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  • Limbo

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    About Limbo

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    1. Limbo

      Class Ballance.

      Decreasing DLs movement speed would also help balance the fights, I know it's his main attribute, but one of many..
    2. Well I have biggest dmg in pt with RF, and getting only stronger
    3. Sad story, but cannot lie, very charasterical of humans.
    4. Well I bet ur not fresh on the net my friend, me neither and from my experience I learned that all private servers/forums are their owners private shi-, basically. They can do whatever they want thats legal on their things, and then they deal with appropriate responsibility. Im saying it just to save you some irritation when treated unfairly, is just the game for chillin after all.
    5. Summing up, are you actually trying to implement fast switch server feature on Phoenix for free?
    6. To be honest I'm seriously concerned about the changes at all, as the server blooms greatly with current situation. Mu players like crowds and mass pvps and thats the crazy ride we are getting now, like no other server. I understand the need of increasing server capacity, but splitting main server into to, imho should be a last resort option.
    7. Dont change it, it is possible to do ds4. Im curious whats ds5 look like, I hope its also challenging!
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