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    Everything posted by ADMIN

    1. We won't have lower than 25 players at CS in early game, we'll think between 25 and 30, as I stated the options in my previous replies. It is not even technically possible to have the golem based on "most damage" instead of last hit, but even if it was, we wouldn't design it like that. If your alliance is strong enough it can just secure the area of golem for the last hit (basically, killing the other contenders). It is a PvP fight for an objective, not just a DPS race.
    2. I'm not quite sure what you didn't understand, I specified yesterday that I agree that 40 players would be too frustrating / hard to coordonate, and that I didn't thought about this aspect. Later Edit: And also, if I didn't wrote yet about the changes doesn't mean I don't listen to the arguments and feedback, this are the planned changes before the actual release and before seeing the event live:
    3. It is increased yes, but not a big difference on first levels compared to how it was before: Old 2nd CS in a row: -1500 points. New 2nd CS in a row: -2500 points. Old 3rd CS in a row: -3500 points. New 3rd CS in a row: -6000 points (which was the same as 4th and 5th cs in arow on old system, that was surpassed). While it is an increase, it is still manageable if the gap is real between the winner & the rest. The real challenge is for 4th CS in a row. Basically keeping CS for 2 weeks is still easy, for 3 weeks is manageable, for 4 weeks+ is a challenge now. I already confirmed here that it won't stay as 40: There will probably be again a dynamic system that will look like: Early game: Max 25-30 players at CS, guilds with 20-25 players max. Mid game: Max 30-35 players at CS, guilds with 25-30 players max. Late game: Max 35-40 players at CS, guilds with 30 players max. Again what matters is that we won't focus on 4 alliances, our aim is for 3 stable alliances. Ofc, there can be 4-5 alliances any time, not something that can't be possible or realistic to have. It's all about players split.
    4. All the changes of the V3 will be on Phoenix (ofc, adapted for the non reset). The first 2 CS-es will be especially for feedback & tweaks, having only the networth rewards. It is a big gap between "making a difference" and "secure a win". The individual performance will still matter a lot, but no longer be a "if I have those x players in ally we win, else we don't". It is a large scale pvp event, not a regular pvp event, it can't be decided only by few players. Well, it is exactly the opposite. The predictable fights were especially when there were only 2 alliances. And it was way too easy to notice by anyone: Crown is constantly switched, so DEF points were spread more or less the same, and the only difference was who has the better killers would 100% win without any possible come-back from the others. With golems, statues & rest of the changes, there are a lot of ways for come-backs and game-changing situations. Not really. The new handicap isn't that hard to surpass for first 2 levels, compared to now, only on 3rd level is harder. The same alliance will still be able to control the CS multiple times, but no longer for 4-5 weeks straight as it was. Fun - well, it can't have the same level of fun as: "- Move crywolf stay AFK for SD regen & wait summon. - Get summoned inside room / near room. - Kill bufffers / lower players & move switchers / GM. - Register crown in 2-4 minutes. - Repeat." It should be way more fun and interactive, for sure. Predictable - with constant game-changers I can't see how it can not be less predictable compared to who have the better killer(s) wins. As any large scale PvP event, the output will be decided based on the team play, communication and coordination, and less on the "individuals".
    5. I clearly understand now, as the arguments were given, that it would be frustrating / hard to coordonate 40 players in this kind of environment, which I didn't thought deeper at first. But still, you had max 20 players at CS even this Inception db, in first month, with over 400 real players, and nothing happened out of it, as always. The better players preferred just to be some back-up for one of the 2-3 guilds and not play the CS at all instead of grouping up and forming 4th/5th guild and come to CS. This will never change, and it will be only an advantage for such "mega-guilds" over normal, lower tier guilds that doesn't have that many players but can ally with other lower tier guilds and make up for this disadvantage. Real examples: 20 players in guild was the limit, but Guild A had 40 players (not alts) in alliance, always enough to fill the 20 spots, either on shared main chars from people that couldn't attend or with their own char, big enough. Guild B (lower tier) had 20 players in guild and only their alts in alliance. Their main guild was big enough at CS, but they couldn't have the 20 spots filled due to not everyone could attend the event and they didn't had that many players to fill those spots, so clearly a big disadvantage at CS. So what it will actually change? Just more benched players for the same guilds while the lower tier guilds can't even fill those spots. You can't force a player to be part of a guild / mega-guild, but it has no problem as being part of his own guild but in an alliance with another, where there are same rights. ----------------------------------------------------It's open for discussions---------------------------------------------------- Now about CS V2. Since 80% of fights were between only 2 alliances, I'll talk only about this case (in 3 was a bit better). 2 ally fight: - Move crywolf stay AFK for SD regen & wait summon. - Get summoned inside room / near room. - Kill bufffers / lower players & move switchers / GM. - Register crown in 2-4 minutes. - Repeat. It wasn't neither hard or interesting gameplay. It was just better than the default system. Then we speak about wholes. There were CS-es won by 1 char in terms of Points (looking at Zutto) where the difference between the winner and the loser was exactly the points farmed by that character - without any possible counter-play. Doesn't matter if it was Zutto or any other chars, the top 2-3 killers were just changing the lose into a win, or vice-versa, and nobody could stop / react to it. When such Event can be decided mostly by few chars, it is not a healthy design. If 2 guilds were very close in terms of power (and it happened, multiple times), the win was in hands of 1-3 players, and only them. The other guild couldn't recover by any chance in such conditions, taking into account the highest amount of points from kills can be earned in first hour and no extra catch-up mechanism when only 2 guilds (the def-catch-up points are just split between the 2 guilds). So why do we need such dynamic changes? Well, for an actual interesting & dynamic event, where you can't predict the winners just by looking at their top killers.
