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    Everything posted by ADMIN

    1. Hello, The current Inception edition has passed its deadline and due to the amount of players left active there is no point in keeping it online any longer. I highly believe it was our best edition yet, if we look at how long it was fully active (more than 4-5 months). It had a total of 28 patches (big & small) during a period of 6 months, that improved its overall quality further on. We think that we've reached a good & stable formula for our Inception server, which we'll try to conserve as much as possible for the next edition(s) where we'll focus mostly on quality of life improvements/features and characters tweaks, without any BIG concept changes, as it worked really good with the last iteration. The 4th edition will start somewhere between September and October. As for now, Inception will be closed tomorrow (24.05.2020) after the global maintenance. Thanks to everyone that took part in this edition and especially to those that kept playing it on the long run! HoF has been updated:
    2. In terms of PvP no characters will be touched at all, and AE (as presented) was meant to be the weakest on PvP. AE is still better on hunt than most chars (using phone chronometer and PvM builds between DL and AE for example - as we did ~1 month ago in test - AE does kill a golden faster, in terms of seconds). Now, I do agree that it should be a bit more powerful on Hunt/PvM than she currently is, so that the difference can be actually seen easier not based on extra seconds vs other chars, especially if we add the energy requirement for ice arrow. As a conclusion, we will take into consideration a small PvM buff to AE so she can reflect much better her strongest point as opposite to her weakest point (PvP).
    3. Good news: I have finally found the reason why sometimes (even if 2 invasions were not same time up) the non-pk and respawn isn't happening during PvP invasions. The invasion monsters coordonates from pvp checks always remained static (initial spawn coords) but because monsters can move a lot from their coordonates, the killed players were sometimes out of coordonates checks so nothing would happen -> reason of the "bug". Now, this is also the reason why we've never succeed to reproduce the issue on test server -> we always tested with the invasion monster staying in its respawn place at the initial coordonates so it never left the good coords. We'll add dynamic coord checks for the invasion monsters that will finally fix the issue. Cheers!
    4. Unfortunately there won't be new features on website except of new rankings or similar small things. We've seen how "buggy" it went with our ex webdev and I'm not a webdev myself except of small things.
    5. ADMIN

      EXC 380

      It was a miss-config which was fixed and the existing items were replaced.
    6. Nobody changed anything, I wasn't even home until yesterday evening.
    7. When there are 2 invasions same time with different types (one non-pvp one pvp) it overrides each-other on the specific map. Example: PvP Goldens invasion -> all fine -> NON-PVP Cursed dragon spawns on elbeland during PvP invasion -> Elbeland is now NON-PVP even though there are goldens left alive there -> applying non-pvp rules. Mercenaries does bypass non-pvp invasion rules, so all invasions are PvP ONLY between Mercenaries.
    8. NPC click check is global, not for that specific NPC, which means if someone does click one NPC, all NPC's have cooldown on click, you must spam it until it lets you in.
    9. I have a new idea that I will try to exploit tomorrow, not sure yet if it will work but I will try my best. Basically, I will try to move only some of the maps into a new sub-server, but without having that sub-server active at all. This would mean that you will teleport to Icarus, for example, just like you would teleport to crywolf (to another sub-server), and the map will be held only there (in sub-server). This would keep everything (almost) as it is while splitting the load into multiple sub-servers. Will let you know further details.
    10. We don't want main chars in sub-server, only the alts and the lower level afks that can have safer leveling and more empty spots. There are 480+ unique players online, we want them in main-server.
    11. It is exactly what we always wanted and we always disagreed to have sub-servers, but unfortunately if we do want full performance for most of players we need to make such compromise, because from now on the higher the numbers gets on the server, the lower the performance for most players does get. And it doesn't looks like the numbers are going down at all. It is for sure not something we want to do and we prolonged this moment long enough (remember having such delays on Inception as well when it reached 700+, but numbers online remained stable and we were not forced to open sub-server). This is a deadly combination of really high online players (especially active ones, doing hundreds of actions per second), lots of scripts/features running and the constant attacks we're encountering (that also slow down the gameserver actions and, from time to time - luckily a bit more rare now - causing mass disconnects). And it was really easy if it was hardware-related, because a simple upgrade would've solved it, but we already did a lot of upgrades and resources aren't even used at all more than 40-50%. The gameserver software simply can't work flawless on such stress. But the main reason we want the 2nd sub-server to be implemented differently is that we still want to hold 550-600 cap on main server, only reducing it if really needed, so we don't want a 50-50 split, more like 70-30 split, so the crowd will still be there on main server. Until now what we saw and agreed with is that: - Sub-server won't have Mercenary Squad and neither Gens System. - Won't have any Events/Invasions. - Will have a smaller zen drop rate increase. - Icarus mobs would be moved from Server1 to Server2 and they would be only there. - It will either be NON-PVP with 80% exp or normal PvP with 100% exp. We're still open to ideas/suggestions.
    12. Hello, Here you can throw your ideas about the implementation of a sub-server. Cheers!
    13. I never said that it is normal for a RF to almost 1 hit 20 persons AoE in throne room while not dying, better look for our replies about it (that doesn't exist) instead of trash-talking. But, in the current case, it is normal for a MG to burst other chars 1v1 while dying pretty quick if bursted. You don't have enough dd and ddi in early game to outsustain the MG burst.
    14. Hello, as @Spawn said as well you do receive +150% extra zen dropped from Dealer/PRO VIP and the zen drop is also based on your EXP (the higher the EXP, the higher the ZEN, and vice-versa).
    15. Both servers are back up now. Maintenance took longer than expected, some complications appeared. Let's see if we managed to combat the casual disconnects. Thanks for your patience!
    16. About DS I can't personally comment, only other players can give you feedback. But related to feather/crest drop, it is intended to be the most valuable and hard to obtain items in in the early-game, their drop will be raised at some point in future, but clearly not in the close future.
    17. Hello, Today at around 13:30 GMT+3 (Server Time) we'll do a scheduled maintenance on our servers as we're continuing the fight with the attackers, trying out new things, to hopefully get rid of the small disconnects that are still happening from time to time. This means that both Inception & Phoenix will be down for around 20~40 minutes. Auto-reconnect may not work so make sure to be online in order to reconnect! Cheers.
    18. Items on Phoenix are default, and they are perfect for low stats server (~3k points). You can't compare items defence with Inception that does have ~50k points. The reason why they're buffed there.
    19. On our server Valiant is tier4 item (BoK4) and Thunder Hawk is tier5 item (BoK5). Items tiers can be seen on official info topic -> item tiers category. But I will check the normal mobs drop, may be a default drop where valiant is considered higher (by webzen) than thunder hawk.
    20. For #1, it does tell you left side in chat (with blue) if it could find good coordonates on respawn, if it didn't it respawned you on safe-zone. It tries 500 times to find right coords near golden, but it doesn't always find depending on golden zones. It works normally for me and it does announce me if it didn't find good coords for respawn. For #2, keep in mind that Mercenaries does bypass such non-pvp rule of the invasion, which means Mercenaries can kill each-others during non-pvp invasions.
    21. Hello, We're currently working on finding and stopping the root of the attacks we're facing. We'll for sure offer some compensations when we'll fully get rid of them. Until then, please be patient, we're doing our best, but it is not as easy as it sounds due to the new type of attacks we're encountering. Cheers!
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