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    Phoenix#2 The War for Supremacy episode Vl


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    It's a Sunday morning, a spring Sunday, flower buds can be seen in the "ferris" wheel from Noria, trees sprouting in Lorencia, but the deeper I move towards the land of trials everything turns red, the red of the blood shed by the heroes of the past still feels in this part of the land but everything is green all around - a quiet Sunday with the market going smoothly, the sellers are looking for profit for their trades. Checking regularly the chat & market, buyers are careful to quality and price and everything is going smoothly.

    The morning starts to be pale because the noon begins to make its presence known, in Lorencia you can feel the first signs of the preparations for the magnificent war, the warriors are queuing up at Dopple, they want to reach the maximum capacity of their force at any cost. They try to charm their vital buffs to help them be victorious. I move on with the research and clock already rings 15:00: all brave heroes went to Elbeland, it is an overcrowded city at this moment, the great warriors trade their equipment, they look for their best weapons and combinations and they prepare hardly for the great battle, the battle yet to come ... 

    Time passes quickly, the last hour of preparations comes, warriors are starting to merge in CryWolf, teams from Squadron and Wiggle are starting to form and everyone is eagerly waiting for the hour of battle. 

    Squadron and Wiggle start the fight with the attackers advantage for the second week in a row, with 2000 points ahead, and with the chance to block a build, a chance that neither of the guilds took advantage of, as if they are too confident in their chances to care about "such details".
    On the other hand, Hardcore meticulously prepares everything, upgrades the gates and the stone statues in the Valley of Loren and everyone is focused on what is to come, waiting for their "prey" to join the fight.

    The clock strikes 5:00 PM, the fighters bravely advance into the valley and the fight begins.
    Squadron and Wiggle fight and successfully destroy the gates and statues, relatively easy, and get inside the castle, Hardcore regroups and the massacre begins.

    It's unbelievable, Wiggle is starting to matter in this war although they don't have enough strength, they are confident in their power and chances, they fight side by side with both guilds, they do anything to win, if not to take the castle at least to make precious points in this fight for supremacy and finally to take part of the treats. 

    As for the great guilds fighting for supremacy, Hardcore seems to laugh in their path, they seem to have found the recipe for success because the incredible Crucify crushes everything in his path, knocking down Trippy so many times as if his defense didn't even exist in front of this great fighter , Squadron, humiliated, is starting the riot, although they deliberately gave up some territory, get behind Hardcore with 3000 points and only the first hour and 15 minutes of the fight passed. 

    Squadron starts to catch up and to get organized, they manage to create chaos inside Hardcore, and slightly reduce the handicap... we approach the last half hour and everything starts to take shape, Wiggle although they have collected some points, they seem to step aside. Squadron attacks like a hurricane, Hardcore is based on dmg dealers and the throne room turns into a Slaughterhouse. Squadron manage to close the gap and they are dangerously close to win. But Crucify knocks down Trippy again, Makiavelli and RuSuLeTzZz, "the summoner machine gun", slaughter everyone in their path. However, Squadron manage to maintain the balance, it is a tiny difference and they manage to register. There are only 2 minutes left in the game, Squadron is very close, the ones from Hardcore seem confused, time passes quickly and it is the premiere for OldSquad, Hardcore winning by an unbelievable small difference:  20555 points for Hardcore vs 20340 on the part of those in Squadron. 

    Hardcore wins and despite internal fights they manage to organize themselves so as to reduce the handicap and take advantage, on the other hand Squadron seem stunned especially from Crucify`s lethal hits and now they seem to be hit by The Curse, although they had the advantage of receiving the game for free, they failed to take advantage of it and were again brought to their knees by Hardcore. The score at this moment is 4-2 in favor of Hardcore, which seems invincible.

    I said earlier that Squadron was hit by the curse, well, because other scandals arise related to the members of this guild, there are voices that say they should be ashamed because again they stole items from guild members ( Collision was suddenly undressed) and there are voices from Hardcore accusing Chukundah of scam (these voices say that  RuSuletzZz would have wanted to buy lvl 3 wings for credits from Chukundah and Chukundah accepted although he did not gave the wings after he received the credits)

    Leaving aside the gossip and scandals, all the merits to WIGGLE who are making the battle much more interesting. They have collected 6k+ points and I am convinced that in the future they will be a force to be reckoned with in this fight! 

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    Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment! 

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    You enter the server you hear :"squadron, what a great guild"

    You play 3 weeks you see:" Squadron, stealing 2 accounts, scamming people, disbanding after 2 losses"

    And here i thought hardcore has issues =))

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    @Hvman, This game is so complex there is no way you can play it without drama :D I guess that's why we love and play it.

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    On 5/29/2020 at 7:39 PM, Reporter said:

    Hardcore accusing Chukundah of scam (these voices say that  RuSuletzZz would have wanted to buy lvl 3 wings for credits from Chukundah and Chukundah accepted although he did not gave the wings after he received the credits)

    i gave him the wings , hes lying , he prob lost them or sold npc .. wouldnt surprise me considering how dumb he is 643907956647264266.png?v=1

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    @Chukundah ,  .... 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2  4-2 4-2  4-2 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    someone call the Special Needs to get sparkle back 642706997791293442.png?v=1

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    On 5/29/2020 at 7:39 PM, Reporter said:

    RuSuLeTzZz, "the summoner machine gun"

    whit wood bullets to kill weaker players to get in top1 kills and act pro and lose cs cause doesnt know what to do inside 642706997657206795.png?v=1

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    Rusuletz is same top summoner like Chuku :) top Summoners on 30rr with 10rr ^^

    all knows: MissKittin > Chuku and Rusu

    cheers Mixa, u were beast!

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    5 hours ago, Jawbreaker said:

    @Sparkle, 4-2? Well then 16-3 in past server edition :)

    forgot to mention the times they lose against PLAYBOYS 🤣

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