    6. Well, we always aimed the guild / alliance systems to encourage 4 guilds at CS, we had even 20 members / guild at CS at its lowest. We seen that it never worked out and we only had 3 guilds for few times and the rest of editions 2 guilds only. We no longer want to encourage 4 guilds at CS and we're focusing on 2, ideally 3 guilds. But in the same time we want more people to enjoy the most important event of the game, and not limit the pleasure of some that would want to join but don't have the slot / are not stronger than those 20-25 players selected in the guilds. For Phoenix especially (next Inception will be a different case), we'll have entire server stucked at same level for at least a week, multiple times, which means it should be kinda easy to have 120 players at cs (3 alliances), if people want to, and in worst case, we'll still have 80 players at cs. It is still a subject of change, but it is my own personal wish of testing such numbers. I am open for the idea of a pool before the Phoenix for this limit but there are certain conditions that won't be changed such as: - Ally guild will have 100% access at CS, not limited outside CS, that's for sure. - Total players at CS to not be lower than 30 per alliance. - Total members per guild to not be lower than 25. - And in the case that the lower options will be voted, the number won't stay static but it will be increased later on when we'll have only 2 alliances at CS again, so more players will be able to enjoy the CS. It was reduced from 25% but it will still exist as a motivation to invest & defend the gates/statues, as a Defender advantage, where the 5 minutes earlier start will help as well. There can't be only disadvantages for Defenders (handicap & no ban access). I won't touch it until I see the CS in action. Holding both statues will (as I see it) be pretty hard when only 2 alliances do fight. But when there are 3 alliances, the underdog alliance have access to such joker, to focus the entire strategy around the statues and leaving the room fights for the other guilds. It may work out, it may not, we can only see it first before touching this mechanic (changing it / removing it). But of course, most of things are subject to change, they are just a base ground for what will actually be. Stun Curse - the ice & mix ideas are not bad, so we'll either raise the time to be stunned every 45 seconds (4 times stun in 3 minutes) or keep the 30 seconds timer and mix it randomly with either ice or stun for 3-4 seconds. Points Curse - It is a valid point, that if the last gigas is spawned & killed in the last 15 minutes can bring a big advantage, but it is also a matter of strategy. If you're not defender and get the curse at that point it won't be felt too much, if you're defender at that point you should bring a lot more players for the last gigas to keep your advantage, and in the same time you leave room more exposed. It can be a game changer for sure in the last minutes, but there are plays and counter-plays and I do believe it will be way more exciting as it is. Again, it is a kind of change that we need to see it live in order to change something. Rewards aren't fixed, there won't even exist the OB5 on Phoenix. But the rewards system will not be anything overpower but in the same time will motivate players enough to participate at least for the reward. Also, we don't want to have too big of a difference between a lower player / buffer / etc. and the top player from CS, keeping only the RNG advantage as difference based on higher Net Worths.
    7. Hello, While our unique CS V2 fixed the most important CS problem - being decided in last minutes, on the default CS system - we decided that it is time to step up our most important Event and make it even more interesting, balanced as well, as less predictable as possible and with a lot of new possible strategies. This is one of the major reworks that will be found on our next Phoenix project, but it should be ready & available on Inception as well starting from next CS (27 February). We're doing our best to test everything by ourselves (me & Gion), but we will need actual, real-game tests in order to tweak it up and fix any possible bugs. Note: We're waiting feedback & open discussions of anything that you can find in our CS V3, but the more accurate feedback should be waited after playing it. CS System V3 Guilds, Alliances, Handicap & Requirements [UPDATED] Guild System: Maximum of 30 players in a Guild (static). Now Alliance members can join the CS as well. At CS you can only have 40 (online) players per alliance (so 40/60 from total slots in an alliance). You must have at least 10 players from the main guild online at CS in order to play the CS. There are 2 modes of the limit at CS, that each alliance GM can decide: Free Mode - it is the default mode - this means that any 40 players can be online on CS server anytime, during CS, without restrictions. How does it work? When the 40th player enters the Valley, any extra player (41th, for example) will be moved to Crywolf, when trying to enter the Valley. When there are 39 players in Valley, an empty slot is once again free for another extra player, and so on. Note: The priority for staying in Valley when there are more than 40 players is based on the order of /rebuilds. Example: ADMIN is 1st that did rebuild, Gion is 2nd that did rebuild, Marcel is 3rd that did rebuild. If there are < 40 players on Valley, all 3 can stay in Valley. If there are 40 players already in Valley and ADMIN is not but Marcel is, if ADMIN joins Valley then Marcel is being kicked from Valley and ADMIN can stay. Limited Mode - this means that there's a list controlled by alliance GM with the players who do not have access to CS (any player other than the players from this list can join the CS). GM can add/remove players to/from the list anytime before 15 minutes from start & during CS. Note: GM can use the command /blacklist PlayerName in order to blacklist a player from the CS. Note2: GM can use the command /delblacklist PlayerName in order to remove a player from blacklist. Note3: Few seconds after blacklisting a player, if he is online in valley he will be moved to crywolf and prevented from joining Valley. [UPDATED] Handicap now has only 3 stages: Easy - 2nd CS after winning the CS: -2500 Points. Medium - 3rd CS after winning 2 CS in a row: -6000 Points. Hard - 4th CS after winning 3 CS in a row and onwards: -10000 Points. Note: With these changes we aim to make it way harder for Alliances to win CS multiple times in a row. Until now Handicap wasn't that harsh and didn't help too much outside of the last Handicap stage (after 5 Sieges in a row). [UPDATED] Repairing & upgrading CS objects (gates, statues) can grant you up to 20% points from the Handicap. [UPDATED] After winning a Castle Siege, the players that were part of the CS (used /rebuild) and part of the winning alliance can only join the next CS with their winning Alliance. Example: ADMIN is part of OldSquad, went to CS last CS with his guild and was part of CS. OldSquad won the CS. ADMIN can only join next week's CS with OldSquad guild. Example2: OldSquad is in alliance with ADMINS, ADMIN is part of OldSquad and Gion is part of ADMINS. OldSquad alliance wins the CS. Next week both ADMIN & Gion can join CS only with OldSquad alliance (as main alliance guild). Note: This change is made to avoid cases of winning Guilds remaking their guild / join another guild for CS just to get rid of Handicaps. [UPDATED] Now you can play the CS only with the guild/alliance that you started with when you did /rebuild. You can't join other guilds/alliances during CS. [UPDATED] Requirements in order for an alliance to be able to register Signs of Lord: Have at least 20 members in main guild. Have the Average Reset of main guild >= 65% of TOP1 Player reset (rounded down). Example: If TOP1 Player has 6 Resets, the minimum Average Reset of the Main Guild must be 3. Exception: This check is only available when the TOP1 has at least 6 resets (under 6 resets the check is not active). [UPDATED] Requirements in order for an alliance to be able to stay in Valley before & during CS: Be selected as CS participant (after Signs period). Have at least 20 members in main guild. Have the Average Reset of main guild >= 65% of TOP1 Player reset (rounded down). Example: If TOP1 Player has 6 Resets, the minimum Average Reset of the Main Guild must be 3. Exception: This check is only available when the TOP1 has at least 6 resets (under 6 resets the check is not active). Have at least 10 