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    Everything posted by ADMIN

    1. Hello, Test server for Phoenix is now officially open for public. Client can be downloaded from here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2919-phoenix-downloads/ Note: It is shared client with the official server Important note: While up to 90% of the things available on the test server will remain as they are, there may be changes/adjustments/additions on the official server and/or changes/adjustments before content releases (related to them). Keep in mind that some of the content isn't yet updated/ready on test-server (we're still working and we'll work until the launch day), but 99% of the early content is updated. Characters balance is almost the same as the last edition's end-game (with small differences). Topic where you can bring your feedback: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4827-phoenix-2022-feedback-discussions/ Test server commands: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2921-phoenix-test-server-commands/ Cheers!
    2. BoK+5 will still be accessible mostly for the guilds for a long time, BoK+4 is a more accessible place for everyone, the chance will stay on both (though BoK+4 have lower chance than BoK+5, anyway). There are way more tickets ingame vs the amount actually needed for ITs. You can look at priority as a tax-based option, where the ticket is the tax. You can still keep / use your IT ticket after priority is over, without any chance of losing it. More than that, it helps with "abusing" multiple chars for a PRIO slot in IT, making it way harder / pricey.
    3. Few extra changes worth mentioning: IT rewards & BC rewards added on official info topic. Reset Fruits can now be farmed from Rabbits & Doppelganger (only). Splinter of Armor, Bless of Guardian & Claw of Beast (fenrir mats) can be farmed from BoK+4 Goldens, BoK+5 Goldens & Doppelganger. Outside of Early Old Box, Loch Feather & Monarch Crest can be farmed from Cursed Dragon, IT1, IT2. Outside of Mid Old Box, Condor Flame can be farmed from Balgass, IT3, IT4, IT5 & Mercenary Bounty Advanced. Now if you join the IT Queue, if you're not selected for priority you won't get back your IT ticket, basically it will be consumed for the chance for priority.
    4. There are a lot of early ways (both easier and harder): Drop from monsters (it is still there, but way lower). Rabbits: Reward: 65% chance for 1x Jewel (Bless/Soul/Chaos/Life) - 28% chance for 2.500.000 Zen - 6% chance for 1x Reset Fruit - 1% chance for Early Old WW & Orcs: WW Reward: 10x Jewels (Bless/Soul/Chaos/Life/Creation) + 15.000.000 Zen + 40% chance for Early Old Box (as extra drop). Orcs Reward: 10% chance for Wizard's Ring - 40% chance for 1x Jewel (Bless/Soul/Chaos/Life/Creation) - 48% chance for 3.000.000 Zen - 2% chance Cursed Dragon: Rewards: 1x Early Old Box + 10x Jewels (Bless/Soul/Chaos/Life) + 50% chance for Feather/Crest (35% Feather, 15% Crest). CC1-5. Early Old Box (w1 drops). Please leave your next questions/feedback on the official feedback topic, thanks!
    5. We may consider it. The whole point of "valuable early rewards" is to be valuable & farmed in time for the early game. In any case, even if you get feather as you say, the wings level 2 still require high level (especially if you upgrade their +) in order to be used.
    6. Hello OldSquaders, Even though it is still kind of cold outside, our Phoenix is ready to bring you some warmth! We're ready to announce the opening of the #4 Edition of Project Phoenix - with a totally reworked gameplay. Grand Opening: 25 March at 19:00 GMT+2 (Mobs will spawn at 20:00 GMT+2). Phoenix has been through multiple concepts reworks since it was born, none of them totally satisfied us, so we've brought our A game and redesigned it once again. I'll highlight in short some of the changes that you'll find on this edition, and the rest of them can be found in our official info topic(s): We want to highlight the biggest gameplay change that Phoenix has, as always you can consult our official information topic for everything you need to know: Phoenix is now a fully non-reset server (resets were removed). 3 Game periods: Hard, Mid & Soft and 3 reworked Breaks. Way slower level 1-400 progression. Limit on ML that can be raised by doing quests at level 400. Extra stat points & DMG/DEF/HP bonuses gained from quests. Full info can be read on Official Info Topic -> Gameplay Info as well as Progression System. The initially announced gameplay rework can also be read here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4795-phoenix-early-look-at-the-new-concept/ Castle Siege V3 - main things: Ally can now join CS as well with same rights. There is a maximum amount of players per ally that can be at CS. 2 new objectives during CS: Statues & Gigas Golem. Summoner sleep will prevent any damage on the affected players. Lots of balance changes. Full info can be read on Official Info Topic -> Castle Siege System V3. Initially announced CS rework can also be read here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4786-introducing-cs-v3-the-next-level/ Old Box System V2 - main things: Only 3 boxes now. Only relevant rewards for Early, Mid, Late game, based on box. There's a new Mix that you can use to combine lower boxes into higher boxes. They can be found on most