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  • Cerberus

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    1. Thanks
      Cerberus reacted to ADMIN in Missing Credits/Bought items by itself   
      Nobody guessed your passwords, both you and trau had the sessions mixed when logged in, the accounts you saw when you logged in were the acc's of the guys that robbed you, you got mixed on them and vice-versa.
      We couldn't reproduce that mix thing but we had applied extra patches to prevent it (if some1 still has the problem let us know).
      You won't lose anything, I'll return what was taken from you (personally, if ppl won't return them theirselves).
      I'll give them 15h from now to give what they robbed back, after that I'll parse all logs and block the accounts and ip's of ppl that didn't returned the things.
      Robbers includes Donna, Bonito, Shield etc. (they know better what they did)
    2. Really?
      Cerberus reacted to ADMIN in Introducing WTFast - Say goodbye to high ping   
      Hello OldSquaders,
      Based on this topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3158-tanong-lang we started to think about options to help those 'far from server' people to reduce their ping in order to have a better experience here.
      We are proud to announce that we've partnered with a nice company in order to provide you a great solution to reduce your ping.
      As you know our community is an international one, that means we welcome players from all over the world in our game servers.
      But, our servers are located in France, so there will always be some ping the longer the distance is from you compared to France.
      Even though powerful internet connections can reduce the ping, not everyone can have access to such great providers.
      We decided to come with a solution, for those that have higher pings with us, and not only.
      WTFast - is our new partner that will help us in this mission.

