one of the participants that killed at least 1 of the boss minions before he spawned (mini invasion), as long as they are online and in Aida (anywhere), when the Dark Mammoth is defeated. Note: While killing more than 1 minion doesn't directly raise your chances to get the Special Reward, it does indirectly raise them by having less eligible characters for the reward. Note2: Special Reward can be gained only if the selected character spent at least 60% of the duration of the Boss (after he spawned) in his 10x10 range. Example: If boss dies after 900 seconds (15 minutes), special reward is given only to characters that spent at least 540 seconds in the Boss 10x10 range. Participation Reward: All participants get participation reward, as long as they are online and in Aida (anywhere), when the Dark Mammoth is defeated. Note: Participation reward is given only to characters that spent at least 60% of the duration of the Boss (after he spawned) in his 10x10 range. Example: If boss dies after 900 seconds (15 minutes), participation reward is given only to characters that spent at least 540 seconds in the Boss 12x12 range. Dark Iron Knight - PvP Map World Boss. He will spawn in Icarus - 40x 225y. While he is alive, Icarus is transformed into a FULL PVP MAP (free PK, anyone can be attacked). Basics: He has medium range, a high HP pool, a low damage, a high ASR and a high attack speed. He also has a stun chance on his attacks. Special mechanic: Disease - Every 22 seconds, he puts Disease on 2 random players from his 6x6 range. The players that get it will be stunned for 10 seconds. Note: Disease is being placed only on players that are outside of his 3x3 range but still in his 6x6 range (basically, players in melee range can't get it directly). Note2: If there aren't at least 5 eligible range targets at the moment of the Disease, then anyone can get the Disease (including those in melee range). Signature mechanic: Iron Shield - Every 60 seconds, Dark Iron Knight gets Iron Shield, reducing 60% of the damage taken. For every PvP kill during Iron Shield (and in the boss 6x6 range), the Iron Shield reduction is decreased by 6%, up to 0%. If it gets to 0%, then the Iron Shield is purged. Note: While Iron Shield is inactive / purged, PvP is disabled in his 6x6 range (and only in his 6x6 range, rest of map is still FULL PVP). Extra mechanic: Anyone from the 2x2 range of the players that got the Disease (but still in the 6x6 range of the boss) will also get the Disease and will be stunned as well, for 10 seconds. Common mechanic: Selupan's Wrath - Players that enter at least once in 6x6 range of the Dark Iron Knight will be affected by Selupan's Wrath. Affected players can't use items (especially Potions) while the Dark Iron Knight is alive. Affected players can get rid of the debuff only by: dying, relogging, moving to another sub-server or defeating the boss. Note: Selupan's Wrath is inactive while Iron Shield is up and not purged (during PvP time). Dark Iron Knight has a maximum duration of 18 minutes. Special Reward: Delivered to 1 random player from one of the participants that killed at least 3 players in the boss 6x6 range (during Iron Shield), as long as they are online and on Icarus (anywhere) or Devias (anywhere) when the Dark Iron Knight is defeated. Note: While killing more than 3 players doesn't directly raise your chances to get the Special Reward, it may indirectly raise them by maybe having less eligible characters for the reward. Note2: Special Reward can be gained only if the selected character spent at least 50% of the duration of the Boss in his 6x6 range. Example: If boss dies after 900 seconds (15 minutes), special reward is given only to characters that spent at least 540 seconds in the Boss 6x6 range. Participation Reward: All participants get participation reward, as long as they are online and on Icarus (anywhere) or Devias (anywhere), when the Dark Iron Knight is defeated. Note: Participation reward is given only to characters that spent at least 60% of the duration of the Boss in his 6x6 range. Example: If boss dies after 900 seconds (15 minutes), participation reward is given only to characters that spent at least 540 seconds in the Boss 6x6 range. Dark Iron Knight (PvP Map) & Dark Mammoth (Non-PvP Map) bosses do also share the Soul Link mechanic: Soul Link: Dark Mammoth's soul is linked to Dark Iron Knight's soul. When Dark Iron Knight dies, Dark Mammoth is getting permanent Iron Shield, absorbing 35% of the damage (that can't be reduced) for the rest of its duration. When Dark Mammoth dies, Dark Iron Knight is getting permanent Enrage, increasing its damage by 150% for the rest of its duration. Rewards Special Reward: 25% chance for 20c/20creation. 25% chance for Old Jewel. 25% chance for Old Box 5. Participation Reward: 15kk Zen. 40 Credits. + 50% chance for 5c/5creation. 50% chance for Old Box 4. Artifacts Reward: Dark Mammoth: 1x PvM Artifact as part of the Special Reward 10% chance for 1x PvM Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. Dark Giant : 1x PvPArtifact as part of the Special Reward 10% chance for 1x PvP Artifact as part of the Participation Reward Dark Iron Knight: 50% chance for 1x PvM Artifact / 50% chance for 1x PvP Artifact as part of the Special Reward 5% chance for 1x PvM Artifact / 5% chance for 1x PvP Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. Final notes Last 10 days were a real marathon, and after countless of hours I'm here, ready to deliver you a mini-project that I had a lot of fun working on and I really hope you'll enjoy it and every single detail that was carefully thought and put together Even if the invasion was intensively tested in terms of mechanics, some bugs may happen, as well as tweaks to the current values, both based on your incoming feedback. Keep in mind that the bosses are designed for server level fight, not for parties/guilds. So yea, expect insane values! P.S. Special Reward wasn't active on today's invasion (as it was just a surprise-invasion), only the participation reward was, but it will be active starting from Saturday.
    6. The following updates are up for the next BiA Event: Every participant will be set to level 200 when the match does start. Every participant will be set with PK status when the match does start. After every death you'll be immune to damage for 4 seconds. Improved some event messages. The moment you start a BiA game your account will be locked until the entire event is over (no matter if you win or lose). This is done in order to prevent item-sharing between participants during the event. If you previously had a lock on account you must create it again after the event is over. There's now a minimum Average Reset per team (70% of TOP1 RESETS - rounded down) in order to register to the Event. Example: If TOP1 has 16 resets, the minimum average reset per team is 11. Based on how the next BiA editions will look, we may consider a maximum Average Reset per team, in order to spice things up.
    7. Release date: 16.11.2021 at 16:35 - Updates are up and no restart is needed! Let us know if you find anything wrong after this update! Changelog: [FIXED] PvP being turned off in one of the Arena Tournament cages (the cage that is used for BiA event). [FIXED] Getting the auto-reskin on Arena Tournament R3 if you left an OSGM event without being rewarded first (to cancel the auto-skin). Note: Just relogging will now fix it. [UPDATED] Now in case of tie of Points at the end of a Last Laugh - Round 2 or at the end of the daily LMS round, the order is based on Lives Taken. [UPDATED] Immunity time after dying on Arena Tournament raised from 5 seconds to 7 seconds. [UPDATED] Teleport (SM) can now also be used on Arena Tournament Last Laugh - Round 2 (KotH round), apart from Team-KotH rounds. [UPDATED] Now there's a check 3 seconds after the IT event does start that will move the "left-over" players that had Shop (Potion Girl) open when IT did close to their party members. Note: It will only move you if there's at least 1 member from your party that didn't had Shop (Potion Girl) open. [FIXED] Imperial Event / Doppelganger not giving the reward to some eligible players when their party entered as x number of players but some of them disconnected/died/left during the event. [FIXED] Last laugh information from rankings being reset if player participated on a new daily event. [UPDATED] IT Queue: Now you can be chosen for priority for any level under your maximum IT level, if your maximum IT level is already full. Example: If your maximum IT level is 5, during extraction if IT5 is already full you can still be chosen for PRIO in IT4 until it also gets full, then you can be chosen for PRIO in IT3, and so on. This means that the higher your maximum IT level is, the more chances to get into any IT level (lower or equal to your maximum IT level) you have during PRIO. This is done in order to prevent alt fests on lower IT levels. [UPDATED] Gens Rewards updated (starting from the edition that starts today): First place from Vanert & Duprian: 3x OB4 & 3x TOCA. HoF badge. 2nd place from Varnert & Duprian: 3x OB4 & 2x TOCA. 3rd place from Vanert & Duprian: 2x OB4 & 2x TOCA. 4th place form Vanert & Duprian: 2x OB4 & 1x TOCA. 5th place from Vanert & Duprian: 1x OB4 & 1x TOCA. There are 25(50) extra rewards for top 5~40 players from Vanert and Duprian (based on Gens numbers difference): 10x Jewel of Harmony
    8. Hello, I like the idea, and it may be implemented at some point, but for sure not anytime soon. So since we may use it, here's your 50 credits reward, added to the account where the character name is located.
