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  • salam

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    Posts posted by salam

    1. I was solo in today's CC7 at 12:00, cleaned the mobs by myself, but the mob counter or mob positions were bugged.

      No mobs were visible, but the counter was at 21. Zooming in-out sometimes fixes this, but not this time.



      Is there a possibility to get the reward for the bugged CC?

    2. I have one more suggestion:

      As the game has progressed, you should increase the minimum STR/AGI values for an elf to be considered an EE (maybe to 150 str/300 agi). This should give the players the opportunity to use Wind sets, for example. Atm everyone goes Vine or Silk. An elf with 300 agi won't do much damage, but it should be an option for players who want a tankier EE.

    3. Hi, keep in mind that statistically, each roll is an individual event, not tied to previous events. Think about it like a dice roll. Having previously rolled a 1, for example, doesn't reduce your chances for another 1 on your next roll (it will be 1/6). It might be frustrating to fail 2 consecutive times, but it's definitely a statistical probability.

      Fun fact: some games use a pseudo-random RNG, in this exact purpose: to avoid frustration from players. In one of the MoBAs (can't remember which), you are basically guaranteed a crit hit, according to your crit chance. For example, you have a 25% chance for a critical hit. If you hit a regular hit 3 times in a row, the 4th hit is guaranteed to be critical. This doesn't happen in Mu :P


      That being said, you can only verify the corectness of the rates precisely by having a large amount of rolls. The larger the data sample, the smaller the margin of error is (more precise mean/average). Your best bet to do that is see the logs, or test a large number of rolls on test server.


      LE: i can't link the precise article now, but there is a psychological effect to evaluating random events, where you are more likely to remember statistical anomalies (for example your case, with 3 consecutive fails), and disregard the larger amount of events that are in the normal statistical deviation (because they seem normal).

    4. Hi, i had a lot of fun during the first 2 weeks and of course some feedback.

      The Good:

      - The XP increasing with level seems like a great idea so far, spreading the grind

      - Not OP medal drops make hunting meaningful again. Best times so far was hunting with mates, for equipping ourselves and guildmates and selling.

      - New VIP system seems cool and balanced so far (not OP). I'm curious if people bought Farmer, it feels a little under-powered.

      - Nice balancing of events rewards. It's cool seeing IT3 full :D

      - Char balancing seems better than NoRR. Still hard to get the full picture at only lvl 300. MG might be a little too strong. If it doesn't scale so well at high level it's fine, but otherwise keep an eye on it.

      - While the zen shortage can be frustrating sometimes, i think it adds a new layer to the game. Well done!

      - Higher jewels drop works as intended. It's cool seeing people upping low exc and hunted sets. Maybe chaos drop could be a bit lower.


      The Not so Good:

      - While i think the XP stages are the best feature of the server, i think the current implementation is a bit too harsh (long) for some players. I know 3-4 people that quit, discouraged by it. Maybe the same effect could be obtained with multiple shorter stages (4-5 instead of 2-3).

      - The initial mob drops +5+16 was not a great idea. Good thing it was fixed early. You could keep that in the future just for the very low maps (Lore, Noria, Elb1, Devias1)

      - Medals are a bit underwhelming now. For future editions i suggest keeping the current drop, but moving them lower (Heart - Devias to LT1, Silver Medal LT1 to LT 7, Gold Medal Atlans 2 to Kanturu1). After Kanturu1, you're supposed to get hunted items or Exc anyway. I'd say don't go over 12 add max from medals.

      - The high level sets (GD, DS, DM, RS etc) drop order is a little messed up, Gloves and Boots drop at higher mobs than Armor/Pants/Helm. Makes more sense to keep the original drop order

      - Removal of the alliance was not a good idea imo, when people usually play 2-3 characters. I think the initial solution of Ally not coming to CS/no LoT access was the best, allowing people to stay in touch but not having OP guilds.

      - I think max level for upping items on web should be increased with stages, to avoid having OP items in the first part of the game. Stage 1 could unlock max +11, Stage 2 max +12 and add luck


      Other suggestions:

      - To encourage more active play and less afk you might wanna explore a little higher XP and lower number of mobs on a spot.

      - It would be nice to have hunt maps. Kalimas, for example - with lower exp and higher drop.


      All in all, a great experience during the first weeks.

      Good job, guys!

    5. I think most Mu players are over 25-30 nowadays, and most of us have families, jobs or other hobbies as well. Grinding for 1-2 years is simply not feasible for a lot of players. I really enjoy shorter "seasons" of Mu servers because i can experience the full game and the server usually "tells it's story" by then. For me at least, after 4-5 months a server starts to become a little tedious and like a second job, it's simply the nature of this game.

