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    Everything posted by ADMIN

    1. Hello, We're waiting any kind of feedback related to the Arena Tournament. Opinions, suggestions, improvements, bug reports and so on. Feel free to comment about it.
    2. We need way more opinions on this in order to change something related.
    3. Maps are modified since more than 2 years ago on all of our servers. "Gap" is 2/3 of normal map level, everywhere including GMO, that's not a custom thing that's a default thing that can't even be modified. Server has started, this topic is now closed.
    4. Disable long-distance counter attack, it is a feature that in past was known to have characters "moving" to other spots.
    5. Monsters have spawned! Game has started! Good luck to everyone and enjoy your time!
    6. Server is officially open! Monsters will spawn in 1 hour! Prepare your parties!
    7. Compared to those from shop, this ones can drop with higher HP REC%, which helps early game surviving.
    8. Hello OldSquaders & New comers, Less than 24 hours remained for the grand opening of our 3rd edition of Phoenix! The server will be launched officially tomorrow (Friday) at 19:00 GMT+3 (follow counter from website). You will be able to make sure that client works, make parties, etc. The MOBS will spawn at 20:00 GMT+3 (after 1 hour). You still have time to gather strong teams as what is coming will be pretty hard alone! Keep in mind to find a Permanent Stable Party if you plan to play seriously. Let's show to the MU Online community once again what real quality truly means! So, share the news to your friends, families, mu contacts, strangers, pets and gather on the start to conquer once again the OldSquad World! Important Info: !!!! Don't forget to choose the 'Phoenix' Server when you are logging on site, else you will be logged on Inception and you will be able to use the Inception services/options instead of Phoenix !!! In order to use the SITE FUNCTIONS you need to ACTIVATE your ACCOUNT on EMAIL! (It takes 1-5 minutes to be sent). Don't forget that ENERGY ELVES are OUT OF GAME! Their buffs are useless on normal maps. Note: You can still play EE at CS where buffs works, but there you can adjust points with /rebuild command, only for the CS. Note2: Also don't make TANK builds (VBK/VDL) as they can be used "for free" at CS via /rebuild, only for the CS. Don't forget that EXP STARTS REALLY LOW and does get HIGHER as you progress in Levels. Note: The same things does apply for mobs on spots, starts from 4 and gets to 7-8 on highest maps. You can make DL, MG, RF from level 150 or since server starts if you get VIP. Note: Only Dealer/Hunter available until Break 2 - Level 350 - when PRO will be available as well. You have access to OFF-Attack for up to 5 hours. Note: VIP is boosting its duration/it adds auto-pick based on VIP type. Only BoK+1 Goldens & Golden Budges are available at start (from the golden mobs) - rest of them will be released progressively - Check gameplay info. Test server is still online and will remain online even after Phoenix start, so you can test anything anytime you want. You can warp from SITE if you are PK - but it costs much more! 1st Castle Siege will be from first week (11 April - Sunday) but there will be no rewards. Note: You will play only to get used to our custom CS System and for fun + the advantage of being the Defenders on the 2nd CS (CS rewards are progressive, read about them on Info topic -> CS System). This is an 100% International Server, that means you MUST write in English ONLY on /post and Gens Chat. If you won't do this you can get Muted / Warned and even Banned! Mercenary Squad will be unlocked after Break 1 (level 285). Note: You will need at least level 250 to join Merc Squad, as well as to start a Merc Quest. Add luck from website will be unlocked after Break 1. Until Break 1, you can only upgrade from website from +9 to +10, after Break 1 you can upgrade to +11, and after Break 2 to +12 as well. Increase ADD Option from website will be unlocked after Break 1. Up to 60-70% of content is adjusted/custom so you REALLY need to read all of our info in order to have a good time. Make sure to invest jewels in early exc items from mobs / non exc items with high defense in order to progress! Also, we want to share you some of the important topics and info that you MUST read for a full experience here: Official Info Topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2884-phoenix-official-information-everything-you-need-to-know/ Info about CREDITS: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2895-phoenix-info-about-credits/ Characters Info, Builds & Buffs Formulas: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2931-phoenix-everything-about-characters-buffs-and-formulas/ Server Rules: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2897-phoenix-server-rules/ If you need any kind of assistance please contact us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/OldSquadMU - we will be there most of the time! OldSquad Team #MakeMUGreatAgain!
