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    Rage Fighter build


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    I would like to present my point of view here ,regarding the Rage Fighter character at this moment in game .

    At the moment ,as I've observed ,yesterday the damage done by mobs was rised and it was not announced .Because of this ,I would like to suggest ADMIN to check again the "Funcionality" of Rage fighter in game .I understand very well that RF gets stronger and stronger with each RR ,but ,at the moment a RF with 5500 agi has just 1150 def rate(PVM) which is very low for this much points .At 8000 agi ,i won't be able to stay at condra or relics ,and I will be limited by the Stage 1  (max 8000 points per stat) and this is not balancing the game ...

    At the moment a RF can't : PVP ,HUNT ,stay on spots that other chars at same rr can stay ,can't deal damage .

    Also ,before all talk ,i wanna tell that even the argument : RF WILL BE BEST IN END GAME is not valid .Go and test it on test server ,mail me in game and i show u that he has nothing more than other classes .

    What i suggest is to rise (a bit ) the def and dmg done by RF .I am not interested in rising the PVP dmg ...just PVM and PVM def ,so a RF can level-up like others do .

    This i my opinion ,if i am wrong i accept it ,but you need to demonstrate this .

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    I do agree with Colossus a bit. Also did some tests with him on the test server. I'm not gonna talk about the late game, because the tests were not really late game focused (items, sockets, M level points etc), but the fact that a RF gets 1 defence every 7 agility points, makes him struggle on spots, even with high VIT.

    PVP wise, not great, not bad.

    PVM wise, not great, not bad.

    I see a simple solution here, that is buffing RF sets defence, sacred fire, storm zahard, piercing grove a bit?


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    Yeah, we also need to think about the race .It's a race that most builds are based on vit agi .Agility bonuses are too nerfed(compare to an elf)  and also vit is too nerfed .A elf gets more hp than RF ,a class that needs to add vit to "survive" .I understand that the class had to be nerfed ,but then lets make vit bk with a third of his actual HP ,and surely people will complain ,cuz are the class advantages that we are talking about .

    ADMIN ,if you read this topic ,please give an answer (yes ,no or i am testing) .

    Thank you!

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    I completly agree with what both of them had to say on the matter. I think RF is far too nerfed both in pvm and pvp ..

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    What about a vitality RF? Is it still weak in PvM?

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    24 minutes ago, Zutto said:

    @Greenwhy you no dmg?



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    About VIT RF can tell more Oklahoma .

    Truth is for a class that its main stats are agi vit ,rf has low hp (lower than elf as said before ) and also slow attack ,low dmg and low def .

    So ,oklahoma if you can help us here ,we  are grateful .

    Looking forward on other opinions and a resolve from admins side .

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    I've made some test right now ,on test server with the next build :

    5500 str,8000 agi ,1000 vit,1000 ene (this means 10 rr RF)

    and the damage was between 5k -8k ,9 k edr(with 380 level weapon +15 F.O.) .This damage and attack speed are made by a SM 6 rr with a non exe weapon .

    Also I am really dissapointed ,untill now no point of view of any GM .Are you interested in this subject? or should we all change classes?

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    @Colossus u need more STR bro than AGI for more damage, especialy at lower resets.

    And im not gonna say RF is good on PVM, because it defently isn't, but remember that u hit with a single attack 2-4 times each mob.

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    I understand your point of view ,but if u make some test STR vs AGI u will see that there are no big differences between adding agi or str .Truly is that adding str u will hit harder ,but agi rises dmg(a bit less than str) as well and also attack speed and def.So test 8k str - 5k agi VS  5k str and 8k agi and you will see what i mean .Just check killing time for both .

    But the main thing is : why a 10 rr RF hits pvm like a 5-6 rr SM ?

    Teranu : i tested also the vit rf .8k vit gives 20 k hp .so a build of 8kvit+5k str hits 8k  (1hit) Same attack as an SM 6 rr ,but this rf build hits just 1 target .


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    1 minute ago, Colossus said:

    Teranu : i tested also the vit rf .8k vit gives 20 k hp .so a build of 8kvit+5k str hits 8k  (1hit) Same attack as an SM 6 rr ,but this rf build hits just 1 target .

    yes but Chain Drive hits 6 times.

    I do get the point, and i agree. I'm just hopping its gonna be as good as promised in late game, without getting nerfed if its to good because of all the shit we had to take till late game.

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    Sorry ,ADMIN.But do you have some news? Did you tested? do you have any other opinion ?

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    I just want to make clear few aspects about RF.
    Yes, there is a problem with it, which we didn't thought about after the EE nerf, and that's purely PvM problem.
    The problem with RF is that he is both missing a set item (gloves) and also having the worst DEF from AGI from all chars.
    That would not be a problem in a normal gameplay with EE, but currently there is a problem because he can barely survive even on high AGI.
    We didn't thought about it, and focused on the PvP aspect mostly, but yes, I do agree that it is a problem and that will be fixed on the next bigger patch.

    Now, on the RF subject, there are 3 major things that most of you are missing:
    1. RF build is totally different than usual (where VRF would just go full VIT and ARF would just go full AGI).
    It is not working here, you need to find the best build and balance between STR (as main stat for any RF) and the secondary stat depending on build (AGI for ARF, VIT for VRF, ENE for ERF).
    More than 80% of RF's are ARF, and expecting PvP power, which is wrong, the entire PvP power stays in VRF (STR+VIT), but is losing PvM power in the trade, you need to choose carefully.
    VRF can be a beast, but I count with the fingers from one single hand how many VRF's are playing, which is pretty sad for such strong build especially on early game.

    2. RF (and especially ARF) is the only PvM character that scales into mid-late/game because the nature of its skill damage. That makes him a lot weaker in early-game than other chars because this is how it works.
    Why it is scaling? Let's compare him with other PvM beasts:
    SM - He is getting constant damage from Energy and that's it, no skill damage %, lower points dedicated to Energy as he needs to focus on AGI as well for def+speed+dsr.
    EMG - Just like SM, just with more points to spend.
    AE - Similar to RF, STR+AGI build, giving same things as RF, difference is that AE doesn't have skill damage % so it gets constant damage.
    RF - He gets both constant damage from STR and skill % damage, which makes him scaling exponentially, combined with the nature of his dmg stat (AGI) that gives both speed,deff,dsr and damage %.

    3. The biggest thing that makes RF a bit weaker that many doesn't know is that his level 2 cape is much weaker than normal w2's.
    Level 2 RF cape + 9 does have 33 armor, 38% inc damage and 28% absorb, while, for example W2 MG does have 58 armor, 41% inc damage and 43% absorb.
    He is really a level 3 cape dependent in order to gain a lot of power "back" (as RF have same stats on w3 like rest of chars).

    And just an observation because I don't like ppl that type/chat without being informed: All characters does get 2 HP points per 1 VIT, except of BK that gets 3 HP points per 1 VIT, there is no difference between any class on HP subject, except of BK ofc.

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    7 hours ago, ADMIN said:

    And just an observation because I don't like ppl that type/chat without being informed: All characters does get 2 HP points per 1 VIT,

    thats not correct , ive added alot of times single points to vit  on my summ, and 1 point gives 1 hp , and  after adding next  2points gives 2hp so 3point=3hp

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    8 hours ago, Chukundah said:

    thats not correct , ive added alot of times single points to vit  on my summ, and 1 point gives 1 hp , and  after adding next  2points gives 2hp so 3point=3hp

    Wrong. Berserk is reducing HP, but you get 2 HP per 1 VIT like rest of chars, add VIT without Berserk active.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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