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    Some from hardcore do really have a BIG problem with the ego ...BEST here best there best there and oh ,they are best even there ... While they have 1 HARDCORE player playing on 5 accounts ...

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    31 minutes ago, Colossus said:

    .If you dont win you cry .Cuz we joined them ,cuz rf is strong ,cuz sd potins restore too much 

    I can't understand, since when does it count as "crying" if people complain about the game's flaws ? or do you think it's normal to keep quiet and use them to your advantage ? how did the squadron do it for a few weeks ?

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    Same flaws affected all players ,but some choose to cry about it ,and others choose not to.And if we take it like you say ,each character can find 10 different flaws than others and lets all cry on forum that the server is not what we individually want to be .So please ,if some want to behave like 14 years old children ,we are not supposed to support them in this .Go cry home to mommies and daddies. 

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    I'm sorry that you are too young to understand the problem correctly. I wish you the next time not to cry when admin make a changes in characters and accept them with dignity like all ppls

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    Like you? As i know you left server cuz u get really upset on changes...or again is a hardcore player on other forum accounts? 

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    55 minutes ago, Colossus said:

    Like you? As i know you left server cuz u get really upset on changes...or again is a hardcore player on other forum accounts? 

    What does it have to do with me ? first you say that "cry" only 14 year old children, but now you are indignant when I took you as an example ? don't you think this situation is two-faced ? or are you special ?

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    20 hours ago, KostisPoutou said:

    and i wrote already.. if u hadnt block attack guild u could find out what would have happened.

    u dont need apologize. just go and read again what i wrote. i made 1st full seeded sock set +13 in game before even u had 1 item +15.

    and anyway i didnt try to prove something. i just answered to this guy about my ''game achievements"

    and btw... 50 vs 5-6? for real dude?? :P :P yes it was like 25 vs 15 or something.. but stop write what ever u want.. 

    Maybe it want’t 50 vs 5-6 :)) bcs i dont’t  know how many ppl was there but we were 5-6 ppl 🤣 actually  it was everyone against hardcore :)) it was fun bcs we were outnumbered and still doin shit there :)) so in my opinion everyone from hardcore who attended should be proud 👌😁🤗 

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    Yo, guyz, the past is gone, bets for next CS? ^^

    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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    The server starts. My party with Makiavelli, Sparkle, RuSuLeTzZz and darkyo climbs to the top and settles there. We are followed by  Voyager’s party and mafy's party. Squadron is formed. Because I was playing with them and most of them are great people, we decide to join them. mafy also comes with his party at my invitation. Surprised by the fact that the NONE guild from max10rr does not enter, the Squadron dominates the top 50. The first 2 cs are definitely won by the Squadron even without the contribution of my party. Vision problems arise in the guild gameplay. Chukundah and Rusuletz are using bad language in guild chat (we believe it is entirely Chukundah's fault and we was not subjective). Voyager decides to expel them both. We decide to leave. Mafy is following us few days after. RAMPAGE is formed. We treated with indifference the next cs, the one in which the ancients start dropping, thinking that we could easily win. We are not organized and we lose with any doubt. The next cs is the one where the lordmix can be used. Rusuletz being very active organizes everything in detail. We are 25 players at cs. Everything was balanced between us and the Squadron in the first hour. Rusuletz asks us on discord voice to gather all  the mg on a switch. Instantly I realize that if he wants all the mg on one sw, I should stay with the other dl’s on the other and spamming horse skill. This was pure luck coz I choose to have many dl’s in guild to have sumon in the room. Looks like it's the winning move. In this way we gain 3 cs. In this time Chukundah cried all day on the forum under different users. As far as I remember, Voyager was complaining about horse skill, as the range should be reduced for horse skill. I offended him, after I got home nervously. After a few hours I realize that it is not ok, delete the message and apologize in pm. The day of the cs is coming. Sk0pt appears at cs under another guild. They win 2 or 3 cs immoral. The next 1-2 cs after that  they was better than us, but at one of them and with the help of Zazax who received some promises. Next was agilityrf era when Oklahoma beats the entire server. Yes, we had rf’s, but ours could die easily. At least 2 cs followed  ATTACK made us antigame. At one i was playing stamper (darkyo was gm) I was continually insulted by FAITH aka mad4ever on their voice chat. A friend told me that.( Me and FAITH was growing up in the same neightborhood and we know each other) Wanting to take the switch from me, they misunderstanding that they have no chance with a dying Speedy gm. I didn't even play at cs later. In all this time I broke few times the guild. I didnt liked few things in guild and because im many times I act emotional I made big mistakes.  Overall I want to congratulate Voyager (not dead at all cs) zutto, Fuckingcunt, Hase, Trippy, Exillia. I also congratulate my friends Makiavelli, Sparkle, darkyo, mafy and Mu3rte. I should have congratulated either Rusuletz or Devex, but they gave up too early). I also want to thank Backa for joining me in the guild from the beginning. I knew he could destroy the server with his combo😂) Going over that, you guys who were in ATTACK don't be so proud because you didn't does anything. Yoi were the ones who always strove to ally with one or the others. Or trolling here on forum. The big boys was always in Squadron or Rampage/Hardcore.

