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  • Mu3rTe

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    Mu3rTe last won the day on December 17 2021

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    About Mu3rTe

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    1. As i would imagine, i see many people posting here about this and that and so on, if something will change... if something will be different.... if this will be like this, if this will be like that... if something will be newer.... and so on... but in the end, i think the real problem is sometimes about how we deal with our own frustrations and the way to make others understand what we are experiencing, without offending but than of course, this is an online game.. and like any other game, if its not stirring your emotions, be them anger, sadness, excitement or any other, its not worth playing. Sometimes without the "toxicity" you are unable to give your best.
    2. So many changes, so much difficult, people who play this game play because it is easy and many are not capable of playing something more complicated. If we want complicated game, we would play another game. I would agree with the changes, with the diversity, but what is the point? for what are we fighting this CS? the reward for CS owners is not worth the time and effort. GM boxes, and what.. dont even need to win and you still can get more than half, no expenses added. 380 weapons, and what.. now u got world bosses, drop rate for weapon is higher than on gm boxes. for what to even struggle? to coordinate, to make strategies.. people who play this game want to 1vs1 duel and to win, or will blame the settings and some times for good reasons (in my view cant understand some chars to be op for so long just because stage, its killing the game, example rf 1 hitting any char for like 1.5 months... i guess we need to focus on other aspects of the game) Most cant coordinate even in current settings, cant read properly many things.. most just wanna wait end of db and have what to brag next db that they are the best or w/e. on to the post, below should not exist in my point of view. If your alliance holds both statues then the following buff will be up for your alliance until you lose at least 1 Statue: GM, Assistant & Battle Masters gain damage immunity, preventing them from being damaged, while the buff is active
    3. u can start with set +9 and no ddi in items, huge difference pvp wise, if u wanna be atleast decent, +13 and 5% ddi is a must
    4. you sure are doing something wrong
    5. Mu3rTe

      Bug kill

      if u wanna win something with bk... or any other character, go full vit, this server benefits the most vit builds.
    6. Mu3rTe

      Bug kill

      9k hp bk is useless.. now matter how much damage u do. server is build that u should fight until some1 runs out of pots :)) doesnt matter how much damage build you go, you are limited on damage pvp
    7. Sounds like a promising data base I wish I could play also, but maybe next time
    8. https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1192-inception-info-about-credits/
    9. finally something interesting happening :))
    10. we can make perma DS and all will be happy.
    11. go hold hands stop posting here what happened today? i heard you died 1 time and left at medusa, playboys were afk? no bff to come to rescue?
    12. I su*k yours and you su*k mine, Let's hold hands so we can rise. Power of friendship prevails yeyyyyyyyy, let's rename BFF4EVER.
    13. Nothing special, same old, same old, * strikes again.
    14. As long as you are having fun, all good. But from having fun, to make everything just to win its a long way.
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