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    Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2019 in Posts

    1. BonKoe contect me on game, i will give u back everything.
      2 points
    2. Exilia

      New PvP idea

      In my opinion the system must give an option for those players who doesn't want to participate to stay out of it. At least ~50% of players prefer the afk type game play and can't stay online much to secure their exp on spot. Maybe if you wish to participate in this headhunter PvP, you will have to talk to the mercenary NPC that assigns you with a mission, and once you do so, you will be tagged for the next 24H as a possible assignment for other players as well. This would give a fair chance for everybody to participate and enjoy the rewards & PvP, and also secure the afk for those people who wish to do so. E: maybe a good example of the bonus that you would gain by assigning to this event could be +5% exp gain as long as you're tagged. Or maybe +1/2/3/4/5% etc. advancing further by each time you complete an quest(s) given by the NPC.
      1 point
    3. trololo

      New PvP idea

      This system just destroy de server..coz after someone kill me i just off my PC, and stay online only 4-6 hours per day after work. I dont want to stay online in safe-zone all night and all day when im on work coz some NPC say "kill him".
      1 point
    4. Gion

      New PvP idea

      Hello, initially we thought about this: when you kill a player and gain the outlaw status, your pk points(from pvp system) won't be counted before you kill the player assigned by the new npc. Later we wrote 3-5 players instead of 1, thinking that you, the players, will like the idea. In this manner, we will deacrease the number of pk points needed to clear your pk. So killing this one Target will let you do the pk points. So, we click on the npc(after we are outlaws), and on global chat it will be displayed "Gion is hunting". - now other players can look up for Gion on site to see If his level range matches theirs, so they can know if they can be a possible Target or not. Some possible cases that might happen: -the assigned player to kill by the npc goes off-line, here you can click again on the NPC, and another player will by assigned -you can't find the respective player for 15 minutes, or you can't kill him(he has better gear or his friends are defending him) , you click again on the npc -we will try to assign players from different gens, If possible
      1 point
    5. This seems kind of weird because who steals only 120creds ? and wiz enhance price is 3s. You say you have 1k credits missing can u show us in history where the rest 780 credit went and how ? because i only see 120 cred scale helm sold to donna where is the rest ?I know admin replied that they stole something but is there concrete proof that they did ? Like IP logs or anything ? This doesn't make any sense.
      1 point
    6. Well Ganja, u was the only one that refused actualy to fight and play in IT from all team members, thats why all team warn u, no matter what char u use it is not antigame(my opinion) if u would try to fight and not refuse that just because ppl in your team have low set. In the oponnents team was same type of players, we would win if u would fight!!! We lost that one because u antigamed!
      1 point
    7. reporter is making threads about IT now? After you legit went AFK because your team mate didnt have a +15 set? On one side are the top players who get in party with low ones for example a char lvl 380+ 3 rr and top gear lends in pt with 4 zen dressed chars EMG, EDL and ERF. Their complain is that they do not have chance vs other team and they think low dressed chars should not go in IT, they warn low players as antigame. Fact - Server Events are designed to help characters get ahead +0+zen or +15 +dd + ref, there is no difference. On another side are the newbies or the players who reseted and don't have lvl for top IT in consequence joins with alt, they are warned by the top gear guys, they have the right to enter because IT is not only for top chars, they complain about top chars behavior. Fact - Server events don't have a gear requirement and anyone warning low geared players should have the warns applied to your account instead. And there is a 3rd category of players, the ones who play main EE (few ones but they exist). In the last update, the EE was "banner" from IT by ADMIN because they break the balance of IT. They complain about why emg doesn't break the balance and EE does - Fact There are some EE mains but most players would say they "main ee" to help friends win, it would be exploited. EMG isn't giving huge buffs to players that would break the IT balance. If everyone wants to "balance" IT there is a few things that can be done. 1. Enable AE iceshot. - I understand why it's disabled but the best PVP skill for AE being disabled really nerfs the class. 2. Make IT entrance requirement = no armor / wings / fenrir/horse/ demon/ ale / food/ etc, WEAPON +0 from shop only Just some balance thoughts. It doesn't really need to be balanced though, just nerf the rewards slightly, make it a few more times daily and everyone would cry about it less. Right now IT is all about "RNG" anyway. Next Article - Gaion Temple nerf after the "Top Players" "exploited" the shit out of it for weeks and made hundres/thousands of jewels.
      1 point
    8. Here is what i think about the issue, please keep in mind i dont participate in IT at all. I dont consider elitist behaviour as something completely bad but telling people to stop joining events because they are undergeared is just stupid in my opinion. Its very shitty behaviour that should be considered as griefing and treated like "antigame". IT should operate on a first come first served basis just like any other event. Sure it sucks when you get lowbies in your team but opposing team have the same chances of getting them so just suck it up if its your turn. Now about the ee complaints. Emg is pretty weak in pvp but its not pure support character like ee so it shouldnt get any special treatment. Thats all from me :3
      1 point
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