players from main guild online in either Crywolf or Valley. Have /rebuild already made. Note: The check is happening every minute. Note: During years we've tried all the possible methods of guild systems especially for CS. Some performed better than others, but none of them were totally satisfying. We're once again trying something new, compared to what we had so far. With this current system we aim to give back identities to the allied guilds, encouraging lower-tier guilds to ally each-other and to participate at CS without having to be part of the main guild, while keeping the CS players numbers in a balanced state. New CS Features [ADDED] CS Statues There are now 2 statues, one is on the East side outside the room (104x 192y) and one is on the West side outside of the room (77x 145y). These Statues are now extra mini-objectives during CS. They can be controlled by one alliance at a time. In order to control a Statue your alliance must have AT LEAST 2 players in its 5x5 range (the statue zones are marked with 4 guards). In order to control a Statue your alliance must have the highest number of players (compared to rest of the alliances) in its 5x5 range. Examples: If OldSquad does have 1 player in the 5x5 range of a Statue, and no other Alliance does have any player in the range, then the Statue is in a neutral state (not controlled). If OldSquad does have 2 players in the 5x5 range of a Statue, and no other Alliance does, then the Statue is controlled by OldSquad. If OldSquad does have 2 players in the 5x5 range of a Statue, and other Alliance does have 1 player in the range, then the Statue is controlled by OldSquad. If OldSquad does have 2 players in the 5x5 range of a Statue, and other Alliance does have 2 players in the range, then Statue is controlled by the Alliance that already controlled it. If OldSquad does have 2 players in the 5x5 range of a Statue, and other Alliance does have 3 players in the range, then Statue is controlled by the other Alliance. East Statue advantage: While holding the East Statue, your alliance will gain +100% (in the first CS hour) / +50% (in the second CS hour) Defense points per second, until the alliance lose the control of the Statue. West Statue advantage: While holding the West Statue, your alliance will gain +50% (while a Kill Points modifier is still active) / +100% (while a Kill Points modifier is not active) Kill Points based on the final number of points a killer would normally get. If your alliance holds both statues then the following buff will be up for your alliance until you lose at least 1 Statue: GM will gain damage immunity, preventing him from being damaged, while the buff is active. Note: The immunity buff for GM when holding both statues does make him immune from being moved as well. [ADDED] Gigas Golem Every 12 minutes after it is killed or it is despawned (starting at 17:30) a Gigas Golem will spawn in the Valley, before the Bridge, at fixed coordinates. Gigas Golem has 3 minutes duration, then it is auto despawned. The Gigas Golem is another mini-objective, but a timed one. The alliance that does the last-hit on the Gigas Golem will put one of the following curses (randomly) on their opponents: Points Curse - Stop the points gained from all sources for 3 minutes. Stun Curse - Stun every opponent for 5 seconds every 45 seconds, for 3 minutes. CS Gameplay, Points & Rewards [UPDATED] Kills & Points System is reworked: TANK build is now considered ANY character (except of RF and ELF) that has AGI+VIT higher than 65% of Total Points. Killing an Assistant now grants 1.5 * Default Points (from 2 * Default Points). Killing a Battle Master still grants 2 * Default Points. Killing a TANK now grants 2.5 * Default Points (from 3 * Default Points). Killing a Guild Master now grants 4 * Default Points (from 5 * Default Points). Default Points per kill is now 8 Points instead of 10 Points. During higher kill points period, the points can now be changed to 10-18 Points instead of 12-25 Points. The Reset Difference Points are now +- 0.5 Points based on the reset difference between killer and target. New: In statues 8x8 range, you gain & lose 50% of the points you normally gain/lose in the same conditions but inside the CS room. Example: If a Kill inside the CS room would net you 24 points, the same kill in the statues 8x8 range will get you 12 points. The Minimum amount of Points that you can get for a kill inside CS room is now 5 Points (instead of 2), and still no Maximum value, no matter the type of kill or bonuses. The Minimum amount of Points that you can get for a kill in Statue's range is 3 Points, and no Maximum value, no matter the type of kill or bonuses. The reset difference formulas will always apply before any modifier, in the case of normal kills. Example: If ADMIN kills Gion and ADMIN has 30 resets and Gion 27, while Kill Points are 8 then ADMIN gets 8-(0.5*3) = 7 Points. If ADMIN's alliance does control the West Statue then ADMIN gets +50%/100% * 7 Points = 11/14 Points on the same kill. If the kill is being made in Statue's range then ADMIN gets 6/7 Points. Now the Battle Masters no longer ignore reset differences. Instead, they now gain + 25% points per kill for any normal target kill (that does not have any special role). Apart from reset difference & special role, we now also have extra points gained per kill based on the current total points of the target: You gain an extra 10% (inside CS room) / 5% (in Statues range) of the target total points per kill. The extra points are going directly towards your Alliance and are not counted to your own points/performance, as well as not counted for the target feed points. General Example: Let's say ADMIN is part of OldSquad and Gion is part of ADMINS. ADMIN has 20 resets, Gion has 17 resets. ADMIN is also Assistant, Gion is a Guild Master. ADMIN has 400 Kill Points, Gion has 200 Kill Points. Default Points is the normal value (8 Points). When ADMIN kills Gion (inside the CS room) this is what happens: ADMIN gets 8*4 (extra Points from killing a GM) = 32 Points. ADMIN's alliance (OldSquad) is getting 32 Points (ADMIN's performance) + 0.1 * 200 (extra points for alliance from Gion's total points) = 52 Points. When Gion kills ADMIN (in statue's range) this is what happens: Gion gets 8*1.5 (extra Points from klling an Assistant) * 0.5 (statue's range reduction) = 6 Points. Gion's alliance (ADMINS) is getting 6 Points (Gion's performance) + 0.05 * 400 (half bonus extra points for alliance from ADMIN's total points) = 26 Points. On old system: ADMIN & OldSquad gets 10*5 (50 Points from killing a GM) = 50 Points. Gion & ADMINS gets 0 Points because the kill was made outside the room. [UPDATED] Now CS Initialization is made 9:30 minutes after CS does start (instead of after 14:30 minutes). [UPDATED] Now every Alliance GM that is part of CS will get a Life Stone every 15 minutes (starting at 17:30) as long as his Alliance isn't currently having the most points at CS. Note: The previous, unused Life Stones will be deleted when a new one is generated. Note2: If Alliance GM does switch / reconnect / leave CS server, the Life Stone is deleted. Note3: The Life Stone is gained only if the GM is online and on Valley at the moment when Life Stones are delivered. [UPDATED] Now you no longer get an extra DEF Point if you stay on the Crown position as Defender GM. You still get only half DEF Points if you are outside CS Room. [UPDATED] Life Stones now have the maximum possible Defense but a HP of 175k (from 30kk). Note: This means that no matter how many stats a character does have, it will do similar damage to Life Stones (50-300) so in order to kill them faster you need more people attacking them (no matter their total stats). [UPDATED] Now you get the full DEF Points if the GM is in 5x5 range of the East Statue (DEF Points statue). [UPDATED] DEF Points distribution: 1 Point per second between 17:10 and 17:34. 2 Points per second between 17:35 and 17:59. 3 Points per second between 18:00 and 18:24. 4 Points per second between 18:25 and 18:44. 