    9. Patch is now up! Let us know if you find anything wrong.
    10. Release date: 14.11.2021 at 15:05 - No restart will be needed (unless something goes wrong). Note: CS Server will be updated after the CS event, in order to not risk an earlier start of CS. Congrats to AirwaveS, MORGANA and DarkYo for finishing the Stage 2.1! Note: Everyone that progressed the Stage (having level 300+ and 15rr) can type /stagereward harmony in order to take the reward, after patch is up! Note2: We've decided to change our initial plan related to World Bosses (basic invasion) and transform it in a complex thing, but at the cost of delaying its release a little. It will be our top priority after this patch, and we hope it will be worth the wait / delay! Changelog: [UPDATED] You can now continue to reset up to 20 resets. [UPDATED] EXP for Stage 2.1 (15rr) is now removed. 15th reset does have the same exp table like 14th reset had. [UPDATED] 3rd Newbies EXP boost added: 0rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-350). 1rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-360). 2rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-370). 3rr: 450% EXP (constant level 1-380). 4rr: 450% EXP (constant level 1-390). 5rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-400). 6rr: 350% EXP (constant level 1-400). 7rr: 300% EXP (constant level 1-400). 8rr: +200% EXP. 9rr: +200% EXP. 10rr: +160% EXP. 11rr: +120% EXP. 12rr: +80% EXP. 13rr: +40% EXP. [UPDATED] Released GGDs. [UPDATED] Released Doppelganger Event & Sign of Dimensions in drop. [UPDATED] Maximum number of players in guild is now 27. [UPDATED] Maximum Master Level is now 70. [UPDATED] Zen cost for first 5 resets: 1st Reset: 5kk 2nd Reset: 10kk 3rd Reset: 15kk 4th Reset: 20kk 5th Reset: 25kk 6th reset starts from 39kk and the rest of table is the same as before. [ADDED] New mechanic on Mercenary Quest: When starting a mercenary quest, you now have a 1/3 chance of getting a target in your Merc Points interval instead of your Character Resets interval as following: It will look 15 times for a Target with -250 Merc Points/+250 Merc Points compared to you. It will look 20 times for a Target with -500 Merc Points/+500 Merc Points compared to you. It will look 25 times for a Target with -750 Merc Points/+750 Merc Points compared to you. It will look 30 times for Target with -1000 Merc Points/+1000 Merc Points compared to you. It will look 35 times for a Target with -1500 Merc Points/+1500 Merc Points compared to you. It will look 40 times for a Target with -2000 Merc Points/+2000 Merc Points compared to you. If it doesn't find any target during these 165 tries, it will look for a Target with any amount of Merc Points. Basically, you'll have a 33.3% chance to get a target based on Merc Points instead of Resets and 66.7% chance to get a target based on Resets, as usual. This was added in order to reduce the power and the easier life of alts (as we know, a big amount of TOP40 from Mercenary are alts). [ADDED] As one of the most requested features, we have added the possibility of filtering market items by excellent options. When you select "excellent item" on filter, you'll see extra checkboxes with all the EXC options available. You can then choose which options to search for (and combine them). Note: Keep in mind that the first option (from left) is only for normal set items, and the 2nd option (from right) is only for weapons. Example: By choosing "ZEN or Mana/Kill" you will get normal set items with +ZEN and / or weapons with +Mana/Kill. [UPDATED] Number of total Winners for LMS Round on Arena Tournament is now based on number of players that started the LMS round (instead of number of players that registered to AT): Starting players <= 7: Maximum winners: 3. Starting players > 7 and <= 9: Maximum winners: 4. Starting players > 9 and <= 11: Maximum winners: 5. Starting players > 11: Maximum winners: 6. [UPDATED] Now you can join Arena Tournament - Special 2 (FREE STATS) only with Wings, Weapons/Shield & Pet equipped. No set items, rings, pendant. [UPDATED] Starting from next week (not this week), instead of having extra slots for Last Laugh for TOP4 Team Points & TOP2 Lives Taken, we'll have extra slots for TOP6 Team Points (and no extra slots for Lives Taken). [UPDATED] Now in Illusion Temple, when a player reaches the maximum artifact possession, apart from being moved to the center and stunned, a high damage, high ASR mob will spawn on his position and will despawn after he kills the Ball possessor. Other small fixes / adjustments / improvements. Dynamic Characters Balance tweaks MG: Nerfed Fire Slash damage with 4%. Buffed PvM damage with 5%. Note: It is intended that SMG is a VIT-CHECK in PvP, forcing players to invest in VIT in order not to die before running out of SD. He's a beast in 1v1 but just mediocre in larger scale PvP, we'll keep it that way. DL: Buffed PvM damage with 10%. Note: Bringing it more closer in line with rest of chars on Hunt. BK: Buffed PvM damage with 16%. Note: Bringing it more closer in line with rest of chars on Hunt (but still, the slowest Hunt time).
    11. New thing added for Arena Tournament: TOP4 Points (farmed during Team-KotH rounds) & TOP2 Lives Taken (farmed during LMS rounds) that didn't won any of the daily tournaments are qualified for Last Laugh, as extra slots. Which means do your best during the week and during all Team-KotH rounds because even if you don't win any of the daily rounds, you can still qualify for Last Laugh! Note: Order is TOP2 Lives Taken first, then TOP4 Team Points (where TOP2 Lives Taken are excluded).