events now. Full info can be read on Official Info Topic -> Old Box System V2. Big Economy rework - main things: Boxes of Kundun rework. Big nerfs towards ALT farm. New mixes. Reworked Wings Level 4 Mixes. + many more. Full info can be read on Official Info Topic -> across multiple sections. Initially announced economy rework can also be read here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4801-phoenix-early-look-at-the-big-economy-rework/ New jewel: Old Jewel. Info can be read on Official Info Topic -> Special / Hot Features that you should know. Fruits Extra Stats - if you reach maximum amount of Points from Creation Fruits you'll receive extra 150 points to spend. Some of the other changes worth mentioning (and there are way more that you can find by exploring our Info Topic): Wings level 4 will always come with both exc options. Wizard Ring & Moonstone Ring are now tradeable. Added /resetwings command It will reset (remove) the life option from the currently equipped wings. The wings will be placed back in your inventory (you need to have space for them). The cost for the command is 300 credits & 150kk Zen. Removed Quiz Event. Removed Illusion of Kundun. Icarus is now a normal levelling map. IT System is now the same as on Inception (can join any IT, you need IT ticket, there's IT Queue, etc.) Gamble now has a 2kk Zen tax for both players involved. Bonus System now starts at 17:35 and 08:35 and at 20:35 on Sunday. SM Teleport is now disabled in Dungeon. Rageful Blow is no longer part of combo - it is now the main BK PvM skill. Dark Side no longer require level 180, it now requires 423 Agility. Note: Even if the parchment will show with red when you don't have enough stats, you'll still be able to learn it without the needed stats - BUT IT WON'T WORK (DO DAMAGE) until you have the required stats. Dragon Roar no longer require level 150, it now requires 378 Energy. Chain Drive no longer require level 150, it now requires 519 Vitality. Note: Even if the parchment will show with red when you don't have enough stats, you'll still be able to learn it without the stats needed - BUT IT WON'T WORK (DO DAMAGE) until you have the required stats. Rageful Blow no longer require level 170 and Blade Knight class, it now require 513 STR and Dark Knight class. Death Stab no longer require level 160 and blade knight class, it now requires 452 STR and Dark Knight class. Twisting Slash no longer require level 80, it now requires 207 STR. Greater Fortitude no longer require level 120, it now requires 154 ENE. Ignore Defense no longer require level 120. Increase Block no longer require level 50, it now requires 264 ENE. Increase Health no longer require level 80, it now requires 370 ENE. Reset Fruits can now be farmed from Rabbits & Doppelganger (only). Splinter of Armor, Bless of Guardian & Claw of Beast (fenrir mats) can be farmed from BoK+4 Goldens, BoK+5 Goldens & Doppelganger. Outside of Early Old Box, Loch Feather & Monarch Crest can be farmed from Cursed Dragon, IT1, IT2. Outside of Mid Old Box, Condor Flame can be farmed from Balgass, IT3, IT4, IT5 & Mercenary Bounty Advanced. Now if you join the IT Queue, if you're not selected for priority you won't get back your IT ticket, basically it will be consumed for the chance for priority. And lots of smaller changes (mix chances, rates, etc.) that can either be found on the updated Official Topic or directly in game. More than that, Phoenix #4 is also featuring most of the improvements, fixes & features that were worked on Inception in the last 6 months (and there are hundreds), adapted for Phoenix. While most of the information is updated, there are still things left to be added to the info as well as maybe few changes before the Phoenix actually starts (or before that specific content is released in game). Prepare yourselves for another great journey brought to you by OldSquad Community! Official Info Topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2884-phoenix-official-information-everything-you-need-to-know/ Official discussions topic for Phoenix #4: Test-Server for Phoenix will be opened to public somewhere between Sunday & Monday! #MakeMuGreatAgain!
    7. Hello, We're waiting feedback about the 4th edition of Phoenix. Cheers!
    8. This new Ring is a personal experiment for late game. The major problem in late game for melee classes is that they are easily kited by the rest of classes on fenrir. Outside of melee classes, the ring will mostly benefit players only at CS. Costing a ring slot (as a cons), the ring will enable characters outside DL class as Alliance leaders, will change strategies around killers/switches and so on. It is one of the new "late-game" attractive rewards to aim for, and it will be 100% in the game in one form or another.
    9. I can't change such impactful settings during game, whenever "I feel like", unless it is really necessary. There are 2 changes pre-announced, a +5 increase after Break 2 (25 players), and another +5 increase after the transition to Mid Period (30 players).
    10. I am totally against such thing, you have sockets if you want to choose your own options. Exc items can't be 'reusable'.
    11. And yes, the kills & deaths count as well, in the same range.
    12. The change is already up for the incoming Phoenix. Bonus won't intersect with neither BC or DS, weekly or in weekend.
