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  • Deadcat

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    Deadcat last won the day on December 16 2020

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    1. Or you can only get BC/DS tickets from certain maps / mobs (like i always felt WW orcs could use a better rewards) and BC/DS had better drop/ rewards or something
    2. Character name : Arseling Suggestion type : All future content. Suggestion content : I've been playing this server for few years now, and i wanted to suggest something to spice up the new servers / databases. You know how many games have a seasonal theme , like diablo 3, tft, ect ? Well, maybe your server could try it out as well. Like, when a new database/ server opens , make some adjustments that impact the game, and gives it a new twist. For example, make Guild smaller, like 10-15 ppl, or instead of unlocking mg/rf/dl from lvl 1 with vip, add some hard ass quest in game, that you need to do first to gain access to those chars. (example, bring a quest npc, MG 2nd wings, RF cape and DL cape.) or making the maximum number of people in the party 3 . Or remove golden invasions, so only way to optain exe is from mob drops, Something crazy that gives the game a new breath of fresh air for a season or so. How the suggestion can bring value : It would make people adapt to a new way of playing the game, instead of the same old same old, ( yea, i know most ppl play mu because they want the same old) but this would give it a new fun twist without impacting most of the content. How would you personally implement your suggestion : i would make guilds smaller, the CS would be more fun, it would give teamwork more value, as you would help gear others in your guild more for CS, PvP, bosses, and such, instead of trading amongst just party of few friends in game like it is now. Dark Lords wouldn't be the only ones needing to be guild masters anymore, anyone could be a master now, giving it more fun and adaptive builds for CS. It doesnt have to be any of the suggestions above, just something that would freshen up an old game. Cheers.
    3. its fine as it is, its doable now with ranged party who all have anc sets , 15 res, and demons. After 17++ resets it will be doable by everyone.
    4. ppl will just come with alts >_>
    5. Deadcat

      Kartuan 1 & 2

      Make both karutan maps either battle, or normal. It sucks when you get killed on pvp quest by group of mobs, or a another player guardian the party, and you get teleported to a battle map, and your quest ends. Also sometimes you cant see who killed you, when you get teleported from k2 to k1 , if it was quest ? was it someone trying to pick a fight ? Thats it, thats my suggestion...
    6. Deadcat

      Gion things.

      tbh i also have had instances where gion ignores my reports "because i didnt provide full chat log" even tho you can clearly see someone calling my family trash and wishing them cancer.
    7. Deadcat

      New pet

      if it comes as a part of like some Christmas event, then yes, i like this idea.
    8. Hello everyone. I wanted an open discussion about this new feature, because the original topic, which tells us to "Please let us know if you find anything wrong related to this. " is Locked. I cant help but feel like this is favoritism towards the small elite group of top people, that have been abusing this pull tactic a lot, letting them reach ranking top spots and have more time to focus on events now, instead of tiring them selfs out, pulling multiple spots. its not like this mechanic is new, some people used it on last database as well to get ahead of others. Now that i see more and more people catching on to how its done, trying to catch the top players, suddenly its no longer an option, but the damage has already been done, and people who abused it a lot(for pretty much 12 days now), are now having huge leads and making impossible to catch up to now. I mean, from the original post, it seemed like this feature got added to make the gameplay more fair, and if so, wouldn't it be fair to downgrade the few elite players who abused the hell out of this to get a huge lead , making them pretty much unrivelable for golden invasions, PvP raids, CCs , WWs , and getting BC rewards, to an extent. So pretty much almost all the early events. So how can we fix the issue at hand , because with the stage system, the problem would resolve it self after 3 or 4 weeks, but until then , they have a hard earned, but unfair lead. So , my suggestions are these. 1)Down grading them a reset, so they are still a head, but not by that much. 2)Decreasing their xp until some other parties can catch up 3)Temporary restricting access to events on their chars. Thanks for reading my rant, i know the biased will dismiss this as crying or what ever, but i want to hear other peoples opinions and suggestions. P.S. This new feature is messing with BC and golden mobs.
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