    After all if there was not Sk0pt or agilityRf era, the battles from castel siege was much more balanced. Squadron yes, was better than us overall, but the difference wasnt so big.

    I hope in next server will be rules for Castel Siege  and if is posible at each stage chars to be balanced again.


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    What a short story...!! Best one i ever read ! GJ Red ! @ATTACK creatures, they changed sides whenever they had the opportunity, like *

    Edited by Gion
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    58 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    What a short story...!! Best one i ever read ! GJ Red ! @ATTACK creatures, they changed sides whenever they had the opportunity, like prostitutes. 

    is not our fault that you guys are 'pussies' and register three guilds, cowards.

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    Just now, Speedyzor said:

    is not our fault that you guys are 'pussies' and register three guilds, cowards.

    and also d/c our players in events .Cuz just you know how do you know their passwords.

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    STFU redbull,squadron never promised us anything and they have never asked for any help ! U guys asked zazax for help !!!

    And STFU again redbull,FAITH has always spoken good words about you,of how good friends u guys were...and probably still are.

    stop talking shit man !


    @Sparkle how about you watch this all from both sides(like from couple months ago) and then see who the prostitutes are !

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    Red. Most of things that u wrote are right.. about skopt too. I won’t disagree with u cause u have your opinion and i mine. U also writing about Attack and that they always had ally or helped one or the others. But u totally forgot to mention something about Dieeeeeee‘s guild. If I’m not wrong they also helped u as guild and later by joining u as members every Sunday. Was the same time that we used skopt in 2nd guild and just for 2 cs. Skopt and just skopt!! Solo! 1 char. Wasn’t even in pt with rest squadron. Just solo. 
    i don’t want argue with u dude at this point.. it’s too late anyway. But plz when u start something try write the whole truth. And don’t “forget” things. 
    we always tried win cs with any way and u did the same. All good! 

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    51 minutes ago, Fane said:

    STFU redbull,squadron never promised us anything and they have never asked for any help ! U guys asked zazax for help !!!

    And STFU again redbull,FAITH has always spoken good words about you,of how good friends u guys were...and probably still are.

    stop talking shit man !

    Nu am fost prieteni, doar ne cunosteam. Si eu asta am auzit, ca m-a injurat incontinuu pe voce la voi. Daca a fost asa sunt dezamagit si in orice caz ne-ati incurcat destul tinand cont ca gm-ul vostru murea usor. Si apropo, cu cine am onoarea? Fane nu-mi spune nimic...


    46 minutes ago, KostisPoutou said:

    Red. Most of things that u wrote are right.. about skopt too. I won’t disagree with u cause u have your opinion and i mine. U also writing about Attack and that they always had ally or helped one or the others. But u totally forgot to mention something about Dieeeeeee‘s guild. If I’m not wrong they also helped u as guild and later by joining u as members every Sunday. Was the same time that we used skopt in 2nd guild and just for 2 cs. Skopt and just skopt!! Solo! 1 char. Wasn’t even in pt with rest squadron. Just solo. 
    i don’t want argue with u dude at this point.. it’s too late anyway. But plz when u start something try write the whole truth. And don’t “forget” things. 
    we always tried win cs with any way and u did the same. All good! 