    13. No, only those from main guild, the assistant/bms from the allied guild are considered "normal" players.
    14. No release date for Phoenix. It can release anywhere between 18 March and 08 April, announced with 1 week before. Black Rose was the old name for the Demonic set of Summoner. It is possible, of course, but not on our files.
    15. Follow-up: Heart & Medals Now there's only Heart of Love dropping. The set items that can drop from Heart of Love are now the set items that were dropping on both Silver Medal & Gold Medal + the violent wind set from old Heart of Love. The weapons that can drop from Heart of Love are now the weapons that were dropping on both Silver Medal & Gold Medal. Luck chance of Heart items is 35%. Items from Heart can be dropped starting from +6 up to +11 (with a 4% chance for +11 and 8% chance for +10). As per the new Jewel of Life change, all items from Heart will drop without ADD. Heart of Love will drop from monsters between Level 18 & Level 100 with a rate similar to the old Silver Medal rate.
    16. There will be a latest version project (S17 in this case, heard that they will stop there) only when I can personally say that the work for S6 is totally done and nothing else I can do, so I'll have to fill my time with a new season project (that I personally hate, but it is what it is).
    17. If it was possible, it would have been already in game long time ago.
    18. Old Jewel can be used on excellent set items / shields with luck and minimum level of + 11, that have 1 or 2 exc options. Totally true, initially there were 10 harmony (and fine space) but I reduced it to 5 and forgot that the exc space is affected by that. I'll reduce it to 5 exc items so you can also combine 3x2 items. What I forgot to mention but I'll edit it now, the requirement is for set exc items, weapons are not included for the mix.
    19. I'm open for suggestions. I'd personally only give a BC ticket with 1 entry for those that win the BC statue in BC1-3/1-4, so they still get something but nothing useful for alts. I don't agree with such thing. You'll still have way more def from the ++ non exc items from medals than from a +0 exc item. In the end, such bok3 exc items does also drop from mobs on low maps, and thus not making any change. They aren't set yet but no, they'll have different rates for the drops. It is planned, but as a future update during the edition. Not anytime soon. I do feel the same, since it isn't "useful" for early game. We'll see about it if it stays or not. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 new things I can present you as well, looking for feedback: Old Jewel Old Jewel is a new mid-late game jewel, a custom one, that can either be mixed on Chaos Goblin or found in Late Old Box. Old Jewel can be used on excellent set items / shields with luck and minimum level of + 11, that have 1 or 2 exc options. Old Jewel will add +1 excellent option to the item (from 1 option to 2 options or from 2 options to 3 options). Old Jewel has 100% success rate on items. Old Jewel Mix: 30x Jewel of Bless. 30x Jewel of Soul. 10x Jewel of Chaos. 10x Jewel of Creation. 5x Jewel of Harmony. 300kk Zen. 5 exc set items (no weapons) + add12 (or higher). 40% success rate for the mix. The Mix goal is to give new opportunities to spend jewels, zen, and trash exc. items as well as to keep them relevant. Wings Level 4 Mix System There's now only 1 universal Statue for all classes to mix: Goat Statue. It is no longer tradeable via Store (and still no other means). There's now 40% chance for the mix to succeed on the Goat Statue. Goat Statue Mix: 2x Mid Old Box. 1x Late Old Box. 60x Jewel of Bless. 60x Jewel of Soul. 30x Jewel of Life. 20x Jewel of Chaos. 20x Jewel of Creation. 10x Jewel of Harmony. 1x 380 Weapon + 15 + Add16 (Any). 1kkk Zen. Wings Level 4 upgrade Mix: 1x Goat Statue. Wings Level 3 +15+Add16 (your class wings, if you mix SUM wings3 you will get SUM wings4, if you mix ELF wings3 you will get ELF wings4, etc.) 3x Late Old Box. 90x Jewel of Bless. 90x Jewel of Soul. 50x Jewel of Life. 40x Jewel of Chaos. 40x Jewel of Creation. 20x Jewel of Harmony. Talisman of Luck. 1.5kkk Zen. Note: Wings Level 4 will now 100% come with both options (ign & ref).