6 Points per second between 18:45 and 19:00. [UPDATED] Removed TOP3 Contributors / TOP3 Stampers concepts. They are now replaced with a single TOP5 Net Worth: Net Worth is an accumulation of every CS player activity & performance during each CS. Formula for Net Worth calculation: (Total Kill Points - (Total Feed Points * 0.7)) + Stamp Seconds + Activity Time where: Total Kill Points = The amount of Points you personally contributed for you Team. Total Feed Points = The amount of Points you gave away to other teams while being killed. Stamp Seconds = The amount of seconds you held a Switch. Activity Time = 0.15 Points for every second while a CS Participant is online in Valley during CS. This value is raised to 0.4 Points per second if the Player is inside CS room or in 5x5 range of the Statues. Example of Net Worth: ADMIN has 1400 Total Kill Points, 420 Total Feed Points, 200 Stamp Seconds, 60 minutes in valley during CS & 50 minutes inside CS room / statues. ADMIN's Net Worth is: 1400 - (420*0.7) + 200 + 60*60*0.15 + 50*60*0.4 = 3046. Note: Stamp Seconds are updated 1 time per minute. [UPDATED] Now there's an individual reward based on Net Worth for any CS Player: Minimum Points that your alliance must have gained at CS in order for the players to be eligible for individual rewards: 1500 Points. Minimum Net Worth to be eligible for individual reward: 1000. Default Reward: 10% chance for 1x OB5 / 90% chance for 10s/10c/10cr/10gem. The Net Worth will dictate the % chance for getting the special box as reward, as following: (NetWorth/100)% = box chance. Examples: Having 1000 NetWorth = 10% chance for special box (OB5 in Inception's case). Having 1200 NetWorth = 12% chance for special box (OB5 in Inception's case). Having 2450 NetWorth = 24.5% chance for special box (OB5 in Inception's case). Having 5500 NetWorth = 55% chance for special box (OB5 in Inception's case). The rest of the chance is for guaranteed 10s/10c/10cr/10gem. Bonus Reward: Players with 4000+ Net Worth will also win 2x VIP Days. [UPDATED] Reworked summoner Sleep duration on CS server: Under 5000 / 10000 / 15000 ENERGY (based on Stage) = Sleep is blocked. 5000-7999 / 10000-15999 / 15000-26999 ENERGY (based on Stage) = Sleep duration is 2 seconds. 8000 / 16000 / 27000 ENERGY (based on Stage) = Sleep duration is 3 seconds. [UPDATED] Now summoner Sleep hit chance on CS server is 80%. [UPDATED] Now players that are under Sleep effect on CS server can't be damaged. The immunity gained by a player under Sleep effect does make him immune from being moved as well. Note: With these changes we aim to introduce new ways of playing the Summoners at CS and new strategies around Sleep. You'll now have to react to Summoners and bring players to help with the Summoners and/or waste the Summon from DL just to save the Sleeping players. Extra Changes & Quality of Life [UPDATED] Removed LOT entry Tax. [UPDATED] Removed the global messages when killing GAs & BMs to reduce the spam (only GM & Tank kills are highlighted now). [UPDATED] You can now use /rebuild until the CS does start. Which means you have 15 minutes of unlimited rebuilds (in case you make a mistake with the points). [UPDATED] Now when typing /score you will see the following info: On global (middle screen): Alliances score as usually + Players in valley for each alliance. Current DEF Points / Kill points as usually. Time left for the next Gigas golem spawn / ALIVE status. West Statue & East Statue controllers (if any). On system chat (top left side): Your current Kills, Deaths, Kill Points, Feed Points, Net Worth. The current Banned Build. [UPDATED] Now when typing /score +Name during CS it will show you the same info of the Player that /score does show to you. [UPDATED] Now /assist command that the assistants can use has a cooldown of 90 seconds instead of 120 seconds. [UPDATED] Now /assist can be used in 3 ways: /assist -> Will teleport the assistant to the GM. /assist east -> Will teleport the assistant to the East Statue, if the guild is currently controlling the East Statue. /assist west -> Will teleport the assistant to the West Statue, if the guild is currently controlling the West Statue. [UPDATED] Now the points earned / bonuses, etc. are no longer rounded up / down. They are given as float values unless it is specified that something is rounded up/down (for example, avg. reset requirement for CS). The final Points / Scores / etc. will still be counted as integers. Example: If DEF points are 3 per second and you get + 50% DEF Points with the statue, then you'll get 4.5 Points instead of 4 or 5 Points. Example2: If you get 25% more points as a BM and you kill a target that would give you 11 points, you'll get 13.75 Points instead of 13 points or 14 points. Example3: If your alliance total points is 5563.60, you'll actually have 5563 Points. If your final NetWorth is 1120.7, then your NetWorth is 1120. [UPDATED] Now Both Attackers & Defenders can spawn after dying anywhere before the first gates of CS & before the second gates of CS (60x - 95y -> 130x - 150y) [UPDATED] Summon (DL) now has 80 seconds cooldown (from 50 seconds). Final Notes With the CS V3 release we aim to: Make the CS way more interesting and less predictable. Encourage smaller-scale fights outside of CS room (for Statues & Gigas). Encourage lower tier guilds to participate at CS. Since we rewritten entire CS System code from scratch there may be bugs that you'll encounter (even with features that were 100% working before). Make sure to screenshot & report anything wrong you may find so we can fix it.
    8. Release date: 22.01.2022 at 19:35 - No restart will be needed. Monsters will be refreshed though. Changelog: [UPDATED] End-Game Quest System has been released: NPC (David) can be found in Lorencia. QReset cost (30-35rr) is 500kk (500.000.000) Zen per reset. Some quests have been updated (reduced / moved to other tiers / changed). Quest System Objectives: Quest 1: Kill 70x Bloody Monsters. Note: They can be found in Aida3, Raklion2 & Vulcanus with an individual respawn of 15 minutes after they are killed. Note2: Aida3 & Raklion2 have 3 monsters each, Vulcanus does have 5 monsters. Note3: Progress is awarded to the character that made the last-hit, not to the one with most damage. Quest 2: Kill 2x Golden Budge Dragons & 3x White Wizards. Note: It doesn't show you how many left from each type, you need to pay attention and keep the counter yourself. Note2: Progress is awarded to the character that made the last-hit, not to the one with most damage. Quest 3: Win 3x Illusion Temple Events. Note: You need to pick-up the IT reward from the end in order to progress in quest. Quest4: Kill 50x 'little' rabbits. Quest5: Answer correctly to 3 Quiz Questions. Quest6: Hunt down 3x Nightmares. Note: Quest progress is shared, you don't need to be the one that last-hitted Nightmare. Quest7: Kill Goldens: 20x BoK+1, 15x BoK+2, 12x BoK+3. Note: Progress is awarded to the character that made the last-hit, not to the one with most damage. Quest8: Finish 6x Doppelganger Events. Note: You need to click the reward from the end in order to progress in quest. Quest9: Give David 1x OB2 & 1x OB3. Note: Previous OB's that you gathered before starting the quest won't count, you need new ones. Note2: OB's given to David at the end of the quest are deleted. Quest10: Kill 10x Derkons. Note: Progress is awarded to the character that made the last-hit, not to the one with most damage. Quest11: Finish 4x Imperial Events in less than 170 seconds. Note: You need to kill all monsters from the Imperial Event in order to get the score (time). Note2: You don't have to be in full party to make the Quest, just to score under 170 seconds. Quest12: Win 3x Chaos Castle Events. Note: Winning by "points" does not count, you need to be the last man standing. Quest13: Kill 40x BoK+5 Goldens. Note: Progress is awarded to the character that made the last-hit, not to the one with most damage. Quest14: Hunt down 5x Kunduns, 5x Witches, 3x Cursed Dragons. Note: Quest progress is shared, you don't need to be the one that last-hitted the bosses. Quest15: Wear the Wings Level 4 for your character. [UPDATED] Now there's a dynamic timer for skipping a quest (via /skipquest): 1st quest from each tier can be skipped after 3 days. 2nd quest from each tier can be skipped after 4 days. 3rd quest from each tier can be skipped after 5 days (exception is the 15th quest that can't be skipped). Note: Keep in mind that if you skip a quest you won't get its reward (except of 3rd quest from each tier that unlocks the reset). [UPDATED] Change Race maximum reset has been removed. You can now Change Race at any number of resets. [UPDATED] Wings Protector will now spawn in either Raklion or Swamp (instead of Raklion or Vulcanus). Note: There were issues with the spawn of Wings Protector (in some cases) due to Vulcanus & Raklion being on different sub-servers (and being a generation between one of them held in 2 different sub-servers that can't communicate properly). Now he is spawning on the same sub-server so there shouldn't be any more issues.
