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  • kthanhcb

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    kthanhcb last won the day on May 27 2022

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    About kthanhcb

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    1. Can't delete post but Gion please help me move this post to the correct server. ty ❤️
    2. I don't see anything here :)) maybe you need to review the rules
    3. Currently I see Statue w4 MG/SM/BK(GOAT) is failing to put in store or ware like other statue, hope ADMIN will fix this error soon @ADMIN
    4. we consist of 6 people , of which 4 are Vietnamese internet , 1 Romania , 1 Azerbaijani and all 6 are lagging at selupan 0% hp . and we dis when drop reward . I don't think this is an individual player fault but a game bug and we want to help fix the reward. Thank https://imgur.com/76KewDU https://imgur.com/ho1jNnv
    5. Photo has a collage, not the original image, you should read the rules carefully before posting
    6. I think the ADMIN team needs to listen to the players' suggestions to know what they need and want
    7. too fast too dangerous from genesis and too bad from admin If there is no change, I believe that before passing to genesis, Inception didn't exist for more than 100 players.
    8. a good MU so far, but it seems to be somewhat biased towards some players or a certain group (I can't say the names, but who most people think of) that is also the reason why The server is less competitive because it is unfair and as a result a lot of players quit the game at the same time. Hopefully the next server will end this situation, wish OldSquadMU to develop ❤️
    9. :))) I'm sure you're the only one who's solo at CC =)))
    10. I want to ask, why did I not receive any reward gens recently? I'm top3 gens V
    11. there may be an error. I have not received the reward yet
    12. Hi Admin and Gion, sorry for the inconvenience, but I have to post this so admin and Gion can read the story later. I am HoaBatTu , top3 OSGM February , but until now I have not been supported to receive the seed as I wanted , although I have pm Gion in the game as well as mail to Admin at the forum but have not received the results , the The event has been over for 1 week but I still have not received the reward I want, although I know admin and Gion are busy for the new server, but I want to receive the reward of 4 DD seeds. I hope admin and Gion support me as well as top1 and top2, thanks
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