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    Feedback from Players


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    We would like to hear more thoughts from our players, so I will start this topic, "Feedback", for you guys to write here all the good and the bad things, ofc, so we can know your taste, as OldSquad players. 

    And this topic it's not like "the report topic" type. You can say if you don't like the drop from LostTower, or from OldBoxes, or if you like it. We want to know if we do a good thing, so we can keep doing it, and same for bad things. 

    Also feedback regarding the characters is welcome, you know, because we are now using the dynamic character balance.

    Best regards,

    OS staff

    I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie
    But, ayy, I barely care
    I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there 
    I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there
    They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there
    I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere"

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    on current stage some bugs appeared what didnt happened before.. like passing by Illusion Temple client crash from air.. would be awesome if you could relog back to event if you disconnecting or something like that

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    I don’t like exe drop mechanism from Boxes, ppls dress in 2op items in  +- first stage and after goldens lost a lot of their value. IMHO better will be if all items will drop 100% with 1opt and luck and 1-5% without luck and 2opt . First set for example will give 10def, last set 200(if we talk about 30res)


    Bosses HP bar will be nice if he will be hide, it's more interesting when u cant prognosis when Boss fall.

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    14 hours ago, Spawn said:

    I don’t like exe drop mechanism from Boxes, ppls dress in 2op items in  +- first stage and after goldens lost a lot of their value. IMHO better will be if all items will drop 100% with 1opt and luck and 1-5% without luck and 2opt . First set for example will give 10def, last set 200(if we talk about 30res)

    Finally you can use your brain for constructive things apart from crying, nice.

    I like this idea.


    Bosses HP bar will be nice if he will be hide, it's more interesting when u cant prognosis when Boss fall.

    Also interesting point, thought it's either disabled for all monsters or for none, and I believe there are a lot of people that like to see HP bar of mobs outside of bosses.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    Congratulations to Admin and his team for setting up the server. Everything is great for me.
    I just wanted to suggest two things:
     1st - It seems to me that the race should be removed from  OGSM.
    It is not normal for the same person to win a completely random contest again  and agian and again.
     2nd - I suggest you make something like an auction or a gambler for JoCreations. Atm JoC are useless and auction/gambler can help with economy.

    PS: What u think to add 380 weap to drop from Selupan/Medusa with like 5% rate ? 

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    46 minutes ago, Princess PornStar said:

    Congratulations to Admin and his team for setting up the server. Everything is great for me.
    I just wanted to suggest two things:
     1st - It seems to me that the race should be removed from  OGSM.
    It is not normal for the same person to win a completely random contest again  and agian and again.
     2nd - I suggest you make something like an auction or a gambler for JoCreations. Atm JoC are useless and auction/gambler can help with economy.

    PS: What u think to add 380 weap to drop from Selupan/Medusa with like 5% rate ? 

    1 - It is a good point that we've thought about so far, that it should be just another "fun & luck" event like the rest. So we're currently turning it off as it will be reworked in the very close future into a new version that will feature such fun & luck characteristic.

    2 - Not sure about it but if you have an idea of such implementation you can create a dedicated suggestion topic and we'll see if it can be done / it is worth being done.

    PS - We're thinking about it, we'll see.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    1. if the characters received "transparency" as after being eliminated from the event and everyone started the race from 1 point it would be much fair

    9 hours ago, ADMIN said:

    Finally you can use your brain for constructive things apart from crying, nice.

    if you think pointing out problems is crying, I'd rather stay the same person than be blind, do something to my advantage or will playing without reason if nothing doesn't change .

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    Currently i think server is in a good state as it is. Only Rage Fighter seems to be a bit too powerful. I only have two things to add:
    - on next edition don't prevent trading of rare items if there are such - this can be easly exploited via transfer character
    - consider finally switching to some newer season? I think Season 8 could be a cool, some new things, but not like totally new, Season 6 feels kind of old when you consider there is already 15 seasons in mu and 16 is upcoming - here i think it's a good idea to create some kind of poll maybe if players actually want this

    Well when there will be socket items JoC will have a little more purpose, so i think it's okay as it is.

    But actually some auction house where people could bid themselves for any item put by players could be interesting idea. And not's so hard to do like:

    When player adds a item to auction house he sets what he accepts like creds(maybe max 1000 here?)/chaos/bless/soul/harmony etc as well as how many credits he value each jevel. This way it can be easy calculated when people makes a bid. I think it would be cool idea to have as additional thing to market. Maybe cost a lot more zen, like 100-200kk(and increase it in case it's too low when server ages) so you don't put like some garbage items there.

    Also good be a good for a economy, that players decide how much they want to pay for item.

    I could write a separate suggestion topic if Staff would like to consider this idea.

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    2 minutes ago, Sensei said:

    Also DL must be nerfed on Illusion Temple...


    Wouldn't touch him, he is already in dangerous spot after pvp nerf, at least let him be a good in one thing he excells on - scoring on IT.

