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    [Phoenix] Early-Mid Game Feedback


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    Since this Phoenix had a lot of new things and changes compared to our previous projects, we want to hear your feedback about your experience with all the new things/changes as well as the overall experience from Early-Mid game. Looking for goods and bads so we can tweak our next editions based on your feedback.

    Any constructive feedback will be rewarded with 200 credits, don't forget to leave your character name on the reply for the reward.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    There are two most stupid and unnecessary changes you implemented:

    1. Removal of teleport in Dungeon - you still didn’t explain the purpose of this after my feedback in other topic :)

    2. Box of kundun drop change - constantly  dropping vine zen mana from k5 is really annoying :)

    Generally, I think you tried to change something just to show that you really want to improve but in reality some changes were simply not needed.

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    If u are going to fight for k4-k5 boxes with the rest of server and reward what u get from the Box is leather helm+mana , a bit your feeling is ... what the fuck , better way is going to focus at lower box casue it's easier to kill and u have a chance to kill it faster than some1 else comes ,and the reward is same ,but u are lossing around 90% less time than kill those boxes

    In my opinion the jewel drop is too low , like on beggining was okey cause ppl have no item to put up ,but atm if bless have prize around 120credits each ,and before on another editions for 120crd u could buy sometimes even 6-7jewels , thats big diffrence to make set in the machine ,also to create wings lvl 2 / level 3.

    The ballanced class also in my opinion is not okey , SM like always too op(too tanky bitch , on it its impossible to kill this champ even in 2-3 ppl when some1 gonna make agi SM  , Elf suck low deff dying like dragon for lorencia , In my opinion SM need nerf to deffens too hard to kill , Elf need deffens buff

    Interference to zen untill edition is the joke if u are doing some staff like the putting the economy in server , what on the mind u had to chance something like that imo zen shouldnt be taken when u are putting live server , those changing should be before the edition not untill it , cause ppl getting angry when when on one day they can drop 4kk zen in a day , but on 2nd one they even cant reapir their equipment and make the repots , thats no okey , also u need zen to make boxes prize also is high but drop the zen is a joke now.


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    5 minutes ago, BetleyKOX said:

    The ballanced class also in my opinion is not okey , SM like always too op(too tanky bitch , on it its impossible to kill this champ even in 2-3 ppl when some1 gonna make agi SM  , Elf suck low deff dying like dragon for lorencia , In my opinion SM need nerf to deffens too hard to kill , Elf need deffens buff


    Why you dont tell about DL?  Do you think that dl is balanced in pvp (maybe bcs you play as dl ? ;) ). In every arena tournament finals DLs take more than half places. DL is really strong pvp also on low lvl - even without horse in cc he is able to kill even better geared players. 


    I start to play 2 weeks after serwer realise, without perma pt (same as typical new player who start play here). It is awful how this gameplay looks for new players. Till 180 lvl( what isnt easy to reach without pt and it wasnt easy to find pt for low lvls), you can participate only in 2 event - rabbits invasion and maybe skeletons. Later you can start go to bc (its ok but you dont have chance to find pt there but you can make it solo so isnt that bad), fds without pt is pointless, and cc - where you meet players like Zutto (Gaara) or Chukundah (HornyBulka) ) which have his own alt prepare for this event share set from main to win lower cc event. Next thing - golden invasion. Before realise new economy system, best players wasnt interesting to hunt k1/k2 that hard as now they do it (when you realise k4 and k5 part of them move for higher boxes). Until you reach 300 lvl you cant kill almoust nothing (you are able to kill k1 but most of them are killed by high lvl players who hunts budges). 


    I made pt with plenty low lvl players, but only few players are still online. I like your what you do on this serwer, economic changes are awesome, new break system reward also is nice and overall you made really good jobs. Imo you made 1 mistake - newbie boost should be realise every stage ( f.e - stage 250 ends - so player till 250 get 50% more exp, stage 330 end - so players till 250 lvl - gets 100% exp, and till 330 lvl - 50%). You use system like this on other edition and it helps to lvling for new players and faster reach more competetive level. Imo this is the reason why this edition lose players so fast. This server have really high entry threshold bcs of plenty nice changes what you made, so you should make it easier using newbie boost.


    I know that in mid period you increase exp 6 times - its good for server but imo its little too late. 

