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  • Solcy

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    About Solcy

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    1. Just goes to show they were only winning CS because they had 80% of the server in their guild
    2. The best part "Even SoulStrike left for NONE" Nobody wanted that shit lord to begin with ^^ all he does is pk guild mates in LOT. I think most are glad that snake is gone. 405 people on by the way, 90% of 405 inside 1 guild, much fun on a "pvp" server.
    3. Please report on something worthwhile as a change.
    4. AE ice arrow isn't even working correctly... There is no counter play for any class VS AE, if you're ranged and she hits you with ice arrow it's gg, client has a bug where you get STUNNED and can't move OR ATTACK.
    5. I have an issue with Ice arrow having a huge delay between when it hits, maybe that's latency also.
    6. DL was 1 shotting everyone like 3 weeks ago because of a bug, so idk how they are now thouugh
    7. SM is already not very good so i don't see what the complain is, maybe i just need more ML. AE ice arrow is fucking bugged, it's supposed to ROOT you in 1 spot, not completely stun you so you can't attack. DDI is way to high, you have AEs here (SupremeElf) tanking more damage than vitRF and good bks. Let AE remain as top tier PVM, not god tier PVM and PVP. And don't forget, everyone's IP address can STILL be pulled off the website.
    8. Have to agree here, even when we broke her SD we could only hit her max for 100 damage, DDI is scaling way to hard here.
    9. Anyone can pull the IP address from any player off the website, please report on that.
    10. Chose is a strong word considering most people have family/life/work on a SATURDAY.
    11. What does everyone think?
    12. reporter is making threads about IT now? After you legit went AFK because your team mate didnt have a +15 set? On one side are the top players who get in party with low ones for example a char lvl 380+ 3 rr and top gear lends in pt with 4 zen dressed chars EMG, EDL and ERF. Their complain is that they do not have chance vs other team and they think low dressed chars should not go in IT, they warn low players as antigame. Fact - Server Events are designed to help characters get ahead +0+zen or +15 +dd + ref, there is no difference. On another side are the newbies or the players who reseted and don't have lvl for top IT in consequence joins with alt, they are warned by the top gear guys, they have the right to enter because IT is not only for top chars, they complain about top chars behavior. Fact - Server events don't have a gear requirement and anyone warning low geared players should have the warns applied to your account instead. And there is a 3rd category of players, the ones who play main EE (few ones but they exist). In the last update, the EE was "banner" from IT by ADMIN because they break the balance of IT. They complain about why emg doesn't break the balance and EE does - Fact There are some EE mains but most players would say they "main ee" to help friends win, it would be exploited. EMG isn't giving huge buffs to players that would break the IT balance. If everyone wants to "balance" IT there is a few things that can be done. 1. Enable AE iceshot. - I understand why it's disabled but the best PVP skill for AE being disabled really nerfs the class. 2. Make IT entrance requirement = no armor / wings / fenrir/horse/ demon/ ale / food/ etc, WEAPON +0 from shop only Just some balance thoughts. It doesn't really need to be balanced though, just nerf the rewards slightly, make it a few more times daily and everyone would cry about it less. Right now IT is all about "RNG" anyway. Next Article - Gaion Temple nerf after the "Top Players" "exploited" the shit out of it for weeks and made hundres/thousands of jewels.
    13. It's working i think, ppl are still rage reporting though, like trau just reporting me in the lobby before the game even started and then getting owned. but besides that it is great system, ty admins for working on it, OLDSQUAD player appreciate it very much
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