      "Founded in 2009 by a group of MMO gamers and network technology professionals, wtfast is dedicated to delivering the best gaming connection and experience possible for all online gamers! Our international team’s past experience includes EA, Disney, Google, Rackforce, and more. Based in Kelowna, BC, Canada, wtfast serves an 800 million global user, MMO gaming community. wtfast has built-in support for over 1,000 online games, with users on every continent and in virtually every country."
      WTFast is not a VPN, as you may think of at first, but it is a GPN.
      "The GPN (Gamers Private Network) is fundamentally different than any other type of network solution. wtfast only optimizes game connection data, and never masks or changes your IP address or network settings in any way."
      WTFast works for any popular game, including MU Online, so you can use it for both our servers and any other games you may play.
      WTFast comes with a FREE trial, for up to 14 days, just download and start it.
      If you decide that WTFast does help you, after the 14 trial days you can subscribe for the normal license starting at 10$ per month, and the price can be reduced based on how many months you buy and on how many computers (you can make a group purchase for multiple computers for even lower price).
      So just TRY it for FREE as you'll increase the quality of the time spent with us, on OldSquad!
      More than that, if you decide to subscribe after the TRIAL, we fully support your decision and we'll reward you with 350 credits after your subscription. Just contact us.
      Link: https://oldsquad.ro/wtfast.html
      Let us know your feedback if you tried
    3. Like
      Cerberus reacted to Reporter in [Interview] Ganja   
      I respect Ganja as I respect all the people that made a character and got ranked first on any of our rankings, not less and not more! I know that some of you will associate me with Ganja, everyone can say anything, so here we go :
       This interview is about a top Agility Elf player, and believe me, I started the interview at at least 20:00 server time, and around  21:00 server time, when I  tracked him, he asked me to stop(during interview there were a lot of "stops"  because he is active on all events. His activity is admirable!!! )   
         I have been following him on all the active events: invasions, then Illusion Temple, after that I tracked him on Cry Wolf, BloodCastle, Medusa, Kundun (where someone accused him for using hacks), then Golden Invasion. Just following him was an adventure, he went to all active events, in the mean time , and still found time to answer our questions. The interview lasted for several hours, but any answer worth each second I've spent!! .
      Reporter: " At this moment you are first ranked on Blood Castle main ranking, Congratulations! "
      Reporter: " Can you tell us how did you accomplished that? "
       Ganja : " My character (AE) is Good at this Event , with correct positioning it's easy to win the event. " 
      Reporter: "How much time do you spend/day playing  Mu OldSquad, ( average )? "
       Ganja : " I am online a lot during event times and I am afk while there is nothing to do, hard to say really"   
      Reporter: "Can you try? An average of time since you started? 
      Ganja: "Probably if combine the events, about 5-6 hours, but I like to say that it depends on the day."
      Reporter: " Do you have any VIP activated?" 
      Ganja: " No, at the moment I am a little short on credits, but I try to farm enough for VIP every week."
      Reporter:" How many credits  you get / week ?"
      Ganja :" Maybe about 500 from BC/DS/CC etc. then about 500 from invasions and whatever I can sell in market "
      Reporter: "When your have enough credits, what type of VIP do you prefer ?
      Ganja : " Hunter, because I don't believe VIP affects drop rate"
      Reporter: "Did you started playing Phoenix since its first day ? "
      Ganja : "Yes, but I also played in Non rr server for about 1 -2 months "
      Reporter: " How many Blood Castle you do / day ? 
      Ganja: "All 3 " 
      Reporter : Did you missed any? 
      Ganja: " It happens "
      Reporter : " What's the best set that AE can equip for player versus player? "
      Ganja : " Lord Mixed Red Spirit +lk +dd +ref+7% ddi,  but good luck getting it " 
      Reporter : " Newbies cannot afford Lord Mix, what should they aim for ? " 
      Ganja : " For AE? " 
      Reporter : "Yes " 
      Ganja : " DD is must for any char and you should go hp next opt, if possible, but you should have at least one ref item  to stop attackers with reflect, it makes people pause attacking "  
      Reporter: " And for player versus monster? "
      Ganja :" I honestly don't know, both Drake and Aruan are good,  Aruan better if you wanna pk more " 
      Reporter : "When you started to play Mu Online? "
       Ganja : "I started first when the game came out, played in different servers for few years then stopped for 10 years, now again in old squad. " 
      Reporter: "How you found us and when you started to play Mu OldSquad?"
      Ganja : "extreme top 100  i was looking for a server that isn't pay to win, join non rr in January " 
      Reporter: " What nicknames you had in past?"
      Ganja: " Ganja, my BK on Non RR was iQon." 
      Reporter : "Since you are the first on Blood Castle ranking, can you give some tips about stats ? Can you reveal yours ?"
      Ganja: "Yeah, it's very simple, enough str. for Bow, rest agility , when u feel like you need more hp for bosses like Selupan you can either reset agility a bit or add ml max life. At this moment I have : 345 Str, 1860 Agi and 300 Vitality."
      Reporter:" Do you have any enemies in game? "
      Ganja: "No."
      Reporter: " Did you had any? "
      Ganja: "I've had personal disagreements with some people, but minor things, no enemies. "
      Reporter: " Can you name any? "
      Ganja: " I rather not, I don't like to gossip "
      Reporter: "Come on, give me some spicy info!"
      Ganja: "I don't really have anything spicy, I am pretty boring person."
      Reporter: "Who is your favorite player?"
      Ganja: "Hmm... hard to say, many great players here, I respect DIEEEEEEEE for fighting bosses alone sometimes, and Catarina, he has pked me more than anyone."
      Reporter: " Your favorite character in game is Elf?"
      Ganja: " SM "
      Reporter: " Why you play Elf then?"
      Ganja: "Playing Elf can make you rich in game from killing bosses"
      Reporter : " Is Agility Elf top hunter?"
      Ganja: " Depends on the event but its between Sum and AE, Summoner has the edge in some events"
      Reporter: "Can you name the events where Agility Elf is top hunter and the ones where Summoners are? (Newbies should know when to choose Agility Elf  or Summoner)"
      Ganja : "AE is good for Non PVP Goldens and  Blood Castle, in rest probably Summoner is better, only difference is that AE can do all this because of its high defense , however with a full party I think Summoner is better then AE in almost all events."
      Reporter: " Who is the player which you dislike the most in this server ? 
      Ganja: " I won't give names, but I dislike people who cheat in any way, and I dislike people who try too hard, to the point where they favor what set you have over what kind of person you are"
      Reporter: " What is the name of the guild you dislike in Game (if there is any)?"
      Ganja: " I don't generalize people by what guild are they in. Every guild has some good and bad people"
      Reporter: "Oooooo your guild has bad people inside?( I thought NONE is a perfect guild, as it leads the server.... )" 
      Ganja :" Nothing is perfect "
      Reporter :" Do you think that your guild will win the next Castle Siege? "
      Ganja: "I hope not "
      Reporter : " Why?"
      Ganja : " I would like to find out who is really loyal"
      Reporter : " Rumors: People were saying that you are the reporter, how do you comment that ? "
      Ganja :" I have no idea why . Maybe because I talk too much ? "
      Reporter: "   You should be the reporter!! "
      Reporter : "An anonymous fan wants to ask you this question :"What do you think about guild core ? Do you need to boost "power house" chars like for pvp, while pvm can kill bosses / golds?"
      Ganja : " No , only active friendly people who want to participate in guilds activities. Items/sets doesn't matter, it all can be bought, farmed."
      Reporter: "You are now in the best guild on this server, do you think that NONE is invincible?"
      Ganja : " Nobody is invincible, Smurfs have a good chance at castle if they attend it more actively, to be honest last castle siege I told Coco that I think we are gonna lose , but we pulled through  "
      Reporter: " You were a BDSM member at the beggining, is it right? "
      Ganja: " Yes "
      Reporter: "Why it disbanded? "
      Ganja: "I don't know why it disbanded, I left before it did"
      Reporter: "Wow ... why ? "
      Ganja: "Some of my friend left, and one was kicked for not attending in IT"
      Reporter: " Do you believe in superstitions? Do you think the Castle is Cursed?"
      Ganja: "I have some weird superstitions outside of the game, but I don't believe that the castle is cursed, if you promote team work without forcing it and let people be people, they are good generally, and I would like to add : What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, if you prepare a guild for losing, think it like a test of character"
