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    Posts posted by ADMIN

    1. 1 hour ago, Juri said:

      This is really a bad logic, just because of start you had higher jewel drop, but people will keep starting, so i am not sure if you know what are you doing, someone who started from beginning had easier start and new people will have tougher.

      Ofc, ppl will keep starting, but they'll start as 1-2 players on spot, not 5-10. 

      Someone who started from the beginning had the hardest start. Newbies will have boosted exp, reset players to carry them, class-drop ring level 80, higher drop on skills and much more. They don't even care about 1 extra jewel they may drop in devias for the 2-3 hours that they will spent there.

      I understand you're an angry farmer, but you should reconsider your logic.

      Topic closed now, answer for the suggestion(s) was given already.

    2. 8 hours ago, Juri said:

      Honestly don't like it, this will mean that newcomers will have a disadvantage, because they will need to level they alts to move them to higher maps(which will be taken anyway by alts of people who already started) to actually drop jewels, this is the worst thing could be possibly done. Some people already farmed from devias some jewels.

      Next time consider this thing before start of the server - not after.

      Jewels drop from Devias has been normal (higher) just because of start, where all spots were occupied with 5-10 players and mostly mains.

      We know exactly what we are doing, thanks for your input.

    3. Dungeon and Elbeland are events maps and they won't get any more spots.

      Devias is the place to level up to atlans/losttower. It already has more than enough spots, and will be even better after 1st patch when jewels drop will be reduced from devias so alts will move to higher maps as well, leaving more than enough space for future newcomers.

      For 2nd, there is no plan in adding anything else to the client.

    4. 11 hours ago, Hvman said:

      I don't even own a summ but isn't it a bit unfair to go with shop set till silver medal :-?

      Or is this to balance the fact that summ has a mid-game spike?

      Summ just have limited number of sets, and the lowest is part of the rare sets. That's the reason why we added Spirit as an extra SUM set in the first place.



    5. Hello OldSquaders & New comers,

      Less than 24 hours remained for the grand opening of our 4th edition of Inception!

      The server will be launched officially today (Friday) at 19:00 GMT+3 (follow counter from website).
      You will be able to make sure that client works, make parties, etc.
      The MOBS will spawn at 20:00 GMT+3 (after 1 hour). 

      You still have time to gather strong teams as what is coming will be pretty hard alone! Keep in mind to find a Permanent Stable Party if you plan to play seriously.

      Let's show to the MU Online community once again what real quality truly means!

      So, share the news to your friends, families, mu contacts, strangers, pets and gather on the start to conquer once again the OldSquad World!

      Important Info:

      • !!!! Don't forget to choose the 'Inception' Server when you are logging on site, else you will be logged on Phoenix and you will be able to use the Phoenix services/options instead of Inception !!!
      • In order to use the SITE FUNCTIONS you need to ACTIVATE your ACCOUNT on EMAIL! (It takes 1-5 minutes to be sent).
      • Energy Elves are removed from gameplay - they are useless on Server 1!
        • Hybrid AE's with AGI+ENE can be good supports for CS/Balgass - where buffs are decent.
      • You can make DL, MG, RF from level 200 or since server starts if you get VIP.
        • Only Dealer/Hunter available until Stage 2 - 10rr - when PRO will be available as well.
      • You have access to OFF-Attack for up to 5 hours.
        • VIP is boosting its duration/it adds auto-pick based on VIP type.
      • Goldens from invasions will be released progressively, so they won't kill you on spots at start.
        • Only BoK1/Budges at start.
      • Test server is still online and will remain online even after Inception start, so you can test anything anytime you want.
      • You can warp from SITE if you are PK - but it costs much more!
      • 1st Castle Siege will be from first week (04 October - Sunday) but there will be no rewards.
        • You will play only to get used to our custom CS System and for fun + the advantage of being the Defenders on the 2nd CS (CS rewards are progressive, read about them on Info topic -> CS System).
      • Keep in mind that Inception is running on a Mother-Kid system, where Inception is the mother and our Wormhole server will be the kid, more info on Gameplay info. 
        • The first season of Wormhole as a kid will start in around 75~80 days, so first transfers on Inception will be after around 4 months.
      • This edition does also provide a new feature - Dynamic Characters Balance - which means after each stage/mini-stage we'll be adjusting any over-performing or under-performing characters at that current stage of game.
      • This is an 100% International Server, that means you MUST write in English ONLY on /post and Gens Chat. If you won't do this you can get Muted / Warned and even Banned!
      • On first reset the EXP is linear (same % from level 11-350 at any level). But after 1st reset the exp is dynamic (lower % on lower levels, higher % on higher levels).
        • This is made in order to balance the time spent on high levels vs the time spent on lower levels.
          • So, if on 0rr exp is 100% for level 11-350, on 1+ resets you have like 30% on 0-50 levels, 80% 200-300, 120% 300-350, etc.
      • Please don't forget that Inception is a truly HARD & PROGRESSIVE Server!
        • Which means exp is low, drops are low, content is progressive and everything is achieved by PLAYING, especially active play.
          • Also up to 60-70% of content is adjusted/custom so you REALLY need to read all of our info in order to have a good time.
      • Make sure to invest jewels in early exc items from mobs / non exc items with high defence in order to progress!