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    2 hours ago, Juri said:

    Wouldn't touch him, he is already in dangerous spot after pvp nerf, at least let him be a good in one thing he excells on - scoring on IT.

    now it is like - who have dl in team= auto victory

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    21 minutes ago, Sensei said:

    now it is like - who have dl in team= auto victory

    It's not true, i had cases when i didn't have dl in my team and there was in enemy and still won.

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    16 hours ago, Spawn said:

    1. if the characters received "transparency" as after being eliminated from the event and everyone started the race from 1 point it would be much fair

    if you think pointing out problems is crying, I'd rather stay the same person than be blind, do something to my advantage or will playing without reason if nothing doesn't change .

    1. I don't understand the part with 1 point, but the reworked Golden Race will feature random buffs/debuffs, NPCs as obstacles during race and more laps. This will make sure that it is just another fun & luck event, where everyone has equal chances.

    There is a big difference between pointing out problems (WHICH WE BEG PEOPLE TO DO) and crying. And keep in mind that I wasn't the one calling you CRYYYYY instead of DIEEEEE, players did, this should say more than I should.

    I also don't understand (the english meaning) of: "I'd rather stay the same person than be blind, do something to my advantage or will playing without reason if nothing doesn't change .".

    6 hours ago, Juri said:

    Currently i think server is in a good state as it is. Only Rage Fighter seems to be a bit too powerful. I only have two things to add:
    - on next edition don't prevent trading of rare items if there are such - this can be easly exploited via transfer character
    - consider finally switching to some newer season? I think Season 8 could be a cool, some new things, but not like totally new, Season 6 feels kind of old when you consider there is already 15 seasons in mu and 16 is upcoming - here i think it's a good idea to create some kind of poll maybe if players actually want this

    Well when there will be socket items JoC will have a little more purpose, so i think it's okay as it is.

    But actually some auction house where people could bid themselves for any item put by players could be interesting idea. And not's so hard to do like:

    When player adds a item to auction house he sets what he accepts like creds(maybe max 1000 here?)/chaos/bless/soul/harmony etc as well as how many credits he value each jevel. This way it can be easy calculated when people makes a bid. I think it would be cool idea to have as additional thing to market. Maybe cost a lot more zen, like 100-200kk(and increase it in case it's too low when server ages) so you don't put like some garbage items there.

    Also good be a good for a economy, that players decide how much they want to pay for item.

    I could write a separate suggestion topic if Staff would like to consider this idea.

    1. On next edition it won't be possible (again) to move them to vault. We gave the possibility to put them in vault last year because people wanted more space, but apparently people just look for abuses.

    2. OldSquad will never be higher than Season 6. That's "OldSquad" about. But as I stated a lot until now, we will have in the close future a separate S15-S16 project for those that are interested in, separated from OldSquad.

    There was an auction some time ago, but was removed, was very buggy, we don't plan for similar feature especially not on website.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    5 hours ago, ADMIN said:

    1. I don't understand the part with 1 point, but the reworked Golden Race will feature random buffs/debuffs, NPCs as obstacles during race and more laps. This will make sure that it is just another fun & luck event, where everyone has equal chances.

    In race event, your spawn decides in 90% who will win. If you take a position from left to right>>> 2 > 3 >then 1 have the most chances to win, the rest have almost no chance to win. The entire race is decided at the first corner.

    I suggest to spawn all ppls in one point with "transparency" (like u eliminated from OSGM)

    6 hours ago, ADMIN said:

    There is a big difference between pointing out problems (WHICH WE BEG PEOPLE TO DO) and crying. And keep in mind that I wasn't the one calling you CRYYYYY instead of DIEEEEE, players did, this should say more than I should.

    Here I can't understand you, I always point out a specific problem and try to offer a solution to it. And PPLS calls me a cryyy just because they wanted to insult me.

    And lets be honest, all that situations start from u. I started discussion about ARF, alone vs all Squadrons and u i try to change something, i comming with arguments, frames, but u dont listen me, Squadron just use that situation in her favor, some ppls from my guild get BAN becouse they tired of asking you and at one point started insults u. And what is final ? u finaly make a changes but I was still left cryууу in your eyes because I tried to make the game enjoyable for everyone


    8 hours ago, ADMIN said:

    I also don't understand (the english meaning) of: "I'd rather stay the same person than be blind, do something to my advantage or will playing without reason if nothing doesn't change .".

    Yes, my English is not very good, I'm struggling to formulate a sentence that would be understandable to everyone. But since other languages are forbidden here, I try.

    Eu voi rămâne acelaşi CRYYY decât voi fi orb la unbalanced sau voi folosi un avantaj necinstit în favoarea mea. Dar, din moment ce nu pot schimba nimic, voi termina jocul meu în acest stadiu decât să joc mai departe știind că totul este în zadar.


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    1 hour ago, Spawn said:

    In race event, your spawn decides in 90% who will win. If you take a position from left to right>>> 2 > 3 >then 1 have the most chances to win, the rest have almost no chance to win. The entire race is decided at the first corner.