    20. This is an early look at most of the changes related to our new economy ecosystem that will be found on Phoenix as well as on future Inception editions. Pre-notes: The main problem of our game activities was the lack of motivating rewards. Some events were giving too much, while some events were giving too little. And there was always the chance of getting something bad off a better reward. One of the root problems was also the inflation of jewels from server. While they were attractive early on, their value just vanished during time due to the alts farm. One thing that always bothered us is that the market control was always in the hands of the biggest/most active players, while the rest of players didn't have much to say in the economy and had to "eat" the sometimes "insane" prices for some items. We're also looking to address that with our new Old Box System, creating more opportunities for normal players to get in touch with valuable items and to spread them more equally across the game. Jewels Changes Jewel of Life All items from game will now drop with add + 0 (non exc, exc, ancient & socket). Droprate from monsters highly reduced. Added in drop table of many events & mini-bosses. Jewel of Creation Permanently removed from drop from monsters. Added in drop table of many events & mini-bosses. If you reach maximum amount of fruit points (100/115/127 based on character) - you will receive an extra 150 points to add. You need to have level 400 in order for the 150 bonus points to be active. Jewel of Bless Droprate from monsters decently reduced. It will now be used for new mixes. Jewel of Soul Droprate from monsters highly reduced. It will now be used for new mixes. Gemstone Droprate from Kanturu3 & Relics highly reduced. Added in drop table in some other events/mini-bosses. Jewel of Chaos Droprate from monsters highly reduced. Added in drop table of many events & mini-bosses. Extra Changes: Loch's Feather, Crest of Monarch, Flame of Condor, Magic Backpack & Sphere level 4 now have an INSANELY LOW drop rate from monsters on their maps (you can consider that they aren't even dropping from monsters). Fenrir materials can no longer drop from monsters in spots (Kalima6). Icarus is now a normal levelling map. Quiz Event has been removed from game. Illusion of Kundun has been removed from game. With these changes we aim to: Nerf the ALTS farm to the ground. Reduce inflation of jewels to keep them relevant across the game. Add new uses to some jewels in order to keep the IN/OUT flow of jewels in economy more balanced. Make the jewels & more important drops more accessible from different places outside of alt farm. BoKs changes Now BoK+1, BoK+2 & BoK+3 will all drop the same Set Items: Leather Bronze Vine Silk Pad Bone Violent Wind Scale Brass Wind Spirit Sphinx Light Plate Plate Dragon Guardian Legendary Adamantine Red Wing Sacred Fire Storm Crow Now BoK+4 and BoK+5 will both drop their specific Set Items as well as all the BoK+1~3 Set Items: Leather Bronze Vine Silk Pad Bone Violent Wind Scale Brass Wind Spirit Sphinx Light Plate Plate Dragon Guardian Legendary Adamantine Red Wing Sacred Fire Storm Crow Ashcrow Iris Eclipse Valiant Black Dragon Dark Steel Ancient Dark Phoenix Divine Grand Soul Glorious Storm Zahard Thunder Hawk Black Rose The BoKs will still drop their own tier weapons, where the higher the BoK the higher the weapon tier. Now the BoKs have progressive luck & 2/3 options rates as following: BoK+1: 20% chance for Luck / 15% chance for 2 options / 1% chance for 3 options. BoK+2: 25% chance for Luck / 20% chance for 2 options / 2% chance for 3 options. BoK+3: 30% chance for Luck / 25% chance for 2 options / 3% chance for 3 options. BoK+4: 40% chance for Luck / 35% chance for 2 options / 5% chance for 3 options. BoK+5: 50% chance for Luck / 40% chance for 2 options / 6% chance for 3 options. With these BoK changes we aim to: Make the completion of a full 2 options excellent set harder especially early on. Motivate higher players to hunt higher BoKs since they can get the item they want (if they want a lower tier item) from the higher boks as well, but with way better chances for luck & 2/3 options compared to the lower BoKs. This will create more space & opportunities for the lower players to farm the lower BoKs themselves while still having chances (but lower) for good items. Extras: In order to make the specific BoK+4/BoK+5 sets still possible to be completed in a timely manner (due to the new BoKs changes), we've added them as extra drops from: Kundun: 50% chance to drop an extra BoK+4/BoK+5 specific set item with 2 options, apart from the normal reward. Nightmare: 100% chance to drop an extra BoK+4/BoK+5 specific set item with 2, apart from the normal reward. Dark Elves: 30% chance to drop an extra BoK+4/BoK+5 specific set item with 2, apart from the normal reward. New Old Box system There are now only 3 Old Boxes instead of 5: Early Old Box, Mid Old Box, Late Old Box. There are no longer "rare items" - well, on Phoenix they never were there, but they won't exist anymore on Inception as well, starting from the next edition. There are no longer jewels in the Old Boxes (outside of gemstones). Each Old Box can be obtained on events based on their name. Basically, Early Old Box can be obtained from Early-Game events/bosses/mini-bosses, and so on. Each Old Box will contain ONLY relevant items/rewards for the content stage where they can be obtained. Basically, Early