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  • Mitsakos

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    Mitsakos last won the day on March 18 2021

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    About Mitsakos

    • Birthday September 14

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      Behind Space
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    • Guild: IMMORTAL

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    1. I don't think that reducing even more total guild members a guild can have, is something viable. Concerning a lot of people having 2 accounts limiting that to under 20 characters/guild means a lot of people will drop out. In the past I've been the GM of a guild who had way more than 20 different unique players (not characters!) and we had to ally ourselves with a brother guild and still there weren't enough spots for everybodys alts! I think@ADMINstates it clearly that's it's not so much about the numbers in CS as DL leader but the class itself. Think of it a bit vice versa with an example: Like a BK could have 25people in his guild and a DL can have 20. It will still be near impossible for the BK to register for the crown properly even if he has that 5 extra bodyguards. I would like to ask 2-3 things also since im missing a few time now. "Now about few specific points you made: - Fenrir parts were farmed on Crywolf, and people complained that it is non-pvp map and people can farm there forever. They were moved to a PvP map." When i was playing we had really reduced exp in crywolf map for that reason which pretty much meaned if you wanted to farm for Fenrir you sure could do (with that low drop rate) but you would stay far behind in exp. Are they completelety removed from crywolf for this version or this is still possible to do? Also, concerning offattacks, at some point because if you had 2 accounts into off-attack you would get locked out, Admin had given a solution of a 3rd account allowance, just to be able to manually dc your accounts yourself. I read in info that you can have only 1 account in offattack for this version? Is the solution it was given back then, abandoned due to various reasons (exploiting, bug causing and etc) or is still possible to do? How about EE in new phoenix? Still needed or you'll keep the Inception impelements where they would only matter in CS with "retalent"? Last but not least, for the golden race OSGM Event, is the NPCs name still Bob? 🤣 TY for your time reading this (and sorry for the prolly nab questions) /Mitsakos
    2. Huge news guys! Phoenix was my personal fave project and it feels i just got in the right time back here will be around waiting for grand opening, I'm really excited
    3. Hi guys! Long time no see What's up? Thinking of coming back to play some relaxed old school stuff. Whats up with server(s) status and current projects running atm? Is any project starting soon and/or how far are you in Inception project?
    4. MG/RF and DL can warp in the same level as "main" classes (BK/ELF/SM/SUM) and not earlier in this version.
    5. About Immortal: I don't play anymore (actually since the 1st week of the server) but sometimes I log in website and register them for CS, just in case somebody wants to go and for the trolling ofc
    6. (Νot in game anymore but) If i recall right ADMIN lowered the cost of each RR on patch Patch - 16.09.2019. by a lot n total Maybe you could increase it back?
    7. Same old story, different server I guess. Just have fun yourself and with your friends \m/
    8. SM: Mana Shield: Max Rate: 30%. Formula: 2(%) + (AGI/700)(%) + (ENE/3500)(%). Duration: 60(seconds) + (ENE/80)(seconds). According to this formula you should have about 2+ 0,57 mana shield damage reduction. A.k.a. less than 3%. You can/SHOULD read more about characters here
    9. Best reference for all the Elf players out there
    10. Great news anyway! Will do some extend testing form home later where I have 2 pcs to see how this thing interacts with multiple IPs from the single same local netowrk also.
    11. Come join us and you will see them yourself. Anyway, aside from boob jokes, we truly have female players in our ranks also, but better be respectful to them Also, INFO UPDATED about INCEPTION server.
    12. I dunno if it's possible, but just a suggestion i thought @ADMIN, is to be able to disconnect your account from website maybe? Somehow?
    13. Update and temprorary solution: Tell a friend of yours who is in game to dc your characters manually, with /dcfriend command. It worked for me. But we got a problem it seems
    14. Goodmorning. I'm having a problem. When I try to connect to Inception server I get instant DC the moment I click on the server. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GQh6HCSn9KN7eUitnOjk2tgXaPElwAdO/view?usp=sharing I suspect it has something to do with having both accounts on /offattack. But in Phoenix if you had accounts with /offattack the 1st time you were about to put your username and password, it was saying "account already logged in" and actually you were dcing this account, if you tried a 2nd time entering everything would be fine. Also, if you tried to bypass the limit of available IPs in the beginning the small anti-hack window had a yellow color, notifing you, which in our case here doesn't happen, as you can clearly see here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uLzqFY_pt76NAjT7Lvo6LN8VW8t66UiP/view?usp=sharing So actually, I'm locked outside of my accounts if that's the case. Else, I dunno Some help please EDIT: Just adding that both my accounts have VIP enabled. (Dunno if that helps in investigation more but anyway)
    15. I've seen the most distant players who never chat for any reason, to be all blahblah when it comes chatting with boobs. And we got boobs. So i'm confident our female slaves will make their seduction job.
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