    12. Release date: 07.11.2021 at 13:35 - Updates are up and no restart is needed! Changelog: [ADDED] Arena Tournament V3 Note: I've highlighted with green most of the changes compared to Arena Tournament V2. General Info Arena Tournament features 7 different rounds, each round taking place 1 time per week, at 19:45 Server Time. There are 2 different Event Types: Team-KotH - Kings of the Hill & LL - Last Laugh. Team-KotH have 2 different Specials, more info below. In order to register to Arena Tournament you must type /joinarena when the event is popping (and before it gets closed). After the event is closed, it will start in 1 minute. You can't attack other players before the event does start. Maximum 60 players (Team-KotH) / 42 players (LL). Minimum 20 players (Team-KotH) / 12 players (LL) in order for the event to start. Maximum duration is 20 minutes for Team-KotH. No maximum duration for LL. Teleport (SM) & Ice Arrow (AE) can be used only during the Team-KotH rounds. After every death, you are immune to magic damage for 5 seconds (after you respawn). You can't join while being in a party. If you join a party anytime during the event both chars will be stunned while they are in party and for 15 seconds after they leave it. You can't join the event with antidotes / sd pots. Any consumables buff (bless/soul pots, doppel scrolls, halloween, etc.) are deleted every second during the tournament. You get a full clear off existing buffs when you enter the tournament. You can't have other buffs outside of your own class buffs during the tournament. You can't move items (for example from store) during the tournament. You can't trade items during the tournament. You are Muted during the tournament. You can't drop items during the tournament. You can't move to other maps during the tournament. You get PK Stage 2 during the tournament (to use only right click to attack, without CTRL). At the end of the tournament you get back to your previous pk level / pk kills / pk timer. Info about Team-KotH (Kings of the Hill) The schedule for Kings of the Hill is the following: Monday - Team-KotH Special 1. Tuesday - Team-KotH Special 1. Wednesday - Team-KotH Special 2. Thursday - Team-KotH Special 1. Friday - Team-KotH Special 1. Saturday - Team-KotH Special 2. Instead of having different rounds of LMS & KotH, as well as 3 different specials on both of them, we now have only 1 game-mode (Team-KotH with LMS round for deciding winners) and 2 specials. How does this new game-mode works? Well, on every round, we randomly split the registered players from the Event in teams (each team having its own visual skin). Based on total players of an event, we start with 4 randomly made teams (5v5v5v5,6v6v6v6, etc. up to 15v15v15v15). In case there are uneven numbers, we can have like 5v6v6v5, and so on. Every 4 minutes, one team is eliminated, and the rest of players are split again in new teams. Example: Round 1 is starting with 4 teams. After 4 minutes, the team with least Points is eliminated. Remaining players are randomly split again in 3 new teams, and so on, until 1 team remains alive. After each team elimination, teams points are reset to 0. Players keep their own personal points, though. You're earning 10 points for your team whenever you kill a player from another team. The 2nd time you kill the same character (in the same teams-round) you will earn 8 points, 3rd time 6 points, and so on until you'll get only 2 points for killing the same character (and the value will stay at 2 points, no longer decreasing). Your team is losing 3 points for each of your deaths. You can't attack players from your own team. After 3 rounds of Team-KotH, all players from the team left alive does enter the LMS round (last round): In this round, everyone plays for himself (FFA). The winners of the Arena Tournament are the last to remain alive. Everyone starts with 4 lives. Killing a player does remove 1 life from him. For every 3 lives taken you gain an extra life. If you reach 0 lives, you are eliminated. You can also take only x lives from the same player as following: If there are >= 12 players remaining in the LMS round, you can only take 1 life from the same player. If there are 9-11 players remaining in the LMS round, you can only take 2 lives from the same player. If there are 6-8 players remaining in the LMS round, you can only take 3 lives from the same player. If there are <= 5 players remaining in the LMS round, there is no restriction. Amount of winners per Event are also based on the total number of registered players on Arena Tournament: Starting players >= 20 <= 28 => 3 winners. Starting players > 28 <= 36 => 4 winners. Starting players > 36 <= 44 => 5 winners. Starting players > 44 => 6 winners. If the event isn't over before its maximum duration, then the remaining players will be selected as winners based on their total points contribution during Team-KotH stage. Note: Winners can't join other tournaments from the week, outside of the Last Laugh (that is available only for weekly winners). Note2: Due to the new nature of Team-KotH, disconnecting during the event / leaving the event after it already started will ban you from Arena Tournament for 5 days. This is only for disconnecting during Team-KotH rounds (Last Laugh / LMS rounds are excluded). Specials: 1 - Normal -> Everyone plays with the characters as they are. Note: In order to join any of the Arena Tournament - Special 1 events (Normal), your character must have at least 50% Resets (rounded down) of the TOP1 character. Example: If TOP1 character has 15 resets, only characters over 7 resets can join Arena Tournament. 2 - Free STATS -> Everyone receive the same level and the same amount of stats, based on a randomly picked reset stats (for everyone) and their class. Note: The randomly picked reset stats can be between 2 resets and 20 resets (like on IT). Note2: Everyone is set to level 200. Note3: Special 2 is free for all (doesn't matter your character reset). Info about LL (Last Laugh) Last Laugh is the final Tournament, where the prizes from the current week are also given. Last Laugh is held on Sunday. Only winners of Team-KotH from that week can join the Last Laugh. TOP4 Points (farmed during Team-KotH rounds) & TOP2 Lives Taken (farmed during LMS rounds) that didn't won any of the daily tournaments are qualified for Last Laugh, as extra slots. Which means do your best during the week and during all Team-KotH rounds because even if you don't win any of the daily rounds, you can still qualify for Last Laugh! Note: Order is TOP2 Lives Taken first, then TOP4 Team Points (where TOP2 Lives Taken are excluded). If you have lower reset than the highest reset player from the LL, you will receive extra stat points to add for the tournament based on the difference of resets between you and highest reset player, and also based on your class. The points are added when the Arena is closed, so you have 1 minute to use them. Everyone is set to level 200 during LL. There is no settled duration for the LL but there are 3 rounds: Round1: LMS Round During this round you need to eliminate players while surviving. The round is over when there are X amount of players left in the Tournament, as following: If there are more than 36 participants, Round1 is over when there are 26 players left. If there are more than 30 participants, Round1 is over when there are 20 players left. If there are more than 26 participants, Round1 is over when there are 18 players left. If there are more than 22 participants, Round1 is over when there are 16 players left. If there are more than 18 participants, Round1 is over when there are 14 players left. If there are more than 14 participants, Round1 is over when there are 12 players left. If there are more than 12 participants, Round1 is over when there are 10 players left. Everyone starts with 6 lives. Killing a player does remove 1 life from him. For every 4 lives taken you gain an extra life. If you reach 0 lives, you are eliminated. You can also take only x lives from the same player as following: If there are >= 26 players remaining in the LMS round, you can only take 1 life from the same player. If there are < 26 players remaining in the LMS round, you can only take 2 lives from the same player. Round2: KotH Round During this round you need to farm as many Points as possible within 10 minutes. You're earning 10 points whenever you kill a player. The 2nd time you kill the same character you will earn 9 points, 3rd time 8 points, and so on until you'll get only 2 points for killing the same character (and the value will stay at 2 points, no longer decreasing). You're losing 2 + 8% of your current points for each of your deaths. Example: If you have 120 points, if you die you lose 2 + 10 (8% of 120, rounded) = 12 points. After 10 minutes, TOP8 characters with most Points will be qualified for the last round (3), the rest of players being eliminated. Round3: Last Laugh - Final Round A virtual bracket will be generated for the 8 players left, it will be based on the Points gathered during round 2 as following: TOP1 points will play vs TOP8 points. TOP3 points will play vs TOP6 points. TOP4 points will play vs TOP5 points. TOP2 points will play vs TOP7 points. Then each character will be moved to a different Arena cage where the matches are being played. In cages you are playing 1v1 with your opponent. Both chars start as "chained" and the game is starting in 5 seconds. The first character to kill the other for 2 times will advance in the bracket (Best of 3). You do receive a clear of all buffs/effects after a kill and you start from different corners again. SD is not restored during the match. After winning a match you advance in bracket and either wait or face your next opponent from Winner bracket. After winning/losing a game you will be redirected to a new cage. After each finished game, if your SD is not full, you will receive a Complex Potion that you can use ONLY before the start of the next game, to restore your SD to full. You need to be fast! Players that lose in the Winner bracket are being sent into Loser bracket where they face other bracket losers. Games on Loser bracket are the same as on Winner bracket (Best out of 3). If you lose a game on Loser bracket you are eliminated from the Tournament, if you win you advance in the Loser bracket up until Grand Finals. Grand Finals are BO5 (Best out of 5). Rewards System There are 3 types of rewards that Arena Tournament is offering: Participation reward Everyone that does participate at an Arena Tournament event (except of Last Laugh round) will receive a Gladiator's Pride buff. Note: Leaving the event or disconnecting during the event before it is over or before you are eliminated won't grant you the buff! Gladiator's Pride will increase the NORMAL bonus EXPERIENCE granted by the Mercenary Squad Seal with +20%. Gladiator's Pride will increase the MASTER bonus EXPERIENCE granted by the Mercenary Squad Seal with +14%. Example: Your current Mercenary Seal does grant you +5% NORMAL EXP, if you get Gladiator's