Old Box will contain valuable Early-Game items/rewards, and so on. Old Boxes are still non tradeable and it is not possible to be moved to vault. There's now a new Chaos Goblin Mix for the Old Boxes, that will keep them relevant during entire edition, as following: You can craft a Mid Old Box by mixing: 3x Early Old Box 2x Jewel of Chaos 2x Jewel of Creation 4x Jewel of Bless 4x Jewel of Soul 60.000.000 Zen You can craft a Late Old Box by mixing: 3x Mid Old Box 5x Jewel of Chaos 5x Jewel of Creation 10x Jewel of Bless 10x Jewel of Soul 200.000.000 Zen This Mix will: Motivate mid-game/late-game players to still farm early/mid boxes. Giving new chances to average players to get late-game rewards, even if they can't contest the highest events/bosses. Give new ways of spending jewels & zen in order to boost the economy. Early Old Box rewards: EXC. BoK+1~3 set item with guaranteed 2 options and a small chance for 3 options, for the class that drops the Old Box. Mid-Tier ancient for the class that drops the Old Box. Wings Level 1 +luck+5~9. Lochs Feather. Crest of Monarch. 10x BC. 10x DS. Magic Backpack. 20x Splinter of Armor / 20 Bless of Guardian / 5x Claw of Beast. Mid Old Box rewards: EXC. BoK+4~5 specific set item with guaranteed 2 options and a small chance for 3 options, for the class that drops the Old Box. BoK+5 weapon with guaranteed 2 options and a small chance for 3 options, for the class that drops the Old Box. Last tier exc weapon with guaranteed 2 options and a small chance for 3 options, for the class that drops the Old Box. High tier ancient for the class that drops the Old Box. Wings Level 2 with the same chance for luck/options as the chaos mix. Piece of Horn. TOCA. 20x Gemstones. Flame of Condor. Late Old Box rewards: Socket Weapon for the class that drops the Old Box. 380 Weapon. EXC. last tier set item with guaranteed 2 options and a small chance for 3 options, for the class that drops the Old Box. Broken Horn. Flame of Condor. Talisman of Luck (W4). Seeds (DD REF HP) Ring of GM - While being equipped, this ring will give the character maximum resistances to all attributes (ice, poison, lightning, fire, etc.) - basically making it immune from being moved / iced / poisoned. Rings/Pendants with guaranteed 2 options and a small chance for 3 options. Events changes & rewards Rabbits invasion They will now invade 4 times per day instead of 3 times. There are now 60 Rabbits / invasion instead of 90 Rabbits / invasion: Maps: 15x Lorencia, 15x Noria, 10x Elbeland, 10x Devias, 10x Dungeon. Reward: 65% chance for jewel (Bless, Soul, Chaos, Life) - 34% chance for 4.000.000 Zen - 1% chance for Early Old Box. White Wizards invasion There are now 3 WW per invasion instead of 5 and are now considered early-game bosses. There are now 30 Orcs per invasion instead of 50 and they spawn in different maps compared to the WW bosses: WW: Elbeland, Dungeon, Devias. Orcs: 15x Orcs Lorencia, 15x Orcs Noria. WW Reward: 10x jewels (bless/soul/chaos/life/creation) + 40% chance for Early Old Box + 15.000.000 zen. Orcs Reward: 10% chance for Wizard's Ring, 40% chance for Jewel (bless/soul/chaos/life/creation), 48% chance for 4.000.000 Zen, 2% chance for Early Old Box. Cursed Dragon & Bloody Witch Queen They will now spawn together, at the same time: 1 time between 17:00 and 21:59. 1 time between 09:00 and 12:59. Cursed Dragon: Early game boss. Reward: 1x Early Old Box + 10x jewels (bless/soul/chaos/life/creation) + 50% chance for Feather/Crest (35% Feather, 15% Crest). Bloody Witch Queen: Mid-Late game boss. Reward: 85% chance for Mid Old Box / 15% chance for Late Old Box + 20x jewels (soul/chaos/life/creation/gemstones) + 2x last tier EXC set items (GD, DM, etc.) with 2 options. Imperial Event Bosses are rewarding 3 Jewels (Soul/Life/Creation) + 10% chance for Talisman of Chaos Assembly. Optional objective: Kill the Statues and get 2~3 extra Jewels (Bless/Soul/Chaos) that anyone from party can pick. Sunday final boss: 1x Talisman of Chaos Assembly. Weekly records rewards: Having 35+ Points: 10x Jewel of Harmony + 1x TOCA + 1x Mid Old Box Having 25-34 points: 5x Jewel of Harmony + 1x TOCA + 1x Mid Old Box. Having 15-24 points: 5x Jewel of Harmony + 1x TOCA + 1x Early Old Box. Having 5-14 points: 5x Jewel of Harmony + 1x Early Old Box. Chaos Castle CC 1: 2 Jewels (Bless/Soul/Life/Creation) + 10% chance for Star (Rings/Pends exc) + 50% chance for Low Tier Ancient. CC 2: 3 Jewels (Bless/Soul/Life/Creation) + 20% chance for Star (Rings/Pends exc) + 70% chance for Low Tier Ancient. CC 3: 3 Jewels (Bless/Soul/Life/Creation) + 70% chance for Low Tier Ancient / 30% chance for Early Old Box. CC 4: 4 Jewels (Soul/Chaos/Life/Creation) + 60% chance for Low-Mid Tier Ancient / 40% chance for Early Old Box. CC 5: 4 Jewels (Soul/Chaos/Life/Creation) + 50% chance for Low-Mid Tier Ancient / 50% chance for Early Old Box. CC 6: 5 Jewels (Soul/Chaos/Creation/Gemstone) + 60% chance for Random Ancient / 20% chance for Early Old Box / 20% chance for Mid Old Box. CC 7: 5 Jewels (Soul/Chaos/Creation/Gemstone) + 60% chance for Random Ancient / 40% chance for Mid Old Box. Kanturu Event Rewards from Hands: 3 Jewels (Bless/Soul/Life/Creation). Rewards from Nightmare (BOSS): 1x Exc. Weapon (Knight Blade, Platina Staff, etc.) + 60% Chance for Mid Old Box + 100% chance to drop an extra BoK+4/BoK+5 specific set item with 2 options, apart from the normal reward. Kundun Rewards: 2x Random Mid-High Ancients + 