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    [Phoenix] Mid-Late Game Feedback


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    After more than 3 months since its start it is safe to assume that people already made an impression about the mid-game and early end-game gameplay that Phoenix does have.

    In order to offer you a close to perfection experience in our community servers we require your honest and constructive feedback, so we can know where to work more or what to exploit more in future.

    So, if you want to contribute for your own satisfaction, please let us know in this topic what you liked, what you didn't liked, what you would change/modify/adjust and anything else may help us to help you in future.

    The feedback should be related to: progression (items/exp-wise), events, features, drops, economy, newbies experience, etc. for the MID-GAME & EARLY END-GAME, if you have any suggestions for the things you didn't like they are welcomed.

    If you don't have anything that you didn't like (which is hard to believe) you can focus on what you liked the most (and what can be made even better).

    Anyone that come with a solid feedback (not 1-2 propositions wrote in a fast manner) will receive 300 credits as a small reward for your time and contribution (make sure to leave your character name in the reply).


    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    sir i don't like whitewizard drop because ob low chance drop. you can increase the drop rate of ob because too much people always hunt ww  so they can get better reward also for newbie.. also put helper on server so new people can help to grow also someone already reach 10rr.

    also can you drop to 40-50 %dd  it will help our server to build a socket items set wich is top item


    //Legion edit, DD won't be changed as our objective was to give people an option of competition with exc gear vs socket gear.

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    1. Resets, which exclude ppl from fighting for main bosses. We can observe now, that ppl who went after resets have worse gear than ppl who stay and fight for bosses. Although it depends also, which guild ppl are in and many other things.
    In my opinion the rewards for reset should be a little higher. We can see now that, doing 3-5rr and gear up was much better for pvp (and i won't deny it). But right now we can see ppl in end-game gears, while they have ~5rr. Both sides sacrificed something, some exp, other items. Just the rewards aren't copmarable (imo). I would go for bigger rewards for resets (something like 100 points/reset and 25% higher mlvl?)

    2. Zen - good use of zens. In the end they are worth something.



    1. Economy - There's too much jwls in game. They lost their worth (ob5 dropping jwls - worst nightmare ever). IMO selling/buying for credits also isn't good for this game. I know it's easy to get them, but when you're free player, even going to all/many events, it's hard to get 500 (or more) credits for top items. I think that additional currency (credits) isn't good. Better keep it for VIP (and deacrease the number of credits gained?)

    2. Relic, which is non gens map... There were best fights in relics.

    3.Warps... after 1st rr it's stupid that MG/DL/RF can warp much faster. Even if there are warps on web, after resets, when ppl are geared up. All chars are balanced... these system works, when there are no resets.

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    Hello all!
    I’ve been to this server for a bit longer than 1 month so far, already did my 1st RR and going up for 2nd, I’m hunting golden, participating in OSGM events, trying to farm materials and in general all so far so good.
    I don’t know if I’m still a newbie or not, I will tell you some things from my point of view anyway.
    First of all when I joined here I was not alone. I brought my friends and we literally about 12 different people started playing. After the 1st week 3-4 left and nowdays, one month after our arrival we play only 4 people. The reasons are surely personal for some guys but the majority of the ones left (the 5 out of 6 to be more exact) was because of server difficulty. In my opinion is a great server tho and yes the name “Semi-Hard” says it all. It could be more like 30%semi-70%Hard but anyway :P Once you get your 1st resets done or you just reach lvl 400 some things become quite easier and you have plenty more things to do. Also because of the RR system (zen required to reset and exp decrease/ml exp increase) it’s always challenging for the player and surely you have to sacrifice some things in order to benefit from others. The truth is, things need careful planning because the balance you try to maintain can easily break. And not straight after you make some changes but at a later time!
    I started writing some suggestions about the economy a few days ago (this is the 2nd time I ‘m trying to make a proper post) which for the record I will include here BUT afterall it’s the players who make the economy . If the top players want to increase the prices in all top stuff they sell, which want-it-or-not you have to buy from them while being a “newbie” it doesn’t matter really if you increase jewels rate or zen gained or credits or whatever. They will just put the prices higher to match the new economical data. Profit is above all I think in the majority 😛
    But before carrying on with suggestions I would like also to point out that this is a really nice and vivid server. It’s ALIVE. It has people – mostly nice people, who are willing to help you. And Adin doing great job, releasing small fixes with patched and in general is open to any dscussions.
    And something also very important, as some of our top and old players already do, you should focus supporting on "Newbiew-Events". Killua and Dieeee along with some other guys already did 2 events, Reporter promoted and helped on the 2nd one donating also some jewels if I’m not mistaken. I believe you did a great job supporting this action. Just keep it up!!!
    Suggestions time:
    1) Increase the stat points gained after RR slightly (for example +20/+30 more stat points per RR).
    (I dunno if technically that’s possible tho because of people who already did some RRs and will be lacking these ponts)
    2) After the 1st RR make all characters to be able to warp to the same locations on the same levels.
    3) Increase the drop rate of Splinters of Armor and Blessings of Guardian slightly. Seriously, is it just me or these things won’t drop at all? :P 