    I forgot that. At first cs won we was helped by kama3 and we was helped only by taking them in our guild. Its a big difference between to be inside us or to be helped in Sk0pt way. This is my opinion. Maybe Im subjective, idk...

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    In one cs u was helped by kama3 and in another CSs u joined whole dieeeee's party. if its different to be inside in guild or in 2nd guild doesnt matters in my opinion. as i said u tried your best to win and we did same. And as far everything was ok and right with server's rules cant be considered as antigaming as reporter wrote many times. not even the thing with the signs.

    about ATTACK guild the truth that i know is that they wanted to help squadron in cs. idk if LM or something was in deal (i dont even know who was their gm at this time) but for sure we accepted their help. that didnt work good cause they were few and behind in resets and items and as result was that u were killing them and taking points and we didnt. but in my eyes that wasnt something bad. they were new guild. they wanted somehow to play cs too and enjoy game as we did and they HAD to pick a side. so i cant say i dont respect them or something. im saying it again after all its a game all want to have some fun. the same thing did dieee too.. they wanted keep their guild and in the same time to enjoy playing cs and have some effect to server..

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    Anyway I hope the new patch for cs will solve many problems. Whatever happened, happened. Its too late now. We can learn even from mistakes. 

    I always tell the truth, even when I lie.

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    43 minutes ago, KostisPoutou said:

    In one cs u was helped by kama3 and in another CSs u joined whole dieeeee's party. if its different to be inside in guild or in 2nd guild doesnt matters in my opinion. as i said u tried your best to win and we did same. And as far everything was ok and right with server's rules cant be considered as antigaming as reporter wrote many times. not even the thing with the signs.

    about ATTACK guild the truth that i know is that they wanted to help squadron in cs. idk if LM or something was in deal (i dont even know who was their gm at this time) but for sure we accepted their help. that didnt work good cause they were few and behind in resets and items and as result was that u were killing them and taking points and we didnt. but in my eyes that wasnt something bad. they were new guild. they wanted somehow to play cs too and enjoy game as we did and they HAD to pick a side. so i cant say i dont respect them or something. im saying it again after all its a game all want to have some fun. the same thing did dieee too.. they wanted keep their guild and in the same time to enjoy playing cs and have some effect to server..

    They helped Squadron when they feel Squadron wins, they got nothing from that win so they fought for us, even if some of us didn't wanted , call that help "rape", (  they almost begged  us to recieve their help, more so they were nervous that some of us where  killing them, without having any restraint, I can say that they were the prostitutes of the server, I say this although I respect some people I played in perma pt  in past and i respect people  I didn't played with, srry Azazel, AlmightySM, Neadudu , but in general the guild ATTACK was a guild disguised in prostitution.  
    I had moments during the fight when I told Azazel personally that if they are with us in what way they  can they be helpfull (by not taking switches from us), but this is not about our alliance with the great guild ATTACK, which started by raising my hatred through the mere fact that their leader at that time said he would like to  rape my little girl (10y/o) and to kill me and my family, (all of them privately) I also have evidence  but, I am by no means vindictive and I know such people does not worth talking about them.

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    hi there! didnt my party got even a mention in this chat ! at least till that moment it was full formed (RaGGnaRok, Vladislav, Sm0uke, Eleonora, SuperBad) ?xD


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    Sparkle ,i think that all members of attack guild ATM can say that we are sorry for what ZaZaX said .we know he was overreacting most of the times.But as i said ,firstly we helped squadron ,its true .And after what they did,we choose to never do it again.But your friends started to do shitty things as I've said ...d.c-ing almighty in events and some other trashy things ,we choose to never let you get the Caste .Also ,please be realistic that every time ZaZaX said a bad word about you ,he was also provoked by one of your guild mates .So some of you have a part in it also ... But maybe u dont accept it 

    Also as you've said in game ,each of us has different expectationa about the rivala caractere ,lets keep our personal ideology to us and play .If some1 does shitty things ,lets expect that they will be hated in the server and not insult each person that does a thing that we individualul dislike .

    Long made short : shut up and play 🤣

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