40% chance for Mid Old Box + 50% chance to drop an extra BoK+4/BoK+5 specific set item with 2 options, apart from the normal reward. Medusa 4 Socket Set Items with 3 slots (and lower chance for Socket Shields with 3~4 slots) + 30% chance for Late Old Box + 10% chance for a 380 Weapon. Selupan Rewards: 5 Socket Set Items with 3 slots and 1 Socket Weapon with 4~5 slots + 50% chance for Late Old Box + 10% chance for a 380 Weapon. Crywolf Event Balgass drop: 2x Mid Old Box & 3x PoH that anyone can pick at random locations near Balgass (in 12x12 range). Dark Elves drop: 30% chance to drop Mid Old Box, 30% chance to drop Exc. Weapons (Knight Blade, Platina Staff,etc.), 40% chance to drop 100.000.000 Zen + 30% chance to drop an extra BoK+4/BoK+5 specific set item with 2, apart from the normal reward. Blood Castle rewards aren't currently set up. World Bosses rewards aren't currently set up. Illusion Temple IT will be changed to use the Inception's system where you can join on any IT level, everyone gets same amount of stats to add, there's the IT Queue, and so on. IT Rewards aren't currently set up. Skeletons Invasion Death King: 1x Early Old Box + 2x Magic Backpack. Death Skeletons: 75% Magic Backpack / 25% Early Old Box. Wings Protector Reward: 100% Wings Level 4 Talisman + 50% chance for Late Old Box. Goldens BoK+1 Goldens have a 1% chance to drop an Early Old Box as extra reward. BoK+2 Goldens have a 2% chance to drop an Early Old Box as extra reward. BoK+3 Goldens have a 3% chance to drop an Early Old Box as extra reward. BoK+4 Goldens have 3% chance to drop an Mid Old Box as extra reward. BoK+5 Goldens have a 4% chance to drop a Mid Old Box as extra reward. Golden Budge Dragon has 5% chance to drop an Early Old Box as extra reward. Golden Derkon has 10% chance to drop an Early Old Box as extra reward. GGDs have a 10% chance to drop a Mid Old Box as extra reward. Hybrid Events OSGM - apart from the normal guaranteed rewards that will be described on each edition, each participant will have a 5% chance to receive an Old Box based on the current state of server (early game - early old box, and so on). BiA - apart from the normal guaranteed rewards that will be described on each edition, each participant will have a 10% chance to receive an Old Box based on the current state of server (early game - early old box, and so on). Soccer Night - apart from the normal guaranteed rewards that will be described on each edition, each participant will have a 15% chance to receive an Old Box based on the current state of server (early game - early old box, and so on). Arena Tournament - apart from the normal guaranteed rewards, each Last Laugh participant will have a 20% chance to receive an Old Box based on the current state of server (early game - early old box, and so on). These are currently the planned economy changes for the next Phoenix. Conclusion: We highly believe that with this complex rework, our goals will be touched: All of our events will be way more attractive in terms of gains. The alts will be highly nerfed compared to active players. The rewards will be better spread for most players to have access to. The bosses will be worth the fights for, between the top players. All of these changes are subject to change and may not represent the true, final version of the rework. Some of the things aren't yet decided / changed but will be found in an updated official info topic before the launch. We're waiting feedback. Later Edit: 3 new things I can present you as well, looking for feedback: Old Jewel Old Jewel is a new mid-late game jewel, a custom one, that can either be mixed on Chaos Goblin or found in Late Old Box. Old Jewel can be used on excellent set items / shields with minimum level of + 11, that have 1 or 2 exc. options. Old Jewel will add +1 excellent option to the item (from 1 option to 2 options or from 2 options to 3 options). Old Jewel has 100% success rate on items. Old Jewel Mix: 30x Jewel of Bless. 30x Jewel of Soul. 10x Jewel of Chaos. 10x Jewel of Creation. 5x Jewel of Harmony. 300kk Zen. 5 exc set items (no weapons) + add12 (or higher). 40% success rate for the mix. The Mix goal is to give new opportunities to spend jewels, zen, and trash exc. items as well as to keep them relevant. Wings Level 4 Mix System There's now only 1 universal Statue for all classes to mix: Goat Statue. It is no longer tradeable via Store (and still no other means). Goat Statue Mix: 4x Mid Old Box. 60x Jewel of Bless. 60x Jewel of Soul. 30x Jewel of Life. 20x Jewel of Chaos. 20x Jewel of Creation. 10x Jewel of Harmony. 1x 380 Weapon + 15 + Add16 (Any). 1kkk Zen. Wings Level 4 upgrade Mix: 1x Goat Statue. Wings Level 3 +15+Add16 (your class wings, if you mix SUM wings3 you will get SUM wings4, if you mix ELF wings3 you will get ELF wings4, etc.) 3x Late Old Box. 90x Jewel of Bless. 90x Jewel of Soul. 60x Jewel of Chaos. 60x Jewel of Creation. Talisman of Luck. 1.5kkk Zen. Note: Wings Level 4 will now 100% come with both options (ign & ref). Heart & Medals Now there's only Heart of Love dropping. The set items that can drop from Heart of Love are now the set items that were dropping on both Silver Medal & Gold Medal + the violent wind set from old Heart of Love. The weapons that can drop from Heart of Love are now the weapons that were dropping on both Silver Medal & Gold Medal. Luck chance of Heart items is 35%. Items from Heart can be dropped starting from +6 up to +11 (with a 4% chance for +11 and 8% chance for +10). As per the new Jewel of Life change, all items from Heart will drop without ADD. Heart of Love will drop from monsters between Level 18 & Level 100 with a rate similar to the old Silver Medal rate.
