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    The Castle is Cursed ? Chapter V


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     I missed the last Castle Siege, so I started to ask questions here and there about what happened, and the short story sounds like this:  At the last castle siege, NONE crushed Smurf from the beginning to "the end"  (if you can say that, because the fight lasted for like 30-45 minutes).

     When I tried to reach NONE side version, I found first Coco online , he redirected me to Krass and Tool, as Krass was the voice during the last fight, and Tool is an important member of  the guild, who takes part in their strategy build. I started a short interview with them to figure our their point of view.

     On the other side, I got a few Smurfs participants at the last Castle Siege opinions, and they, mostly, are the same : NONE can not beat them on equal number of players, but they won because they have at least twice more members active than them.

     At the end of my research I found out from NONE leaders that HOSTILE is considering to disband the alliance,  probably not now, but that's a possible scenario,  and Aqvila, the great lord of NONE, will no longer be able to play actively. The Curse is doing his "thing" there, on the other side I saw that some members started to quit Smurf guild, and they are getting weaker on each week (at least on Castle Siege).

     Judging by the signs from today, it doesn't look too good in the future for both sides, as NONE with Aqvila been inactive for an undefined period, and losing the advantage they got from HOSTILE active members, will they remain strong enough to face the next opponents? Also Smurfs seem to tilt because even if they thought that if the Castle Siege will be on Sunday they will have a chance to win, obviously they were wrong, as NONE knocked them out in less than 1 hour, and now (again) they complain about numbers ....

     NONE's Antidote for Curse was in Aqvila's hands? What will happen with them without him?(as now there are rumors that HOSTILE will disband ally). Will the remaining leaders continue to keep NONE's supremacy on Phoenix, even if HOSTILE breakes the alliance?

      Smurfs are so weak that the Castle Curse broke them down in short time after they lost the Castle?  They seem to struggle and cannot find the power to bring enough forces to at least stand up 2 hours of fight vs NONE, second week in a row...

      Since I didn't found any Smurfs players to give me an interview, let's see what NONE leaders said , below you can see a short interview: 

    Reporter: "Hello, Krass, Coco just told me that you were the voice of NONE, during the last Castle Siege, is it right? "

    Krass: " Yes, it is right. "

    Reporter: "Can you tell us what happened ? "

    Krass : "Well, basically Smurfs didn't manage to Seal last Castle Siege, that's why we won with a very big points gap...we tried our best, so their Guild Master couldn't seal. The strategy we planned worked so well.  "

    Reporter: "What was NONE Castle Siege strategy, and which players from your guild involved in the strategy for Castle Siege? "

    Tool: "We had a plan to keep Yami away from throne room, so we had SMs Ice Storming last gates, to slow down their momentum, and AEs icing him, and we killed him there and walk out again, did not matter if there was other enemy inside. Krass is the author of the plan, I was just icing the gates more or less.  "


    Reporter: "How many players from Smurf attended to this Siege? What about NONE's?   "

    Tool : "Smurf - not enough, us = didn't count. "

    Krass: " Around 4 parties we had, and Smurfs 2 or 3 (maybe)."

    Reporter: " Have you discovered Smurf's strategy? What was it ?"

    Krass : " Well, their strategy is basic, just kill switch and seal, which is sooo basic and sucks."

    Tool: " We staid where we were supposed to :) apart from that, hadn't seen any logic on the attack they could have, at least use a second  DL with summon to get their gm in to throne room more often, but i don't know, all want to be DPS, i guess, they don't see the usefulness in summon."

    Reporter: " So, are you saying that Smurf guild basically sucks ?"

    Krass: " Not literally, base on siege and compare to us, they Sucks!!!"

    Tool: "Well, no, not me , they have few skilled players, but because they can't gather enough force, they know they won't take the Castle, so they just come in for fun, I guess. That would explain the straight forward game play of theirs."

    Reporter : "I tried to get in contact with your GM, but I couldn't. Why is Aqvila offline? "

    Tool : "He said he will start working on his porn star carrier more seriously, and he needs more time."

    Reporter : "So Aqvila abandoned the game ? This means The Curse is hunting your guild? "

    Krass : " Aqvila didn't quit ... he will still play every Castle Siege. Also, he still involves on our group chat."

    Tool : "I would not say that it's THE CURSE , it's just life."

    Reporter : " How did you lost the castle to Smurf, in the past?"

