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    Posts posted by ADMIN

    1. Release date: 19.12.2018


      - Increased newbies exp with 15-30%. 
      - Removed Stage2 exp (315-330). 
      - Doubled Stage3 exp (385-395).
      - Released Quest3 mobs:
      *3x Hell Maine zone 19-47 105-135 (Aida)
      *3x Hell Maine zone 115-136 45-102 (Aida)
      *3x Dark Phoenix zone 29-48 224-234 (Icarus)
      *3x Dark Phoenix zone 44-62 157-182 (Icarus)
      *3x Death Beam Knight zone 149-175 194-214 (Tarkan)
      *3x Death Beam Knight zone 23-50 212-237 (Tarkan)
      - Released GGD's (Raklion, Vulcanus, Karutan2).
      - Released Bloody Witch Queen (Vulcanus).
      - Released Medusa (Swamp).
      - Released Selupan (Raklion Hatchery).
      - Released Old Box 5.
      - Updated WW reward (now can drop Creation and Gemstone as well).
      - Updated Nightmare reward (now have 30% chance to drop Old Box 4 as well).
      - Updated Balgass reward (now have 35% chance to drop Old Box 4 as well).
      - Updated Dark Elf reward (now have 15% chance to drop Old Box 3 as well).
      - Updated Cursed Dragon reward (now can drop Old Box 2-5). He was also buffed in HP.
      - Updated Rabbits reward (now can also drop Creation and Gemstones).
      - Updated BoK+4 and BoK+5 reward:
      BoK+4 have 3% chance to drop Socket Weapons & Shields (4-5 slots).
      BoK+5 have 6% chance to drop Socket Set Items (4-5 slots). 

    2. Release date: 13.12.2018


      - Fixed Helpers level restriction.
      - Added Helper2 (LostTower7 max level 240).
      - Added a new feature: Block Exp
      From now you can block your Exp gained by using /blockexp.
      You can always unblock it by using /unblockexp.
      Max Level to use this feature: 300
      The goal of this feature is to come in help for those having lower events chars and to not be forced to always delete and recreate them. 
      - Added a new Invasion monster: Golden Derkon (baby GGD)
      There will be 1 Derkon in Atlans and 1 Derkon in Dungeon.
      They are dropping 4 random BoK+1 - BoK+3.
      They are giving 10 credits and 10 PvM points as well.
      - From now you can only use summon in a party if DL does have a Guild and if there is at least one person from same guild on DL party.
      This change is made to fix an abusive behavior of some random DL's summoning random parties out of spots during nights.
      - From now Sleep can't be canceled by allies (only by enemies).
      Since we added Friendly Fire at CS, the sleep effect have lost it's entire value due to 'easy-to-get-out-of-sleep' by friendly fire in combination with the low duration. Now we're making it to count again in your strategies.

    3. Release date: 29.11.2018


      - Exchange hours are working now (every time you will relog account they will be updated).
      - Invasion will last 20 minutes now instead of 15.
      - Reworked Death King invasion to offer more options for PK lovers:
      Now it is every 6 hours (00:00, 06:00, 12:00, 18:00).
      Now Death Bones are clearing 3 kills instead of 2.
      Number of Death Kings reduced from 3 to 2.
      Number of Death Bones reduced from 10 to 6.
      - Now Arena Tournament is at 19:25 instead of 19:15 (to avoid overwhelming messages on global from both DS and AT).
      - Fixed score periodic global message from CS.
      - Other small fixes/adjustments.

