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  • BetleyKOX

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    BetleyKOX last won the day on November 2 2023

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    About BetleyKOX

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    1. S>BRAIN FOR FAKKING he is kind of not smart person at all
    2. I dont think so there is a chance to have competition between 3 radom guild like was before for example Hardcore Diamonds Ms13, anyway i think server is boring to play after 3-4 week with those stages, There should be new ideas on this Phoenix to not get game borred, to slow progress of the goldens with k4 k5, before goldens k3 relesed i got full set dd hp , then pointless to hunt higher boxes xd
    3. Im missing nonreset episode where u have to play 2month to make 400 lvl and stages at 230-250 , 300-320, 350-360 , 380-390, and mlvl, That have been good time, maybe admin should think this way about competition
    4. @Chukundahu have to start play here for show to @Hydrooowho exactly is bigger rat ;D Imo both of u are big rat noob
    5. IMO we are get fucked a bit , beacuse in the inception we can't no do the progress like ppl on the Genesis ok we known it from the since , but how the dog is that working , we are playing 73 day overhere , we are 17 reset to the genesise they are doubled well thats 34 , Ppl in the 10 day are 46 =))))))) WHERE they did normaly 23 reset , they jumped our stage , they are doing medusas , they are doing selupan , they got almost sets socket done , how thats work in the Inception ,400 online 20 char in w3 wings ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD , When the fussion going to be end , the inception char going be like Subs xDDDDD for those char from genesis , not fair a bit :)))))) In my opinion Genesis started 30 day too early , there is too much exp , They are progressing like on the 99999 exp server , @Admin U should to unluck the bosses NOW... Give to do the socket for us , open the full gameplay , if u dont u going to destroy the inception , next one will be not 600online there will be 200 , beacuse pointless to play the server where u can only to do w3 and exe set , where ppl are almost done with sockets Weapons ;)))) GL Enjoy the gameplay still , beacuse all from us just know that gonna stay like is , beacuse no1 can destroy the admin vision like in the pheonix when 1 bk was killing alone around 13 char in the boss , BECAUSE THE BK IS ONLY PVP CHAR !!!!! Kisses greetings from rain Poland
    6. Lol u asked about the feedback well i gave you that , that's my opinion what is not okey from myslef, another one can have another mind about that subject . About the DL ofc thats op, but when u get the ddi , dl going be not that strong , Just look at sm+full ddi u not gonna kill him , or what about BK if we are talking about op champion , 1shot everything . a lot life a lot deff a lot dmg lul nerf it
    7. If u are going to fight for k4-k5 boxes with the rest of server and reward what u get from the Box is leather helm+mana , a bit your feeling is ... what the fuck , better way is going to focus at lower box casue it's easier to kill and u have a chance to kill it faster than some1 else comes ,and the reward is same ,but u are lossing around 90% less time than kill those boxes In my opinion the jewel drop is too low , like on beggining was okey cause ppl have no item to put up ,but atm if bless have prize around 120credits each ,and before on another editions for 120crd u could buy sometimes even 6-7jewels , thats big diffrence to make set in the machine ,also to create wings lvl 2 / level 3. The ballanced class also in my opinion is not okey , SM like always too op(too tanky bitch , on it its impossible to kill this champ even in 2-3 ppl when some1 gonna make agi SM , Elf suck low deff dying like dragon for lorencia , In my opinion SM need nerf to deffens too hard to kill , Elf need deffens buff Interference to zen untill edition is the joke if u are doing some staff like the putting the economy in server , what on the mind u had to chance something like that imo zen shouldnt be taken when u are putting live server , those changing should be before the edition not untill it , cause ppl getting angry when when on one day they can drop 4kk zen in a day , but on 2nd one they even cant reapir their equipment and make the repots , thats no okey , also u need zen to make boxes prize also is high but drop the zen is a joke now.
    8. Relax go to next room and Ask your mum
    9. It only confirmed one thing, that you are a shit anyway to bullying someone else's wife and it is not punished, in one word it is called inequality from ADMIN Team side
    10. Relax the screenshots are enough , To make u vacation for 24 hours
    11. You will start to look at the words you use because you report on the forum for the word gipsy which means anything else in Polish and you provoke everyone to be a council: P , I feel sorry for the people you know because you are with that person
    12. Well is the past that mean u should get panishement , are u afraid of ban casue u have 2 warn oh little boy ?
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