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  • Grazynka

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    Grazynka last won the day on December 9 2020

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    About Grazynka


    • Rank: OSGM Winner

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    1. @ADMIN You make great job at this srv by make awesome feature for us like: IT queue, prevent for lure mobs and plenty more. Imo you need 1 things to make this srv better. At next edition make full pt, with similar lvl/gear as people on 100 place and go for some event and other activities. If you will join to CC with Zutto you will understand that something goes wrong or he made this game worse. You will see on your own, where it is problem. Sometimes everything looks good in theory but it doesnt work. If you see how important balance is to make this game playable you will understand why this edition goes that bad. Zutto is probably best bk on srv - he can play well when someone watching on him, but if noone watching he start "lagging", ref never stop him, fly like butterfly, every skill hit xd. Awesome event, many activities when balance doesnt exist means nothing. For the biggest part of your old community the most important things is pvp. If it isnt balanced it destroy every pleasure from this game.
    2. I agree, that is probably the worst balance what i see on OS ever. BK who can add 800 vit 1100 agi 800 str oneshot everyone (and it is really hard to kill). Zutto dont even need combo xd Full sd 1600 hp, and cyclon + twisting killed me . Few times here rf was little too strong (now it is strong but he dont have any chance with bk). Early game - dl was broken. Now BK reach turbo broken level. I dont understand point to add resistance ring, what made bk/rf even stronger. Im curious when we reach balance stage. Next non reset edition you need to work at smg. Smg have to play ancient set, bcs he dont deal dmg without it. He cant play 380 weapon bcs it is useless to pvp with powerslash - smg have to use cyclon or atleast slash to reduce distance. In muren +bypass you can deal dmg but still lower dmg than bk/rf in full exc set. + for next edition perma ban zutto for zutto.exe or nerf bk to the ground to reduce his impact to cause vomiting in other players.
    3. Chuk - if i good understand during Mid period, admin will increase drop too so should be easier about jwls. I like when jwls keep price compare credits - it hurt more player who doesnt play active and invest money for it. Thanks for it upgrade eg for +12 is easier for everyone and reduce gap between players. About newbies: - i like your idea with stronger soldier buff after stage - people have some trouble with reading ( some of them just avoid it/ part of them doesnt understand english very well) - server have well made info but maybe video for most important event could help new player understand how it works. - I remember forum guide program, quest event also improve knowlegde about server, but imo the most important things is to increase "online" help by involve old players - or create function with ingame reward, like mentoring system, for players which are able to resolve newbies problem live in game, guide new players what is worth to do, how to build etc. I dont have idea how to made it, but for sure it could be the most helpfull for new players, if it will be work correctly. - about newbie exp boost - imo it is important to help new players reach gap range (on phoenix srv type) to top it will increase chance to find pt, join event with pt etc.
    4. In my opinion matchmaking system in mercenary doesnt work correctly. I play as: - smg lvl 332 around 1k mercenary (Forfajter) - arf lvl 328 around 1k mercenary (SpotKS) Both characters most of time lvling together. I dont count it but arf was hunted more than 100 times (it isnt joke), even when i relog i get next hunted by the same player (one of them ask me to relog for little longer to get quest for another player). In last 10 min(during write this post) i was hunted 8 times . ARF sucks in pvp so it is no point to take challenge. In the same time my smg wasnt hunted even one time (he was hunted just few times in all time) Prob some char have prio in system, but you need to check it.
    5. Why you dont tell about DL? Do you think that dl is balanced in pvp (maybe bcs you play as dl ? ). In every arena tournament finals DLs take more than half places. DL is really strong pvp also on low lvl - even without horse in cc he is able to kill even better geared players. I start to play 2 weeks after serwer realise, without perma pt (same as typical new player who start play here). It is awful how this gameplay looks for new players. Till 180 lvl( what isnt easy to reach without pt and it wasnt easy to find pt for low lvls), you can participate only in 2 event - rabbits invasion and maybe skeletons. Later you can start go to bc (its ok but you dont have chance to find pt there but you can make it solo so isnt that bad), fds without pt is pointless, and cc - where you meet players like Zutto (Gaara) or Chukundah (HornyBulka) ) which have his own alt prepare for this event share set from main to win lower cc event. Next thing - golden invasion. Before realise new economy system, best players wasnt interesting to hunt k1/k2 that hard as now they do it (when you realise k4 and k5 part of them move