      Ganja: " If there are people who are only in guild for castle, then I am happy to see them go, those who stay will only work harder "  
      Reporter: " If NONE will lose Castle next Saturday, do you think it will survive "The Curse" ? "
      Ganja: " I honestly think we have a good group of people, and this ally has been only getting better. I think others are happy with it also "
      Reporter: "On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you like this server?"
      Ganja: "I'm gonna say 9, there are some areas that need improvement but nothing is perfect"
      Reporter: " What you like the most in our server, and what you dislike? "
      Ganja: "I can be as strong as donors, I hate the pay to win systems , there is no sens of accomplishment . What I dislike .... There is no excellent drops above kanturu3, I like finding excellent items "
      Reporter: " If you could ask ADMIN any question, what would be the most important that comes to your mind ?"
      Ganja :" Why EE's are banned from IT, when SM has just as much impact as MS has, 39% abs, and ERF can buff party to 4k hp ?" 
      Ganja : " Can you make an event like Loren Deep, but really weak mobs in there, so newbies can kill them and get items, maybe like CW event but for new players?
      Ganja: " Can you get more GM's, to be more involved with community? I am not talking about auto events like 20 questions, there is a lot of fun stuff a GM can do  "
      Ganja: "Can you improve navigation for help section on forum? Maybe add a Getting started FAQ or something ?
      Reporter: "  Who do you want me to interview next, from OldSquad rankings (top numeber one) ?  "
      Ganja: " Ask Coco why he is so good on CC"
      Reporter :" Do you have any questions or message for last interviewed VIP`s?
      Ganja: " I don't"
       Thank you Ganja for all those answers and ,"off the record" , I am kind of proud that people associate your name with mine!!" (Reporter)
       The Interviews will continue and I hope I will find Coco first !
    4. Like
      Cerberus reacted to Reporter in [Interview] Catarina   
       This is the first interview from many that I will try to make. At this moment, Catarina is a VIP OldSquad player because he is ranked number 1 on 3 of our rankings, Castle Siege, PVM and Gens. We all want to hear how he did that, what he thinks and MORE! So, you can read his answers in this topic, and I really want to thank him for the time and answers (I am fan of any ranked number 1 player, so I will try to interview all of them, because they got ranked number 1 doing things better than the others, so they deserve to be called an OldSquad VIP):
      Reporter: "At this moment you are the first ranked on Castle Siege, PVM Rankings and Gens. Congratulations!"
      Catarina: "Yes, thx."
      Reporter: "Can you tell us how did you accomplished that?"
      Catarina: "At the CS I am trying to fight the ppl with no gear or little HP, like Summoners, elfs, for easy kills."
      Reporter: "PVM Rankings?" 
      Catarina: "If I be in home and play active, then all time I am trying to kill bosses and golds"
      Reporter: "And Gens?"
      Catarina: "Most ppl stay on spot and don't leave, they lost party on spot, gens... when we have pvp invasion then you must kill different gens"
      Reporter: "How much time do you spend/day playing mu OldSquad(average)?"
      Catarina: "Active, maybe 4-5h"
      Reporter: "When you started to play MU Online?"
      Catarina: "Hmm long time ago, version 97 I start"
      Reporter: "Don`t name servers, not relevant, years will be fine."
      Catarina: "2010"
      Reporter:"How did you find us?"
      Catarina: "On XtremeTop100 server list"
      Reporter: "When you started to play OldSquadMU?"
      Catarina: "189 day ago"
      Reporter: "What nicknames you had in the past?"
      Catarina: "Mefisto"
      Reporter: "How are your stats build and how do you think is better for pvp?"
      Catarina: "Summ need only 2 items ancient to make DD (double damage), str for use stick, some points add to agi/vit for speed and dsr, rest ene, I think it would be good options for  pvp 1vs1. If you want to be good on team fight, you go vit and agi, and u be debuffer and u have reflect"
      Reporter: "And for pvm?"
      Catarina: "for pvm the most important is energy, our multiplier"
      Reporter: "Do you have any enemies in game?"
      Catarina: "no"
      Reporter: "Did you had any?"  
      Catarina: "we kill each other but only on pvp invasion, no, no have"
      Reporter: "Who is your favorite player? (the one you respect the most)
      Catarina: "Coco"
      Reporter: "Who is the player that you dislike the most in game, not hate just dislike?"
      Catarina: "no have"
      Reporter: "There are rumors that Yami, the guild master of Smurf, is your character, is it true?"
      Catarina: "Yami is my friend, and sometime i play him"
      Reporter: "What you like the most in our server, and what you dislike?"
      Catarina: "nice ppl play here and here is good atmosphere. Some time we kill boss and we don't get rewards....or boss left map when invasion is not finished"
      Reporter: "If you could ask ADMIN any question, what would be the most important that come into your mind?"
      Catarina: "try fix that;p"
      Reporter: "I saw Smurfs registered to Castle, will you do it this time?"
      Catarina: "we can try:] that the only game where we need to be lucky to win"
      Reporter: "What alts do you have in game?(name only if you want but you can say classes)"
      Catarina: "rf and ee"
      Reporter: "Which is your favorite character, is it the Summoner?"
      Catarina: "SM"
      Reporter: "One last question, it came when I was online, today" 
      Reporter: "Some players complained about you, they claim that you use hacks, how do you comment?"
      Catarina: "im be cleare"
      Reporter: "Thank you for time and tell me if it is fine to post this on forum, just say yes or no"
      Catarina: "Yes"
      Thank your very much again, Catarina, continue doing the job!
      If anyone does have questions that you would like to see on the next interviews don't hesitate to friend email me (in-game) at character name Reporter.
    5. Hype
      Cerberus reacted to ADMIN in Global Maintenance 16.05.2019 - 20:35   
      We didn't made any maintenance since almost 2 months ago (so you don't experience downtimes). But, unfortunately, it is needed from time to time to make sure everything is updated and to offer a smooth experience.
      We planned to make the maintenance tomorrow, with it being announce with ~12 hours before, but we were forced to make it now, due to the instability that was created already and as you noticed, lags and delays on game, which we can't let them for 1 more day.
      Due to this, all of our servers are now under global maintenance, and they will be back up asap (ETA is 30-60 minutes, but it can take more, depending on how the progress goes).
      After the maintenance is over, the latest Patch for Phoenix will also be applied, that will be posted after we're done.
    6. Hype
      Cerberus reacted to Reporter in The Castle is cursed ?   
      Castle Siege History,
      First guild to own the Castle on Phoenix was BDSM . They held the crown for several weeks and they lost the castle in MuPPeTS favor, Evangelion (the guild master of BDSM) disbanded the guild a short time after that defeat. One of the reasons was: internal fights  ripped them apart because they divided in two different guilds, half of them followed Evangelion and merged with Catarina`s team, so that's how a new guild was born :Smurf
       The other half followed Ganja in a brand new guild named HOSTILE and then merged with NONE , this "upgraded" NONE  succeeded to create a top and a strong guild who took the Castle from MuPPeTS.
        MuPPeTs , the second guild who owned the castle on Phoenix seems to also tilt, and follow BDSM direction because they lost (or kicked) a lot of players (only 15 players inside guild before next Castle Siege), will they be strong enough? Will they try to find the resources to rebuild? Or just disband as the last Castle owners?  One thing is sure, last Castle Siege MuPPeTs was just a shadow of the guild who took Castle from BDSM and dominated Phoenix.
        NONE, the third guild who owned castle  and dominated server got new fresh blood after merging with HOSTILE, and they did to MuPPeTs same thing that MuPPeTs did to BDSM, now they are "on the wave", the only guild who can challenge them at this moment seems to be Smurf.
        I guess that time will tell us how the story will be written, also will bring the answer to the main questions : 
         "The Castle is cursed ?  Is this just a strange coincidence that the second guild who got and lost the castle is almost history? What will happen to NONE if they will lose the castle?" 
          We'll keep you all up to date after each Castle Siege so: 
                                                                                           To be continued….. 
    7. Like
      Cerberus got a reaction from Trâu in [Event Guide] Blood Castle   
      How to participate?
      There are 8 levels of Blood Castle in the game and you can enter depending on your level. You can participate in the event by crafting an invitation first.
      You need Blood Bone, Scroll of Archangel (dropped from mobs, both need to be the same level as the BC you are trying to get into) and Jewel of Chaos mixed in the chaos machine. Success chance depends on server settings.

