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  • Voyager

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    Voyager last won the day on August 12 2024

    Voyager had the most liked content!

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    About Voyager

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    • Guild: Squadron

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    1. All I see is that SOFTCORE wants to completely play a PVM game, complaining every edition about being KS, PK or whatsoever. Such a shame from RedBull to see him posting stuff like this.
    2. https://www.captiongenerator.com/2219211/SOFTCOREs-road-to-CS
    3. Then you should not tell fun stories like this "you havent achievent anything" since no one knows you
    4. Helldrake, no. It is not flame, but a question, who are you here to speak if you are a foreign guy? Washed up wannabee who didn't achieved anything here? Well people proves it opposite Started with the same people? I don't think you played with them before but for sure, and for last, hiding behind random nick not telling who you are proves how lame you are
    5. I am not pretty sure who this unknown foreigner guy @hellldrakeis but, haven't you merged two guilds as well? I clearly recognize two parties + few more members who you dragged with you (most of them came for the easy win, others joined you so they can have something different). I am really happy how people hide behind some random nicks and keep posting trash.
    6. Would be interesting to see this feature, may be include it for Merc Chars only? For example all Support builds can't participate in Merc system, cause they literally can't stand the enemies.. Imagine ERF facing AE
    7. -Character Name:- Voyager -Suggestion Type:- Gens rankings rewards -Server:- -Phoenix Content :- I would like to see some changes from next month Gens Rankings rewards. Currently rewards announced in the main topic is: Gens Rank Rewards: First place from Vanert & Duprian: 4x TOCA. HoF badge 2nd place from Varnert & Duprian: 3x TOCA. 3rd place from Vanert & Duprian: 2x TOCA. 4th place form Vanert & Duprian: 20x Jewel of Harmony 5th place from V & D 15x Jewel of Harmony There are 25(50) extra rewards for top 5~30 players from Vanert and Duprian: 5x Jewel of Harmony First 3 places are kinda alright for me. However 4th and 5th place are not that satisfying to fight for since you can obtain 10x gemstones/harmonies from IT5/6 on a daily basis (even twice per day). Don't mention the breakrewards gave people like 10-20 harmonies each player. I won't comment the month since the launch but I do not think that the rewards this month is OK compared to the rewards in all other events, especially when this is a 30 day even which you need to participate in the raids everyday. So I am suggesting changes to 3rd, 4th and 5th place to be following: 3rd place from Vanert & Duprian: 2x TOCA + 3x Ancient Box/BoK +5 4th place form Vanert & Duprian: 5x Harmonies + 5x Ancient Box/BoK +5 5th place from V & D 5x Harmonies + 3x Ancient Box/ BoK +5 (I have put 5x / 3x Ancient Boxes on purpose, cause these boxes drops all Tier ancients, not Tier 1 only) Looking for some more suggestions with the rewards so we can see more people fighting for TOP 25 places in Gens. Also @ADMIN can reduce the waiting time to switch gens so more people can go from D to V gens and balance it a bit and make it more interesting. (I am not complaining in the current situation, more people to kill 🤓)
    8. At this moment D gens are overpopulated compared to V gens. I warned about this in early stage before the server start and in the first two weeks. Looking forward for some more suggestions but imo there has to be some different ideas with it.
    9. I kinda like the new PVP Arena and I don't think at this moment you can improve anything. So far it is really enjoyable and fun so good job making it. Wish you could do some additions to the challenge/gamble duels and let people to do 3v3 and 5v5 duels with gamble as well :). There could be tournaments too.
    10. New edition, new memes bois 🤪
    11. I would like to see more action in CS - decrease the defense inside Valley and the Fort, return it to the classic version and have more pew pew in early game, instead people wanking at each other. Will be nice to see what other people wants for the maximum players in one Guild. 20 should be pretty enough.
    12. It is only me or there isn't an answer of my question?
    13. How about VRF formulas in early game? The lack of defense made this build unconsistent and not comparable to other classes such as BK, SMG/EMG, even SUMM..
    14. When do we expect the server setup info and will be there a discusstopic for it?
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