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  • Gion

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    Everything posted by Gion

    1. It is the only way that David can detect the oldboxes (he can't! ^^)... I will have it pointed out in the info.
    2. Hello, contact us on our Facebook page for further support: OldSquad Community.
    3. Hello! Quest 9: Give David 1x OB2 & 1x OB3. Note: Previous OB's that you gathered before starting the quest won't count, you need new ones. Note2: OB's given to David at the end of the quest are deleted. So yes, the 'rusty' OldBoxes will be deleted. There are 5 stages of 3 quests each. Totally of 15 quests. First quests' type from each stage is evaluated as Easy. Second quests' type from each stage is evaluated as Medium. Third quests' type from each stage is evaluated as Hard. Each easy quest will give you 60% chance OB4, 40% chance OB3. Each medium quest will give you 1x TOCA. Each hard quest will give you an unlock to a new Reset. Exceptions: The 13th quest will give you an OB5. The 14th quest will give you 380 exc. weapon that you can use for W4 mix. The last quest (15th) will also give you a free rebuild of points & ML.
    4. Please read the reporting rules before actually reporting.
    5. aMaRanTh +1 warn => muted for 12 hours. Locked.
    6. You started bad with an insult so whatever comes next after that was provoked directly by you.. Better read the rules before actually reporting.
    7. Hobbit +1 warn => muted for 12 hours. Locked.
    8. The lock is permanent if you are talking about the /lock for security
    9. AlexMG / Cutesugar +1 warn, total of 2 => muted for 36 hours. Locked.
    10. Wolf +1 warn, total of 2 => muted for 36 hours. Locked.
    11. It should work if you modify the volume from ESC menu, select the desired level and do a quick relog by switching the character. It is like when you assign the spells or the potions, and it goes back to the saved values when you move between servers (normal and gens).
    12. The difference between them can be observed as well at the displayed stats in Character menu: For example using the Dark Reign blade exc. +9 gives you 498~800 Dmg while using the +0 non-exc. Explosion Blade gives you a 498~810 Dmg. It is not bad having the non-exc. items a little boosted (it's a key element for the beginning) inside the internal files, on the long run the exc. items will be way better than the non-exc. ones as they have the exc. options. Also the wizardry % is not to be left off the equation.
    13. I cannot think about a straight solution to this problem as this is the first case when crashes occur while moving to a normal map.. It should 100% work if your Windows is not outdated so I would suggest you to reinstall the client and add it to the antivirus' exceptions, you can check the Attention if the game is not working file from the client folder and if the problem persists perhaps a new Windows xD
    14. Please read the reporting rules before actually reporting. You have to post the full chat log (F4 to the max).
    15. Updated for Genesis' OSG Events.
    16. Well, this can happen by default if the suggestion fits the gameplay and brings value to it. The actual fenrir concept was made because the Castle Siege system is based on the active players from Crywolf server, so we have other uses for that map. Also Crywolf is the host map of Balgass event where you can obtain fenrir mats just by 'passing by'. You can find mats in oldboxes as well. So your suggestion is not the bets fit for us at this moment, but if there are many players willing this to happen then why not? Cheers 🍻
    17. It is not the staff who have to 'show up', it's the players. You can ask them in game to come here and share their opinion
    18. Only NPCs cannot read numbers and 💩. I know the competition is hard, never saw you actually shine, some random stats ain't showing anything. Mind your language about our players, as you said you already left so better mind your business on your new thang. It's damn easy for me to delete anything about you that ever existed here. Yikes.
    19. MrBlue +1 warn => muted for 12 hours. Locked.
    20. @Zuccini, moved to the right place. These rules still apply:
    21. Make sure to read the reporting rules before actually reporting. And isn't this Genesis?
    22. Gion

      OSG Events

      Hello, We are gladly announcing the OldSquad Golden Events starting with the next Monday! There will be maximum 1 event per week, organized by Gion and it will not be announced prior to the start, the qualifiers will just spawn in cities when the Event does start. Rewards for each week: Consolation at events: 1x Box of Ancients 5th place at events: 1x OldBox 1 4th place at events: 1x OldBox 2 3rd place at events: 1x OldBox 3 + 1x Star 2nd place at events: 1x OldBox 4 + 1x Star 1st place at events: 1x OldBox 5 + 1x Star We will play the same 4 events that we are using in Inception's OSGM, with the only mention that the maximum number of players here will be 12 for normal events (BlackJack, RussianRoulette and DeathRoll) and 8 for Game of War (the last 4 players qualified for GoW will receive auto-consolation). Info and how to play the events: BlackJack - https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1646-black-jack-event/ Russian Roulette - https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2720-russian-roulette-event/ Death Roll - https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4538-death-roll-event/ Game of War - https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2347-game-of-war/ Important note: Things like "please wait us to finish X event before doing the OSG event" or "why you do the random time event at night / morning / mid-day" will no longer be tolerated and you'll be muted for 1-3 days and even banned.
    23. I am sure that the 2 days ban worked good. Time will tell tho
    24. I suppose that memory violation (if I did understand well from Portuguese ^^) is the reason. If you run Windows normally it should work in 100% of the cases.
    25. JunJun +1 warn => muted for 12 hours. Locked.
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