for higher boxes). Until you reach 300 lvl you cant kill almoust nothing (you are able to kill k1 but most of them are killed by high lvl players who hunts budges). I made pt with plenty low lvl players, but only few players are still online. I like your what you do on this serwer, economic changes are awesome, new break system reward also is nice and overall you made really good jobs. Imo you made 1 mistake - newbie boost should be realise every stage ( f.e - stage 250 ends - so player till 250 get 50% more exp, stage 330 end - so players till 250 lvl - gets 100% exp, and till 330 lvl - 50%). You use system like this on other edition and it helps to lvling for new players and faster reach more competetive level. Imo this is the reason why this edition lose players so fast. This server have really high entry threshold bcs of plenty nice changes what you made, so you should make it easier using newbie boost. I know that in mid period you increase exp 6 times - its good for server but imo its little too late.
    6. Its true that summoner works fine agains ABK (but what other class should be able to kill him except summoner +2x chrono?). If you go str/vit you will oneshot every summoner (even in w3). I dont remember zutto combo which i take on my breast and i stay alive. I dont talk about zutto with w3 and aa swords +13, it happens earlier too. Maybe this balance is correct. Its not fun to die on 1 combo, but it depends what build you choose. Next funny matchup is AE vs BK. AE cant kill ABK but he is able to kill s/vbk.
    7. 1. Poison in BC 7-8 The most stupid things what i see here is poison which works on statue at bc. Only sm (and mg but it doesnt happens very often) won this event from lvl 7-8. Gear isnt important - you can join as 5 sm with w1 and won bc8 against full w3 perfect pt. Even AE can be counter by good pt or when you dont let her take ggood posiotion on statue. Imo poison shouldnt works at statue in bc. People abuse this fact and make 5 sm only for this event - its made this event unplayable for other class. 2. Summoner against SBK This matchup is totally broken. Agaisnt agibk summoner can win, but if bk add mostly str and vit, he just oneshot summonet. I can accept oneshot when someone kill me with bypass, but str - vit bk can kill you on every combo in this matchup. When i got hit by bypass from single cyclone i stay alive with 50 hp. Someone can say that vit/str bk can be killed easier (kite them etc.) - but most of our top bk just extend skill range (nope it isnt visual) - if we cant stop this just think about it at balance phase. 3. MG/DL - early tp at 0 rr Maybe you remember that before this db start i ask about change earlier tp for dl/mg/rf at 0 rr. You said that its never happen before to start as 5 mg/dls, and it isnt worth to play this composition. This db show you that atleast 4 pt which was top start as dl's and mg. My opinion is actual that this composition is too strong (top spot holders) to give them also ealier tp, which can give them even more advantages. 4. IT warn system As you see everyone have other definition of antigame - for phantomelu antigame is when someone else (not from hc) want win reward. I know that is hard to make this system fair, but we should try improve it. For example change, that information about warn doesnt show for everyone was pretty decent, but still warn system provide patologies, when all guild warn player, only bcs he play well. Next good change can be limited warn system only to your pt (why opposite pt can warn someone in other team?). Imo, this event provide awesome rewards and should be more controling by GM's. Maybe its time to support Gion with someone who can join as spectator on IT and controling players behaviour. Its 30 min per day and not every event have to be spectate. Next idea, its just change way to enter on this event. Im not sure that is possible to do but probably best way could be sign to this event and participant can be rolled from people who registered like 2 min before start.
    8. More player in gens = more people to kill at gens ride and more player to competetive for mountly rewards. You are lucky that you have so many free players to farm points.
    9. In my opinion ds 4 is fine. Main problem is that you need to be active ( for repots, sometimes qqqqq :D). People who want change it, just want to enter to ds and go afk. If you want be afk on event - you should stay on spot. Even without gear or w2 you can survive there, if you use angel/pumpin buff. If you want join all pt as 1 man using tw, you probably have problem to survive there. If we want change ds4 - we can reduce hp moobs like 10% becouse its true that kill is slow even with nice aoe dmg (this also help people who want to stay there afk bcs less number of mobs will hit them in 1 moment).
    10. I dont think that thread about server is good place to talk about someone rank position. Forfiter or Forfajter BK (top 1 bk when i made 400 and 2 rr and top 10 ranking with most useless class on the begining ) My pt was 3rd behind snook and mafy''s pt) - sum Grazynka wasnt mine (some noob pick it - its polish women namen. When we start as smg/bk/erf +alts we cannot reach top at the start ( i dont remember when i was in ranking around 330). Maybe i never will be top30 in ranking top donator, but every time when i play here im soon or later top10 ranking ( same on Inception ).