    4) Make some forum or out-of-actual-game events with small rewards. Like the one Legion is already organizing with Hack-The-Account Event. Something to make people come in the forums and help the community grow.
    example: Lore-telling/sketching contest once per 2-3 months.

    EDIT: 5) Enable Marriage :D

    Rejected from myself (  :P ) Suggestions from 1st attempt to post:
    1) Increase the credits somebody can take slighty. I was thinking to suggest to increase credits won per golden/rabbit kill but its the end-game guys who hunt these and kill them anyway. So, it's not a *profit* for the new-“more newbie” or more relaxed players.
    2) I would suggest increasing slightly the credits reward for weekly voters and give a small portion of credits for every OSGM event participation.


    Thank you for reading this.

    Kind Regards

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    Pretty simple for me , after over a month of playing. Increase the drop of Fernir mats. The luckiest one simply rule all bosses now. Medusa, BOK+k, Kundun, etc. To spend over 3 monts for a Fernir its simply ridiculous.Also , i saw LOT just once , but , imo there are just few spots , increase spots there. Also in short time will be neeed it more spots in Swamp too

    I saw someone complaining about credits. Well..this server cost to keep him alive. Credits are a way to get some help on .


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    I played Mu Global from my 12s to my 21s. Now, 6 years later I got a desire o finding a dificult sv again, and play a little. Just didnt want to go for global cze of the p2w that it became.

    In a fast look at google i find out this sv, which says "Hard", "Semi-hard". I even started at non-reset and then changed to Phoenix.


    Plus (in my opinion)

    - The dificult. I saw in the game many ppl that played global years ago and other that said that this is the best non original sv that they have experienced. So I'll totally desagree with the previous comments (TIME and Mitsakos comments)  about giving more stats after each reset. That would make the game proposal pointless.

    The dificult is the diferential of this sv. So just keep it up. Trying to balance the economy. 

    - The events, that are a lot of then!

    Minus (in my opinion again)

    - I tryed to lv up at Atlans,  just for the fun since it's a low lv map (I spend so many months lvling up there when I were a kid), but it don't have nice spots at atlans 2. I would create a little bit more spots, so we don't have the look that it's a map for obligation. Elbeland 3 should have at least 2 or 3 nice spots too, so we don't NEED to "chose" Devias in the first levels ^^

    - If the sv grow a little, another option would be add another sv in the same mu database, so Ppl would have more options for hunting bosses. 


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    6 minutes ago, fnando said:

    I played Mu Global from my 12s to my 21s. Now, 6 years later I got a desire o finding a dificult sv again, and play a little. Just didnt want to go for global cze of the p2w that it became.

    In a fast look at google i find out this sv, which says "Hard", "Semi-hard". I even started at non-reset and then changed to Phoenix.