    9. Wormhole is over & transfers have started. Wormhole will remain online for 7 more days so that everyone can transfer. You can't leave Lorencia safe-zone and/or use trades/drops, etc during these remaining days. You can only use the transfer command. Keep in mind that you need to enter at least ONCE the Inception account (if you never did it before) else you won't be able to transfer. Good luck!
    10. Hello, Wormhole will be over on Wednesday, 19th January at 21:00 GMT+2 (Server Time). At that moment, Wormhole will be removed from website and you won't be able to leave Lorencia safe-zone and / or make new trades, etc., but the server will remain online for 7 more days (until 26th January 21:00 GMT+2 - so you can finish the transfer process). In order to transfer to Inception you need to have at least 15 resets when it's over. If you have the requirements, you just have to write /transfer [NewName] from the Character you are transferring, where [NewName] = the name you want to have on Inception. Note: Minimum 4 characters, maximum 10 characters for name. Note2: Only alphanumeric characters (A-Z,a-z,0-9), no special characters/symbols or so. Note3: The new name you choose must not be taken already on Inception by someone else. Observations: You need to have at least one free slot on Inception account (same account) in order to transfer - command will let you know. If your transfer option doesn't include Inventory then you need to have inventory empty (except of items you wear) else the system will delete anything it finds in inventory when you transfer, and then relog you to try again. Exception is the 15-20rr guys that MUST HAVE everything empty, including Equipment (items you wear), else the system will delete your equipment when you transfer, and then relog you to try again. Extended inventory is counted (and transferred) as well for those that can transfer inventory. You can transfer a maximum of 500.000.000 Zen on Inception, no matter how much you have on character. Any Zen Stones you have on inventory on the moment of the transfer will be deleted. Master Level gained on Wormhole will be transferred to Inception. You will have same ML and Master Points equal to the ML, the skill tree will be empty and all the character skills will be deleted if you had ML. After the transfer is complete, your character & account from Wormhole will be blocked and the credits you still have will be set to 0. You will be transferred with level 400 and the reset based on the transfer table. You will have 25 stats + the sum of points based on your new reset & inception points as unused points, that you can freely add. I will remind you once again the transfer table: For any other questions or problems contact us in our facebook page. Thanks for playing on our Speed Server and we hope that you'll have a nice journey on Inception! Cheers!
    11. Final Characters balance for end-game is now up on both Inception & Wormhole. 30rr characters are now way closer on both PvP & PvM. The rebalance is done in an similar way compared to last edition's rebalance from last stage: Enjoy!
    12. Hello, 1. The whole idea of having more people in late game is exactly because people quit and there are always only 2 alliances still fighting at CS. More slots on them = more people to enjoy CS on end-game. Though since we'll have a CS V3 on next edition(s), the guild-alliance system will be changed once again. 2. It was exactly like that in past and community wanted the vice-versa (less time on stage on early resets and longer on higher resets). 3. There are enough activities available for active players, we don't plan any new ones. 4. & 7. - there is already a big rework for entire economy incoming for the next edition(s). 5. I do remember that summon CD is still on CD after relog, but maybe I remember it wrong. If it's the opposite then yes, we can add such extra CD after relog. 6. There needs to be a fight for more than 10 minutes on such boss, if gates are closing after 10 minutes and there is a fight where only 2-3 characters without a DL remain alive then even if they won the PvP fight, they can't finish the boss. Feel free to leave your suggestions / feedback in this topic, we will consider anything good for future in terms of improvements.
    13. Patch is now up! Let us know if you find anything wrong.
    14. Release date: 06.01.2022 at 19:00 - No restart will be needed. Monsters will be refreshed though. Congrats to ChiPis, Pain and Sm0uke for finishing the last stage - Stage 3.1! Note: Everyone that progressed the Stage (having level 300+ and 25rr) can type /stagereward toca in order to take the reward, after patch is up! Note2: The final Characters rebalance for 30rr will be up most probably tomorrow, in worst case on Saturday. Note3: Don't forget that when first 25 players reach 30rr and level 400 the Quest System will be unlocked and the Change Race maximum reset restriction will be lifted. Changelog: [UPDATED] You can now continue to reset up to 30 resets. [UPDATED] EXP for Stage 3.1 (25rr) is now removed. 25th reset does have the same exp table like 24th reset had. [UPDATED] 5th Newbies EXP boost: 0rr: 700% EXP (constant level 1-350). 1rr: 700% EXP (constant level 1-360). 2rr: 700% EXP (constant level 1-370). 3rr: 700% EXP (constant level 1-380). 4rr: 700% EXP (constant level 1-390). 5rr: 700% EXP (constant level 1-400). 6rr: 700% EXP (constant level 1-400). 7rr: 700% EXP (constant level 1-400). 8rr: 700% EXP (constant level 1-400). 9rr: 700% EXP (constant level 1-400). 10rr: 600% EXP (constant level 1-400). 11rr: 600% EXP (constant level 1-400). 12rr: 600% EXP (constant level 1-400). 13rr: 600% EXP (constant level 1-400). 14rr: 600% EXP (constant level 1-400). 15rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-400). 16rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-400). 17rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-400). 18rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-400). 19rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-400). 20rr: 300% EXP (constant level 1-400). 21rr: +200% EXP. 22rr: +150% EXP. 23rr: +100% EXP. [UPDATED] Maximum ML is now 200 + 30 slow levels. [UPDATED] Maximum number of players in guild is now 35. [UPDATED] Old Box 5 can now drop Talisman of Luck. [UPDATED] Wings Protector has been released. Updates that were already up since few days ago: [UPDATED] Now /invasion counter is updated in real time (instead of 3-10 seconds delay after a monster being killed). [FIXED] Monsters sometimes disappearing after an invasion was over (for example Imperial monsters/gates when rabbits/ww invasion were over, kundun when goldens were over, etc.). Note: This is an old bug where we finally found the root cause and managed to fix it. [UPDATED] Now you can (safely) join Imperial Event during Goldens Invasions. [UPDATED] Now the Secromicons from Imperial Event are delivered directly into each player inventory, instead of dropping on the ground. [UPDATED] IT5 min reset is now 90% of TOP1 reset instead of 95% of TOP1 reset. [UPDATED] IT4 min reset is now 75% of TOP1 reset instead of 80% of TOP1 reset. [UPDATED] IT3 min reset is now 60% of TOP1 reset instead of 65% of TOP1 reset. Current IT table is: IT1: 30% of TOP1 Reset (rounded down) - 1 +. IT2: 45% of TOP1 Reset (rounded down) +. IT3: 60% of TOP1 Reset (rounded down) +. IT4: 75% of TOP1 Reset (rounded down) +. IT5: 90% of TOP1 Reset (rounded down) +.