Pride, the buff is raised from +5% to +25%. Example2: Your current Mercenary Seal does grant you +6% MASTER EXP, if you get Gladiator's Pride, the buff is raised from +6% to +20%. The duration for the Gladiator's Pride is based on your event performance and it does work in all places where the Mercenary Seal does work as well: Duration: 2 hours if you are eliminated after 1st Team-KotH round. Duration: 2.5 hours if you are eliminated after 2nd Team-KotH round. Duration: 3 hours if you are eliminated after 3rd Team-KotH round. Duration: 4 hours if you are eliminated during 4th Team-KotH round (LMS round). Note: Because winners from each day aren't able to participate to the rest of the Arenas from that week, being part of the winners of an Arena will grant you access to Gladiator's Pride buff every day starting from the day you've won the Arena up until the Saturday's Arena (included). This means that if you will be ONLINE on normal maps (Server 1) every day at the start of the Arena Tournament you will get 4 hours of Gladiator's Pride as if you were a participant in the last Team-KotH round. Note2: Not being online and on normal maps (Server 1) when Arena Tournament does start won't grant you the buff! Weekly win reward The winners (and only the winners) from each Arena Tournament round will win access to the Sunday's round (Last Laugh). The Last Laugh does also have a separate guaranteed reward for the participants (as long as you just join the Event and you stay until it is over / you are eliminated). Current Last Laugh guaranteed reward is: 5x Jewel of Harmony. Note: Leaving the event or disconnecting during the event before it is over or before you are eliminated won't grant you the guaranteed reward! Last Laugh performance reward Based on your performance at Last Laugh, the following rewards will be given: +1 Jewel of Chaos for every 2 players that are eliminated from the Tournament before you. Example: If there are 30 participants at Last Laugh, the 30th place will win extra 0x Jewel of Chaos, 26th place will win extra 2x Jewel of Chaos, 12th place will win extra 9x Jewel of Chaos, etc. Note: Leaving the event or disconnecting during the event before it is over or before you are eliminated won't grant you the performance reward! TOP3 extra rewards: Winner of Last Laugh: 1x Golden Fenrir with 5 days duration, 1x HoF + Legends Group (forum) + 3x Piece of Horn. Note: The Legends Group is active only for the duration of the edition, not permanent. Note2: Winning 3x Arenas during the edition will grant you permanent Legends Group. 2nd place of Last Laugh: 1x HoF + 2x Piece of Horn. 3rd place of Last Laugh: 1x HoF + 1x Piece of Horn. Final example of Last Laugh winner full reward (with an example of 30 participants): 5x Jewel of Harmony (guaranteed reward) + 14x Jewel of Chaos (performance reward) + 1x HoF (TOP3 reward) + 5 days Golden Fenrir + Legends Group (forum) & 3x Piece of Horn (TOP1 reward). If you get disqualified or if you get disconnected from LL round you'll win half of the consolation prize (+1 if it is not an even number). Example: If the current consolation reward is 5x JoH, if you get disqualified / disconnected from LL you'll still get 3x JoH. Note: This is not applied to performance reward, you'll lose it entirely. Note2: In the disconnect case, you'll receive your *half* reward in Jewel Wallet instead of character inventory (as it is disconnected) - it will also send you a notification on web. [ADDED] New Arena Tournament Rankings Daily Winners - only winners from each day recorded. Daily Participants - Only non-winners (participants) recorded. Last Laugh - Only Last Laugh participants recorded. Daily Winners & Daily Participants rankings are reset on every Sunday at 23:58. Last Laugh rankings are reset on every Sunday at 19:25. Which means during the week you can see the Last Laugh rankings from previous Sunday & the current winners / participants of the week. [ADDED] Potion Girl on IT safe zones. [FIXED] BC & DS NPCs not letting players with level 400 (without Quest3 done) to enter DS6/BC7, while having the DS6/BC7 invitations. [UPDATED] Now all Goldens will drop Zen when they are killed, apart from their BoKs/Stars, as following: BoK+1 Goldens will drop 1kk Zen. BoK+2 Goldens will drop 1.5kk Zen. BoK+3 Goldens will drop 2kk Zen. BoK+4 Goldens will drop 2.5kk Zen. BoK+5 Goldens will drop 3kk Zen. Golden Budges will drop 4kk Zen. Golden Derkons will drop 7kk Zen. GGDs will drop 10kk Zen. Note: With this change we aim to inject more zen into economy while keeping it available for active players (that need it the most), not alts. [UPDATED] Now you can use Summon / Teleport Ally when having at least 1 alliance member in party as well (instead of only when having at least 1 guild member). [UPDATED] Weapons Durability rate increased 4x times. - This was already up since few days ago. Note: This means that especially on high & very high maps, you'll have to repair your weapons 4 times less frequent. [UPDATED] Now IT NPC will prevent you from talking with it if you don't have your IT entry available and will also let you know about that. [UPDATED] Now if you disconnect/relog in CS room you will cause your team -2.5x your normal points given instead of 1x. Example: If dying would have given the killer team 10 points, disconnecting will make your team lose 25 points. [UPDATED] Now during OSGM Events all participants will get a re-skin every 10 seconds (in case they lose it, somehow).
    13. I've highlighted with green most of the changes compared to Arena Tournament V2, as well as most changes that were done since we first posted the information of Arena Tournament V3, in order to see them better and to know what to expect on today's test. See ya' today at 19:00, can't wait to combo you!
    14. If you want to come on Saturday please confirm in this topic, so we can have an idea of how many more players/characters do we need (ideally, we want to hit the 60 players limit on the test). You don't have to share the character name from test server, just a simple confirmation that you're up to come. If we won't fill up most of the slots with real players, we'll log in some afk alts as well.
    15. Hello, We've reworked most of the Arena Tournament once again, keeping only the Last-Laugh round *almost* intact. The idea of rework was to highly reduce the possibility of Anti-Game (teaming, selective killing, etc.). While it's impossible to totally remove the possibility of Anti-Game, outside of 1v1 events, we highly believe that this current iteration is more fair for everyone (and who knows, maybe even more fun). In order to make sure everything works fine (especially on high number of participants) & in order to gather more feedback & suggestions from you, we're organizing a Public Test Event for the new Arena Tournament. It will take place on this Saturday, at around 19:00 Server Time, on our Public Test Server. Anyone is welcomed, you can build your characters as you want in our Test Server for this Event, but please try to avoid creating "immortal" characters, for the sake of the tests. Just make sure to have your character online and ready to join the AT at that hour, on Test Server. Note: Before & during the Test, the maximum clients you can have open is 5 (but official server still have 2 acc/ip limit, server-side). This means you can leave your official characters online on main server, during the test, so you don't really lose anything. We're also putting up rewards for this Test event: Every event bug found & reported (that can be fixed, ofc., and that's Event-related) grants you 1x JoH and 1x Chaos (in official server). Every suggestion/improvement that is accepted and implemented (Event-related) grants you 1x JoH and 1x Chaos (in official server). Note: Only the 1st player to report / suggest the same thing is rewarded. This topic remains open for discussions / feedback / reports / suggestions. Note: Info can be changed / adjusted until the official release. If everything goes well, we plan to release it for official server on Monday. Later Edit: If you want to come on Saturday please confirm in this topic, so we can have an idea of how many more players do we need (ideally, we want to hit the 60 players limit on the test). Arena Tournament V3 - official info: Arena Tournament V3 - Most complex PvP Event General Info Arena Tournament features 7 different rounds, each round taking place 1 time per week, at 19:45 Server Time. There are 2 different Event Types: Team-KotH - Kings of the Hill & LL - Last Laugh. Team-KotH have 2 different Specials, more info below. In order to register to Arena Tournament you must type /joinarena when the event is popping (and before it gets closed). After the event is closed, it will start in 1 minute. You can't attack other players before the event does start. Maximum 60 players (Team-KotH) / 36 players (LL). Minimum 20 players (Team-KotH) / 12 players (LL) in order for the event to start. Maximum duration is 20 minutes for Team-KotH. No maximum duration for LL. Teleport (SM) & Ice Arrow (AE) can be used only during the Team-KotH rounds. After every death, you are immune to magic damage for 5 seconds (after you respawn). You can't join while being in a party. If you join a party anytime during the event both chars will be stunned while they are in party and for 15 seconds after they leave it. You can't join the event with antidotes / sd pots. Any consumables buff (bless/soul pots, doppel scrolls, halloween, etc.) are deleted every second during the tournament. You get a full clear off existing buffs when you enter the tournament. You can't have other buffs outside of your own class buffs during the tournament. You can't move items (for example from store) during the tournament. You can't trade items during the tournament. You are Muted during the tournament. You can't drop items during the tournament. You can't move to other maps during the tournament. You get PK Stage 2 during the tournament (to use only right click to attack, without CTRL). At the end of the tournament you get back to your previous pk level / pk kills / pk timer. Info about Team-KotH (Kings of the Hill) The schedule for Kings of the Hill is the following: Monday - Team-KotH Special 1. Tuesday - Team-KotH Special 1. Wednesday - Team-KotH Special 2. Thursday - Team-KotH Special 1. Friday - Team-KotH Special 1. Saturday - Team-KotH Special 2. Instead of having different rounds of LMS & KotH, as well as 3 different specials on both of them, we now have only 1 game-mode (Team-KotH with LMS round for deciding winners) and 2 specials. How does this new game-mode works? Well, on every round, we randomly split the registered players from the Event in teams (each team having its own visual skin). Based on total players of an event, we start with 4 randomly made teams (5v5v5v5,6v6v6v6, etc. up to 15v15v15v15). In case there are uneven numbers, we can have like 5v6v6v5, and so on. Every 4 minutes, one team is eliminated, and the rest of players are split again in new teams. Example: Round 1 is