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    Posts posted by ADMIN

    1. There's no speed bugs (at least not how we used to know them, based on agility), you may be in a speed rule though if skill is not always hitting so leave me your char name to check.

      It may also be related to latest client patch that fixed the fire slash bug and may have created a problem with other skills at some speed.

    2. By default on command window special chars (mg/dl/rf) goes at 2/3 of level of the normal level, this limitation is internally and can't be modified, that's why warp limits are stated as game feature, a custom thing, at the "special feature" topic.

    3. 1 minute ago, Spoowner said:

      I agree with you, but what if the server had a reset limit, like max 5 resets (just random example). Would that still bad ? Becase noob players have these kind of problems that I gave as example.

      That is even worse, having a sub-server only for 1-5% of players.

      Game is at its end-game currently, it is for sure not the best period for newbies but it is a normal thing, keep in mind that newbies does have a high boost of exp compared to how it was at the beginning, up to 2-3 times higher depending on reset.

    4. Splitting population into multiple sub-servers is the worst thing from all the aspects (been there, done that), except of situation when there would be 800-1000+ online on a single sub-server.

      Economy is thought for a single sub-server, extra sub-server would mean only inflation, and that's only from economy point of view, not saying empty spots, harder to find players active/party on multiple sub-servers, and lower overall activity, having too many things available for free, without any motivation to fight for them.

    5. 42 minutes ago, Pulse said:


      I want to ask if you can move events like CS, Nightmare, Arena tournament and Balgass to a time slot where players like me in GMT +8 can play without sacrificing our sleep? 

      Its hard for players like me to try and participate in these events because we have work in the morning and we need to sleep.

      We have players in Vietnam, Philippines and Australia who wants to participate especially in CS.

      I want to enjoy the game fully and it's frustrating for me not to be able to participate in these events.

      Hope this is something you can look at. 


      We do our best to satisfy most of timezones if you check the hours of all events (most of them are 2 times per day at 8-12h difference so anyone get a chance on them).

      But events like CS & Balgass must simply reach the highest population, so they are at the most popular hours.

      Nightmare / Selupan are respawning based on their kill time (if you kill them on your hours they will be on your hours, nothing is set there).

      And rest of bosses/invasions/etc. are spread across all hours.

      Nothing more we can do, we made sure to get the best of our events schedule for all timezones.

    6. Release date: 03.03.2020 at around 19:00, after the small maintenance.

      Today we'll hold a small maintenance, this means that server will be off for around 5~15 minutes. While reconnect is possible it is not guaranteed!

      Note: Make sure to update the client via Launcher!


      • [UPDATED] Now Nightmare Quest does give Quest progress even if you are not in the winner party.
        • Note: New condition is to be in 9x9 range of the Boss when it does die (same range like PvM points).
        • Note2: This will prevent future problems with quest progress, sometimes not being added.
      • [FIXED] Quiz sometimes not starting in the normal interval (either starting out of interval or not starting at all).
      • [FIXED] MG Fire Slash skill getting bugged when a BK attacks with Twisting Slash.
      • [FIXED] Ice Arrow being able to be used if it was learned with 5k energy and then a rebuild (either IT or CS) changed the ENE with a lower value.
      • [FIXED] PS Items not dropping from Medusa & PSS not dropping from Selupan.
        • Note: From now PSS is excluded from W4 mix and Sylph Wind Bow is included.
      • [UPDATED] Gens rewards for February are delivered after the update (you can take them from NPC).
        • The gens reset will also be made.
      • [ADDED] New CS feature for Defenders as part of the "pre-fight" strategy, to encourage rebuilding CS & defending the structures:
        • Now you can reduce your Handicap points if you repair/upgrade your gates & statues.
        • Default values that you gain are:
          • 4 points for each 1kk HP that you have on gates/statues when CS starts (maximum ~51kk HP).
          • 8 points for each Defence upgrade on gates/statues (maximum 30 upgrades).
          • 15 points for each Recovery upgrade on statues (maximum 12 upgrades).
        • Formula for points reduction is (Points from HP + Points from Defence + Points from Recovery) * Handicap level (1...5)
          • Note: Maximum points that can be reduced is 40% of total Handicap points.
            • Example: If you are on Handicap 1 (800 points) you can reduce maximum 320 points from those 800.
      • [ADDED] Top 3 Stampers at CS:
        • Every 6 minutes you can also see now the Top 3 Stampers from CS, just like the Top 3 Contributors.
        • You gain 1 point for each second you hold the switch.
        • You lose 2% of points for each death (in room or outside room).
          • So the stamper score is based on switch time minus the points lost due to deaths.
        • The switch hold time is updated only after you lose the switch (so the period gained on that hold time is updated only after you disconnect from the switch).
        • At the end of CS, if the top 3 stampers are online they will win 3/2/1 VIP days based on their rank, if they have at least 300 points.
      • [UPDATED] Released the last 3 quests:
        • Quest 13: Kill 30x BoK+5 Goldens.
          • Reward: 1x OB5.
        • Quest 14: Hunt down 5x Kunduns, 3x Witches, 3x Cursed Dragons
          • Reward: 1x Exc. 380 weapon with Senior Mix options that can be used for W4 mix.
          • Note: You get progress even if you are in 9x9 range of the Boss when it does die (same range like PvM points).
        • Quest 15: Wear the Wings level 4 for your class.
          • Reward: Unlock of 35th reset and possibility to use /qreward anytime after you reach 35RR and level 400 that will reset stats & ML (will also delete skills due to ML reset).
          • Note: If you already have them just equip them, if you don't you have to acquire them.
      • + Other small fixes/adjustments.
    7. Hello,