      You can check for which level of BC you are by typing /entries in the MU chat. This will also show you the daily limit of participating in events. Finally, to enter the event you must go to "Messanger of Archangel" NPC either in Lorencia (bar) or Davias (church) and select the corresponding level of BC.

      How to play?
      The main goal in the event is to take the quest item which drops from the statue and give it to the fallen angel.
      There are few stages. First you need to kill monsters so you can get to the castle gate. The count depends on the players participating in the event - 40 monsters per player. After you kill the monsters and destroy the gate, you can enter the castle room. There you will have to kill specific monster "Magic Skull". Again, the count depends on the players participating in the event - 2 monsters per player.After you've killed the requiered magic skulls there is one last challenge - to destroy the Statue of Saint which drops the quest item, an archangel weapon.

      The final step is easy enough, you return the weapon to the fallen archangel. There are 2 NPCs for you convinience - one at the beggining of the map and one in the castle room.

      Keep in mind that the player (party) with most damage will get the weapon from the statue so you need to be careful. Only one party will get rewards for returning the quest item. BC is mainly used for experience (and rewards if you're the lucky party). Good spot for experience is right infront of the castle gate as there are more mobs than the room. Buffs from pumpkins are really useful for BC if you are not that strong. You can set up mu helper to pick up parts for invitation by adding "Blood +X" and "Arch +X" where "X" is the desired level of BC. Blood and Arch are just an example, there are many more variants of the item words but this will do the trick. What are the rewards?
      Rewards depend on server settings but they are usually jewels, old boxes, demon or angel.
      Useful links
      Details about server - check Events Info section Events Levels Entries NONRESET
      Details about server - check Events Info section MAX50RR
      Details about server - check Events Info section
    8. Like
      Cerberus got a reaction from ADMIN in [Event Guide] Blood Castle   
      How to participate?
      There are 8 levels of Blood Castle in the game and you can enter depending on your level. You can participate in the event by crafting an invitation first.
      You need Blood Bone, Scroll of Archangel (dropped from mobs, both need to be the same level as the BC you are trying to get into) and Jewel of Chaos mixed in the chaos machine. Success chance depends on server settings.

      You can check for which level of BC you are by typing /entries in the MU chat. This will also show you the daily limit of participating in events. Finally, to enter the event you must go to "Messanger of Archangel" NPC either in Lorencia (bar) or Davias (church) and select the corresponding level of BC.

      How to play?
      The main goal in the event is to take the quest item which drops from the statue and give it to the fallen angel.
      There are few stages. First you need to kill monsters so you can get to the castle gate. The count depends on the players participating in the event - 40 monsters per player. After you kill the monsters and destroy the gate, you can enter the castle room. There you will have to kill specific monster "Magic Skull". Again, the count depends on the players participating in the event - 2 monsters per player.After you've killed the requiered magic skulls there is one last challenge - to destroy the Statue of Saint which drops the quest item, an archangel weapon.

      The final step is easy enough, you return the weapon to the fallen archangel. There are 2 NPCs for you convinience - one at the beggining of the map and one in the castle room.

      Keep in mind that the player (party) with most damage will get the weapon from the statue so you need to be careful. Only one party will get rewards for returning the quest item. BC is mainly used for experience (and rewards if you're the lucky party). Good spot for experience is right infront of the castle gate as there are more mobs than the room. Buffs from pumpkins are really useful for BC if you are not that strong. You can set up mu helper to pick up parts for invitation by adding "Blood +X" and "Arch +X" where "X" is the desired level of BC. Blood and Arch are just an example, there are many more variants of the item words but this will do the trick. What are the rewards?
      Rewards depend on server settings but they are usually jewels, old boxes, demon or angel.
      Useful links
      Details about server - check Events Info section Events Levels Entries NONRESET
      Details about server - check Events Info section MAX50RR
      Details about server - check Events Info section
    9. Like
      Cerberus got a reaction from Legion in [Event Guide] Blood Castle   
      How to participate?
      There are 8 levels of Blood Castle in the game and you can enter depending on your level. You can participate in the event by crafting an invitation first.
      You need Blood Bone, Scroll of Archangel (dropped from mobs, both need to be the same level as the BC you are trying to get into) and Jewel of Chaos mixed in the chaos machine. Success chance depends on server settings.

      You can check for which level of BC you are by typing /entries in the MU chat. This will also show you the daily limit of participating in events. Finally, to enter the event you must go to "Messanger of Archangel" NPC either in Lorencia (bar) or Davias (church) and select the corresponding level of BC.

      How to play?
      The main goal in the event is to take the quest item which drops from the statue and give it to the fallen angel.
      There are few stages. First you need to kill monsters so you can get to the castle gate. The count depends on the players participating in the event - 40 monsters per player. After you kill the monsters and destroy the gate, you can enter the castle room. There you will have to kill specific monster "Magic Skull". Again, the count depends on the players participating in the event - 2 monsters per player.After you've killed the requiered magic skulls there is one last challenge - to destroy the Statue of Saint which drops the quest item, an archangel weapon.