      Also, we want to share you some of the important topics and info that you MUST read for a full experience here:

      If you need any kind of assistance please contact us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/OldSquadMU - we will be there most of the time!

      OldSquad Team

    6. 5 hours ago, Spawn said:

      What about abusers on nonPvp events? Ppls make a chars without mercenary quest and take free bosses and Goldens. 

      In last edition "they" make a full pt for kundun and get it while the others are fighting.  

      A lot of time I see moments when coming one or more nonpvp charter and make participation in event a waste of time.

      1. Make all Invasions and Bosses PvP, for newbies we have a Fairness Gaps, rest of chars need to be in similar situations

      2. Make a similar rule for BK like MG or other "fixed" chars/spels. This is mockery when a most tanky char stay in Selupan / Kundun / Medusa or golden and no one cant kill them. But he one shot all. 

      3. Extended time for Medusa and Selupan, 5 min of Pvp for Selupan is **** for a most precious Boss in game. In Medusa case, when comming 2+ guild to fight no one cant get it. Make for Medusa 1-2H, or without limit for kill.

      4. If elfs remain a weakness char here, rise for they Multishoot drop from DS, last couple editions every time they went 1-2 months without him.

      1. Not changing a system that does benefit all the casuals (more than half of server) just because dieee is getting outsmarted by other teams. Btw, still don't understand why you keep coming back here after crying on every edition, it must be a true addiction.

      2. The only bosses where MG had it was on Medusa, Kundun, BWQ & Selupan. The restriction is now extended to all classes on this edition.

      3. Make suggestion for that when the time will come, if people will want an extended time to either Selupan or Medusa they will agree with it, or not.

      4. You can farm DS after 1rr (6~8 days). Elves were already a power house in PvM last edition (HoF can confirm it, not my words, most tops does have at least 3-4 AE's from 15 chars). They even got a 25% PvP damage buff on this edition, a 1k reduction in energy for ice arrow and infinity arrow from level 1. More than enough.

    7. 2 minutes ago, Necrot said:

      @ADMIN what is that DEP thing? don't even know what DEP means



      b) Right click on My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Advanced -> Press on 'Settings' from 'Performance' tab ->
            -> Data Execution Prevention -> Check on 'Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select:' ->
            -> Click on 'Add...' -> Select the OldSquadMU Folder -> Select main.exe and press on ADD, repeat procedure for Launcher (PlayInception.exe) also ->
            -> Press Apply.


    8. 28 minutes ago, Necrot said:

      Hi, using commands to check stats requirements for equiement make client crash, for example: /Scale Armor

      I've found white wizard's orcs in the dungeon, they keept kill my low lvl char and i was unable to get back to the spot where my other char was exping after repot. It was really annoying. Suggest to disable WW for the first day/days.

      Had issue with dropping lvl 40 ring, even with relog and move to city i wasn't able to drop it, after awhile i was able to drop it randomly in lorencia. (I'm sure i was above lvl 40).

      Some more spots in dungeon 1 would be nice.


      Works fine for me:


      Except of probably first 1-2 WW's, there will be parties that will farm them, have no doubt in it. For those first ones, they leave in 15~20m after spawn.

      There's no problem with ring level 40 / 80, unless you did something wrong.

      Dungeon / Elbeland are maps for events, there is no plan to increase the spots there, we have more than enough spots in devias 1-4 + the spots that are currently in dungeon1/2 & Elbeland2-3.

    9. 7 minutes ago, Luluu pizza said:

      either the official information on drops from BoK1 is wrong, or the server drop tables havent been changed yet, because i got guardian / sacred fire tier items from bok1



      - Each BoK has chance to drop higher BoK SET items as following:
      BoK+1: 80% chance for BoK+1 item, 15% chance for BoK+2 SET item, 5% chance for BoK+3 SET item.
      BoK+2: 80% chance for BoK+2 item, 15% chance for BoK+3 SET item, 5% chance for BoK+4 SET item.
      BoK+3: 80% chance for BoK+3 item, 15% chance for BoK+4 SET item, 5% chance for BoK+5 SET item.
      BoK+4: 85% chance for BoK+4 item, 15% chance for BoK+5 SET item.
      BoK+5: 100% chance for BoK+5 item.
      - BoK+1 have 20% chance to drop an extra Reset Fruit (AGI/ENE/CMD).
      - BoK+2 have 20% chance to drop an extra Reset Fruit (STR/VIT).


    10. Please keep english on this topic.

      Level 80 rings does have their chances based on the usual number from each class at the beginning: DK = DW > ELF > DL = RF = SUM.

      Dungeon, Atlans & Lost Tower does have their *move by feet* level changed to the M level. Rest of medium/higher maps does keep their -10 levels difference on feet vs move.

      I'll check if there were some gates in Lost Tower that got actually a higher level on feet, by mistake.

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