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    9 minutes ago, Grazynka said:

    I start to play 2 weeks after serwer realise, without perma pt (same as typical new player who start play here). It is awful how this gameplay looks for new players. Till 180 lvl( what isnt easy to reach without pt and it wasnt easy to find pt for low lvls), you can participate only in 2 event - rabbits invasion and maybe skeletons. Later you can start go to bc (its ok but you dont have chance to find pt there but you can make it solo so isnt that bad), fds without pt is pointless, and cc - where you meet players like Zutto (Gaara) or Chukundah (HornyBulka) ) which have his own alt prepare for this event share set from main to win lower cc event. Next thing - golden invasion. Before realise new economy system, best players wasnt interesting to hunt k1/k2 that hard as now they do it (when you realise k4 and k5 part of them move for higher boxes). Until you reach 300 lvl you cant kill almoust nothing (you are able to kill k1 but most of them are killed by high lvl players who hunts budges). 


    I made pt with plenty low lvl players, but only few players are still online. I like your what you do on this serwer, economic changes are awesome, new break system reward also is nice and overall you made really good jobs. Imo you made 1 mistake - newbie boost should be realise every stage ( f.e - stage 250 ends - so player till 250 get 50% more exp, stage 330 end - so players till 250 lvl - gets 100% exp, and till 330 lvl - 50%). You use system like this on other edition and it helps to lvling for new players and faster reach more competetive level. Imo this is the reason why this edition lose players so fast. This server have really high entry threshold bcs of plenty nice changes what you made, so you should make it easier using newbie boost.


    I know that in mid period you increase exp 6 times - its good for server but imo its little too late. 

    Oh yea, finally a feedback worth replying, outside of "joke" and "why you did that, I dont like it", you should all learn how to give a feedback if you plan to do it.

    Budges thing & k1/k2 - I totally agree that it is bad that those hunting the budges do also easily take the lower goldens on their path, I always thought on how can I change that, but I don't have any idea yet since budges should be in lower maps (farmed from early game) and the low maps are limited in numbers and they all have goldens of their own. I'm open for ideas that I don't see myself.

    Newbies experience - It is true it didn't worked as planned. My idea was to give all players a true "Hard" experience until Mid period, that's what they signed for, that's the reason why we didn't made newbies boosts after each break on this edition compared to before, and just a big one on Mid period. But the bad part about it is that our gameplay is also made for full parties, so new players are really struggling alone on low levels especially after few weeks when most players are in mid-high maps and they have a hard time finding a party. It was always the same problem on Phoenix, because there are no "reset" players out there to help newbies out with parties, compared to Inception.

    I highly believe that the exp isn't the most important problem for newbies reticence, but the solo gameplay that is very hard for them, no matter the exp (and ofc., higher exp means faster catch-up, which I agree, and which we may turn back to as it was in past, in future). The only solution I can see right now that I was planning to do along with Mid period switch (and should have been done after 2nd Break) is to raise the buff values (DMG&DEF) from Soldier, so that new solo players can have an easier time progressing in lower and mid maps). I'm open to new ideas as well.


    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    1 hour ago, ADMIN said:

    Oh yea, finally a feedback worth replying, outside of "joke" and "why you did that, I dont like it", you should all learn how to give a feedback if you plan to do it.


    What is wrong with my feedback that you didn't honor us with your reply?


    DL complaining about PVP - this is a joke I agree tho 💩

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    2 hours ago, ADMIN said:

    Oh yea, finally a feedback worth replying, outside of "joke" and "why you did that, I dont like it", you should all learn how to give a feedback if you plan to do it.



    Lol u asked about the feedback well i gave you that , that's my opinion what is not okey from myslef, another one can have another mind about that subject .

    About the DL ofc thats op, but when u get the ddi , dl going be not that strong , Just look at sm+full ddi u not gonna kill him , or what about BK if we are talking about op champion , 1shot everything . a lot life a lot deff a lot dmg lul nerf it 

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    I didn't ask for feedback so that you guys can just express your personal frustrations (be it about your own character or other characters) or to ask why we did/do things or not.

    We talk about Early-Mid game experience overall, not personal things. We talk about what was good and what was less good and can be improved in future.

    You are expected to MOTIVATE your opinions and optionally providing suggestions to overcome it.

    We expect a constructive feedback to help us become better and to offer you a better overall experience.