      The final step is easy enough, you return the weapon to the fallen archangel. There are 2 NPCs for you convinience - one at the beggining of the map and one in the castle room.

      Keep in mind that the player (party) with most damage will get the weapon from the statue so you need to be careful. Only one party will get rewards for returning the quest item. BC is mainly used for experience (and rewards if you're the lucky party). Good spot for experience is right infront of the castle gate as there are more mobs than the room. Buffs from pumpkins are really useful for BC if you are not that strong. You can set up mu helper to pick up parts for invitation by adding "Blood +X" and "Arch +X" where "X" is the desired level of BC. Blood and Arch are just an example, there are many more variants of the item words but this will do the trick. What are the rewards?
      Rewards depend on server settings but they are usually jewels, old boxes, demon or angel.
      Useful links
      Details about server - check Events Info section Events Levels Entries NONRESET
      Details about server - check Events Info section MAX50RR
      Details about server - check Events Info section
    10. Hype
      Cerberus reacted to ADMIN in acc and DS   
      Apparently there is a problem with acc drop from DS due to the fact that is not the normal one (to avoid dropping in ds5 as ds5,6,7 are the same map). I tried something different to make it work for ds 6-7 only but it seems that it is not working. 
      But I have another idea to make it work, I'll make a special box that will drop ancients and I will put it to drop at the mobs from DS6,7. Most probably on next patch after Break2 is over (~Sunday).
      Ty for report, should have been sooner but we'll figure it out.
    11. Thanks
      Cerberus got a reaction from ADMIN in [Phoenix] Early-Game Feedback   
      Medals/Hearts are pretty much useless after 1 day in the server, i dont even pick them up anymore DS - "There is a decent drop of jewels if you stay until the end." - not really, jewel drop is crap in my experience OSGM rewards for first month seems too low, nonreset had the same rewards IIRC and in phoenix jewel drop is much better than nonreset so it doesnt make sense that jewel rewards are the same..  
    12. Like
      Cerberus reacted to ADMIN in Firescream and Fireslash.   
      I can't say I enjoy cryers/trash-talkers.

      Not even mentioning that MG doesn't have Helm, his best weapons are 2H not 1H (so missing shield), he is melee dps not range dps.
      While DL is range dps, does have Horse with up to 40% extra absorb, doesn't miss Helm and always have shield with the best weapon. Not mentioning doubled hits with ravens or other extra advantages like for Guild Master, CS, etc.
      Nobody ever said that chars are 100% the same, each one is unique and is bringing his own advantages and disadvantages depending on scope (PvP, PvM, Hunt, CS, Party-Bosses), and on items + stage of the game. You have all formulas and info about chars posted before server even started, same for the test server. Choose chars wisely and don't cry when you lose a fight.
    13. Thanks
      Cerberus got a reaction from Saitō Hajime in How to get started + some "secrets"   
      [Phoenix] Special / Hot Features that you should KNOW!
    14. Hype
      Cerberus reacted to ADMIN in Web Redesign   
      The last surprise that Phoenix brings to our community is a brand new redesign of our website!
      We really hope that you'll enjoy it and please let us know if you find anything wrong (there are still some details missing or wrong, but we're working on it).
    15. Like
      Cerberus reacted to salam in Long term server   
      I think most Mu players are over 25-30 nowadays, and most of us have families, jobs or other hobbies as well. Grinding for 1-2 years is simply not feasible for a lot of players. I really enjoy shorter "seasons" of Mu servers because i can experience the full game and the server usually "tells it's story" by then. For me at least, after 4-5 months a server starts to become a little tedious and like a second job, it's simply the nature of this game.
      Having a long extremely hard server would be awesome, i admit it. But only the true hardcore players will stick around to see end game, and at some point new people will stop joining because it would be impossible to catch up with players that started 1 year before, for example. Low population servers are no fun for the players, and don't bring revenue to the admins. It's natural and a good thing to release a new edition.
      This edition of NonRR was great from this point of view - there were a lot of new players coming in even after 4 months from the opening, and actually having a chance to compete at the highest level. We had a lot of players like this in NONE guild. This happened because of the custom settings, balance and features brought by the OS team. But these settings are the result of MULTIPLE editions of their servers, and they weren't perfect. A new edition is our chance to see an even more interesting and challenging server, and Staff's chance to refine their work and fix what was wrong.
      Can't wait to play Phoenix
    16. Hype
      Cerberus reacted to ADMIN in HoF - Edition 23 February 2018 - 30 October 2018   
      First to make a reset:
      ME: Lilith
      BK: WhiteBK (First reset from the server)
      SM: Merc
      SUM: hAse
      DL: UzzY 
      MG: Cash
      RF: darkyo

      Stage 1 Unlocker: Takeshi
      Stage 2 Unlocker: Legion
      Stage 3 Unlocker: ProBSB
      Stage 4 Unlocker: RoanMG
      Stage 5 Unlocker: Neby1

      First to get 30 resets:
      ME: Tuesday
      BK: PsYcHo2you
      SM: Litecoin
      SUM: Beren
      DL: Neby1 (First to get 30 RR from the server)
      MG: Symphonia
      RF: Taken
      Total Accounts: 21389
      Total Characters: 9617
      Record Online: 794
      Final Ranks of the Edition
      Normal Top:

      Blood Castle:

      Devil Square:

      Chaos Castle:

      Arena Tournament:

      Castle Siege:

    17. Like
      Cerberus reacted to ADMIN in Project Phoenix - Discussions   
      The 2 abusive methods to gain credits were nerfed/removed just to make sure everything is running safe and fair on the new system, which is letting you to trade credits on market apart from the normal jewels/zen. - Auction is still having some bugs where items dissapear after trade in some cases, so we won't use any extra problematic plugins anymore.
    18. Angry
      Cerberus reacted to trololo in Project Phoenix - Discussions   
      in 3 cuvinte sa itsi explic. Sau joci All-in cu 2 PC, virtualMachine etc. sau nu esti nimic. 
      1-Nu potsi sa joci comfortabil fara sa ai EE, altfel cautsi ore in shir PT, shi la fiecare event PT se dastrama shi iara stai in cautare.
      2-Nu potsi juca fara character de farm, nu ai chip sa dobindesti nimic, chiar sa ai cel mai tare PVP personaj cumparat pe credite esti zero fara character pentru farm, nu mai zic de EE.
      ----Asta deja pachetul minimal 3 acc active nonstop care trebue sa-l aiba oricine aici pe NonRes sau joci degeaba.
      3-NonRes mai slab da max30/50 mai era problema cu buffuri(EneRF,EneBK,Summ) doar DL era de nota 10, draga fala cum doresti orcum buffu(critical) era usles.

      Nui numai unul, sunt multsi care joaca 3+ ferestre, pe cind sunt persime doar 2, asta shi distruge joaca. Personajele trebue sa fie mai universale, sa nu ai nevoe sa faci 10 pentru fiecare event in parte.
      Scuze ca in Romina da nu am timp shi dorintsa sa scriu engleza. 
      Nu mai scriu nimic asa ca potsi sa nu raspunzi la asta.
    19. Like
      Cerberus got a reaction from ADMIN in Project Phoenix - Discussions   
      True, but there is always a line that should not be crossed. I hope everything works out for this new edition.
    20. Hype
      Cerberus reacted to ADMIN in Announcing Project Phoenix - Rise above all odds   
      Hello OldSquaders & Guests,
      Many of you were expecting us to announce the new Max30RR edition, as its time has come.
      We won't release Max30RR as our next edition, it will be kept for later on this year.
      Due to the amount of good feedbacks received from you, our dear players, and the 'not-as-expected' experience that our current NonReset offered (yes, we can also fail, it's part of learning/adjusting to player needs process), we decided to profit from the momentum that we currently have and to reward our non-reset lovers for their valuable input, giving it one more shot without waiting 1 more year for the next non-reset style (to lose the momentum and feedback in time).
      And, that's not all, we decided to combine the non-reset experience with the reset-experience in order to reward those 'reset-lovers' that were waiting for the new Max30RR edition.
      Aaand, that's not all, while current NonReset is (should have been) a full hard-core non-reset server (we promise that will be, on his next edition), our new project is kinda semi-hard style (not hardcore, not medium, a combination of them), and a much different experience compared to current NonReset (that still keeps his unique gameplay).
      We want to present you our next server: Project Phoenix (suggestive name, arghh?)
      Once again, in this MU Online world, OldSquad is bringing another innovation to this oldie game!
      Phoenix will have a completely unique and different gameplay compared to anything you have played before.
      Spoiler (from gameplay info):

      You would think that this are the only things that Phoenix brings. You're totally wrooong!

      We worked (and we're still working) hard to touch all of your good feedbacks for Phoenix.
      That means, up to 60% of the gameplay will be totally reworked (events, PK system, items progression, rates, characters builds diversification, socket system/seeds rework, new features, etc. etc.)
      While there is no full info yet, we'll keep you updated as we're working on and we'll try to release info one at a time, before the opening.

      What we can release you now is that, another major change that we made is to rework entire credits system & VIP system:
      We want for our Phoenix to be the greatest MU Online experience that you had ever had! And we'll work like slaves to make it real!
      If you have any thoughts/opinions on what we released / will release related to Phoenix, we're waiting you on his dedicated topic from General Discussions zone.
      Expected release date: 15/22 March - we'll announce you with at least 10 days before we set it, based on our work progress.
      Phoenix dream is helped to get real by community-feedbacks and the constant work & brainstorming of our staff, special mentions for @Gion & @Legion.
    21. Hype
      Cerberus reacted to ADMIN in Big Rework - Next Level - 02.02.2019   
      Based on your feedbacks and after many hours of intense work, we're here to announce a new release that is getting us to the next level!
      We've finished the rework of all the spots & and mobs from spots from game!
      It will be live on Saturday (02.02.2019) at around 20:00 - a server restart will be required and while reconnect is possible it is not guaranteed!

      Main objectives of rework:
      - Raise the competition for better spots while making sure everyone have a place to level up - with or without fighting for better spots.
      - Raise the overall balance between all the maps to make sure the progress is made in the greatest way from lowest maps to highest maps.
      - Raise the newbie's and even pro's awareness of all the spots from the game.
      - Make all maps feel nice designed, without different or broken spots structures, without too close spots that can be abused, etc.
      Spots rework:
      - Some spots have been added, some spots have been moved and some spots have been removed.
      - All the spots from game have been manually reworked.
      - Now every map is progressive, this means that the more you move into the map the better the mobs/combinations of mobs will be.
      - Now each spot is following a strict pattern of spawn coordonates:
      1. For low maps (Devias1-4, Dungeon1-3, Atlans1-2, LostTower1-7) the 7 mobs spots are spawning in 6x6 coords and the 8 mobs spots are spawning in 8x8 coords.
      2. For medium maps (Atlans3,Tarkan1-2,Aida1-2,Kanturu1-3) the 7 mobs spots are spawning in 7x7 coords and the 8 mobs spots are spawning in 9x9 coords.
      Exception: Icarus that have only 5 mobs per spot and mobs are spawning on 6x6 coords.
      3. For high maps (Karutan1-2,Crywolf,Relics) the 7 mobs spots are spawning in 8x8 coords and the 8 mobs spots are spawning in 10x10 coords.
      - Now the number of 8 mobs spots is reduced overall and it is between 20% and 35% of spots.
      - Now the 8 mobs spots can't be found at the start of the maps (you need to move and look for them).
      - Now mobs can't run from spots for more than 2 coordonates on their own (only if lured by players they can move more).
      - Now almost all mobs from game are included in spots (on almost all maps).
      - Now the distance between spots is minimum of 12 coords (on restricted areas) and minimum 15 coords on non-restricted areas.
      - Now I'm pretty sure there is no more broken spots, but if you find anything let me know, probably I passed it by mistake.
      - Now all the spots are showing on MINIMAP (TAB)!
      - Now you can keep the cursor on the spot marked from minimap and it will show you the mobs type from that spot.