      The big day that many of you waited is coming soon.

      Wormhole will be over on Tuesday, 18 February at 23:59 GMT+2 (Server Time).

      At that moment, Wormhole will be removed from website and you won't be able to achieve EXP / items, etc. anymore, but the server will remain online for 7 more days (so you can finish the transfer process).

      In order to transfer to Inception you need to have at least 25 resets and level 1 when it's over. If you have the requirements, you just have to write /transfer from the Character you are transferring.


      - You need to have at least one free slot on Inception account (same account) in order to transfer - command will let you know.
      - You need to have inventory empty (except of items you wear) else the system will delete anything it finds in inventory when you transfer, and then relog you to try again.
      - You will have a random name that consist of numbers when you transfer, but you also get 1000 free credits to change your name.
      - Extended inventory is counted as well for those that can transfer inventory.
      - You will be transferred with level 400 and the reset based on the transfer table.
      - You will have 25 stats + the sum of points based on your new reset & inception points as unused points, that you can freely add.

      I will remind you once again the transfer table:


      25->30rr on Wormhole -> 25rr + Character Equipment (without Inventory) on Inception.
      31->35rr on Wormhole -> 26rr + Character Equipment (without Inventory) + 1/3 of Credits on Inception.
      36-> 40rr on Wormhole -> 27rr + Character Equipment (without Inventory) + 1/2 Credits on Inception.
      41rr->45rr on Wormhole -> 28rr + Character Equipment (without Inventory) + 1/2 Credits on Inception.
      46->49rr on Wormhole -> 29rr + Character Inventory & Equipment + 1/2 Credits on Inception.
      50rr on Wormhole -> 30rr + Character Inventory & Equipment + 1/2 Credits on Inception.

      For any other questions or problems contact us in our facebook page.

      Thanks for playing on our Speed Server and we hope that you'll have a nice journey on Inception!


    8. Release date: 13.02.2020 at around 19:00-20:00, after maintenance.

      Today we'll hold a full maintenance on our systems (it has been a long time since the last one). This means that our servers will be down for 10~60 minutes. Reconnect most probably will not work (it may though) so make sure to be online to rejoin after it is over.

      The new patch will also be up after maintenance.


      • [HOPEFULLY FIXED] CC sometimes not showing the winner/counting the win for CC quest. Not sure if it's totally fixed, waiting feedback.
      • [HOPEFULLY FIXED] Bob going crazy sometimes, not registering the laps - need feedback.
      • [FIXED] CS Rebuilds not correctly restoring at the end of CS.
      • [UPDATED] Damage to Gates/Statues at CS further reduced.
      • [UPDATED] Speed Rules on some of the skills at the current speed, making them smoother and reducing false disconnects.
      • [UPDATED] Released the next 3 quests:
        • Quest 10: Kill 10x Derkons.
        • Quest 11: Achieve 50 Gens Raid Kills.
          • Note: You only get progress if you also get Gens Points from the kill.
        • Quest 12: Win 3x Illusion Temples.
          • Note: You need to pick-up the winner reward in order for quest to progress.
          • Note2: Draw is not counted (as you don't get the reward).
      • [UPDATED] Now you can no longer wear mace as BK in IT (and neither join IT with mace).
        • Note: You'll get a mobility restriction effect until you unequip it.
      • [UPDATED] Now IT stats can be from 5 resets to 30 resets.
    9. Release date: 02.02.2020 at 19:30 - Updates are up for the next CS.