    Whatever is not considered a real feedback (pure complaining, asking questions, off-topic) is just ignored, I didn't open this topic for that, so unless you can bring value to this topic you can just ignore it.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    Hello Gion,
    as a veteran player in oldsquad i must say this one of the best DB you've made so far.
    there's some problem with SM -

    1. Deleting Teleport in Arena, its very stupid because once we go cages in arena and sm vs DL its 100% dl win... i cannot run cannot fight just instant death.2

    2.Releasing Vulcanus WAY TOO FAST. - you should've made the monsters a bit stronger so we couldnt rush vulcanus and stay on Karutan 2.
    3.Swamp of Calmness is shitty exp. 2500-3500  
    Vulcanus 4000.

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    In my opinion matchmaking system in mercenary doesnt work correctly.

    I play as:

    - smg lvl 332 around 1k mercenary (Forfajter)

    - arf lvl 328 around 1k mercenary (SpotKS)

    Both characters most of time lvling together. 

    I dont count it but arf was hunted more than 100 times (it isnt joke), even when i relog i get next hunted by the same player (one of them ask me to relog for little longer to get quest for another player). In last 10 min(during write this post) i was hunted 8 times :D. ARF sucks in pvp so it is no point to take challenge.

    In the same time my smg wasnt hunted even one time (he was hunted just few times in all time)

    Prob some char have prio in system, but you need to check it. 

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    the jewel economy atm is pretty horrible , it was really good in early and mid game to keep the teamfights on ww's early cc's etc where the jewels would be shared , but now that late game is coming is becoming realy frustating to get 1 jwl , 48h on spot 0 jewels , basicly being forced to skip "real life" to stay active to do events to get jewels / items to sell to have for w3 mix or our +++ on sets or just simple donate 10€ to buy bless that costs 120 credits .. it was indeed very good as i mentioned , in early-mid game , but for now imo there should be a increasing drop rate of bless/soul ( mostly bless) in higher maps such as kar2 vulcanos swamp raklion too keep up the w3 mixes and fails on +13 whit tocas whitout having too be forced being active all day for events to even get 2-4 jwls because not every party wins BC or every players win a cc and not every rabbit / orc drop jwl or even have the time to be on for them

    The zen drop / amount also is not matching the costs for making fruits and every mixes ds bc w3 ++ set along whit buying potions after all this as well

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    Chuk - if i good understand during Mid period, admin will increase drop too so should be easier about jwls. I like when jwls keep price compare credits - it hurt more player who doesnt play active and invest money for it. Thanks for it upgrade eg for +12 is easier for everyone and reduce gap between players.

    About newbies:

    - i like your idea with stronger soldier buff after stage

    - people have some trouble with reading ( some of them just avoid it/ part of them doesnt understand english very well) - server have well made info but maybe video for most important event could help new player understand how it works. 

    - I remember forum guide program, quest event also improve knowlegde about server, but imo the most important things is to increase "online" help by involve old players - or create function with ingame reward, like mentoring system, for players which are able to resolve newbies problem live in game, guide new players what is worth to do, how to build etc. I dont have idea how to made it, but for sure it could be the most helpfull for new players, if it will be work correctly. 

    - about newbie exp boost - imo it is important to help new players reach gap range (on phoenix srv type) to top it will increase chance to find pt, join event with pt etc.


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    selupan is too weak this edition

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    I agree, that is probably the worst balance what i see on OS ever. BK who can add 800 vit 1100 agi 800 str oneshot everyone (and it is really hard to kill). Zutto dont even need combo xd Full sd 1600 hp, and cyclon + twisting killed me ;) . Few times here rf was little too strong (now it is strong but he dont have any chance with bk). 

    Early game - dl was broken. Now BK reach turbo broken level. I dont understand point to add resistance ring, what made bk/rf even stronger. Im curious when we reach balance stage.

    Next non reset edition you need to work at smg. Smg have to play ancient set, bcs he dont deal dmg without it. He cant play 380 weapon bcs it is useless to pvp with powerslash - smg have to use cyclon or atleast slash to reduce distance. In muren +bypass you can deal dmg but still lower dmg than bk/rf in full exc set. 

    + for next edition perma ban zutto for zutto.exe or nerf bk to the ground to reduce his impact to cause vomiting in other players.

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    all feedbacks are personal wtf you talkin about.. the problem is adm being arrogant as always. independent on the manner of the feedback text, they all contain a msg. you make a good job with sv, but need to humble yourself a bit

    ring of resistance = worst idea ever had
    add luck on site = heavy pay2win (terrible for ingame economy)
    chaos machine on site = even more pay2win (also terrible for ingame economy)

    less then 2months this season.. you better start reading the feebacks. you gon need them

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