    15. Release date: 13.12.2021 at 17:40 - Updates are up and no restart is needed. Note: Monsters (looking at Selupan especially) have been refreshed. Changelog: [UPDATED] IT Reset range is now dynamic based on maximum reset from server: IT1: 30% of TOP1 Reset (rounded down) - 1 +. IT2: 45% of TOP1 Reset (rounded down) +. IT3: 65% of TOP1 Reset (rounded down) +. IT4: 80% of TOP1 Reset (rounded down) +. IT5: 95% of TOP1 Reset (rounded down) +. Example for current Max Reset (24): IT1: 6+ Resets. IT2: 10+ Resets. IT3: 15+ Resets. IT4: 19+ Resets. IT5: 22+ Resets. The IT levels are calculated before each IT based on the current Max Reset number. Also a clarification related to AFK in IT: AFK is considered anti-game and will be treated exactly as anti-game and will be banned from IT for 14 days on IP & Accounts. In order to report an AFK case you have to record only 30 seconds of that player while he is AFK (or doing nothing, even if he moves during those 30 seconds), more than enough for us to consider it an AFK case. And just like for other cases of anti-game, without a video your report is invalid, no matter how many screenshots and / or witnesses you bring. [UPDATED] Now the berserker spawned in IT when reaching max artifact possession has a maximum duration of 10 seconds, then he will auto-despawn. [UPDATED] Arena Tournament - Last Laugh rewards updated: Participation reward: Now each participant also has a 10% chance to get an Old Box 5 when he is eliminated from Last Laugh. Performance reward: Performance reward is now 1x Jewel of Chaos and 1x Jewel of Creation for each player eliminated before you, instead of 1x Jewel of Chaos and 0.5x Jewel of Harmony. TOP3 Reward: TOP1 now gets 4x PoH, TOP2 gets 3x PoH and TOP3 gets 2x PoH. Apart from the Piece of Horn, each player from TOP3 gets a guaranteed Old Box 5, as well as the 10% chance to get an extra one.
    16. Hello OldSquaders & New comers, Less than 6 hours remained for the grand opening of our Wormhole #3. You will be able to make sure that client works, make parties, etc. The MOBS will spawn at 20:00 GMT+2 (after 1 hour). Important Info: !!!! Don't forget to choose the 'Wormhole' Server when you are logging on site, else you will be logged on Inception and you will be able to use the Inception services/options instead of Wormhole!!! In order to use the SITE FUNCTIONS you need to ACTIVATE your ACCOUNT on EMAIL! (It takes 1-5 minutes to be sent). Energy Elves are removed from gameplay - they are useless on normal servers (only working at CS - with /rebuild)! You can make DL, MG, RF from level 1. You can't Donate / Use any Credits functions on this Wormhole edition (including VIP). Goldens from invasions will be released progressively, so they won't kill you on spots at start. Only BoK1/Budges at start. You can join Public Test Server anytime to check out mobs and characters (which are same like on Inception & Wormhole). You can warp from SITE if you are PK - but it costs much more! 1st Castle Siege will be from first week (19 December - Sunday) but there will be no Rewards at 1st CS. You will play only to get used to our custom CS System and for fun + the advantage of being the Defenders on the 2nd CS. On 2nd CS all the rewards are unlocked. Keep in mind that Wormhole is running on a Mother-Kid system, where Inception is the mother and the Wormhole server is the kid, more info on Gameplay info. This is an 100% International Server, that means you MUST write in English ONLY on /post and Gens Chat. If you won't do this you can get Muted / Warned and even Banned! Up to 70-80% of content is adjusted/custom so you REALLY need to read all of our info in order to have a good time. Also, we want to share you some of the important topics and info that you MUST read for a full experience here: Official Info Topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2503-wormhole-official-information-many-details-about-server/ Characters Info, Builds & Buffs Formulas: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2502-characters-builds-info-buffs-formulas/ Server Rules: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2498-server-rules/ Cheers!
    17. We do give rewards / invites back exactly for such cases, but not in global cases (maintenance, rollbacks, server crashes, global disconnects/network problems, etc.). And about the bug itself - it can happen when another invasion is over (and can happen for other bosses as well, not only imperial event). This is the main reason why you can't go Imperial during Goldens invasions, to avoid this bug. There are also some rare cases of Imperial bug itself (no gate when starting). I am trying to find & fix such invasions bug since long time ago but there's no progress currently. And about your reward - you can either get your secroms from the events or you can receive the entry + invite back, your choice(s).
    18. I saw people trying to create some dramas based on today's rollback. I want to remind you that you're playing an ONLINE game, and especially a MMO. I know you're used to our quality and never really encounter SERIOUS issues, but this is just a happy case that we work hard to keep it that way. Unfortunately things can go wrong any time, just like in any other ONLINE game, happened to us in past, and can happen anytime, it is not like we WANT it to happen. If you're trying to create dramas for a 15 minutes roll-back I can't imagine how you'd handle REAL issues, like many AAA games do actually encounter (check the new Amazon's game). "But I was very lucky in this 15 minutes and made XX" - well, you was an unintended victim of internet, so just like in life move over. As stated in rules, we can't refund "lost" things in such cases, simply because we can't track everything that was lost / gained in game, and by only returning to "some" that could be verified, it wouldn't be fair. And as always, if you're not satisfied with our work you can always look for better places / games. We can't satisfy everyone, we're just doing our best. Cheers.
    19. We've encoutered a data corruption that caused credits to reset after today's maintenance and we had to roll-back around 15 minutes (to 14:05PM). Credits are back up. We apologize for inconveniences.