    4. Release date: 27.11.2018


      - Stage 1 exp removed.
      - Stage 2 exp doubled.
      - Newbies exp boosted with 10-25%.
      - Released Silver VIP.
      - Bronze VIP price reduced with 100 credits (900 now).
      - Released CM on site to +12.
      - Released Illusion Temple.
      - Released Doppleganger (NPC lorencia near bar).
      - Released Goldens+4/5.
      - Released Helper1 (dev3, max 140 level).
      - Released Character Market.
      - Boosted Relics exp with 6%.
      - Released Old Box 4.
      - Now Cursed Dragon can drop Old Box 4 as well.
      - Cursed Dragon HP raised.
      - Now Ring 80 drops wings for char that is dropping it.
      - Raised starter skills drop (es,ts,etc.).
      - Now Rabbits can drop life as well.
      - Other small fixes/adjustments.

    5. Release date: 18.11.2018


      - Added small chance to drop exc items from mobs.
      - Raised jewels drop a little.
      - Raised Hearts drop a little.
      - Reworked Bonus System to also facilitate countries like VN and PH:
      Now bonus system will last for 1:30 hours instead of 2.
      Now bonus system is 2 times per day (18:00 and 11:00)
      This change will be up starting from tomorrow.
      - Added death king info on /invasion as well.
      - Crywolf Event nerfed and it can be doable today with enough players! (this nerf won't remain much so profit).

    6. Release date: 12.11.2018


      - Newbies exp boosted with 15%.
      - Stage1 (220-240) exp doubled (since last night).
      - Released Old Box 3 (on Cursed Dragon especially).
      - Released Goldens for BoK+2 and BoK+3.
      - Released Imperial Event.
      - Reworked Pumpkins drop:
      Now they are progressive like the jewels (the higher the mobs the higher the droprate).

    7. Release date: 10.11.2018


      - Nerfed mobs damage from BC1-3, CC1-3.
      - Increased droprate for BC1-3 and DS1-3 invitations fragments.
      - Added new feature on /entries command:
      Now it also shows the current invitation level that you need to have for your current character level for BC, DS and IT.
      - Zen for post reduced from 250k to 100k to encourage newbies to find parties in low maps.
      - Fixed some times not showing message with elimination on CC when players die from mobs explosions.
      - Fixed some times not showing the CC winner at the end.
      - Updated price to add item on Market from 2kk to 150k.
      - Removed punishment on Death King invasion (you won't get murderer now if you kill them) - as it was bad newbies experience.
      - Removed punishment when killing an EE under level 120 (AE's are considered EE's until reaching 120+ str / 250+ agi and it's bad experience).
      - Now Old Box 1 & 2 will drop only max level reset fruits, and only bok+1 and bok+2 can drop any level of reset fruits.
      - Now WW and Budges global kills messages are based on the most damage not on last hit (to avoid confusions for drop/credits winner).
      - Other small fixes/adjustments.

    8. All NonReset updates will have patch names and they will be posted in this Updates Tracker section.

      The first patch name will be "Patch".

      Explication of each digit from patch name:
      - First digit (in our case, 1): Current edition from the server (1 - first edition, 2 - second edition, etc.)
      - Second digit (in our case, 1): Will change if there is any client modifications (that requires update via Launcher) - if it is unchanged compared to last patch, that means no client modifications - no update from launcher needed.
      - Third digit (in our case, 1): If it is changed that means there is a 'bigger' update, with either new features, new impactful changes, etc.
      - Fourth digit (in our case, 0): If it is changed that means the update is a smaller one, containing only new fixes, improvements, or any changes/corrections of the bigger patch that contain them.

      To make sure you understand, I'll comment the next patch name: Patch
      That means the patch is part of the 2nd edition of the server, it had already 3 client modifications that required update via Launcher, it is currently on the 7th bigger update from the edition and it has 2 small updates since the 7th bigger one.


    9. It's not possible, but we may raise the global dmg-to-sd a little.

      Anyway, chars won't be touched personally in any way. You knew from start who's better at what and what he needs to be good, your own choice what you chose to play :).


    10. Hello,

      Today at around 18:00 we will release the latest updates on the NonReset Server.