    Plus (in my opinion)

    - The dificult. I saw in the game many ppl that played global years ago and other that said that this is the best non original sv that they have experienced. So I'll totally desagree with the previous comments (TIME and Mitsakos comments)  about giving more stats after each reset. That would make the game proposal pointless.

    The dificult is the diferential of this sv. So just keep it up. Trying to balance the economy. 

    - The events, that are a lot of then!

    Minus (in my opinion again)

    - I tryed to lv up at Atlans,  just for the fun since it's a low lv map (I spend so many months lvling up there when I were a kid), but it don't have nice spots at atlans 2. I would create a little bit more spots, so we don't have the look that it's a map for obligation. Elbeland 3 should have at least 2 or 3 nice spots too, so we don't NEED to "chose" Devias in the first levels ^^

    - If the sv grow a little, another option would be add another sv in the same mu database, so Ppl would have more options for hunting bosses. 


    In game nick: NandoElf

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     I play mu online 13 years, i allways play global or Zypher but now i play only Old Sqad couse i lik epeople here, international community with dope jokes and a lot off funny  stroies in Guild. i have some suggestions.

    - make vip packs for 2 weeks with better price couse  a lot off people want use vip options like offline xp(5h) but  price is little to high

    -maybe add pvp events with RR limit restriction.

    -  limit at web market 500 credits for item  is to low..

    -Maybe make some diffrent events like boxing fight  or race in lorencia, find gm at map :)

    -bonus exp 2 times at day  :)

    - maybe small web market with bc,ds, kalima tickets for credits

    Nick in game : : JanuszPL


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    I have a small proposition, the reset threshold, when the first character on the server reaches 10 resets, should go down until another 10-15 characters reaches 10 resets, again the same threshold to 15 resets, again the same threshold to 20 resets and so, because there are very large differences between characters, and all server events are won by those with 6-7-10 reset, and we, the ones with 2-3 reset, do not get anything threshold will give the server a certain balance.
    Nick in game : dNice
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    make Gen swap be 24h+once a week,and exp nerf if on battle map with ee from opposite gen.


    rf related note/s

    make vrf be useful,totally useless in every pvp scenario exept CS.cant beat any other class in equal gear and mlvl.theres top guys from every class you fear to pvp against,exept rf.

    380 set yet to be tested in pvp,except having 2x weapons.its been a long time the serv is up and rf fills no holes,but damn sure is a hole.

    the small wins you get feel so big so its sort of fun to play for that reason :I

    ARF is totally fine as it is for lvling,ds.but gets instawiped in pvp since paper even with 2.3k agi 2.5k hp,but thats how it should be,exept any vrf build(and there seems to be only 1 after much testing) also dies too soon,since skill cooldown nerfs the damage of a skill that does less dmg then most other classes in the same time.but it needs a cooldown as it is,just something is missing to actually kill others.

    cant kill people on 0 sd for example,when i start with full sd.most other classes can make themself tanky somehow,while rf is paper in any build,if id survive a bit longer maybe id have time to cast more then 1 or 2 chain drives to reduce sd and do that extra damage.

    maybe its supposed to be the weakest class,someone has to be,but would love some day to go by where a pvp encounter ended up being with an enemy saying more then gg get rekt(cause thats the only option really)

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    I have a small proposition, the reset threshold,when the first character on the server reaches 10 reset, should go down until another 10-15 characters reaches 10 resets, again the same threshold to 15 resets, again the same threshold to 20 resets, and so, becouse there are verry large differences between characters, and all server event are won by those with 6-7-10 resets, and we, the ones with 2-3 resets, do not get anything, threshold will give the server a certain balance, thx, srry for my bad english.

    My nick in game: dNice

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    HI, first i want to appreciate Admin's work, him make again a great job!!!
    I want to start from PvP aspects, i like Pvp, i play MU for PvP.