    9. http://muonlinefanz.com/tools/items/data/itemdb/Excellent%20Sword%20of%20Destruction.php - SoD Stats http://muonlinefanz.com/tools/items/data/itemdb/Divine%20Sword%20of%20Archangel.php - AA Sword Stats http://muonlinefanz.com/tools/items/data/itemdb/Bone Blade.php - BB Stats This topic is related to Phoenix, not to MU in general.
    10. No, dynamic chars balance is an Inception feature because balance is not stable on high stats & resets. On Phoenix you play with same pros and cons of your character from start to end. In case there will be a mistake that makes a character either truly OP or truly bad, we will intervene (like ARF situation from last edition). But it shouldn't be the case.
    11. Playing 4-8 hours online per day and 24/7 on spot with permanent party doesn't make you full competitive, that's a basic condition to at least aim TOP100. Btw, unless you had other name on last phoenix, on my back-up when server was ~330 you was 226, so idk why we talk about competition and top.
    12. I shouldn't "solve" game mechanics (like the mobs lure) just to give even more "chances" for casual players (apart from the tons of already-made improvements for them), I did it because I wanted to, not because I should've done it. There are maximum 30 full-competitive players on our servers. No matter what we help you with you'll never match them on top. The fight for breaks is between those players, and you can never change that unless they quit our servers. Difference between mobs-lure strategy and this described strategy is that on mobs-lure you don't lose anything (you bring mobs with alts, no other downsides, ofc doable just by really active parties). On this strategy, you actually lose a lot (credits, hunt/pvp power, harder gear-up, etc.).
    13. My last back-up from level ~330 chars from last phoenix have redbull as BK. Idk how it was prior to that, no proof to sustain, but the rest of top being at 1-3 levels differences from them (with only 1 break until then, not 2 breaks like now) clearly shows how "viable" is such strategy (if it was used prior 330). If we added such feature for 1+ resets (maps limit) we added just because it made sense for resets, on 0rr it makes 0 sense. Not a single server (including GMO) ever had such restriction, and there were even lower exp/mobs in spots as well as no breaks. I repeat, if any1 consider such low-term strategy any good, feel free to go for it. We're not changing the restriction for 0rr just because some (if exist) wanna play such strategy.
    14. Hello, why we would change something that was always here on 0rr for both Inception & Phoenix? If ppl will really go for such comp (which never happened before), it is a playable strategy. There's no plan for changing 0rr levels for DL/MG/RF, not everyone is paying for 1st day VIP to create their character from level 1 and we aren't removing such catch-up mechanic for them just because ppl are afraid of shitty comps. If you consider such strategy good then feel free to do it.
    15. Check again when you login to select Inception and not Phoenix, put a screen where the server is showed on *current server*.
    16. Hello, Test server for Phoenix is now officially open for public. Client can be downloaded from here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2919-phoenix-downloads/ Note: It is shared client with the official server. Note2: Characters have been saved from the last test server from Phoenix, you can still test using them. While we are aware that most of you that join the Test-Server are doing it for personal benefits (i.e. testing which char to choose, who is better at what, fast leveling routes, etc.) we would be glad if you do also test parts of our info/drops/bosses and so on and if you can't find a problem (that usually happens) we will be glad if you at least bring a constructive feedback of what have you tested around. Important note: While we welcome any characters feedback, we'll only take into consideration real feedback/problems with them, supplied with enough details and/or screens/videos. We'll ignore any comments like "X char is shit buff plz", or "Y char is OP nerf plz", or "I play Z plz buff it". Important note: While up to 95% of things available on the test server will remain as they are, there may be changes/adjustments/additions on the official server and/or changes/adjustments before content additions (related to them). Also, keep in mind that the current Imperial Event, Doppelganger Event & Crywolf Event from Test-Server does not reflect the official version, as they were not "reworked" yet and they will be reworked only before their addition to the official server as part of the Break 2 content. Topic where you can bring your feedback: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4261-phoenix-2021-feedback-discussions/ Test server commands: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2921-phoenix-test-server-commands/ Cheers!