starting with 4 teams. After 4 minutes, the team with least Points is eliminated. Remaining players are randomly split again in 3 new teams, and so on, until 1 team remains alive. After each team elimination, teams points are reset to 0. Players keep their own personal points, though. You're earning 10 points for your team whenever you kill a player from another team. The 2nd time you kill the same character (in the same teams-round) you will earn 8 points, 3rd time 6 points, and so on until you'll get only 2 points for killing the same character (and the value will stay at 2 points, no longer decreasing). Your team is losing 3 points for each of your deaths. You can't attack players from your own team. After 3 rounds of Team-KotH, all players from the team left alive does enter the LMS round (last round): In this round, everyone plays for himself (FFA). The winners of the Arena Tournament are the last to remain alive. Everyone starts with 4 lives. Killing a player does remove 1 life from him. For every 3 lives taken you gain an extra life. If you reach 0 lives, you are eliminated. You can also take only x lives from the same player as following: If there are >= 12 players remaining in the LMS round, you can only take 1 life from the same player. If there are 9-11 players remaining in the LMS round, you can only take 2 lives from the same player. If there are 6-8 players remaining in the LMS round, you can only take 3 lives from the same player. If there are <= 5 players remaining in the LMS round, there is no restriction. Amount of winners per Event are also based on the total number of registered players on Arena Tournament: Starting players >= 20 <= 28 => 3 winners. Starting players > 28 <= 36 => 4 winners. Starting players > 36 <= 44 => 5 winners. Starting players > 44 => 6 winners. If the event isn't over before its maximum duration, then the remaining players will be selected as winners based on their total points contribution during Team-KotH stage. Note: Winners can't join other tournaments from the week, outside of the Last Laugh (that is available only for weekly winners). Note2: Due to the new nature of Team-KotH, disconnecting during the event / leaving the event after it already started will ban you from Arena Tournament for 5 days. This is only for disconnecting during Team-KotH rounds (Last Laugh / LMS rounds are excluded). Specials: 1 - Normal -> Everyone plays with the characters as they are. Note: In order to join any of the Arena Tournament - Special 1 events (Normal), your character must have at least 50% Resets (rounded down) of the TOP1 character. Example: If TOP1 character has 15 resets, only characters over 7 resets can join Arena Tournament. 2 - Free STATS -> Everyone receive the same level and the same amount of stats, based on a randomly picked reset stats (for everyone) and their class. Note: The randomly picked reset stats can be between 2 resets and 20 resets (like on IT). Note2: Everyone is set to level 200. Note3: Special 2 is free for all (doesn't matter your character reset). Info about LL (Last Laugh) Last Laugh is the final Tournament, where the prizes from the current week are also given. Last Laugh is held on Sunday. Only winners of Team-KotH from that week can join the Last Laugh. If you have lower reset than the highest reset player from the LL, you will receive extra stat points to add for the tournament based on the difference of resets between you and highest reset player, and also based on your class. The points are added when the Arena is closed, so you have 1 minute to use them. Everyone is set to level 200 during LL. There is no settled duration for the LL but there are 3 rounds: Round1: LMS Round During this round you need to eliminate players while surviving. The round is over when there are X amount of players left in the Tournament, as following: If there are more than 30 participants, Round1 is over when there are 20 players left. If there are more than 26 participants, Round1 is over when there are 18 players left. If there are more than 22 participants, Round1 is over when there are 16 players left. If there are more than 18 participants, Round1 is over when there are 14 players left. If there are more than 14 participants, Round1 is over when there are 12 players left. If there are more than 12 participants, Round1 is over when there are 10 players left. Everyone starts with 6 lives. Killing a player does remove 1 life from him. For every 4 lives taken you gain an extra life. If you reach 0 lives, you are eliminated. You can also take only x lives from the same player as following: If there are >= 24 players remaining in the LMS round, you can only take 1 life from the same player. If there are < 24 players remaining in the LMS round, you can only take 2 lives from the same player. Round2: KotH Round During this round you need to farm as many Points as possible within 10 minutes. You're earning 10 points whenever you kill a player. The 2nd time you kill the same character you will earn 9 points, 3rd time 8 points, and so on until you'll get only 2 points for killing the same character (and the value will stay at 2 points, no longer decreasing). You're losing 2 + 8% of your current points for each of your deaths. Example: If you have 120 points, if you die you lose 2 + 10 (8% of 120, rounded) = 12 points. After 10 minutes, TOP8 characters with most Points will be qualified for the last round (3), the rest of players being eliminated. Round3: Last Laugh - Final Round A virtual bracket will be generated for the 8 players left, it will be based on the Points gathered during round 2 as following: TOP1 points will play vs TOP8 points. TOP3 points will play vs TOP6 points. TOP4 points will play vs TOP5 points. TOP2 points will play vs TOP7 points. Then each character will be moved to a different Arena cage where the matches are being played. In cages you are playing 1v1 with your opponent. Both chars start as "chained" and the game is starting in 5 seconds. The first character to kill the other for 2 times will advance in the bracket (Best of 3). You do receive a clear of all buffs/effects after a kill and you start from different corners again. SD is not restored during the match. After winning a match you advance in bracket and either wait or face your next opponent from Winner bracket. After winning/losing a game you will be redirected to a new cage. After each finished game, if your SD is not full, you will receive a Complex Potion that you can use ONLY before the start of the next game, to restore your SD to full. You need to be fast! Players that lose in the Winner bracket are being sent into Loser bracket where they face other bracket losers. Games on Loser bracket are the same as on Winner bracket (Best out of 3). If you lose a game on Loser bracket you are eliminated from the Tournament, if you win you advance in the Loser bracket up until Grand Finals. Grand Finals are BO5 (Best out of 5). Rewards System There are 3 types of rewards that Arena Tournament is offering: Participation reward Everyone that does participate at an Arena Tournament event (except of Last Laugh round) will receive a Gladiator's Pride buff. Note: Leaving the event or disconnecting during the event before it is over or before you are eliminated won't grant you the buff! Gladiator's Pride will increase the NORMAL bonus EXPERIENCE granted by the Mercenary Squad Seal with +20%. Gladiator's Pride will increase the MASTER bonus EXPERIENCE granted by the Mercenary Squad Seal with +14%. Example: Your current Mercenary Seal does grant you +5% NORMAL EXP, if you get Gladiator's Pride, the buff is raised from +5% to +25%. Example2: Your current Mercenary Seal does grant you +6% MASTER EXP, if you get Gladiator's Pride, the buff is raised from +6% to +20%. The duration for the Gladiator's Pride is based on your event performance and it does work in all places where the Mercenary Seal does work as well: Duration: 2 hours if you are eliminated after 1st Team-KotH round. Duration: 2.5 hours if you are eliminated after 2nd Team-KotH round. Duration: 3 hours if you are eliminated after 3rd Team-KotH round. Duration: 4 hours if you are eliminated during 4th Team-KotH round (LMS round). Note: Because winners from each day aren't able to participate to the rest of the Arenas from that week, being part of the winners of an Arena will grant you access to Gladiator's Pride buff every day starting from the day you've won the Arena up until the Saturday's Arena (included). This means that if you will be ONLINE on normal maps (Server 1) every day at the start of the Arena Tournament you will get 4 hours of Gladiator's Pride as if you were a participant in the last Team-KotH round. Note2: Not being online and on normal maps (Server 1) when Arena Tournament does start won't grant you the buff! Weekly win reward The winners (and only the winners) from each Arena Tournament round will win access to the Sunday's round (Last Laugh). The Last Laugh does also have a separate guaranteed reward for the participants (as long as you just join the Event and you stay until it is over / you are eliminated). Current Last Laugh guaranteed reward is: 5x Jewel of Harmony. Note: Leaving the event or disconnecting during the event before it is over or before you are eliminated won't grant you the guaranteed reward! Last Laugh performance reward Based on your performance at Last Laugh, the following rewards will be given: +1 Jewel of Chaos for every 2 players that are eliminated from the Tournament before you. Example: If there are 30 participants at Last Laugh, the 30th place will win extra 0x Jewel of Chaos, 26th place will win extra 2x Jewel of Chaos, 12th place will win extra 9x Jewel of Chaos, etc. Note: Leaving the event or disconnecting during the event before it is over or before you are eliminated won't grant you the performance reward! TOP3 extra rewards: Winner of Last Laugh: 1x Golden Fenrir with 5 days duration, 1x HoF + Legends Group (forum) + 3x Piece of Horn. Note: The Legends Group is active only for the duration of the edition, not permanent. Note2: Winning 3x Arenas during the edition will grant you permanent Legends Group. 2nd place of Last Laugh: 1x HoF + 2x Piece of Horn. 3rd place of Last Laugh: 1x HoF + 1x Piece of Horn. Final example of Last Laugh winner full reward (with an example of 30 participants): 5x Jewel of Harmony (guaranteed reward) + 14x Jewel of Chaos (performance reward) + 1x HoF (TOP3 reward) + 5 days Golden Fenrir + Legends Group (forum) & 3x Piece of Horn (TOP1 reward). If you get disqualified or if you get disconnected from LL round you'll win half of the consolation prize (+1 if it is not an even number). Example: If the current consolation reward is 5x JoH, if you get disqualified / disconnected from LL you'll still get 3x JoH. Note: This is not applied to performance reward, you'll lose it entirely. Note2: In the disconnect case, you'll receive your *half* reward in Jewel Wallet instead of character inventory (as it is disconnected) - it will also send you a notification on web.