    21. It all depends on how fast we finish everything that we have planned for Phoenix. We want it to be released earlier than usual but there's no guarantee yet that we'll finish it in time. 2nd half of March is the objective but with low hopes, 1st half of April being more realistic. It is a question that I can't answer. What I can answer is that both the basic exp rate and the % xp rates based on levels will be reduced compared to previous Phoenix. As stated, level 1-400 will be a way longer journey compared to how it was so far. I doubt there will ever be a block-exp feature again. Outside of blocking the exp on alts to participate at different lower events it has no use. I am not against such practice but it most come with a cost (if you pass the event level, you need to re-make your character).
    22. Compared to how we did things so far, we're releasing few of the most important changes from the next Phoenix early on, so that you can bring your feedback before the final versions (we started with the CS V3). In this topic I'll present you the new game concept for Phoenix and what you will expect on the incoming edition. Our Phoenix is getting a big concept shift once again, in a last tentative to try to have it live longer than it usually does. Main concept changes: Phoenix is now a fully non-reset server, without either forced or optional resets. After reaching level 400, you can start our End-Game Quests (that will also be updated, but later on). You will start with a ML limit of 30. Every 3 quests done will unlock you a higher limit of ML, up to maximum of 230 ML. Each quest will also give you few extra points to spend, based on its tier (10/20/30 points per quest done). Every 3 quests done will also increase your Damage, HP & Defense with 1%, up to 5%. After finishing all the 15 quests, you will be able to reset them 1-2 times. After reset each quest will only give you 5/10/15 extra points per quest and no extra bonuses. It is just a prolonged end-game. Hard, Mid & Soft periods: Phoenix will now transit through 3 different game-periods, in the same edition. Hard period (1st period): Phoenix will have a way harder progression for level 1-400 than it used to have, since it is now a non-reset server. During Hard period there won't be any newbies boosts in terms of exp. The Hard period will have 3 reworked Breaks as following: Break 1 is touched when level 250 is reached. The exp when reaching level 250 will get down to 5-8% of the previous exp. The Break 1 counter will officially start after at least 1 character from each class touches the Break (get to level 250+). After the counter is released, the Break 1 will be over 7 days later. During Break, each level after 250 will grant a bonus reward at the end of the Break. After the Break is over, the exp for level 250+ will get back to normal. Break 2 is touched when level 330 is reached. The exp when reaching level 330 will get down to 8-12% of the previous exp. The Break 2 counter will officially start after at least 1 character from each class touches the Break (get to level 330+). After the counter is released, the Break 2 will be over 7 days later. During Break, each level after 330 will grant a bonus reward at the end of the Break. After the Break is over, the exp for level 330+ will get back to normal. Break 3 is touched when level 385 is reached. The exp when reaching level 385 will get down to 12-15% of the previous exp. The Break 3 counter will officially start after at least 1 character from each class touches the Break (get to level 385+). After the counter is released, the Break 3 will be over 7 days later. During Break, each level after 385 will grant a bonus reward at the end of the Break. After the Break is over, the exp for level 385+ will get back to normal. The Hard period will last until first 25 players do reach level 400, then we will transit to Mid period. The moment of transition is also the moment of Quest System release. Mid period (2nd period): When the transition to Mid period is made, the exp for level 1-400 will be boosted 5x times and also some drops from game will be raised. The Mid period is a middle ground, as its name, where lower players will be able to catch-up way easier while bigger players will still have a competition at the top. When 25 players reach 150+ ML, we will have the last transition, into Soft period. Soft period (3rd period): When the transition to Soft period is made, the exp for level 1-400 will be again boosted 2x times (10x times compared to hard) as well as the ML exp will be boosted 3x times & some drops from game will be also raised. This Soft period will be our end-game period designed purely for casual play with probably 2 CS / week, more Arena Tournaments / Brothers in Arms and so on. Basically during this period you won't have to level too much / be active too much but you'll have reasons to casually log in and play some events / finish your items. With this system we aim to both offer a hardcore experience but also a reason to continue playing our Phoenix in the long-run since you won't have to tryhard/hardcore play all summer, but rather enjoy the game as it is. Also we're giving enough reasons for newbies to join later on.