    Global, I think in this edition we have too little DMG or too much defence.
    Many people think that blame 380 armor, but I'm sure that the case is weak in DMG, the battle is long and unbalanced. The second problem is that many of the chars you can make unkillable tank with huge DMG.For example, take a couple of heroes, "Zutto" 7,7 K HP, unkillable and he kills everyone in 3-4 combos. "DarkMaster" 3K ha, the same. I think the problem is that some heroes were given the opportunity to become "tanks" with huge damage. I think there must be separation: DPS, Tank, Stand and a support, and in no case the Tank+DPS.
    At the moment, I think a good solution would be to decrease the global defense by 10-15%.
    Separately about character can say only about RF, here I his not saw virtually have, and I think the problem is that he too late becomes a good, little who will play 3 month on character in the hope that he can be will a good. The problem of the RF in a Cape, from the first he is shit, the second he good.
    Buff "EE" should make a standard, DMG was always about more than protecting.

    About economy, everything is best, and Zen and JWL's, only JOChaos too many of them.
    The award for the castle should be processed, now this event is only an occasion to come together and fight, there is no great desire to take it for its bonuses.

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    - Relics shall be a gens map.

    - Balance spots at relics, raklion, and vulcanus. Since early mid game vulcanus is too good for leveling compared to relics and raklion because monster there are melee, as opposed to raklion and relics. Exp in vulcanus is also comparable to Swamp too (larva spots). Of course, somebody can argue that relics has gems drop,  that's not true because people just use alts to farm gems in kanturu3 instead.

    - Swamp should have significantly higher ML exp than Vulcanus (different level requirement should have different exp).


    - Boosting trade in game by free custom store access for everybody. Web market is too convenience, if you want to sell some things dump them there. Rarely anybody sells items in game. 

    - Most of the webmarket are trash. It would be nice to make some changes such as reducing the number of items one can sell on market and maybe add a minimum price for items, selling an item requires 5m+10 credits, etc..

    - Jewels are worthless (except harmony). Suggest to have another way to spend jewels, e.g., /boostexp which give you 5% more exp for 30 minutes and costs 10c10b10s.

    - Let socket weapon drop from raklion too, 3socket max..

    PVP Balance:

    Some balance need to be done. SM is strong the whole game ;). VitRF is weak. Sum is quite strong and cheap to play. DL sucks.

    New PVP event:

    - There should be at least a safemap for participants, for example, Crywolf.

    - Or fixed schedule. 18h-21h server times for example.



    Pro PvAFK player!

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    Feedback : Buff DL 😆

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    Hello, i have a small proposition, duel should be rewarded, for example credites or jewels or anything else you want, its very simple, i give you a small example: Duel betwen X and Y, X has in web 300 credites, Y has in web 300 credites, the winner of the duel will receive and the loser  will lose 100 credits.

    Nick in game HooligaN

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    Another proposition.

    My opinion its, The rabbits invasion should have 30 rabbits on the map and another map should be added, becouse the 18 rabbits, do not reach for 500 players online, all the rabbits are caught by 10 players in 5 minutes and done, the litlle ones can not catch anything

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    Another proposition is, AE its to strong, example : AE 3 resets kill BK  3 resets Hybrid Agiliti+vitaliti ( Tank ) this its not normaly .

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    Another suggestion is to make sure that, the more reset you have, the fewer inputs you have at events, CC example, we have every 3 entries a day, but each time CC is won by those with 6-7-8 resets, and we, with 3-4 resets, we are going in CC for lose, everytime, no chance to win, never, it should be done as follows : 3 reset= 4 inputs, 5 resets=3 inputs, 7 resets=2 inputs, 10 and 30 resets= 1 inputs.

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    Another suggestion is to do CS, limiting members in the guild, if you do not have 20 members in the guild, you can not register with CS, becouse if you look now on the site, there are 5 ghost guilds, just to eliminate othor guilds.

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    Another suggestion is, Budge Dragon and White Wizzard, to appear in other places, many other places, becouse there are players who have already learned the places where they appear and are waiting in these places, the dragons appear next to them, and they kill them, the litlle ones no longer catch anything

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