      New spots distribution:
      Lorencia - 4 spots - 1 each entrance (bigger ones) + mobs all over map. 
      Noria - 3 spots - 1 each entrance (bigger ones) + mobs all over map. 
      Elbeland1 - 2 spots - 1 each entrance (bigger ones) + mobs all over map.
      Dungeon1 - Quest purpose: 1 spot Larvas + Cyclops
      Dungeon2 - Quest purpose: 1 spot Ghosts, 1 spot Skeleton Archer + Hell Hound, 1 spot Hell Spider + Elite Skeleton
      Dungeon3 - 9 spots (combinations of monsters).
      Devias1 - 11 Worms spots, 8 Hommerd + Ice Monster spots.
      Devias2 - 3 Assasin spots, 8 Yeti spots.
      Devias3 - 12 Elite Yeti spots.
      Devias4 - 6 Elite Yeti spots, 3 Ice Queen spots.
      Total: 51 spots.
      Atlans1 - 4 Bahamut spots, 5 Bahamut + Vepar spots, 3 Vepar + Valkyrie spots, 2 Valkyrie spots.
      Atlans2 - 5 Great Bahamut spots, 4 Silver Valkyrie + Great Bahamut spots, 1 Silver Valkyrie + Hydra spot.
      Atlans3 - 11 Lizard spots, 1 Lizard + Hydra spot.
      Total: 36 spots.
      LostTower1 - 5 Shadow spots, 5 Shadow + Poison Shadow spots.
      LostTower2 - 8 Poison Shadow spots.
      LostTower3 - 4 Cursed Wizard spots, 5 Cursed Wizard + Death Cow spots.
      LostTower4 - 3 Death Cow spots, 4 Death Cow + Devil spots.
      LostTower5 - 2 Death King spots, 5 Death King + Devil spots.
      LostTower6 - 6 Death King + Death Gorgon spots.
      LostTower7 - 3 Death Gorgon spots, 7 Death Gorgon + Death King spots, 4 Death Gorgon + Balrog spots.
      Total: 61 spots.
      Tarkan1 - 6 Mutant spots, 7 Mutant + Bloody Wolves spots, 3 Bloody Wolves spots, 3 Bloody Wolves + Iron Wheel spots, 2 Iron Wheel spots.
      Tarkan2 - 5 Iron Wheel spots, 4 Tantalos spots, 6 Tantalos + Beam Knights spots, 2 Beam Knights spots, 1 Beam Knights + Zaikans spot.
      Total: 39 spots.
      Aida1 - 4 Death Tree spots, 6 Death Tree + Forest Orcs spots, 4 Forest Orcs spots.
      Aida2 - 4 Death Rider spots, 12 Death Rider + Blue Golems spots, 6 Blue Golems spots.
      Total: 36 spots.
      Icarus - 4 Alquamos spots, 4 Mega Crusts spots, 4 Queen Rainer spots, 2 Drakan spots, 2 Alpha Crusts spots, 1 Alpha Crusts + Phantoms spot.
      Total: 17 spots.
      Kanturu1 - 7 Splinter Wolves spots, 4 Splinter Wolves + Iron Riders spots, 2 Iron Riders spots.
      Kanturu2 - 2 Satyros + Iron Riders spots, 7 Satyros spots, 4 Blade Hunters + Kentauros spots, 4 Gigantis spots, 4 Gigantis + Genociders spots, 2 Genociders spots.
      Kanturu3 - 3 Kentauros Warrior + Gigantis Warrior spots, 3 Gigantis Warrior spots, 3 Gigantis Warrior + Genocider Warrior spots, 1 Genocider Warrior spot.
      Total: 46 spots. 
      Kanturu Relics - 3 Twin Tale spots, 3 Twin Tale + Persona spots, 4 Persona + Dreadfear spots, 2 Dreadfear spots.
      Total: 12 spots.
      Karutan1 - 6 Venomous Scorpion spots, 6 Venomous Scorpion + Bone Scorpion spots, 2 Bone Scorpion spots, 4 Bone Scorpion + Orcus spots, 7 Orcus + Gollock spots, 6 Gollock spots.
      Karutan2 - 4 Crypta spots, 5 Crypta + Crypos spots, 5 Crypos spots, 11 Condra + Narcondra spots.
      Total: 56 spots.
      Raklion - 2 Ice Walker spots, 2 Ice Walker + Giant Mammoth spots, 2 Ice Giant + Collutin spots, 2 Collutin spots, 2 Collutin + Iron Knight spots.
      Total: 10 spots.
      Vulcanus - 8 Zombie Fighter spots, 2 Zombie Fighter + Ressurected Gladiator spots, 5 Ressurected Gladiator spots, 1 Ressurected Gladiator + Ash Slaughterer spot, 6 Ash Slaughterer + Blood Assasin spots, 8 Blood Assasin + Cruel Blood Assasin spots, 6 Burning Lava Giant + Ruthless Lava Giant spots.
      Total: 36 spots.
      Swamp - 1 Sapi-Unus spot, 1 Sapi-Tres spot, 1 Shadow Knight spot, 1 Thunder Napin spot, 1 Sapi-Unus + Sapi-Duo spot, 1 Sapi-Tres + Shadow Pawn spot, 1 Shadow Knight + Shadow Look spot, 1 Thunder Napin + Ghost Napin spot, 1 Sapi-Duo + Blaze Napin spot, 1 Shadow Pawn + Blaze Napin spot, 1 Shadow Look + Blaze Napin spot, 1 Ghost Napin + Blaze Napin spot.
      Total: 12 spots (3 on each zone).
      LoT - 2 Axe Warrior spots (5 mobs 6x6 range), 2 Lizard Warrior spots (5 mobs 7x7 range), 1 Poison Golem spot (6 mobs, 7x7 range), 1 Fire Golem spot (7 mobs, 8x8 range).
      Total: 6 spots.
      Note: Poison Golems are similar to Satyros and Fire Golem are similar to Genociders - profit by that.
      Crywolf - 4 Werewolf spots, 3 Werewolf + Scout spots, 3 Scout spots.
      Total: 10 spots.
      Kalima(1-7) - 2 Aegis + Rogue Centurion spots, 2 Blood Soldier + Death Angel spots, 2 Necron + Death Centurion spots, 2 Schriker spots.
      Total: 56 spots (8 for each kalima).