      - Fixed PSS non-exc showing level 360 instead of 380 (update via Launcher).
      - Fixed 380 options showing the numbers from 50RR instead of the default numbers (update via Launcher).
      - Fixed w4 charm mix to require non-exc 380 items not exc (update via Launcher).
      - Fixed the mobs from Swamp that didn't gave ML exp.
      - Increased Life chance from 50% to 65% - it is not increased by luck with 20% (only soul is) as we always thought (both you and us) - so it was always 50% with or without luck, instead of 50 without luck and 70 with luck.
      - Reduced the minimum level of monsters in order to give ML exp from 115 to 107 (all mobs over level 107 will give ML exp from now).
      - Released ML exp on Crywolf (the only non-pvp place for ML).
      - Buffed HP and DMG of Crywolf mobs.
      - Buffed HP of Illusion.
      - Added few Zaikans (Tarkan2 - 5 225) and few Cursed Wizards (LostTower3 - 85 185) for those asking for them for quests.
      - Removed alliances in order to provide much better competition between the current playerbase. Because of this, now GM's can have up to 25 players in guild instead of 20.
      - Banned players have been removed from ranking of chars.
      - Increased overall PvP dmg with 20%.
      - Added web push notifications:
      You will be asked to accept notifications from our web-site.
      We recommend you to accept, as we will keep you updated with latest news and updates from our community and you'll be able to easily access them by clicking on the notifications.
      - Added a new Unique System: Invasion Normalizer
      As we told you, we heard your feedback, and we started working on it. There were 2 main concerns that were very common:
      1. Newbies / Weaker-Chars / PvM-Chars getting killed after working hard on their hunt (by the higher people to steal their loot easily).
      2. PvP lovers having a hard time trying to fight for their loots due to PK punishment, which reduced the competitive fun at invasions.
      We also saw some suggestions, but none of them were good enough to satisfy both type of players, so after a long brainstorming, we came with a great solution to satisfy both type of players: Invasion Normalizer
      This system will split WW, Goldens, Cursed and Kundun invasions into 2 type of invasions: PVP & NON-PVP. Each of them will be the same number of times per day, and each day hours are inversed so that all people have the same chances doesn't matter their GMT, etc.
      Example: Monday 00:45 PVP WW, Monday 06:45 NON-PVP WW, Monday 12:45 PVP-WW, Monday 18:45 NON-PVP WW, Tuesday 00:45 NON-PVP WW, Tuesday 06:45 PVP-WW, etc. (the type is always announced on invasion announcement).
      Difference between the 2 types of invasions:
      NON-PVP: The map where the mob/boss is spawned will became NON-PVP until the mob/boss is killed, then it will switch back to normal.
      PVP: People are able to PK for FREE into the range of 16x16 from the mob/boss. That means, as long as you are close to the mob/boss, the only kill that will be counted will be the first one (if you are Commoner), after that it will be FREE-PK.
               Apart from the FREE-PK, we decided to make things even more interesting: The people that are killed in the 16x16 range will be respawned PRETTY CLOSE to the zone where they died (random position) - so they can join back the fight easier and put some interesting shows.
      IMPORTANT! The system works only for the normal-maps (Gens maps are excluded as they have their own playstyle).
      The system is on BETA version, and based on your feedbacks we will adjust it / fix what you find wrong.
      In order for the system to do what it is intended, we added the following changes:
      - Added a new Kundun spawn (in Kalima6) and a new hour interval (08:00-14:00) - in order to have 1x NON-PVP Kundun (K7) and 1x PVP Kundun (K6) per day for our new system.
      - Buffed HP of Kundun, Cursed, Golden Satyros, WW, GGD & Budges for a better spread of rewards (not 1 guy getting from 1 to another pretty fast at non-pvp time) and for longer fights (at pvp-time).
      (The System is already up on test-server for courious people).
      - Other small fixes & adjustments.