    20. Maintenance is over! Patch is now up. Let us know if you find anything wrong after this update!
    21. Release date: 06.12.2021 at 12:00 - There will be a full maintenance on our systems. Downtime will be anywhere from 10 minutes up to 45-60 minutes. Congrats to Duke, Mu3rTe and Waste for finishing the Stage 3! Note: Everyone that progressed the Stage (having level 300+ and 20rr) can type /stagereward harmony in order to take the reward, after patch is up! News: Check out our road-map for 2022: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4613-moving-forward-in-our-mission/ Changelog: [UPDATED] You can now continue to reset up to 25 resets. [UPDATED] EXP for Stage 3 (20rr) is now removed. 20th reset does have the same exp table like 19th reset had. [UPDATED] 4th Newbies EXP boost added: 0rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-350). 1rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-360). 2rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-370). 3rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-380). 4rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-390). 5rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-400). 6rr: 450% EXP (constant level 1-400). 7rr: 450% EXP (constant level 1-400). 8rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-400). 9rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-400). 10rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-400). 11rr: 350% EXP (constant level 1-400). 12rr: 350% EXP (constant level 1-400). 13rr: 300% EXP (constant level 1-400). 14rr: +200% EXP. 15rr: +200% EXP. 16rr: +160% EXP. 17rr: +120% EXP. 18rr: +80% EXP. 19rr: +40% EXP. [UPDATED] Released Old Box 5. [UPDATED] Released Medusa. [UPDATED] Released Selupan. [UPDATED] Maximum ML is now 110. [UPDATED] Maximum points in a single stat is now 27k. [UPDATED] Maximum CS VIT limit is now 15000. [UPDATED] IT stats & AT Special 2 stats are now 5~30 resets. [UPDATED] Released Spheres Level 3 & 4 in drop from Monsters in Vulcanus. [UPDATED] Released Jewel of Creation in drop from Monsters. Note: Can be farmed on any monster over level 100, same constant rate. [UPDATED] Maximum number of players in guild is now 30. [UPDATED] Released Socket items in drop from Monsters in Raklion. [UPDATED] Limit of items on market per day raised to 40 items/day. [UPDATED] IT Rewards: Now all IT levels have the same rewards table, only chances being different (higher IT = higher chances for the better rewards). Winners of IT 1 can get: 38% 10b/10s/10c/10gemstones/10creation, 40% OB3, 20% OB4, 1% Feather of Condor, 1% Old Box 5. Winners of IT 2 can get: 37% 10b/10s/10c/10gemstones/10creation, 35% OB3, 25% OB4, 2% Feather of Condor, 1% Old Box 5. Winners of IT 3 can get: 35% 10b/10s/10c/10gemstones/10creation, 30% OB3, 30% OB4, 3% Feather of Condor, 2% Old Box 5. Winners of IT 4 can get: 34% 10b/10s/10c/10gemstones/10creation, 25% OB3, 35% OB4, 4% Feather of Condor, 2% Old Box 5. Winners of IT 5 can get: 32% 10b/10s/10c/10gemstones/10creation, 20% OB3, 40% OB4, 5% Feather of Condor, 3% Old Box 5. [UPDATED] Now Rabbits can also drop Jewel of Creation. [UPDATED] Minimum time spent on Dark Iron Knight to be eligible for reward is now 50% instead of 60%. [UPDATED] HP of the World Bosses & Giant Mammoths slightly nerfed. Notes: You should keep in mind that those that kill the initial 12 Giant Mammoths are the only ones eligible for Special Reward on Dark Mammoth. This means that you all should start by searching for the Giant Mammoths first, and only after they die you should decide which boss to focus (either Dark Iron Knight or Dark Mammoth). If you killed a Giant Mammoth you should go for the Dark Mammoth, if you didn't you can choose where to go, but if you're friend / guild-mate with a Giant Mammoth killer you should help him with the Dark Mammoth. You need to split correctly your resources between the bosses, don't forget they also have the Soul Link mechanic that you need to play around, which means both bosses should die pretty close (in terms of time) to each-other. If you kill the Dark Iron Knight while the Dark Mammoth is having 50%+ HP left it will be almost impossible to finish it in time with his 35% shield for 50%+ HP. [ADDED] Fruits Stats Bonus If you reach 127/127 extra stats by using the Fruits made from Creations, you'll receive an extra 2000 free points. Note: In order to receive the bonus you must have level 400, 127/127 points from fruits and to relog on sub-server 1 (non-gens maps). With this addition we aim to both make the normal Fruits usable / worth for high stats server as well as making Creation actually valuable while also increasing the value of Jewel of Chaos for end-game. Dynamic Characters Balance tweaks This are the last tweaks for this edition that are still aiming for the "characters power periods". On the last stage (25rr) there will be a full rework of characters made by us from scratch (with 30rr stats), each class vs each class, where the final result will be a 40~60% chance to win with any char, ofc with small differences. This will also apply to the "hunt power" of most chars, they will be normalized on 25rr stage to be closer in terms of hunt time, with smaller differences between them. This will be done in order to prepare for END-GAME, where everyone should have equal chances to have fun and continue fighting. There may be only small tweaks made by us (anytime we would consider) after the 25rr stage, depending on how characters will evolve during the last 5 resets unlocked by quests. RF: [UPDATED] Speed gain from agi nerfed from AGI/43 to AGI/50. [UPDATED] Dark side damage % nerfed with 5%. [UPDATED] PvP damage taken from rest of classes increased with 6-20% based on match-up. [UPDATED] Chain drive damage % increased with 6%. [UPDATED] Stutter chance reduced. Note: ARF started this edition with buffs on its stats to have it actually playable in early-mid game compared to other editions. Now it reached a point where it was slightly more powerful than VRF itself (the actual PvP build) so we're tuning it back to its initial state. For the VRF we're raising a little the chain drive damage & lowering the stutter chance for the price of having it less tanky. DL: [UPDATED] PvP damage reduced with 6%. [UPDATED] PvP damage taken reduced with 4-8% based on match-up. ELF: [UPDATED] PvP damage buffed with 8% [UPDATED] PvP damage taken increased with 4-10% based on match-up. MG: [UPDATED] Stutter chance reduced. #Later Edit: Stutter chance = Chance for your character to "stop" when taking damage, the one that gets to 0% when you are riding a pet, since many of you didn't know what the stutter chance was.
