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  • Soulka

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    Soulka last won the day on June 14 2021

    Soulka had the most liked content!

    About Soulka

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    • Guild: DEADCATS

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    1. This is a full PvP Server - that means you can Kill/KS any player, any time, as much as you want, AS LONG AS GAME LET YOU DO IT. cry is free
    2. The range on those mobs are absurd, they shouldn be able to attack u in a 10 range, and its just not worth fo going there without socket drops.
    3. Also why sumoners are useless on cs but like 20x stronger on regular server,. makes no sense
    4. Character name that is submitting it: Game Suggestion type: Server Suggestion content: Monster above lvl 105-110 should drop only master level event materials. How the suggestion can bring value: Since vulcanus and Swamp are the main leveling zones for Masterlevel people, although a few non 400 level can be found in vulc, i think materials dropped for IT5 BC7 and DS6 are kinda useless at this point at these levels of the mobs, its taking up too much space in the inventory making repots harder, also it doesnt have any use for the Mlvl characters that are "farming" the master level event materials. With this change there might be a little market for these invitations as non ML materials are out of the drop list makes it sell to ppl who "lazy" to pick up such items.
    5. Also honorable mention dark horse with 10 range using bypass kills every1 offscreen, its fun
    6. just lurking around 🕶️ no intention to play mu atm, and as far as i know i have ban cuz of beren duped on my accounts 😁
    7. Wow, this topic just got lit, super cool memes, laughed my ass off 😂
    8. Meanwhile in GROM Headquarters via Imgflip Meme Generator
    9. lol ppl are so stubborn and egoist, no1 understands the joke...
    10. 1, Supernatural 2, Game of Thrones 3, Stranger things 4, Walking dead 5, Hell's kitchen
    11. Soulka


      Nah, i dont vouch for this admin guy, he sounds pretty egoist....
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