    I suggest to spawn all ppls in one point with "transparency" (like u eliminated from OSGM)

    Fair point, will be kept in mind for the rework.


    Here I can't understand you, I always point out a specific problem and try to offer a solution to it. And PPLS calls me a cryyy just because they wanted to insult me.

    And lets be honest, all that situations start from u. I started discussion about ARF, alone vs all Squadrons and u i try to change something, i comming with arguments, frames, but u dont listen me, Squadron just use that situation in her favor, some ppls from my guild get BAN becouse they tired of asking you and at one point started insults u. And what is final ? u finaly make a changes but I was still left cryууу in your eyes because I tried to make the game enjoyable for everyone

    The difference between pointing out a problem and crying is mostly related to the attitude of how you present the problem.

    I am not an irrational guy and I proved it in many different scenarios so far. Remember when you were reporting bugs like PvP invasion respawn and so on and you were approaching me (or Gion) like "Hi man, there might be a problem with X or Y, I have a screen/video with Z, can you check?" and I was immediately reproducing it on test-server and fixing it as well as thanking you for your report. Difference between back then and your closer past is the attitude. An attitude offended by anything like we, as staff, are your deadliest enemies and we want only the worse for our *own* project.

    The things I will always hate / ignore / not care about are crying (translated into shitty/immature way of presenting a problem OR considering that you are a "victim", when in reality you are just a consumer of our work, good or bad, you take it or you leave it), suggestions/solutions that are meant to help ONLY targeted individuals and/or groups, and not the server / gameplay as a whole and, of course, being asked to do UNFAIR things.


    Yes, my English is not very good, I'm struggling to formulate a sentence that would be understandable to everyone. But since other languages are forbidden here, I try.

    Eu voi rămâne acelaşi CRYYY decât voi fi orb la unbalanced sau voi folosi un avantaj necinstit în favoarea mea. Dar, din moment ce nu pot schimba nimic, voi termina jocul meu în acest stadiu decât să joc mai departe știind că totul este în zadar.

    I still don't understand (probably it is my problem), but anyway, Christmas is coming, we should all strive to be better as individuals, and I'm trying as well, so I'll pass this discussion that is out of the topic's subject.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    Hello, and hope you are all good!

    1st - Too many jwl are droped from bounty, mby we can raise a little bit flame, feather, scrolls e.t.c

    2nd - Like a suggestion to put on drop from golden boxes rings+pendant, with a lower chance ofc how will be fair as drop..

    3rd - Would be better to add again /qchange, was very usefull when are events, and ofc on mercenary if u have lvl 200 and have to beat a lvl 400 its a little bit harder...

    4th - Tnx for your activity and improvement.


    Wish you all the best!

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    1 hour ago, RushMePls said:

    Hello, and hope you are all good!

    1st - Too many jwl are droped from bounty, mby we can raise a little bit flame, feather, scrolls e.t.c

    2nd - Like a suggestion to put on drop from golden boxes rings+pendant, with a lower chance ofc how will be fair as drop..

    3rd - Would be better to add again /qchange, was very usefull when are events, and ofc on mercenary if u have lvl 200 and have to beat a lvl 400 its a little bit harder...

    4th - Tnx for your activity and improvement.


    Wish you all the best!

    1st - sure, lets set 40% for flame, 40% for toca, 15% for scrolls and 5% for jewels 
    2nd - stupid idea imo, u have budges and ob1/ob2 for fram rings or pendants :)
    3rd - /qchcange should work over 30rr imo

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    Its my opinion, ofc your opinion will be other than mine, we can stop to be ironic? Tnx

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    Hello guy! In my personal opinion  Chars are pretty ok with few things on some of them:

    AE It`s Overall not bad  the minus on ae is that by adding 4k ene u can`t do anything else than support.. You are  really bad pvp and on pvm average or i could say even bad. 4k ene means over 2 resets behind other chars.

    RF it`s as should be with one advice- You can`t be best pvp and best pvm in the same time with vit build as vRF clearly is. Also a littly bit neft on dmg pvp will be welcomed.

    Sm overall should stay how its is.

    Sum overall also should stay as it is.

    DL  from what I saw it`s decent pvm and average pvp so DL players will say its weak pvpss.

    sMG its overall alright, no Idea how is the eMG.

    BK probably a little bit overpowered .

    Don`t judge. It`s my personal opinion . Also about invasion and drop . We could maybe make something on drop. From 20 boxes that i dropped i had around 15 no luck with one opt most of them zen or mana. Now that the socket items will come maybe the drop could be be more kind from goldens also. Server also good because of the work of Admin and his team and because of the community.


    Have FUn !

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    I don't see any obstacles from use Fenrir on IT. What is difference between DL horse and fenrir's ? Someone farm a lot for him but cant use him in some events like DL use horse.

    Every time i forgot to ask, why DL's horse are invulnerable ? webzen make mekanism for repair pets. Its bad for economy when u spend a lot of time for farm Horse/Raven Spirits, and after u make a pet, that lost 99% of him price. 

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