    23. Well, EEs will still remain as the only real buffers, where the more energy = the more buff, without any limit. So in case the AE is banned, all guilds will play only with EEs, not with EEs + AEs. Later Edit: To make it more clear, the only buffer builds that will be affected by the future changes will be EBK & ERF, since this are the only 2 boring buffer builds to play. ESMs are still good in terms of damage / impact outside of Mana Shield and the EE will always remain as a buffer class for CS, that needs more activity & management compared to EBK/ERF that only gets in range, press 1 button and then leave range.
    24. Related to buffer builds - we have already planned changes related to buffers & ban system, but in a future update since we don't have all details right now. Basically, the idea is that most buffer builds will be slightly nerfed in terms of buff power but will also be limitted to x points (a way lower value than now, that would make the character sacrifice only a small part of the points for the buffs, and the rest of points can be used for a normal build). Real game example (Phoenix): If EBK must get like 1000-1500 energy in order to have max sweal buff, on the new iteration the maximum sweal buff will be reached with only 300-500 energy, but with a lower value of the buff. Also the banning phase will actually ban the skills as well (i.e. banning EBK will also ban sweal, banning ESUM will also ban sleep, banning AE will also ban Ice arrow, and so on). The changes will only affect CS server and not the normal server(s).
    25. The new CS V3 system is now up on Inception! Important notes: You can play the CS only with the guild/alliance that you started with when you did /rebuild. You can't join other guilds/alliances during CS. The immunity buff for GM when holding both statues does make him immune from being moved as well. The immunity gained by a player under Sleep effect does make him immune from being moved as well. Alliance GMs can use the commands /blacklist PlayerName and /delblacklist PlayerName in order to add or remove players access to CS before & during the event. Note: Few seconds after blacklisting a player, if he is online in valley he will be moved to crywolf and prevented from joining Valley. Changes compared to initial info (for now, other changes/tweaks are expected after real game tests): Curse Stun will be given out every 45 seconds instead of every 30 seconds (so 4 times / curse). The damage immunity when holding both statues is now given only to the GM instead of GM+Assistant+BMs. Initialization will happen 9:30 minutes after CS does start, instead of 10 minutes after CS does start. Note: On CS V2 initialization was made 14:45 minutes after CS started. Raised Activity points as part of Net Worth formula to 0.15 per second in valley but outside of room/statues range (from 0.1 per second) and 0.4 per second inside room / statues range (from 0.3 per second). Instead of having networth intervals for reward, now the networth will dictate the % chance for getting the special box as rewards, as following: (NetWorth/100)% = box chance. Examples: Having 1000 NetWorth = 10% chance for special box (OB5 in Inception's case). Having 1200 NetWorth = 12% chance for special box (OB5 in Inception's case). Having 2450 NetWorth = 24.5% chance for special box (OB5 in Inception's case). Having 5500 NetWorth = 55% chance for special box (OB5 in Inception's case). The rest of the chance is for guaranteed 10s/10c/10cr/10gem. Bonus Reward: Players with 4000+ Net Worth will also win 2x VIP Days. Extra changes: Now the winners no longer have to use lord mix for the GM Boxes. The GM of the winning Alliance will receive 7x GM boxes at the end of CS, and the lord Mix will no longer give rewards. The winners will still get the zen percent of taxes from market as bonus reward, into Senior. The zen percent from market taxes is now reduced from 10% to 4%. This 2 extra changes won't be active on the current Inception but will be active on Phoenix.
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