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    Support last won the day on December 24 2021

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    About Support

    • Birthday December 18

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    1. Character name: Support Suggestion type: Small Update Suggestion content: Wondering if we could swap JOH from OB5 drop and replace it with a small % for Artefacts? For anyone that isn't EU based things like Arena, World Boss and CS are at times that are not really accessible i.e. world boss is at 4:45 AM, Arena is like 2 or 3am which means CC is only real event to get PVP artefact. Gaion is a good way for PVM but also hard for other options if your just playing your own game and trying to grind away solo. So maybe could do like ob4/5 small % for drop of the artefacts? How the suggestion can bring value: Will give player from different time zones chance to get + players not in Big 2 Guilds a chance to grind the artefacts for their end game adventures.
    2. While I agree Zigg (you are correct he is in HC as Zaoo) is a massive POS its part of the server that's why we have Kar2, Kalima7, Crywolf as safe maps if you did want to afk with out threat of death.
    3. If you remember 50rr was the same sorta thing nice to have but didn't really need one
    4. Hey admin, Last quest i have had have not been able to complete. 1. I got a char who was in town 2. Got same gen on Battle map and wasn't able to atk
    5. Could bring back a map like arena where you don't get PvP if you kill someone exp is a bit boosted and gens don't matter have mobs of all levels there so anyone no matter the lvl if active can play their at there own risk.
    6. The answer to why Muppets disbanded seems to be a hot topic so let me answer it for everyone. When we started this DB we were unsure how we would play (most agreed to a casual game). As only 7 of oir normal 15 played we decided to make muppets and not our normal guild as time went we picked up a few people we had played with over rhe last db. As time went on our main players split as rhwy had outside commitments I.e family, work and so on plus many have a hard time getting on for cs time. So we lost a few more mains like mu3tre & trippy. We agreed that would be best suited for people who were more active and wanted to play cs would move to Smurf and the rest who were looking for a more casual would join void hence why the GM of void is an alt. Hope that clears up why we changed around. Had nothing to do with internal fighting.
    7. So far have only failed once in cm I made 8 chaos weapons 90% I then made 6 w1 at 70/90% my pt then has made 4 w2 and 1 cape not sure of % as was done via my party members. In saying that on the 50rr server I burned 34 attempts at w3 but only failed like 3 times making feathers for w3.
    8. Drop the heal to 4 off top add 25 sec to delay for buffs and should be fine
    9. Hase did up a good write up about Sum ages ago but still has merit.
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