      Having a long extremely hard server would be awesome, i admit it. But only the true hardcore players will stick around to see end game, and at some point new people will stop joining because it would be impossible to catch up with players that started 1 year before, for example. Low population servers are no fun for the players, and don't bring revenue to the admins. It's natural and a good thing to release a new edition.

      This edition of NonRR was great from this point of view - there were a lot of new players coming in even after 4 months from the opening, and actually having a chance to compete at the highest level. We had a lot of players like this in NONE guild. This happened because of the custom settings, balance and features brought by the OS team. But these settings are the result of MULTIPLE editions of their servers, and they weren't perfect. A new edition is our chance to see an even more interesting and challenging server, and Staff's chance to refine their work and fix what was wrong.


      Can't wait to play Phoenix

    6. I just look more closely at the two VIP plans (Farmer & Hunter) and to be honest i think they're not very balanced.

      Hunter has so much more useful stuff, that i think the number of people buying Farmer will be low.


      8% Farmer / 15% Hunter


      15% Farmer / 5% Hunter - not really useful, since you need the whole party to have VIP to get the effects, while solo hunting is very ineffective (that's a good thing)


      +25 Farmer / +40 Hunter


      +200% Farmer / +50% Hunter - if the limit will be the same as NonRR, it's pretty hard to hit that limit and it's not a signifiant advantage anyway


      +150% Zen and lower cost-delay for Post Farmer / lower RR cost Hunter - while the extra zen drop can be useful, it's situational (only applies to highest/dmg on mob afaik) and it's offset by the large RR cost discount for Hunter

      Post cost/delay on farmer aren't much of an advantage

      CM AND JWLS%

      The Farmer has a slight advantage here, with 5% S/JoL/JoH and 3% for +10-15. This is especially helpful only in later stages of the game, though. The Hunter has a small perk with +5% for invitations


      Farmer gets OffStore and Store - pretty useless, when we have a very functional and active web market

      Hunter gets OffLevel and extra entries for events - large advantage, allows you to have a larger number of support chars.



      My idea about this would be:

      Farmer gets larger leveling bonuses, lower item related bonuses

      - High Exp boost (15%)

      - Low Drop boost (8%)

      - low elf buff lvl increase (+25)

      - Jewels chance increase (Soul/Joh/JoL) - goes along well with jwl hunting on mobs

      - Lower MuBot zen cost (i think you should make the bot cost zen)

      - Offattack

      Hunter gets larger bonuses related to items and hunting/events, lower exp/zen bonuses

      - Lower Exp boost (8%)

      - Larger Drop boost (15%)

      - Zen boost

      - higher elf buff (40)

      - CM% increase for invitations and items

      - Lower zen RR cost

      - +1 extra entries

      - +5% damage on bosses (if possible)


      I think the idea of having two plans for different player types is amazing, and you should definitely keep it but work on the balance.

    7. First of all, i think you should link the announcement thread here, so players can read the full info in one place.


      You mentioned that the current NonRR is a failure, but in my opinion that is not the case, at all. Having 300+ players online, many of them active (just check out DS entrance in the evenings) and new players coming in all the time is not a fail at all. This is at 4 months after opening. Other servers don't come close to this number of active players in the first week! You did a great job, even if not perfect.

      The new concept is a very interesting one, and i will definitely play it. However, will the stats+ML points be reset, with 40 points extra, when resetting?


      I think you made a little mistake by announcing the opening date a little too soon. People are still very invested in the current NonRR, and they see this announcement as an end for the server they still play and love. My suggestion is increasing the rates for NonRR, so players will have a closure (reach their goals) before Phoenix will open. Otherwise, i think many will feel all their work was for nothing. I agree with your opinion about playing for fun, but i don't think everyone sees it like this.

      The others have raised a very good point, it's not a great strategy to split the player base into 3 servers, especially considering two of them have a very similar profile (NonRR + Phoenix). One of the strong points of OldSquad is exactly having a large number of active players on one server. This is how rivalries and friendships emerge, when a lot of players are crammed in a few maps. I have a suggestion to incentivize players to move to the new server, when it opens: offer the option to delete your char on NonRR/30RR and get credits in the new server.


      I also have something to say to the people bitching about every announcement: be happy that the staff here is experimenting, trying to find the best balance for everyone (doners and non-doners, casuals and hardcore). Of course, not all decisions are inspired, but the end result is still a much more balanced game than 99% of the other servers (including GMO).

      Balancing even a simple match-three game is an extremely difficult job. We are talking about a damn MMORPG here.

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