      1. ADMIN



        Maybe i never will be top30 in ranking top donator

        You lost me here. Actually top 15 are the players that always donated mostly only the 1st VIP, and rest of credits acquired from their gameplay. Mu3rTe was top5 entire Inception with 10e donated (I'm not even sure if he donated those 10e or someone else from party donated for him).

        Sorry, can't continue the conversation with someone that after years of OldSquad and real players proofs still consider that the top players are there because they "donated", lul.

      2. Grazynka


        i dont say that this is pay2win. When you check actual thread you will see that i said that this server is play2win (thats why i play here). Active and competetive players dont need bcs when you play active you can easy earn credits. On last inception i dont even buy first vip - i earn credits by my self in 12 h from start. 

        My text about donator ranking was rude same as your text that i never be competetive player - and it was only one purpose. This server is business for you and its perfectly fine for me bcs you make here pretty good job (maybe end of 2020 wasnt the best but still - hard to fine better server) so you deserve for every donate. My first edition was Wormhole#1 (noob server but still top1-10 as Grazynka). Phoenix#2 as i said when i end at 400 2rr i was in top10 and top1 bk. Last inception edition - even when i quit server for 1 week at 0rr and long time play alone without perma pt - i still was around top10 at 24rr as Grazynka. 

        I dont expect respect from you, but i dont want be treated without respect and even player who usually is top100-1000 doesn't earn for it. 

      3. ADMIN


        Excuse me, but I am pretty sure you understood it wrong.

        There are maximum 30 full-competitive players on our servers. No matter what we help you with you'll never match them on top. The fight for breaks is between those players, and you can never change that unless they quit our servers.

        This message was not about yourself, "what we help you with" - you = players that aren't on top, not directly targeted to you, same for "you can never change that" - players, in general, not yourself.

        The moment when I targeted you is when I actually checked your name on last edition and I told you "Unless you played with another name" which means I was not sure that the character was you or not, but there aren't many with a forum name which is played by other players ingame.

        So, if you were in top 30 as you said you are part of those 30 players that I mentioned, so again no reason to feel yourself "not fully competitive".

        And still, you mentioned about respect but there is nothing to do with it, I didn't insulted anyone, I just said the reality of our servers. If reality was different, then top 30 players wouldn't be 70-80% the same people on every server/edition.

    11. Im not 100% sure but probably redbull doesnt start with them. @RedBuLL Do you replace "CristianDL" in mafy pt ? Later tp diff doesnt change that much bcs on 0 rr is hard to stay in relic on 213. It isnt problem to change class here even without donating. On last inception - ES/TS/FB cost 1k credits at first day (Emg and Arf even dont need to do it - just rr). Ok its your server - i just tell you want i saw on last 2 editions (you solve 1 problem last time - lure mobs from other spot) and help make this server more competive for all class. We will see who make 1st break this time. Maybe this thread affect Phoenix 4#. See ya on server start!
    12. Darkyo - everyone who want play here longer (edit: and who want be high in rank )start with perma pt. We talk about full dl/mg/rf pt.
    13. In fact, the restriction does only really benefit reset servers (like Inception/Wormhole), on Phoenix it doesn't make any big difference (even if you go in the higher maps faster, you can't resist there / kill fast enough). But still, it is here as well. So you why you wrote that dl/mg have 10 lvl/20lvl advantages with tp? EDIT: i didnt read second part. You wrote correctly. 0 rr on phoenix is more important than next rr or first rr on inception. DL: LT1 - 60 Basic class - 90 (they even cant go there at 80 from devias) DL: Aida - 113 (its not only visual - dl can warp there) Other: 170 If you dont want change it, change atleast server info. Even 10 lvl diff give dl/mg its huge diff but 30 lvl blow my mind (especially that lt1 let them drop most important spells and they are able to exp there on 60 lvl pretty good). Never happen before? Check how start top1 pt on last phoenix edition(mafy's pt). Many people want start with basic class vip also, but you promote create mg/dl/rf.
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