    22. Hello, Since 2021 is almost over and we're also reaching 6 years of OldSquad, I'm starting this topic to share with you our "road-map" for 2022. 2021 was a pretty good year, we've managed to both improve & add a lot of content in our project that opened us a strong foundation to work on from now on. We highly believe that currently we do have ENOUGH content for a Season 6 server that can be consumed in long-term runs. If you want to do something actively - you'll always have something to do. Because we don't want to have too many things but also enough for such low-season server, on 2022 we don't plan to add any new content unless it will REALLY be needed, which I personally doubt. Instead, we plan to do major/minor reworks of what we currently have and also IMPROVE as much as possible everything that we do already have, one by one, feature by feature, system by system, both based on our ideas and your own input/feedback. I'll start to talk a little about what we'll do with our next Phoenix, where we'll try one more time the non-reset server (which we always failed to sustain in the long run). We plan to totally rework the concept of Phoenix, and some of the things that will be made are: 1. Abandoning the extra resets - while the idea was initially nice, it was pretty hard to sustain because you couldn't really level-up after reset and you always had to depend on others. Ok, we remove the resets, but what are we doing then after level 400? Well, instead of the resets, you'll be playing around with the quest-system (that will probably be improved / updated as well). Basically, each quest will unlock you new Master Level limit and will also give you extra stat points. Ok, I'll finish all the quests & ML, then what? Well, if you reach the end-game, you'll be able to reset your quest counter and start the quests from 0 again and continue to get *a bit less* extra stat points for each quest done. You will be able to reset these quests for 1-3 times. 2. Having the breaks actually real breaks - the philosophy of breaks will be reworked. You'll actually be staying at least 7 days on the same levels (without depending on any top-player level), and during these 7 days any extra level you make will be transformed into a reward gained at the end of the break. We want you to enjoy more fights at different level-locks. There are more things about this rework that aren't currently fully thought, but one of the things will be that the break start will be determined based on having at least 1 character from each class reaching a level threshold. 3. Hardcore - Midcore - Softcore (see what I did here?) periods. One of the biggest downsides of Phoenix is that it is a spring-summer project. People are away on summer, on holidays or simply outside, no time for "hardcore" MU. We're trying to address this thing by introducing game-periods. - Hardcore period: Level 1-400 will be treated as hardcore experience/gameplay, with everything it does mean, from exp to drops, items & so on. Probably way harder than it was currently. - Midcore period: After a certain condition (15 players reach level 400, as example) the Hardcore period will be over and we will have a transition to Midcore period. During this period EXP for 1-400 will be highly raised as well as some drops / items will be made easier to be obtained. More changes will be done but aren't currently set. - Softcore period: After another certain condition (15 players reach 100-150 ML, as example) the Midcore period will be over and we will have a transition to Softcore period. During this period EXP for 1-400 will be really high as well as ML EXP will be highly boosted. Drops as well, and other ways of getting items. This softcore period will be our end-game period designed purely for casual play with probably 2 CS / week, more Arena Tournaments / Brothers in Arms and so on. Basically during this period you won't have to level too much but purely focusing on doing end-game quests & pvp/pvm events. With this system we aim to both offer a hardcore experience but also a reason to continue playing our Phoenix in the long-term since you won't have to tryhard/hardcore play all summer, but rather enjoy the game as it is. Also we're giving enough reasons for newbies to join later on. That's it for Phoenix, for now, there will be more things about it but I'm just giving you a brief of what to expect. Moving on with our overall work: Our next major work (that will start from Inception but will have the most changes on Phoenix & on next Inception) is related to the economy ecosystem. Our economy is based on very old ideas & content and it isn't up to date with everything we've added during these years. This is the main reason why many of our things aren't attractive at some point and considered having "low rewards". This will be a big rework from scratch of most of the rewards, drops, jewels and also new systems. Our goal is to have a healthy, long-term economy where everything is valuable at any point. One of the bigger things that will happen is a rework of Old Boxes. They'll be transformed into only 3 boxes (Early Old Box, Mid Old Box & Late Old Box). As their name suggest, each of them will be farmed on different content (early game content will give only early old box, mid content mid boxes and so on). Their droplist will contain ONLY valuable items from their specific period, no jewels included. Example: Early box will contain feathers/crest, backpacks, w1, etc. Mid box will contain tocas, flame of condor, PoH. Late box will contain broken horn, seeds, etc. Each of them will have 8-12 items in their drop list, valuable for that content. In order to keep them relevant for long-term you'll be able to craft 3 Early Boxes into 1 Mid Box and / or 3 Mid Boxes into 1 Late Box. These boxes will be given with a chance during all of our events (both ingame and extras). There will no longer be "wasted" rewards like jewels/demons/kalima tickets and so on as part of such important boxes. Then the entire philosophy of jewels will be reworked in a way that they will always be relevant (for example, we may add possibility to buy such boxes with a fixed price of jewels like 100b/100s/50c/so on). Then we'll work with the PvM Points from PvM Rankings that will enable you to buy such boxes and even other kind of consumables with PvM points. Another point on list is to reduce a little the RNG impact on things, not too much though. We'll then have a look on how to better manage feather/crest / flame of condor / fenrir items farm to be more active farm oriented vs alt farm oriented. And ofc, everything we'll do related to economy will also be made in a way that alts will have as low impact as technically possible, but also an economy where most of people should be part of, not only the top players to dictate everything. Between this bigger rework we'll also start improving what we currently have and focus on it. One of the big-impact improvements will be related to our CS system. Currently our system is a bit too predictable and we'll look for ways to make it more interesting and dynamic, offering different kind of strategies as well as more balancing kills vs reward. For example, currently if you are a top killer and kill 60-70 players at CS, if you're killed you only "give" few points and lose few seconds of being away from fight (due to summons), which is too low for the value (& points) that you bring to your team. We're going to make the points lost / awarded for kills dynamic based on the value of the target killed (for example, a high-kill player will give way more points than an average EE/Support that you constantly kill). This should change the way teams focus when fighting FROM a "farm-supports" to "organize kills on valuable targets" and I believe it will change the dynamics of the fights and open up new strategies. One other strategy we may open is related to summoner sleeps. We'll consider making the sleep actually spicy and impactful at CS by reducing its max duration to 1/2 seconds but preventing incoming damage on the players from SLEEP, basically, forcing the allied team to react & help vs the summoner and/or use the summon to save the player in sleep. We'll also have a look on summon cooldown that may be increased. And this is only a starting point. Not many things will be done during current edition as we're not doing major changes during an ongoing edition, but they may be applied at a later point from this edition and on the next editions. That's all for now, thanks for reading and we look forward hearing your feedback & any other improvements ideas you may have that we can use. Keep in mind that our staff will be mostly inactive in the next period. We wish you happy 6 OldSquad years, happy & safe holidays, & a great new year! OldSquad Team, #MakeMUGreatAgain!
    23. Hello, Time for our Wormhole Speed Server #3 has come (a bit delayed compared to initial plan due to the amount of work we had so far). The objective of Wormhole is to help prolonging the Inception's life. Wormhole is not an usual server, so don't threat it accordingly. The server's objective is to bring new players into our community that will join Inception, via a transfer-system. It's like a Speed Server ... but longer! Wormhole will last ONLY 40 DAYS! After that, it will be closed, and transfers will be made to Inception. Wormhole will be released on Friday, 10 December 2021, at 19:00 (Mobs will spawn at 20:00). Client will be shared with Inception & the Public Test Server. It will be uploaded in the next days. Official info topic is the one from last year's Wormhole. Most of things will remain the same, but there may be changes that will be updated on the info topic in the next days. Official info topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2503-wormhole-official-information-many-details-about-server/ !!! Important - The anomaly created by the World Bosses has struck our Wormhole server as well. Due to the Anomaly, CREDITS can't be used and / or donated on Wormhole. Any credits function won't be active on this Wormhole edition and the only way of getting Credits is from the ingame-events, with some of them (or all, based on your transfer reset) will be transferred to Inception. This means that this Wormhole edition also doesn't have any VIP, all characters can be played from level 1 and there are no upgrades / change races, etc. possible. I'll quote some of Gameplay info from Wormhole here, the part that explains how transfers work and what limitations are to Wormhole Gameplay (it does not feature all the things that you can find on Inception, so there are a lot of things to work on after the transfers):
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