      - Overall exp for level 1-400 have been increased on each level stage (with 5-25%).
      - Overall exp for ML have been increased on each level stage (with 4-10%).
      - Added a new quality of life feature:
      You can write /maps from now on and you'll see the current amount of players from most important leveling maps (in order to decide where to go and try to find a party - more populated maps - or where to go to find a spot with your party - lower populated maps -).

      Maps changes:
      - Now you can get ML exp from mobs over level 95 (default GMO).
      - Now non-pvp maps (Aida,Karutan1,Crywolf,Kalima7) are having 80% global exp instead of 75%.
      - Now Kalima5 is a normal map not non-pvp anymore.
      - Now Swamp is Battle Map while Relics is normal map.
      Battle Maps changes:
      - Swamp, Vulcanus, Raklion - 7 mobs on all spots spawning on 8x8 coords, +8% global exp compared to normal maps.
      - Atlans - 7 & 8 mobs on spots, + 5% global exp compared to normal maps.
      - Removed the Gladiator's Glory buff (vulcanus bonus exp) from game to make sure everything is balanced (while level of vulcanus mobs have been raised).
      Mobs Rework:
      - All the mobs from SPOTS (not events/quests,etc.) have been manually reworked, one by one.
      That means all the mobs are more balanced and feel more smooth/progressive than before.
      - Some mobs have also seen a cut in exp (their level) while others have received a buff.
      - Difference between swamp mobs and the rest of maps isn't that big anymore but still noticeable.
      - Now normally any similar mobs (in terms of level/exp) are sharing pretty similar attributes (dmg,def,hp,etc.).
      - Some mobs are stronger now while others are weaker than before (in terms of attributes).

      Now all maps can be played at full potential and in a balanced way!

      I hope you'll enjoy this big rework as we had put a lot of soul and time into it!


    22. Like
      Cerberus reacted to dlwlrma in Hunting system   
      With the stage system you can definitely catch up with leveling and also the drop of ancients from DS5 upwards. But when it comes to hunting goldens there is no way to compete with high leveled hunters especially with master lvl which is already equipped with 3rd wings. And guess what they still hunt low lvl golden like goblin for extra credit points and after they kill that they move on to higher and stronger golden monsters, so with that being said there is nothing left for lvl 300+ players to kill unless they find the golden first but sometimes getting killed as well or the kill stolen due to level gap and their high damage. So my suggestion is this, preventing those players who reached master level from hunting golden mobs with BOK+1 and +2 which is Noria, Devias, and Lost Tower. And that will lead them to hunt only stronger golden monsters and have fair competition of hunting with other top ranking players instead of taking the small fries or easy money from less fortunate players that are already behind compared to levels.
    23. Hype
      Cerberus reacted to HyperDrive in MU Helper shortcut obtaining item keywords.   
      Hello, most of us are AFK  and we are having troubles wit our desired item loots. Here are some tips to set on your OBtaining item in your MU Helper.
      - The entered keyword is a search is some sort of search function, if you enter the keyword of an item then you won't have any troubles in collecting even in your AFK state.
      These keywords are alternatives for Long Keywords.

      Low level:
      "niria" - Uniria
      "ign of" - Sign of Lord, Sign of Dimensions. If you only enter "ign" it can pick up GRC as junk
      "aper" - Suspicious Paper
      "ymbo" - Symbol of Kundun
      "emon" - Demon Eye, Demon Key
      "ngel" - May pick up angelic staff as junk
      "uar ngel" - Angel, no junk
      "cro ngel" - Scroll of archangel
      "lood" - Blood Bone
      "croll" - All types of skill scrolls, also scroll of etramu, kundun magic scroll etc. May pick up Scroll of Town Portal as junk
      "rb" - All types of skill orbs
      "archm" - All types of skill parchments
      "Ring ption" - All normal rings with option
      "endan ption" - All normal pendants with option

      Medium level

      "irit of" - Spirit of Dark Raven and Spirit of Dark Horse. If you only enter "irit" it may pick up many junk items for elf
      "rest" - Crest of Monarch
      "eather" - Loch Feather
      "pher" - All empty spheres

      Optional (need specific)
      "ondor" - Condor Flame
      "kill uck" - Any weapon with +skill+luck (includes SUM offhand weapon and some shields)
      "taf uck" - Any staff with +luck
      "ed irit uck" - Any Red Spirit item +luck, use a different keyword for the specific armor sets you want to collect
      If there are some things you can add up please feel free to mail me and i will edit it for you. 
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