    16. Damn, I'm pretty newb in business then, should've nerfed MG or AE which are the most played classes right now, in order to maximize profit, not the least played class. I'm sorry, will learn from this mistake! 🤑
    17. The following changes are up starting from now: [FIXED] Perfect Party Bonus EXP of 4 players sometimes not working when there were 5 players in party and 1 player left, without being replaced (and without any remake of party). [UPDATED] After finishing Quest 3 Part 1 - the moment you relog / go to another sub-server the quest items will be automatically deleted from inventory (so you won't have to manually delete them).
    18. Update is now up! Let us know if you find anything wrong after it!
    19. Release date: 29.10.2021 at 10:00 - A small server restart will be needed, make sure to update the client via Launcher as well. Congrats to Duke, Mu3rTe and RuSuLeTzZz for finishing the Stage 2! Note: Everyone that progressed the Stage (having level 300+ and 10rr) can type /stagereward in order to take the reward, after patch is up! Note2: We're also adding new OPTIONAL versions of Full Client, Manual patch and No-Launcher patch. Check the downloads section after the Patch is up! Note3: The new Full Client will offer the possibility to improve graphics, check the ImproveGameGraphics folder from it, if you're interested. Note4: We still have 1-3 slots open for our Council. If you're interested, PM here or on discord either me or @Gion Changelog: [UPDATED] You can now continue to reset up to 15 resets. [UPDATED] EXP for Stage 2 (10rr) is now removed. 10th reset does have the same exp table like 9th reset had. [UPDATED] 2nd Newbies EXP boost added: 0rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-350). 1rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-360). 2rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-370). 3rr: 350% EXP (constant level 1-380). 4rr: 300% EXP (constant level 1-390). 5rr: +200% EXP. 6rr: +160% EXP. 7rr: +120% EXP. 8rr: +80% EXP. 9rr: +40% EXP. [UPDATED] Maximum points in a single stat is now 16.000 instead of 8.000. [UPDATED] IT stats on event can now be random between 2 and 20 resets. [UPDATED] Maximum VIT at CS can now be 10000 instead of 5000. [UPDATED] Released Old Box 3 & Old Box 4. [UPDATED] Released Rare Items drop from Old Boxes. [UPDATED] Released Swamp access. [UPDATED] Cursed Dragon has been buffed in terms of HP & DEF. Now it can also drop OB1~4. [UPDATED] Released Bloody Witch Queen. [UPDATED] Balgass HP buffed. [UPDATED] Droprate of Feather & Crest (Icarus) slightly increased. [UPDATED] Released Quest 3 (NPC can be found in Lorencia). [UPDATED] Quest 3 - Part 1 has been reworked: Instead of being based purely on RNG (some people finishing it in few hours, others in few days), it is now based only on your activity: Minimum level 380 to farm the first part (it won't count on lower level than 380). After starting the quest 3 you need to relog (or move to another sub-server) in order to be registered for the counter and start farming. If you don't do that, when killing quest monsters system will tell you to relog. To finish the quest you need to kill 50 / 50 / 50 (tarkan quest mobs, icarus quest mobs, aida quest mobs). Your current progress is announced on every kill. When you kill 50 from one quest monster type, you receive the quest item type of that monster in inventory. The kill is counted only on last-hit. You can afk farm it or active farm it to finish it faster. Note: You can continue your progress even if you do reset, but only after reaching level 380+ again. [UPDATED] Released Professional VIP. [UPDATED] Released access to Chaos Machine (on website) from +11 to +12. [UPDATED] Released Reset Skill Tree. [UPDATED] Released Increase ADD Option. [UPDATED] Released Character Market. [UPDATED] Limit of Market items raised to 25 / day. [UPDATED] ML released. Maximum 30 right now. [UPDATED] BC8, DS7 & CC7 are now available for ML. [UPDATED] Illusion Temple 4 & 5 is now available. [UPDATED] IT Rewards: Winners of IT 1 can win: 35% 10b/10s/10life, 25% OB1, 15% OB2 and 25% Feather/Crest. Winners of IT 2 can win: 34% 10b/10s/10life, 25% OB2, 15% OB3, 25% Feather/Crest and 1% Feather of Condor. Winners of IT 3 can win: 33% 10b/10s/10life/10c, 30% Old Box 3, 35% Feather/Crest and 2% Feather of Condor. Winners of IT 4 can win: 67% 10s/10life/10c/10gemstones, 30% Old Box 4 and 3% Feather of Condor. Winners of IT 5 can win: 52% 10s/10life/10c/10gemstones, 40% Old Box 4, 5% Feather of Condor, 3% Old Box 5. [UPDATED] Maximum number of players in guild is now 25. [UPDATED] Released Imperial Guardian Event & Suspicious Scrap of Paper in drop (mobs over level 90). Note: Weekly rankings & rewards will start from this Monday. Until then, records are counted but not rewarded (for rankings). Rewards: Bosses are rewarding 3 Jewels (B/S/Life) + 10% chance for Talisman of Chaos Assembly & 90% chance for the 4th Jewel. Sunday's last boss does have 100% chance for TOCA. Final reward is delivered to each participant individually, no matter how many players are in the party (everyone gets same reward). Optional objective: Kill the Statues and get 1~3 extra Jewels (Bless/Soul/Life/Chaos) that anyone from party can pick up. Weekly ranking rewards: Having 35+ Points = 2x TOCA. Having 25-34 points = 1x TOCA. Having 15-24 points = 10x Jewel of Harmony. Having 5-14 points = 5x Jewel of Harmony. [UPDATED] Minimum raid kills in order to be eligible for gens rewards is now 25 instead of 50. Starting from next Gens Season, not current one. [UPDATED] Mercenary Squad Quest will now ignore players from same alliance as well (not only same guild). [UPDATED] Jewel of Guardian Zen value is now 300.000 Zen instead of 2.500.000 Zen. There's already a lower senior mix cost and 10% market tax revenue to help up with mixes & upgrades. [UPDATED] Death King HP buffed. [UPDATED] Death King Enrage damage buffed to 2500 + extra 300 per player in range. [FIXED] Qwarp for Kanturu3 not working for all possible coordonates of the target. [UPDATED] OSGM Weekly Events Rewards: Consolation at events: 1x Jewel of Chaos + 5x OSP 5th place at events: 1x Jewel of Chaos + 2x BoK+4 + 10x OSP 4th place at events: 2x Jewel of Chaos + 2x BoK+4 + 15x OSP 3rd place at events: 2x Jewel of Chaos + 2x BoK+5 + 20x OSP 2nd place at events: 3x Jewel of Chaos + 2x BoK+5 + 30x OSP 1st place at events: 3x Jewel of Chaos + 3x BoK+5 + 40x OSP [ADDED] New OSGM Event: Death Roll Event More info: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4538-death-roll-event/ + Other small fixes / adjustments / improvements. Dynamic Characters Balance tweaks Fortunately, outside of SUM, the rest of chars are in a pretty balanced state so far. SUM: Increased PvP damage taken from rest of chars by 8-15%. Overall PvP damage nerfed with 10%. Overall PvM damage nerfed with 6%.
