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  • Asmodeus

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    Everything posted by Asmodeus

    1. Says the one who is the most racist of all the people. You want Doxxing as well? I can do that
    2. Si daca vrei sa-ti zic si pe romana, abia astept sa ne intalnim face to face in Iasi, si-ti garantez ca am toate mijloacele necesare incat sa te fac sa ajungi la Elodia, saracule. Ai sa joci MU doar de pe lumea cealalta, si iti garantez treaba asta. Cand altii ca mine erau smecheri, tu nici fraier nu erai in clasa a patra, saracule. Pentru aia ca tine, INTOTDEAUNA gasesc metode. 14/88 4ever!
    3. Ah, the same slave who wants Romanian passport to go to EU, but kisses Dodon and Putin's ass when he gets to European countries ('cause when you get there with our Romanian passport, you start speaking shit about Romania despite us giving you the FUCKING RIGHT YOU DO NOT HAVE IN YOUR COUNTRY). I will never have respect for scums and shits like you who talk shit once "you have the bags in your fucking CARUTA." WHY DON'T YOU FUCKING GET OFFENDED BY LANGUAGE WHEN YOU ARE CALLING ALL ROMANIAN PEOPLE "GYPSIES" ON THE GLOBAL CHAT, SLAVE? You are not like us, and we will never integrate you in our country, russian kissers. Now I assume this another 7-14-30 day ban of posting on this forum, but you are a fucking cancer to this country and we will never integrate you, semi-slaves. Go stay in your fucking country who is fucking full of coruption, mobsters, and idiots like you, despite you will always see us as gypsies, but you WILL ALWAYS want to come here 'cause we have more money and freedom access to European countries. P.S: Next time make sure you make a decent photo, not with your microwave tilted screen in black in white. I know you poor, but you slaves are poor as hell. P.S.2: I can DOXX you whenever I want (cause I have all the necessary means and methods), and I wish you could come to Romania. Then we can talk differently, you little slave ❤️ #HITLERDIDNOTHINGWRONGTOSCUMSLIKEUYOU
    4. And this is not racism at all 😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂
    5. https://imgur.com/a/vPYLHNt Go home, dodonist raket. Go have some of your traditional activities like getting drunk with "pufoaica" and beating up your wives and children.
    6. First of all Mr.AlexMuchGather it's on /post chanel, therefore is public. Second of all, the phrase "cnv tre sa suga *** si la casa alba" doesn't seem to be the most friendly reply in a public chat.
    7. What's the matter, VayLay? You afraid of getting muted on all characters (VayLay / P3n1Xx / Cutesugar / Myanus) for BL? Don't you see the phrase you said in /post? Get some Lecithin to help you refresh your memory.
    8. +evidence for Myanus' Bad Language https://imgur.com/a/BAY7Uzo
    9. Imagine being offended by the fact that you see people writing in your native language. Are you afraid of words, Gravedigga? =)))))))))))) With dedication for you, @Garbage:
    10. I can also see Lanaya talking trash there and using small insults. It would be fair to have an "attention-mute" as well.
    11. Uhm, who asked for your opinion, honestly? Please enlighten me how are you included in THIS SPECIFIC topic? Also, speaking of toxicity coming from an alliance that had 3 weeks all the events, bosses, 90% of the spots in Swamp/Vulcanus on their main/alts, and didn't said anything, but suddenly when you start losing the events you begin to cry on post, PK randomly and behaviour like this because you feel your monopoly being threatened. Do you guys don't know how to lose or what? On top of that, on the last check, it wasn't our guild/alliance who took advantage of the Crywolf RF/ELF buffs to go to events like Gaion or bosses, and took an unfair advantage to secure a win (as per your guildmate's statement in which he admitted using this trick); and this again proves that you do not know how to lose.
    12. DoruRupeTot, please go outside and learn to enjoy simple things, bro. It seems that the drug abuse has affected your way of thinking.
    13. Following up the conversation tho' : https://imgur.com/a/WYn6EPW
    14. From simply "catel" to what you said, there's a big difference. Go join your guild member who also got banned for this kind of language/behaviour, Mr.DoruRupeTot
    15. https://imgur.com/a/eKOEyI6 Images speak for themselves. No other comments
    16. I can be clearly seen in this picture that the "730" value is overlaying the 2K one starting with "20xx", and in this case is under 60% (check the outline of the actual values). Go take an eye test, switch to eye correction glasses from sunglasses, and start doing some math instead of meth. ❤️😂
    17. When last checked in this thread, I seem to have already explained how Alex quit the game and left me the account, as he is not going to come back due to lack of personal time. Are you functionally illiterate or do you need help understanding how words work? If it's hard for you, ask a friend to explain it to you, but keep in mind it has to be in fourth grade so you two can be on the same wave length...
    18. @Garbage In case you did not know, the original Alex Wiky (the one who had the DL before Britney) decided to quit playing for good and left me the account details with the mention I can take whatever I want without any problems as he will not be returning back at all. As for the Error account, I have no d*mn clue what are you talking about, as Error still plays and that's his personal character. You could've checked this matter on the official Rankings website where it shows clearly that he logs in from DE IP, while I log from RO IP. cius 😘
    19. I wonder how much did he paid for that account tho'... https://imgur.com/a/gYe75XD ...and how many other account he bought with real money.
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