      Apart from the Server updates, we are also doing some really needed staff updates:

      - @SouLSet is no longer an OldSquad Administrator, we thank you for your contribution in the last 2 years and we wish you all the best moving forward!
      - Global moderators group has been removed, only Moderators group remained for 'forum-only' staff.
      - New group has been added: Game Managers - this people are both GM in game and have full moderation access on forum - 2nd highest group after Administrators.
      - @GameGuard & @HERO have been demoted due to inactivity.
      - @Gion has been promoted to his old position: Head Admin - he will start working on his new position after the exams session from this month - he is part of the new group Game Managers.
      - @Legion is taking a break from being a player and he's going to focus only on his staff duties. With that being said, Legion has been promoted to Community Assistant and he is also part of the new group Game Managers.
      - New GM's are starting their trial-period, after the last recruiting session: @chin, @Bouli and @Overseer112 

      Currently our ranks and positions:
      Administrators (1) - @ADMIN (Community Manager)
      Game Managers (2) - @Gion (Head Admin) and @Legion (Community Assistant)
      Moderators (0) - We are looking for 1 Moderator that wants to join our team (slot is open to recruitment until we find one).
      MU-Team (2) - @chin (Trial Game Master), @Bouli (Trial Game Master) and @Overseer112 (Trial Game Master) - there is also 1 slot for a Helper and 1 slot for GM that will remain open to recruitment until we complete the team.

      We hope that you'll enjoy the new system and we promise that we have much more surprises for you this year, based both on your feedbacks and on our own ideas, so stay tunned with OldSquad!

    11. Hello,

      The first OSGM edition of NonReset is over. Winners:

      - 1st Place: DarknesSBk (won by shootout with drop vs Alegzander) - 100 OSP - Golden Fenrir + Legends Group.
      - 2nd Place: Alegzander - 100 OSP - 30x Jewel of Bless + 30x Jewel of Soul + 30x Jewel of Chaos.
      - 3rd Place: DeDD - 80 OSP - 20x Jewel of Bless + 20x Jewel of Soul + 20x Jewel of Chaos.

      Rewards for having 70+ OSP:

      Wrath - 75 OSP - 10x Jewel of Bless + 10x Jewel of Chaos
      taolaTung - 75 OSP - 10x Jewel of Bless + 10x Jewel of Chaos
      ChyjMG - 75 OSP - 10x Jewel of Bless + 10x Jewel of Chaos
      Lolita - 75 OSP - 10x Jewel of Bless + 10x Jewel of Chaos
      mpu777 - 70 OSP - 10x Jewel of Bless + 10x Jewel of Chaos

      All rewards have been delivered into the vault of the winners!

      The next edition is started from 01.01.2019 until 31.01.2018.

      Prizes for this new edition:

      - 1st Place: Golden Fenrir + Legends Group + 1 Seed at choice (not in sphere).
      - 2nd Place: Feather of Condor + Flame of Condor
      - 3rd Place: 30x Jewel of Chaos + 30x Jewel of Soul + 30x Jewel of Bless.

      Anyone who will reach 70+ OSP but not in Top3 will win 20x Jewel of Bless and 10x Jewel of Chaos.

      Weekly Events Rewards for this edition:

      - 1st Place: 50 OSP + 8x Jewel of Chaos + 5x BoK+4 + 5x BoK+5.
      - 2nd Place: 35 OSP + 7x Jewel of Chaos + 4x BoK+4 + 4x BoK+5.
      - 3rd Place: 20 OSP + 6x Jewel of Chaos + 3x BoK+4 + 3x BoK+5.
      - Consolations: 5 OSP + 3x Jewel of Chaos + 1x BoK+4 + 1x BoK+5


      All info about OSGM: 



    12. Huh, insulting a player is something meh, grown ups doing it frequently, insulting familly is like worst scenario of bad language, but wishing a familly to die is something incredible for a game, and more than sad. There is not enough punishment in an online game for such thing, but take 2 days pause to reflect at it.

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