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  • Sensei

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    About Sensei

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    1. where i blamed about losing? check on the time screenshot was taken... event started 17:15, it should start 17 thats why i took screenshot, /rebuild wasnt working like it should also :)) so keep your things to yourself please
    2. Thanks for enabling castle siege :)) we was lot of us https://gyazo.com/f2e77b8160c62bca0aff9a8f18214625
    3. as i see in his post he cant take bow away, and couldnt press to upgrade
    4. You just dont getting my point of view.. but thanks for replies - its good to see Admin is communicating with community! Its Advent already so must be peaceful! thanks for all 5 years! Cheers
    5. but i was offline like 3hours past 13days (started 13days ago) and spended more like 100euros i think already, but they really spend more :)) and i think i can use my brains good with master degree
    6. so you saying people who paid loads of cash(Dynasty,Hardcore.. etc..) will not have higher chance to win? without spending so much cash you cant achieve that
    7. so its pay2win tournament who paid to get items in beginning on server will dominate this was hoping for something luck based to make everyone equal
    8. now it is like - who have dl in team= auto victory
    9. Also DL must be nerfed on Illusion Temple...
    10. on current stage some bugs appeared what didnt happened before.. like passing by Illusion Temple client crash from air.. would be awesome if you could relog back to event if you disconnecting or something like that
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