    17. Test-server is a replica of official server, just with different commands available and / or restrictions lifted. The only cases when there can be *small* differences between the 2 servers are when either we work on test-server and we change some things for our own tests, things that aren't changed on official server (and probably we forget them up on test-server), or when we apply changes/tweaks directly into official server without keeping the test-server updated. Is the test server same as official server currently? Yes it is. Will it have some small differences during the edition? Most probably yes.
    18. I didn't say it does nothing, I said it is not a big difference compared to reset servers (when you save hours of leveling in lower maps by bypassing them reset after reset - which is huge). While your point is somehow valid, it is not that relevant, in my opinion, because we all know that playing solo is nothing here, you need all your 4 other party members to stay in the same map as you in order to progress (faster) in level. Going in dungeon 3 alone (even if faster) won't make any difference, you won't resist there alone and even if you somehow manage to resist, the kill time and bonus exp you would receive in a lower map with the rest of the characters from party is way higher. Then we have another possible case: a party playing 5 chars from DL/MG/RF. Let's say it would bring them a small short-term advantage, with this comp. But looking at the bigger image: - You're left with a pretty shit comp, that will either go full PvM builds (like EMG/ARF/ERF) that will get a small advantage in level but they will be easily beaten on PvP/Hunt events even vs other chars lower in level, so the actual level advantage will mean nothing. - Furthermore this comp will reach the breaks and will be even worse from there on, while normal comps recover + have a normal party bonus. - Shitty distribution of loot (fighting for same loot that in some cases will make them even weaker on PvP/Hunt & even PvM). So, in my opinion, it is not something relevant (more than a catch-up mechanic for people that made level 150 for DL/MG/RF and started back from 1).
    19. In fact, the restriction does only really benefit reset servers (like Inception/Wormhole), on Phoenix it doesn't make any big difference (even if you go in the higher maps faster, you can't resist there / kill fast enough). But still, it is here as well.
    20. Huh? Your statement makes no sense since everyone will be stopped from leveling during the 3 breaks, which means everyone have A LOT of time to catch up with or without creating their character from start. As an answer to your suggestion - it is not going to happen.
    21. As we've seen in past the number of players in guild doesn't actually make people to play at CS just because of the less numbers, instead, it is forcing the people that play anyway the CS to have less players/strategies possible (think that you need 3-5 tanks, 4-7 buffers, few EE's, AE's with ice, and so on, so with 20 ppl it is very little space for killers => less kills overall => less action). What we can offer, though, is like a new dynamic feature, if people likes the idea: 1. Server starts with 25 people max in guild and the number goes to 20 or 30 based on the amount of guilds that made at least xxx points on previous CS. Example: At 1st CS we have 25 people max in guild, let's say 4 guilds does register and actually play the CS on Sunday, all guilds making at least 1000-2000 points. In this case, at the end of CS, the max number of players in guild is reduced to 20 for the next CS. If on next CS there are only 2 guilds registered that played and made at least 1000-2000 points, then at the end of CS the max players in guild is increased to 30. If on next CS there are 3 guilds registered that played and made at least 1000-2000 points, then at the end of CS the max players in guild is reduced to 25. And so on. 2 guilds = 30 players, 3 guilds = 25 players, 4 guilds = 20 players. 2. All characters can take the same amount of members in guild like DL, BUT only MaxNumber-5 chars can join the CS fight (so with 25 players, only 20 will be able to play at CS). These are just speculations from my side, but it is something I can offer you if you really want, and only this kind of system (not permanent lower/higher max people in guild).
