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  • Zaikon

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    Zaikon last won the day on May 27 2019

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    About Zaikon

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    1. what about tokens which could be ussed to up items +10 +11 +12 or even maybe +13
    2. im not arguing t hat ae is supposed to be pve beast at first but under those conditions it should be close if not more to wizard side especialy if u attack first
    3. First of all im well avare that those who have reset already and do invasions have more dmg etc but for 3 times in a row today i lost dmg race with ae and all those times other person had wings 0-7 and dint have imp and very likely had no pots ale pumpking, while My self with decent gear and all those things and wings +9 and 2 times mob being 1/3 1/4 hp downed by me i still lost dmg race. Im just trying to make sense. SM character. P.s. I am avare that elfs shoot 3 hits up close even then dmg difference should be on my side especialy i started to damage npc first.
    4. it would say that it thinks that there are no available entries
    5. For 3rd time i cant use It ticket. I have it in invenotry i have entries and when i go to npc it does not let me in. There was space to enter all times have same thing with bc 10/10. Others are using it without a problem or any extra actions @ADMIN
    6. I personaly would like to see more events where you could aquire special buffs with big cooldowns. More like ultimate move and you have to chose when to use it. Regarding to ice arrow think a random time of being iced would be quite interesting to test. It could be from 2 to 6secs all down to rng. For me bigest issue right now is EE summons how come they are not a thing here. 0 utility
    7. How's online counted here? If it's showing 500 on the web is it actually 500÷3 ? Still better than other fake servers
    8. None lost CS after the fun fight most if not everyone were congratulating each other and re-thinking ways of how to do better next time. Personality I think H-N has solid core and people who care more about the event than actually holding the castle. I don't believe we lost anyone because of CS yet. P.s. it was a great attrition fight.
    9. worked on this for 72h Result about 300/300 maybe more https://imgur.com/SFIjW5B
    10. Yeah that sucks but I personaly feel like its administration and your fault for ussing password as password. I agree with cerberus it's a trend here, best intentions from adm and players left upset because you are pplaying your own game when should just maintain it. P.s . Not all people read forums so you should send in game mails for those "evil" people who fairly used the system. gl anyway
    11. And who ever loged in as gm on 12-5-19 ealy morning should get crash course on what not to do... think it was observer
    12. Hi so i Killed +3 got credits + exp from killing it but it didnt drop the box (do you rly think anyone would fail to pick it up) I dont know what exactly happened either there was location issue, npc logic or that goldens left map 2-3secs latter but as you see in picture i got exp from the kill . And yes i do want the box. https://imgur.com/onPMuNt
    13. I have had this hapen to me couple days ago in rabit event. Could you please take a look at dungeon 1-2 and certain locations as only sm can reach some of the spot, what if wizard spawns there.. P.s. I want that bless back https://imgur.com/a/6tXRuQ7 i would upload actual file but i only have 92kb left.....
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