    20. ADMIN

      Death Roll Event

      What is Death Roll Event? It's an Event made by staff and it's based on the popular "Death Roll" gambling event from WoW. There are 2 stages: Qualification and Main Event. Event time: The event will be held 1-2 times per week, between 16:00-00:59. The qualifiers will spawn randomly inside this time interval. Qualification: There will be a qualification stage where only 20 players will be registered for the Main Event. GM that holds the event will spawn Event Qualifiers in 4 maps: Noria, Lorencia, Elbeland and Devias.The number of Event Qualifiers spawned means the total number of the slots for the Event.There will be 5 Event Qualifiers on each map.The Event Qualifiers are spawned ONLY on SAFE-ZONES (towns). The only thing that you need to do in order to qualify for the Event is to find an Event Qualifier and click on it! After you'll click on it you will be automatically moved to the Event Zone and you'll have to wait until the Qualification is over.The Event Qualifier on which you have clicked on will also disappear. *Note: The qualifiers do have a global cooldown of 1 second, meaning that if someone (even in different town) clicked on a qualifier, no one can click another one for 1 second. ATTENTION: If you'll try to register at the Event with more than 1 char / IP the Event Qualifier will reject your registration of the 2nd Character! Main Event: Players will be moved automatically to a unique position into the square from the Event Zone based on the qualification. Players will automatically get a 'chain' effect on their characters which will make them unable to move from their position until they are eliminated or the event is over. Players will be automatically skinned into a golden budge dragon so there will be more space and their names will be clearly visible. After the player is eliminated he will get his consolation reward and the chain effect + the golden budge skin will be gone. But they will get a transparency status so they can stay and watch without disturbing the event. When everything is set up, GM will explain the game to players that don't know it or he will redirect them to read this topic. How is the game? Very simple, first of all the GM will roll the dice from 1 to 9999 in order to settle up the global starting dice used for the next rounds then the first player to qualify will start the game by rolling the dice from 1 to the value of the global starting dice. For example if the GM rolled the dice from 1 to 9999 and the result is 355 then all the rounds will start from 355 (the first player to start the round will dice out of 355 by typing /dice 355). Then the next player (clock-wise) must roll the dice from 1 to the number the previous player did dice. And so on for the next players. When a player does dice 1, he is eliminated, the round is over, and the next player after him is starting again from the value of the global starting dice. Example of Event: ADMIN is 1st, Gion is 2nd, Marcel is 3rd. First of all the GM rolls 4200 (out of 9999) which is the value of the global staring dice. ADMIN must /dice 4200. He does and gets 137 (out of 4200). Gion must /dice 137. He does and gets 9 (out of 137). Marcel has to /dice 9. He does and he gets 1. Marcel is eliminated, and the next player after Marcel does start again from 4200. IMPORTANT! Using /dice when it is not your turn / you're not asked to (basically, disturbing the event) may get you eliminated from event, and even banned! *[Genesis] OSG Events have different rewards from Inception's OSGM ---> https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5362-osg-events/ Prizes: 1st Place: 25 OSP + OSGM Default Reward 2nd Place: 20 OSP + OSGM Default Reward 3rd Place: 15 OSP + OSGM Default Reward 4th Place: 11 OSP + OSGM Default Reward 5th Place: 8 OSP + OSGM Default Reward Consolations (all participants except first 5 places): 5 OSP + OSGM Default Reward About OSP ------>
    21. ADMIN


      Nobody else had this problem. Most probably you didn't had space for the IT ticket return at 09:23. Also mind your language.
    22. Added the following notes: Antidotes / SD Pots are allowed! Note about Brothers in Arms rewards: In order to take your reward from the Brothers in Arms event, you'll have to go in crywolf and type /biareward. Note: Jewels are going directly into Jewel Wallet (on website). This will be possible after Gion is setting your event rank (so 5-15 minutes after the event is over). You can take the BiA rewards until Thursday night (23:00). If you don't take your reward until Thursday 23:00 you'll lose it.
    23. Release date: 20.10.2021 at 14:45 - Updates are up and no restart is needed. Changelog: [ADDED] IT Queue Now if there are more players that wants to join IT than the slots available, a random pool of maximum players will be chosen for each IT level. How does it work? When the message with IT being open does show up (10 minutes before the event actually start) you can click the IT NPC (only 1 time is enough), and you will be registered to the queue. The registration on the queue is up for 3 minutes (7 minutes before event does actually start). After those 3 minutes, up to 10 players per IT level will be randomly selected as priority participants, which means they can start entering the event. For the next 3 minutes, the chosen players (that have PRIO) are able to join the IT event (and only them). In the last 4 minutes before the event actually starts, any player can join the IT (any IT level, based on their character) if there are still slots available, no matter if they have been chosen for priority or not. When you register for queue, the IT Ticket is taken from your character. The ticket is given back when the extraction is done (no matter if you have been selected for PRIO or not). Extraction of players does work like this: Any player can be extracted at any point during extraction, no matter his IT level, and then it is assigned to his own IT level (if there are still slots) and removed from the queue. If 10 players have been already selected for an IT level, any more players for that IT level will be ignored on extraction. Note: You can only get PRIO on your current maximum IT level (so if you're not chosen for your own IT level, you don't have PRIO on the lower ones, you will have to wait and see if there are any empty slots available on them). Note2: If you leave Server 1 after registering to the Queue (either disconnect or warp to gens maps / CS server) you will be removed from the IT Queue (and your IT Ticket will be lost), but you can register back if you want to. [ADDED] Brothers is Arms - Team PvP Event More info: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4518-brothers-is-arms-team-pvp-event/ [UPDATED] Zen Tweaks While we wanted most of you to not have big problems with Zen, especially for normal, essential things (compared to the initial iteration), since the last zen tweaks our data is still showing high amount of zen at the level of server (that is increasing in a fast peace). We're going to run another set of tweaks to further optimize our system so that there is still enough zen but not TOO much in economy (else again, we'll reach a point when Zen would be useless). The issues (limitations) are mostly related to new players, so we're going to tweak with that in mind: Zen dropped on medium/high maps slightly nerfed. Party bonus zen reduced to 15%/25% for 4 man and 5 man party from 25%/35%. Post zen cost increased to 150k / 115k / 135k (normal & vip prices) from 100k / 60k / 80k (normal & vip prices). Pack & part commands zen cost increased to 2kk from 1.5kk. Market zen tax increased to 1.5kk from 1kk. Senior Mix cost increased to 400kk from 250kk. %zen from market tax going to Senior reduced to 10% from 20%. Reset cost table for 10+rr updated: NEW: The 11th reset starts from 120.000.000 zen. Each extra reset until 20 resets = + 12.000.000 zen per reset. The 20th reset = 228.000.000 zen. NEW: The 21th reset starts from 300.000.000 zen Each extra reset until 30 resets = + 18.000.000 zen per reset.