    22. First to make level 400: ME: Fane BK: Zutto SM: Waste SUM: Grazynka DL: FKinGCunT (first to make level 400 from server) MG: Makiavelli RF: Avicii Break1 unlockers: Spike, Makiavelli, Endorphin Break2 unlockers: Avicii, Waste, Zutto Break3 unlockers: FKinGCunT, Waste, Fane First to make 5 resets & level 400: ME: Iskra (highest - level 400, 4 resets & 137 ML). BK: adidas SM: TUNGMG SUM: KingofPing DL: FKinGCunT (first to make 5 resets & level 400 from server) MG: Neby RF: Uchida Total Accounts: 45382 Total Characters: 6292 Record Online: 837 Final Ranks of the Edition Normal Top: PvM Rankings: Mercenary Squad: Blood Castle: Devil Square: Chaos Castle: Castle Siege:
    23. First to make a reset: ME: Exilia BK: BugBless SM: Mu3rTe (first to make a reset from server). SUM: PornStar DL: No1LiveEr MG: mafy RF: Alex Stage 1.1 Unlockers: RuSuLeTzZz, mafy and Mu3rTe Stage 2 Unlockers: mafy, RuSuLeTzZz and No1LiveEr Stage 2.1 Unlockers: OneWar, Snook and Venom Stage 3 Unlockers: Venom, Almighty and Chukundah Stage 3.1 Unlockers: FKinGCunT, Mu3rTe and RuSuLeTzZz First to get 30 resets and level 400: ME: DajBuzi BK: TaleSp1N SM: Mu3rTe (first to make 30 resets and level 400 from server). SUM: Zoey DL: Nephilim MG: Wanheda RF: Endorphin Total Accounts: 43159 Total Characters: 8818 Record Online: 928 Final Ranks of the Edition Normal Top: Mercenary Squad: PvM Rankings: Blood Castle: Devil Square: Chaos Castle: Castle Siege Stampers:
    24. We are known as a community that promotes high level of competition. While we did hundreds of things to make the life easier for casuals / non-competitive players / non-guild players (you don't wanna imagine how "hard" were for casuals our first editions), we will never be a casual server. Which translates into the exclusive content for the competitive players, where the real fights does take place. If they'd have to fight for things that anyone else can obtain by afk-ing / farming, there would be no point for anyone to try-hard at all. Like it or not, this is what we are promoting, and that's not gonna change. Now about few specific points you made: - Fenrir parts were farmed on Crywolf, and people complained that it is non-pvp map and people can farm there forever. They were moved to a PvP map. - Seeds (especially those that can drop from OB5) are top-level rewards, they can't exist into OB4. - Talisman of Luck is simply a W4 item, not having its usual function. - Quests are fine, nothing too easy, nothing impossible (+/skipquest). RNG is and will always be an important player in MU online, so it is on the Quests part. You made an example with Nightmare 1 try / day, but it is exactly as we wanted, to prolong the quest, just like the Quiz quest where you can only answer 1 per day. Both are "very easy" to do, but they take time. Just like others are "medium" like hunting goldens (you need to be active and lucky to find them) but they can take way lower time, and so on. Ehm, at current state you can basically do anything unconventional. But on a fresh server, with 70+ players at CS, you won't stand any chance for that. It is not technically possible.
    25. Balance is made via common sense, isn't it? There can't be balance without common sense. I'm not quite sure if you are aware of crown mechanics, but any other character except of DL on horse can be moved / stopped from registering the Crown NON-STOP. There is virtually zero chance to register versus a same power / stronger power guild at CS if you play any other character at Crown (basically, you register 1 second then you are moved / stopped and lose -2 seconds from the register time, and so on). This is the only point that can be arguable. If you look at it like that, sure, it should be up to the players. But, in reality it is a bit different. If you are a "good" guild, ofc people will prefer to stick with the guild despite knowing they have a BIG disadvantage at CS, they will simply have to make a "compromise" just to stay with their friends, but they would ofc prefer to have a proper GM character for CS, that's the most fun event in the end, knowing that you must sacrifice it just to stick with the friends isn't healthy, while it is possible of course. Aiming to be better than the original shouldn't put us in a position where we're getting way away from the original lore, we can do both. Being a GM is a commitment, starting from the chosen character up to the guild management. Ofc this shouldn't be a problem for anyone at all, there is at least 1 player from a guild that plays DL and is happy to host the guild on it, for CS, while the management is kept by the "original" GM, and etc.
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