      • [UPDATED] Characters damage vs statues/gates at CS further reduced.
      • [UPDATED] Now build checks will happen in crywolf as well and on both valley & crywolf from 16:45 instead of 17:00 to avoid confusions.
      • [UPDATED] Now you get +1 extra point as Defender GM only if you stay at 176x 215x coordonate - throne (only in one place).
      • [UPDATED] Now when CS starts you'll also get a clear of all effects.
      • [UPDATED] Now when you enter sv20 during CS you'll get a clear of all effects.
      • [FIXED] Kill Points changes not announcing when they does happen.
      • [FIXED] Kill points showing all past changes at 18:30.
      • [FIXED] Restore rebuild sometimes not working after disconnects.
    10. Release date: 01.02.2020 at 22:35 - Updates are up and there was a disconnect-reconnect.

      Note: Make sure to update the client via Launcher!


      • [UPDATED] You can no longer use buff skills on server 20 except in Valley during CS.
        • Note: This is made in order to avoid abuses of non-cs characters buffing cs characters in crywolf/other zones.
      • [UPDATED] Now when you leave server 20 (crywolf,valley,etc.) or disconnect from it, you will have all your buffs deleted.
        • This is made in order to avoid abuses of (new) buffs for server1 (by buffing from server20).
      • [UPDATED] Add auto feature is now removed (had to replace default add commands with custom ones).
      • [UPDATED] Gens rewards are now up for the last month (you can take them from NPC).
        • Note: The gens reset has been made on both Inception & Wormhole.
      • [UPDATED] The next 3 quests have been released:
        • Quest 7: Kill Goldens: 15x BoK+1, 12x BoK+2, 10x BoK+3.
        • Quest 8: Finish 5x Doppleganger Events.
          • Note: You need to be the one that clicks the final reward chest in order for quest to progress.
        • Quest 9: Hunt down 3x Nightmares.
          • Note: You get the progress even if someone from your party last-hits the Nightmare (not only you).
      • [UPDATED] Last arena tournament limit raised to 35rr instead of 30rr.
      • [UPDATED] Fairness gaps updated with 31-35rr.
    11. Info:

      Rebuild condition updated from 15k VIT and 10k AGI to > 60% of total points in AGI+VIT.

      Command for banning a build: /banbuild Build
      Info: Build can be found in banned list.

      System will be up this evening along with another mini-patch, gens rewards, rebuilds, new quests and a disconnect/reconnect to everyone.

    12. Info:

      1. AE's with more than 5k ENE are also eligible for removing extra ENE over 5k due to new system (contact us for that).
      2. ATTACK guild will be attacker on the new CS, so this means that they are also eligible to register signs for the chance of banning a build. Because they can't register signs as DEFENDERS themselves, I will register manually their signs at the end of the SIGN registration period (tomorrow 23:59).

    13. Release date: 15.01.2020 at 15:15 - Updates are up and no restart is needed.

      Note: Make sure to update client via Launcher!


      • [FIXED] CC not announcing winner when there are only monsters left in CC before winning.
      • [UPDATED] W4 no longer requires 100 ML and will also work normally after reset.
      • [FIXED] W4 IGN option showing as +AG client-side.
      • [FIXED] W4 showing wrong images/options on website.
      • [UPDATED] QChange will now make your level 400 instead of 380, but you can't talk with David or use /qreset during QChange.
      • [UPDATED] QChange will now work only after level 15.
      • [UPDATED] Now if you throw OB2/OB3 from the old ones during OB quest it will re-update your current number of old OBs instead of keeping the initial number.
      • [UPDATED] Released the next 3 quests:
        • Quest 4: Kill 60x Rabbits.
        • Quest 5: Answer correctly to 5 quiz questions.
        • Quest 6: Win 3x Chaos Castle Events.
          • Note: Winning by points is not counted, you need to be the last man standing or alone with mobs.
      • [UPDATED] Reset table for Wormhole transfers updated with +5 resets to match the new extra resets people can do now on Inception.
        • New table:
          • 25->30rr on Wormhole -> 25rr + Character Equipment (without Inventory) on Inception.
          • 31->35rr on Wormhole -> 26rr + Character Equipment (without Inventory) + 1/3 of Credits on Inception.
          • 36-> 40rr on Wormhole -> 27rr + Character Equipment (without Inventory) + 1/2 Credits on Inception.
          • 41rr->45rr on Wormhole -> 28rr + Character Equipment (without Inventory) + 1/2 Credits on Inception.
          • 46->49rr on Wormhole -> 29rr + Character Inventory & Equipment + 1/2 Credits on Inception.
          • 50rr on Wormhole -> 30rr + Character Inventory & Equipment + 1/2 Credits on Inception.
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