    24. Basic Info This is a normal PvP Event where your character/build/class/items will matter (you play with your character as it is). Different rewards for each edition, announced before registrations. Both consolation rewards & top 3 rewards. Note: Rewards are progressive for consolation, the more advanced in bracket you are (games played), the more rewards you get. The entire event will take between 1 and 2 hours, most probably, depending on how fast the games are finished. People that do Register on forum before the deadline does have priority to participate at the Event. You don't have to be in the same guild (or have a guild at all), but you NEED to be in the same party with your team (and only)! Note about Brothers in Arms rewards: In order to take your reward from the Brothers in Arms event, you'll have to go in crywolf and type /biareward. Note: Jewels are going directly into Jewel Wallet (on website). This will be possible after @Gion is setting your event rank (so 5-15 minutes after the event is over). You can take the BiA rewards until Thursday night (23:00). If you don't take your reward until Thursday 23:00 you'll lose it. IMPORTANT!!! Any attempt to register AND/OR participate at the Event with more than 1 character per person will get you banned for 7 days on all your accounts and characters accessed. We have 0 tolerance for this! Gameplay & Rules: 3v3 / 5v5 PvP fights between pre-made teams in an Arena Cage. Only different classes are allowed in a team. There are maximum of 16 teams that can participate at the Event. Note: No matter the number of teams under 16, the bracket will be generated randomly. Note2: If there are more than 16 teams for the event registered and checked-in, the 16 teams will be picked randomly. There will be a random bracket of fights between teams. All games are BO1 (Best out of 1) - You win the game you advance in bracket, you lose the game you are eliminated. Every participant will be set to level 200 (only on Inception) when the match does start. Every participant will be set with PK status when the match does start. After every death you'll be immune to damage for 4 seconds. The moment you start a BiA game your account will be locked until the entire event is over (no matter if you win or lose). This is done in order to prevent item-sharing between participants during the event. If you previously had a lock on account you must create it again after the event is over. There's a minimum Average Level per team (80% of TOP1 Level - rounded down) in order to register to the Event. Example: If TOP1 has Level 300, the minimum average level per team is 240. Leaders of teams will dice before each game. The dice winner will choose what type of game will be played from: LMS - each char does have 6 lives, the winner team is the one left alive. KotH - each kill of a player from the other team grants your team 1 point, first team to reach 25 points does win. Note: Grand Final is BO3 (first game is LMS, second game is KotH, 3rd game is decided by dice roll if the score is 1-1). Extra notes: If you leave the cage at any point after a game is started, you will be teleported at the middle of the cage and you'll get stunned for 5 seconds. Disconnecting / leaving Arena after a game has started means that your team lost the game, unless the opponents agree for a rematch. If you leave your team party after a game has started (or you're in a different party than your team) you will be removed from the game and your team lose the game, unless the opponents agree for a rematch. You won't get PKs by killing others. You will respawn randomly in the cage. You can't have any buffs during the event (scrolls, pumpkins, party buffs, etc.) outside of your own character buffs. Antidotes / SD Pots are allowed! IMPORTANT!!! The PM (Party Master) must always be the captain of the team (the one that is registered as captain and does the /dice), on every game! The team name is dictated by his own name. Registration & Check-in BiA will usually be announced with few days before it actually starts. Anyone that wants to take part into the Event must register on the forum topic of each BiA edition by leaving the character names of their team that they want to participate with. Starting from the moment the edition is announced and until 2 hours before the Event does start, in the Event day, people that do register in this timeframe will have priority to participate at the Event. In the Event day, a check-in must be made by captains of the registered teams if they want to keep their slot in the Event. Check-ins will be made starting with 2 hours before the actual event does start. Example: If event starts at 19:00, check-ins do start at 17:00. If at 30 minutes after check-ins did started there are less than 8 / 16 teams confirmed for the Event, Late Registrations are opened. Late Registrations do last between 1:30 hours before the Event does start until 30 minutes before the Event does start (1 hour). During this time, any teams can register to BiA (on forum) and come for check-in to "replace" those registered players that failed to check-in. If there are more than 8 / 16 teams checked-in for an Event, the participants will be extracted randomly from the pool of checked-in teams. In order to check-in you'll have to come Lorencia circle to @Gion (as the captain of your team) and tell him that your team is checked-in. NOTE!!! If you do your check-in and fail to participate in the tournament from different reasons the team will be banned for 1 day on all of their characters. Do the check-in ONLY if you know your team can attend and play the (entire) event. Bracket will be posted with 2-5 minutes before the event does start.
    25. Another tweaks related to Zen Table are now up: Lorencia / Noria / Elbeland: OLD: 40% chance for zen. Base zen: 50 + MonsterLevel*20 zen. NEW: 40% chance for zen. Base zen: 50 + MonsterLevel*20 zen. Devias: OLD: 35% chance for zen. Base zen: 600 + MonsterLevel*35 zen. NEW: 30% chance for zen. Base zen: 600 + MonsterLevel*30 zen. Kalima 1: OLD: 35% chance for zen. Base zen: 600 + MonsterLevel*35 zen. NEW: 30% chance for zen. Base zen: 600 + MonsterLevel*30 zen. Dungeon: OLD: 30% chance for zen. Base zen: 1200 + MonsterLevel*45 zen. NEW: 25% chance for zen. Base zen: 1200 + MonsterLevel*40 zen. Atlans: OLD: 30% chance for zen. Base zen: 1600 + MonsterLevel*50 zen. NEW: 25% chance for zen. Base zen: 1600 + MonsterLevel*45 zen. LostTower: OLD: 30% chance for zen. Base zen: 1600 + MonsterLevel*50 zen. NEW: 25% chance for zen. Base zen: 1600 + MonsterLevel*45 zen. Kalima 2: OLD: 30% chance for zen. Base zen: 1600 + MonsterLevel*50 zen. NEW: 25% chance for zen. Base zen: 1600 + MonsterLevel*45 zen. Tarkan: OLD: 25% chance for zen. Base zen: 3000 + MonsterLevel*60 zen. NEW: 22% chance for zen. Base zen: 2500 + MonsterLevel*50 zen. Aida: OLD: 25% chance for zen. Base zen: 3000 + MonsterLevel*60 zen. NEW: 22% chance for zen. Base zen: 2500 + MonsterLevel*50 zen. Kalima 3: OLD: 25% chance for zen. Base zen: 3000 + MonsterLevel*60 zen. NEW: 22% chance for zen. Base zen: 2500 + MonsterLevel*50 zen. Icarus: OLD: 18% chance for zen. Base zen: 4000 + MonsterLevel*70 zen. NEW: 15% chance for zen. Base zen: 3000 + MonsterLevel*55 zen. CryWolf: OLD: 18% chance for zen. Base zen: 4000 + MonsterLevel*80 zen. NEW: 15% chance for zen. Base zen: 3500 + MonsterLevel*60 zen. Kanturu: OLD: 18% chance for zen. Base zen: 4000 + MonsterLevel*90 zen. NEW: 15% chance for zen. Base zen: 3500 + MonsterLevel*60 zen. Kalima 4: OLD: 18% chance for zen. Base zen: 4000 + MonsterLevel*90 zen. NEW: 15% chance for zen. Base zen: 3500 + MonsterLevel*60 zen. Karutan1: OLD: 18% chance for zen. Base zen: 4000 + MonsterLevel*90 zen. NEW: 15% chance for zen. Base zen: 4000 + MonsterLevel*60 zen. Karutan2: OLD: 18% chance for zen. Base zen: 6000 + MonsterLevel*100 zen. NEW: 15% chance for zen. Base zen: 5000 + MonsterLevel*70 zen. Kalima 5: OLD: 18% chance for zen. Base zen: 6000 + MonsterLevel*100 zen. NEW: 15% chance for zen. Base zen: 5000 + MonsterLevel*70 zen. Relics: OLD: 18% chance for zen. Base zen: 8000 + MonsterLevel*110 zen. NEW: 15% chance for zen. Base zen: 6000 + MonsterLevel*80 zen. Kalima 6: OLD: 18% chance for zen. Base zen: 8000 + MonsterLevel*110 zen. NEW: 15% chance for zen. Base zen: 6000 + MonsterLevel*80 zen. Raklion: OLD: 18% chance for zen. Base zen: 10000 + MonsterLevel*120 zen. NEW: 15% chance for zen. Base zen: 7000 + MonsterLevel*90 zen. Vulcanus: OLD: 18% chance for zen. Base zen: 10000 + MonsterLevel*120 zen. NEW: 15% chance for zen. Base zen: 7000 + MonsterLevel*90 zen. Kalima 7: OLD: 18% chance for zen. Base zen: 10000 + MonsterLevel*120 zen. NEW: 15% chance for zen. Base zen: 7000 + MonsterLevel*90 zen. Swamp: OLD: 18% chance for zen. Base zen: 13000 + MonsterLevel*130 zen. NEW: 15% chance for zen. Base zen: 8000 + MonsterLevel*100 zen.
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