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  • weew

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    weew last won the day on July 6 2019

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    About weew

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    1. And what kinda strategy it was ? Trying enter throne room for 1 h without destroying angel statues ?
    2. I have been on 75% CS'es on OS in last 3 years. I know how ex-smurfs playing cs, kinda listening and after starts doing chaos... And have to remind them ( shout a bit in TS ), and that happened last cs ( atleast after darkmaster told me ) Maybe i will come and get some people from outside just to have more people. But again, who and for who i should do that ? I spent tons of time getting smirfs together, incested time / creds in yami and prioritized him in main pt over my dl. And after got backstabbed and get fed up with " behind back " gameplay... Show me people and maybe i will think ... And i'm dedicated as fuck if the goal is worth of that. I wanted make 1 little 10 y/o girl to smile. I did everything to get for her that damn golden fenrir.
    3. there isnt immortal DL. just poor organization and bad target choice. ee healing Aquila while everyone trying to kill him, why not before choose 2 dps pvp who focus only ee ? Uhhhh very hard, top tactics .. UUUUUUU ... i guess pl party was leading PRIME ...
    4. Atleast would say that he wouldnt be there without us... And he forgot to mention MAMED thing ^^ And that this mg was at start icarus dropper and became main
    5. and still no credits to party who leveled him and tryhard for him ...
    6. WE HAVE A WINNER ! every skill admin banned / disabled is only default, after ML 1 point into it - WUALA... but anyways, chaotic still doesnt work as intended ...
    7. The best what you should have in pve party is Asm, ee, erf, emg, enr summ Golden pt and good dmg.
    8. Just tell @Shuryk who to trade in game ?
    9. When i get home i ll add ancients, how many need ?
    10. When i get home i ll add ancients.
    11. I can add drame armor. Maybe some more ancients
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