    Tool: "A lot of people were off."

    Krass :" A lot of people were off, and there was a BUG ?"

    Reporter :" What BUG?"

    Krass: "I don't know, but that's what I heard from the others... Anyway, literally loads of ppl were off." 


    Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment! 

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    New article !

    Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment! 

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    People dont need to speculate about strategies or why we didnt have summons and what not.

    It took us almost 40mins to bearly make 2 parties. We went for fun, but playing against twice the numbers its not much you can do :)

    In my honest opinion I dont see why none have not disbaned alliance already. Castle siege will die out if nothing is done. We need to bring more guilds into the mix

    People are loosing interest and we wont be able to get more numbers in the coming days.


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    3 hours ago, Reporter said:

    Reporter: " So, are you saying that Smurf guild basically sucks ?"

    Krass: " Not literally, base on siege and compare to us, they Sucks!!!"

      Hmm.. this actually sounds like a war declaration, from Krass .... a dog who started to bite the hand that used to feed him, choose your words carefully Krass ! 

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    1 hour ago, Zutto said:

    People dont need to speculate about strategies or why we didnt have summons and what not.

    It took us almost 40mins to bearly make 2 parties. We went for fun, but playing against twice the numbers its not much you can do :)

    In my honest opinion I dont see why none have not disbaned alliance already. Castle siege will die out if nothing is done. We need to bring more guilds into the mix

    People are loosing interest and we wont be able to get more numbers in the coming days.


    when we were 4+ parties and we won, noone said a word. when CS lost because lack of people, everyone become so loud ..

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    make guilds with 30 people and no alliances... or even 35 people...and maybe more guilds will come cs..

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    Its funny when smurfs can always find excuses when they lose LOL. 

    P.S its your problems that you can get proper amount of people in CS. Im glad they changed time to Sunday, so you cant cry about that anymore

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    16 minutes ago, Statkis said:

    Its funny when smurfs can always find excuses when they lose LOL. 

    P.S its your problems that you can get proper amount of people in CS. Im glad they changed time to Sunday, so you cant cry about that anymore

    If you are so good as you say you are...why do you need a so many parties? why not challenge ur selfs? instead of taking whole server in guild :) you know you would lose without numbers

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    With all the respect for all the nice fights we had so far...

    I'm so tired to hear this excuse with "not enough players". This is a MASSIVE Multiplayer Online RPG. CS is on Sunday now.

    It's Smurf's job to step up your game, recruit new people and help them grow. Sharing that sweet sweet loot with newer players ain't gonna hurt so bad.

    As long as i was GM of NONE, you didn't bring much competition to the table, sorry.


    If you want to play in 5 people, i recommend Diablo III.

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    9 minutes ago, salam said:

    With all the respect for all the nice fights we had so far...

    I'm so tired to hear this excuse with "not enough players". This is a MASSIVE Multiplayer Online RPG. CS is on Sunday now.

    It's Smurf's job to step up your game, recruit new people and help them grow. Sharing that sweet sweet loot with newer players ain't gonna hurt so bad.

    As long as i was GM of NONE, you didn't bring much competition to the table, sorry.


    If you want to play in 5 people, i recommend Diablo III.

    I dare you go as 2 parties, but maybe the bug will happen then too :)?

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    2 minutes ago, Zutto said:

    I dare you go as 2 parties, but maybe the bug will happen then too :)?


    13 minutes ago, salam said:

    If you want to play in 5 people, i recommend Diablo III. 


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    I am still waiting for NONE "leader" to tell me what exactly he means when he say that Smurf Suck......Come on Krass  give me a reason .....

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    something interesting here :D 

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    11 minutes ago, Shuryk said:

    something interesting here :D 

    Nothing interesting as new NONE main leader (Krass) the dog i mention before , has no balls to stand up and say it in my face (Sparkle your guild  sucks)! But stay chill i have an antidote for that!

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    14 minutes ago, salam said:

    lmao that was actually hilarious! we need more content like this :rofl:


        no snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible

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    3 minutes ago, Exilia said:

    lmao that was actually hilarious! we need more content like this :rofl:

    Was years ago since I saw this, smiled the whole clip ha

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    A bit of banter never hurt. loving this

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    As far as I remember Krass told me that the Reporter ask if Smurf sucks, so he answered it yes. And it's not in general tho! Krass meant about last CS! So chill your tits boys!


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